- / -
District   ol   Cariboo. TAKE   notice      that   Walter   Scott   Mc-
'   if '
:<	.  .N,	mil,
b	a il !i	
c	asll	thei
V	i e.st	ch.i
"   District   ol   Cariboo. .....    .                              TAKE .notice    that   Charles     Brown,'\.oil
jcouver      R     C.    occnoatUm j * ancouver, U   C. occupation  Miner intends !
ner,  intends  tj.   apply  for .permission  to , to   apply  for   permission   to  purchase   the j intends to apply far  pcrrnissir n rdiasa   the   following  described   lands:-      i.following  described   lands:-                            last  the following described  laml,:
...rxiniencinj,'   at   a   post  .ulanied   on   the!   ^Commencing   at   a   post   planted   %   mile!     Commencing   at   a   post   plant.-. At    bank      ol    Hallway    River   anout    20 j west   from   Halfway   River  about   14   miles   west   bank    of   Hajfwav    /River downstream'�   iMm   the   mouth   of | downstream    from   the   mouth   of   Cypress   rriiles downstreain from'it'h'e moul)
Creek; theuce  west 80 chains;  thence north I ten   Creel:   theuce   west   80   chain 80   chains;    thence   east   80   chains:    thence   north   80   chains;       thence   east soLth 80 chains to point of commencement, containing .640 acres more  or less, arnmelicernelit,! c,/utain:ng  .4S0 acres more    Je.io.               ClfARI.ES   HKOWK.
February  28th.,"Vyii.    Frank  Watson, ajit.
AUGUST   6. 19U
District  of Cariboo.
TAKE   imtice   Unit-Tom   Allan.'.4  Vnil-uvcr, B.  C.  occupation .Minim- Engineer. parch-.
 Creek: thence south. 80 chains; ast �"�<� chains; thence north 20  ure or less, to river, Lank, thence lluwinjt river bank, to point ui eraelit,! ciiu   ..I   commencement,containing 640 acres more nr less,. Je  10       -                        TOM  ALLAN,
March   1st., 1911.      Frank  Watson'   a; cut.
 Close & Brown
 South Fort George, B.C.
PEACE RIVER LA.VI) 1)1. District  of Carikpo. TAKE nntice that  Joe  SW-
 d of V.
District  nl   Cariboo, TAKE  notice  that  C.t-orge   Ayrcsr.me,  of
\ ancouver     B.    C..  occupation'   travelling       _____ _____......  _   -  ___
salesman,   intends   to  a'-nly   lor   nermission    corner   11.   C,   occupation   La1�,rcr.   intciiil to   purchase   the   following described   lands:    to   apply   for   pcrinission   to   purchase   the
Cummeucin-r   at   a   post   planted   on    the    following,   ilescribeil   lands:-' w�st   '      "        -----mile:
We are specializing en ladies' Waists this week from
a stock that has no two patterns alike.
It is a pleasure to have us show them to you.
if Halfway River about 13 am from, the the mouth of Cypress Creek: thence west 80 chains; thence north ' 80 chains; thence east 40 chains, more or less, to river bank, thence south along river bank to point <"t	Cr		th	i-	ice
				�-	ch:	ins		the
			5,1	w	�st   h	0 1	i	aim.
		A'C-.S 1	� i	c.		, II'		(j 111
		t. 1 k	\.	J.	.10.			v.;
			ttlk		-M..r.	1.	h	
		h. Dl   t						
			est		PI	�^		* id
		; -     thi	n:t					Dist
		nciiccm	lit,					
r  1*					TAK	fi	!	otji-l
st-		il'ERA		ft	Hiker		1	Sl-a
		v.  a^'c-ii			iif r			ends
___		'_____	____	*,i	rch;.	M-		he   1
JlS		�RICT.			" ..'i	net	11	ing
 bout   51  est  Iroin  N.
slied   ,.n   the .  � ;i tJn- north .bank 'I.c   111,.nth   ,>f   C��h
h  k..  chains:   thence it oi cominvnccinent, 1 ,rc  or less. UlIlN  HAYTKR.     .
�:-s   I'eiirv.   aeenU
\Sl)  DISTklCT. Cariboo.
Ik-njamtn   Franklin
isii.,  occupation   ciir-
l,,i       -    �ssimi   to
,lis ril-.vl   li.ni  Cariboo.
		T.\ K	E  1
lit	.it	tie.	
	Lfo	llou	IP"
		t -jiii	men
	m	lies	
,   <, i	tli	f    22	mi
'"	W	. Mo	Illlte
.jiase	of	Hie	P.-.
	Ci	'eek	tin
t  =;>	Pi	,  ch.	
t   of I. S. bank	I'.'	st  8 ,111.-11"	rj   cl
Stuben, Usiciaii :,.' mirclia
>f Sell leuds ,e   f.ht
 'plnhteir about 51  t miles west fr.m shi-,1 on the W. S.  1.11 the north bant !.t- mouth of Cash  ir>cins; tl'ence west  hrj >!iiUi;sf thence  ,,1 commencement, re ,,r less. STfllKN.
 1'c-ttrv    ajent
planted   about   51 . miles  west from .bed   011   the it. N. � n  the north bank le  1111,11th  hf Cash bains;   thence   e; Xo   chains:   thei mmeucetnent,
e  south  �o  chains:   tln-uc
0   point  ,.|  commencement
1 res  111./re  or  less. RA'LIMI HHDMLEY.
I lines  I'tttrv    ri
TAKE   noti
nds   to  appl
e  followiiic
St planted about 49  13 miles west from .islied on the K. N';  the north lak  mouth of Cash ns: thence ytesl  chiiins: thence  coiiimencement,
 640 .acres  more or  U
 KKA.VK HENRY  iqn.       James  l'cttrv
cstiiblislicd   on   the   R
 trail  on  the north     an r   .if the   mouth, of  Dish il   So   chains;   theiiie east  0   chains:   thence  oint  ,,f coinmenceiueiit,  iui,ri'  r   Kerrnis'.'-on   to   (vurcfiase  the 1 following   described   lands:-
Comrnencinj; at u post planted about % a mile west ,�f Halfway River and about 2.1 miles down stream from the mouth of Cypress Creek, thence west 80 chains: thence South KO. chains: thence east So chains: thtnee nurth 80 chains to point of coimnencetnent, containing 6^0 acres more or lexs. Je  10                 JAMES McCONNELL,
Feb.  27th,   1911.      Frank Watson, agent.
District   ol   Cariboo.                       ;
TAKE notice that  James Hiley, of Van- ! couver,  11. C, occupation teamster,  intcii'ls to   apply   for   [wrraission   to   y-irchosi;- the ; following described   lands:-
C',mmencing at a poKt planted .oil 'he � west bank ^ of Halfway River about U ' miles    downstream     from   the   month   of
Cypress     Creek:    thence      west   Ho   t'.ains; , Cypress   Creek:      the thence      north   80   chains:   thence   t-u.�t   40    thence   smith   80   chain chains,  more or less,   lo river bank)   ir.e'ice south   along   river   bank   to   point   1 f commencement,   conlain:n;   48o   acre-,   more   or less. Je.io.                           JAMES   RII.KY.
March   1st., 1911.      Frank   Watson,   agent.
District   of Cariboo.
TAKE notice that John William Curry, of Vancouver, H. C, nccuiiation Hotel Clerk, intends to an'nly for |>crmission to purchase the folloWili?" described  lands.-
Commencinj;   at   a- nost   nlanted   about   \ mile   west   from   Halfway   River  and  a':e'.:l 8   miles   downstream   from   the   mouth   of  west   80. chains;  thence   c.cst   So
chains: thence north 80 chains to r>ojnt of commencement, containing 6jo jicres more nr less.
Jc.i.               JOHN   WILLIAM   CfRHY.
March   1.   1911.       Frank   Watson    Ajent.
District  of Carib'^i. TAKE notice that   Jamts Baler, "f Van-r.uver.   B.C.,   occupation   miner, intends
purchase the  fol- | ase; the   f..lj
apply   for  permission lowing  described   lands:-
Commencirg at i post planted on tne eatt bank ol Haifiray river about 12 miles downstream from the mouth of Cypress Creek: theiice east 40 chains: thence north &o chains: thence west 80 chains; tlier.ee south Jo chains, more or less lo river bank, thence along river bank to j.uint of commencement, containing 480 uins more or less. Jc.10.                           JAMES iUTKR.
March   1st., 1911.      Frank; Watson,   ajjpnt.
PEACE RIVER  LAND WbiRlCT. District  of Cariboo.'
TAKE notice that James MacDohahlj of Dawson, Y. T. occupation miner,.intends to apply for jiermission to purchase the following   described   Iands:-
Commencing at a post planted on the east bank, of Halfway River about Jo miles down stream from the mouth of Cypress Creek; thence north 80 chains: theuce   west     80. chains:   thence   south   ,20
District  of  Cariboo.
("TAKE  Notice   that   William   Jacksnni Vancouver   B.   C.    occtination   Lumberman, tends  to   annly  for tiennission   to purch-
described   lands:-'
Commencing at a post planted < east 'bank of Halfway River about 9 miles downstream from llic mouth of Cypress Creek: thence east 80 chains: thence north 80 chains: thence west 40 chains, more or less, to ri\ir bank: thence south along river bank to paint of commencement, containiii� 640 acres more or less.         �                           ;
Je.io.               WILLIAM  JaCKSON".
ILirch   2nd. 19I1.    Frank   Watson    accnt.
PEACE RIVER LAND DlaiRICT; District   of   Cariboo.
TAKE   notice   that    Robert ..Watson,    of Vancouver,   B.   C.   occupation''Lumberman, ; intends   to   an�1�  for  permission   to  mirch-ase  the  followin-  described  lamls:-
Cnmmenciiig at a. jmst planted on the 1 east batik, of.Halfw.iv River about 7 miles downstream from the moutli of -'Cvnress I Creek; thence north 80 chains: thmce west i 80 chains more r,r less to river bank, j tlience  south  alone  river bank  to  nnint  of J
We have secured the exclusive agency for the
Canadian Kodak Company,; and have a complete stock of everything for the photographer.
Just Drop In and Let Us Show You.
Remember we pay special attention to mail orders.   �
'A              Front Street, QUESNEL, .    C.             K
chains,   to   river  bank,   thence alone* river j commencement,   containing 400  acres  more bank to point of commencement,', containing' I nr ]ess.
Je.io.            JAMES MacDO.VALD.
March'1st., 1911.     Frank  Watson,
Je.io.            .     ROBERT  WATSOV.
March 3.   191I.     Frank WatS'in. n^ent.
District   of   Cariboo.  -------
TAKE    notice    that   George   Henry',   of Wash,   occupation    Farmer,   in-,� for  permission   to  purchase raj;   described   lamls:-�icinV''~^at   a   post   planted   on   the west    bank   of    Halfway    river      about   14 miles  downstream froril\the  mouth  of  Cypress  Crtek:   thence  west-jto-vcjisuns:  thtnee north   80  ch.-iins:   thence  east   TiJ^chains   to river bank,, thence south  aloti"  river-^bank to  point ol   commencement,  containing 380,
Jt.   10.              GEUROE  HENRY.    '   y^.
Feb. 27th,   1911.     Frank Watson, agent.
District  of  Cariboo'. TAltE    notice    that    Jhoir  Gray,    of    Van- '
District of Caribou.               .   t
TAKE notice that Malcolm James >Ic-Kirinon, of Dawson, Y. T.. occutiation miner, intends to a/">Iv l<,r nermissiori to purchase   the   followin?   described   lands:-
Coihmencini'   n't   n   post   planted   on   the
west   bank   of      Hallway     river   about'   10 I miles   downstream
miles     downstream      from   the   mouth   of j Cypress     Creek:   thenre      east   80   chains-Cypress   Creek;      thence   west     80   chains; 1 thence   south   80     chains:   thence" west   80 thence   north     80   chains;    thence   east   20 �   -    � chains,   to  river   bank,   thonce   alom'   river H.imk to point of commencement, containing 320^-ayes more or less. Je.io.     MALCOLM JAMES McKIN'MJN.
District   of  Cariboo.
TAKE   notice   that  William   Buckler,   of � I Vancouver,    B.   C,   occupation     Drummer, [ � intends to  apply for permission   to purch- . , use the  followiii"  described  lands:-I     Commenciii!;  at   n   post   planted   almut   I I mile  east   of   Halfwav   River  and  about   q j from     the   mouth   ofj
March  1st., 19II.      Frank  Watson,
cliains: thence north 80 cjlains to �-lint of commencement, containing 640 acres more or 'ess.
Je.l.              ..WIL"*-1'    'V^LEY.
March 2.   1911.
Send for � folder
Autos     Steamboats
From Ashcroft to Fort George, and all points in the northern jnterior of British Columbia, carrying  ' the Royal Mail, passengers and fast freight.
The Palatial Steamer B.X. Awaits the Arrival of the Company's Stages '"     Head;Offlce:'A�hcroft,;B.C.
FreiKht consiirnwi to sleamp cr�;k will be promptly for
 Frank Watson, agent.
District of Cariboo. TAKE   notice      that   John   Stewart,  i       P
Fort Gooriri'. Il.C.             Victoria. B.C.
F. I'. Uunlun.'Mur.             K. C. Green, Mtrr.
Nclhon. B.C.. A. H. Orcen. M�r.
Green Bros., Burden & Co.
Cril Eajkwrs. Danmitg t B. C. Laul Sanejtn '
SurvcyA of  I^�nd.�. Mines. Towijaitcs. Timber
Won Kee
Fresh Bread   I   Quesnel, B.C.
thence north 80 chains to point of cora-meiKjemcnt, containing 640 acres more or less".    '
JulO                                   JHON GRAY
Keb. 27th,  1911.     Frank Watson, agent.
District  ol   Cariboo.
TAKE notice that Lewis Baker Taylor, Vancouver 11. C. occupation hackdrivcr, ivuds  to  apply   lor  permission   to   purch-
Ute-^followfiiK   described   laiuls:-omnieue'mg^ at   a   p�isi   nlsiuieti   on   the west     bank    of^-Uallway    River   about   17 miles downstream Irono the mouth of C'yp' ress   Creek;   thence   w-e�TNioi:haiiis:   thence north   80 chains;   theiKt  eiislXio  chains   to river bunk,   thence south  alony  river_ Ijauk In  point ol   coinuieiicemeut,  cuiitaiiiiiTg~vs8o' acres  more or   less. Je.io.       LEWIS   11AKKR  TAYLOR. February 37th., 19I1:  .Frank Watson,   agt.
west 80 chains; theuce north 80 chains tlience-east 80 chains to point of � corn mencement, containing 640 acres inure or less.                                                               :
Je.io.                     MAT FALVIN.               ;
February 28.  i9n.    Frank Watson',
chains; thence west^8<.
PEACE RIVER LAND DISTRICT. ' District ol Cariboo.
TAKE notice that Rubcrt Samuel Irwin of Vancouver I). C. occupation Uartemler, intends to nntiiv for permission to purchase   the   following   described, lands:-
Commencing at a post "Ianted J� mile from the west bank of Halfway River about 8 miles downstream from th" month
of Cypress   Creek;   thence   west  80  chujns; j 80  chains;   thence  west  to chains" 'more' thence   north     80   chains;   theuce   east   80 j jess,    1 chains;  thence south 80 chains to  point "I j river 1,
PEACE RIVER LAND DISTRICT."� District  of  Cariboo.
TAKE notice that Herbert Yoiui". of Vancouver, B. C. occupation Broker, in tends to apply for jiermission to purchase the (ollowinj; described lands:-
Coinmencinj; at' a post planted on tke east bank ol Halfway Rij'er about 8 miles dowii stream from the mouth of Cypress Creek;   thence  east  4o chains;  tlience north
.commencement,  containing  64b acres   tnorv i or less.
Je  10 �         ROBERT SAMURI,  IRWIN,
MarchT810^1911.      rr.nnk   Watson,   indent.
PEACE RIVER LAND DISTRICT. District  of   Cariboo.   - notice   -11111   Harry   "Vits-.m,   of Vancouver,   U.   C.   occupation   hotel   cltrk, intends  to  apply  for' permission   to  purch- asc  the followinj;  described -laud's:-
 Ciiijr   ut  a   post   planted   .n   the yrest   bank     of     Halfway   River   about   17  miles     (lownstrtani   from      the   mouth   of yi             Creek;   thence     west   80   chains;
! tlience     south   Kp   chains;    thence   east   8� cliimis   to   river  bank,   thenc*   north,   aloii({ river   bank     to   point     of   commencement, ' colituijiiitK 640  iicres  nuire <>r  less. IJc.io.              HAHRV   PARSONS.    '
i    Fcbrimry   27th., 1911.      Frank Watson, agt.
District  of  Carilx'o.
TAKE notice that James Reid,of Dawson Y. T., occupation prospector intends to apply for permission to purchase the following   described'luiids:-
Coinmeiiciiijj at a post |/Tauted on the west bank of Jliillw.iy River about. 18 miles down stream from the mouth of Cypress Creek; thence west 80 cliainn;  thence south 80 chains; thence east' 80  clulilis, more or less, "to river bank, thence  mirth nl'inj; river bank to .point of conj- (n^'ceineiit, containing 640 acres more or  l
 JAMES REID.  27th., 1011.     Frank Watson, agt.
E RIVER^AN District  ofta
TAKE notice that Alexander Pellett, of Vancouver H. C. occupation Spinster, intends to annly for r.-rmission to purchase the   following described   lands:-   .
Coinmenciii); at a post planted on the north bank of Cha Wa Ded creokj.about i'i niles .upstream Irom HallWay' river; hence north 80 chaina; thence ..cast 80 hams; thence south So- chains; thence .west io chains to point of commencement, coii-aininc 640 acres more or less. Je  10            ALEXANDER  PELLETT,
March  Hth.iyil.      Frank  AValson,   s�irent.
N.   \V.   c	il'ner	ol	Lot      1646   ��>'	1   about
inili's   v/<	st   of	I'll	icho   L.iki',   1I1	�ne'e   noitli
HO   chImii	t;   ill	�nce	eii'xt   X"   cliai	us:   tlie.tt.Cf �
south  Ho	"chaii	s:	heiico   j/ist   80	tliains   11
place of-	COIIIli	t-IIC.	incut, jinil coiit	niiiii.� 640
icri's 111,1	re   or   ....	les	s.	
ip.29.	FLOItENCE M.  LYONS.			
March  .'<	th.   1	.III.	John MiTcrioi	fll. '�j;t.    !
Ciiribori	.ami Dist		i'ct   -   liistrict �	fGa'ril...... j
TAKE	IK.Ill	ell	at  Peter  I'.lnl	,         1 iniiiitriujl, |
ant ol   \	allcol	ver	]!.  C.   iiccupati	on bli tcber
inteiuli			for   iieonissii'i	1   10   pur i
chase  il	e   lol	nwi	ig   .lescribi-d   h	lids -
.j^Colllllli	ncini;	"lit	a   post  plant,.	1  4  inilcsi
SSrtjii in	tl 2 1	lilts	east ,,l tin- .V	. K. cornel j
of  Lot	<">5	in.l	about   6 miles!	Ji,,rih iiiii)
3 miles	east	A V	',ncbo  I.ukt,  Hi	i-hce north |
8u   ch.nl	s;    tl	>nc-	�   e.ist    80   ch'ii	us: 'ibfiici'
south 8<	> .elm	US;	1 hence   west  8c	chain's- to
.point  0	f        CO	nun	iiicem'eiit,   ami	containing
640 aer.	8 mo	rr 1	^ less.	
M.T.I.    7.    IV, J
nioiith of Cash io cha:us: thence west � south �o chains; thence ' point i,i coiiunenccmunt, res more nr less. �' RUUERT McCOY.
Jnine's  Pctlr.v   a'/ent.
PEACE RIVEK   LAND DISTRICT. Disttiy   ,,|   Cariboo.
TAKE 11. fjeuille; ftrii to. apply f, 1,,11-mini.,  ill
Comnieiici miles   uor-.li
the j: W. M, of   th,
March 24._ 1911 .l>,hn Micljoiitll, agent ! Cariboo Lailil Ilistricl - DiMriil ol Cariboo. TAKE notice that [i. Winterimte,- m\ Vuncomi-r, I!. C- i'CTu|)iilloii i'uiicller, in tendi-to   apply   fur  pcrtitis/iou,-ln  purcbasi'
'   the   following   ilescribeil   lands:-
CoblTOfiicilig at a post |iluiite'n 10 iiiili-.s north ol the N. W. coriu-r of Lot U.54, and  about   wjni|.!.s north  ai|d   1   mile west
� of Poncho Lake, iliL-iict north. Ho chiiins; thence east 80 chiiins; Ilicttce � soiith 80 chainir thence wi'St 80 chnins to place ol comineiicemeiit, imd__ciilit.iiiijng' 640 acres more or leu.                . -         .
#p.J9. ,           -II. WINT-ICKMITE.
M.r^-Ji  34.   1911      Jp!
ice   that   William   Yenger,   of 1.. occiipatioii Ln' ;;��-" intends �pcrinissio.n   to   purchase   the cribed  Iniidsi. -
j lit  u   post  planted  about 49 und   uboutNu   miles. Vest   of mile  mist  established'on  the  Ii.� N. ntc-il Police trail  on  the north bunk Pence   River  at   the   mouth   of  Cash I;;  thence  south  80 chains)  thence west hiiins;   thence   north   80   clmius;   thence ins, to point  of commencement, (>4o  acres   more  or  less.     ..
WILLIAM   VKAC.ER.    �. mil.       James l'ct^ry, ugent.'
District  ol   Cariboo.
TAKE notice Unit William Chanmau, of ouver, 11'.' C. occupation Commercial traveller, intends to npnly for -�fmi'ssion to imrcluse the follovyini; described lands:-Commeiicinu at a post planted one mile w�Kt of Hallway River, aliout 17 miles downstream from the - mouth of Cytiress Creek; thence west 80 chains; thence "north 811 cliains; thence east 80 chains; tlience south' 80 clmitiH to point of comraencement CQiitainiiiR 640 alrei more or less. � Je   10.             WILLIAM   CHAPMAN.
February   281I1., 1911.     Frank   Watsoii.agt.
st Ho ch i
March   7,
PEACE KIVER   LAND  DISTRICT. District  .,1 .Cariboo.
TAKK , Ilk-,   Win
lbe  2
tiorth mil*
W.MoniHecl  Pol of  On-  Peace, Ki   .. Creek;   tlience  siiuil
ce   that   John �ii.iMipaiio,,  � '   pcrinission �cribed  lands;-"   ut  a   post  plante.l and   about    11 -mil*. Most  cntiil.lisdicd  on  the. It. N.
 StiinlevNo[ Sc- eamster, iulniils  to   purchase   the
District   ol   Cariboo.
TAKK  notice    Unit   David     Munroe,  "of
V'uftcuuv.er,   H:      C.   occupation.    Merchant
truvellcr,   intends  to   apply  for  permission
to  piirduse   the   following;   described   lands:
i Commencing ut a post planted one mile Went of IlulfwiiV River about 18 miles dowiiiitrinm from the inoiiili of Cypress Creek, thence west 80 chains; thence south 86 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement containing 640 acres more .or lt�s. Je.io.             t     DAVID   MUNROE.
Ffliruitry  2KU1., 1911.   -Frank  Watson, agt.
District  oil CaribooX
TAKE notice thut: Alice May Shnrtned, 1 if Vancouver, 1). C. occupation Clerk' intends to apply for m-rmiasi : �liain�j_ thence east  80 chains,  to^rivet, aiortlrnvlong river bank.to thi inducement,   eontainitij;  560
trail on the north bunk
Je.io.     "    '        JlllfN ."STANI.EY. M..rih 7,  lijii. �    James  Pttlry, a
 Jf.lo.         AUCK MAV^SHORTREED.
February 23lhV, I911.    K�*�k W�l�
PEACE RIVER LANi) In District of- Cariboo. TAKE  notice.-Jlfiat  Charles   Jackson,   of
unk t, tainiug  480 Je.io. March  3,
 bank,   thence  point  of  ciimmen
11t.l1   ulonj; 'incut, con-
acres more  or  less.
.HERI1ERT VOUNO.     ' 1911'-         Frank   Watson,  age
All kinds of/
Brick Cement
All work guaranteed.
Brickmason and Contractor
3iwS5�Bt South Fort Goorge
District of  Caribou.--'.           <.
TAKE notice th.it Aimie^Straiidberg, of Vancouver, Ii. C. occupation Spinster, intends to apply lor permission to purchase the following "described binds:-                     ,
,   Commencing   at   a   post   planted   on   the east bank of-Halfway River about 7 miles downstream   from'  the   mouth, of   Cypress i Crcuk.   thence   east   00   chain'H;   thencu  noriii-L 8q-chains;  tlience  west  Co chains' more or' less   to   river      bunk,   thence   south   along river bank to point    >l comineiicemeiit,  ami containing'640 acres |more ir  less. Je.ui.         ANNIE STKANIWIiHC.
March 3,. 1911.     6"TrankJ Watson,  ngent.
District  ol   Cariboo.
TAKE notice that Alcjc. McKemm, of Vancouver,   11.   C,   occupation   Fiirmet,   in-
Repairing   ^
Send jirllc-loa by miiil to KortGeorkc. B.C.
uiuoiivcr,   Ji.'   C,   occupation   Stciimboat man,   intends   to  awily   for   permission   to
urcliase  the followiii" described lands:-    .
Commencing   at   n   noRt   planted   pn   the 1 ea,t baIlk ofHaIfway- Rivey north   bank   of   Cha   Via   Dcd  Creek,   about '     ��-     .                   -   '      V  �'
1   miles    upstream   from   Hallway   Uiver,
hence   north   80' chnins;   theuce   west"   80
liains:     theuce   south     80   chains;   thence
ast 80  chains  to  point  of commencement, xintainiiig 640 acres more or less. Je.io.               CHARLES JACKSON.
March  8th. 1.911.      Frank   Watson,  agent.
District  of Cariboo.  TAKE   notice. that   Hugh   MurdocJt>.  ti
 g                 >
,'uncouvcr, B. .C., occupation nroSpector, nteiids to apnly for. nermissiciii to Imrch-ase the followiii" described  buiils:-
Commencinjr at a -ost ."K'lited (il>out 1 mile we�t from Halfway River about �' tniKes downstream from Cynrcss Creek; thence south X8o clinins; tlfence. west 80 chains; tlience north 80 chains; tlience.cast 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or leas. Je.io.         ;             HUGH MUHIJOCK.
March 8th. 191.1.      Frank  Watson,  ".rent.
District  0/ Cariboo.
TAKE notice that Thomas Coulter, . of Vancouver I). C, ..occiiiiutioii proaiwclor, ntenUa to uj^Jy^lor permission to purcll-ise  the followin- described  luiids:-
Comraencine at m post nluuted about -miles west trow HaUwnv. River about 8 milea d.iwnitreiijui from the-m.
TAKE notice .that Riciutrd Davidson, <>l Vuneiiiiver B. C. occupation fWoudsmiin intends to hnnly, for.-iicriiiissioii to piucb ale the followiii" described  lanil.t;-          ,
Cominencinir at a post planted 2 miles west from Halfway... River n'nil about 7 miles downstream from.the mouth of Cvi> ress Creek; thence wf.it 80 clinins; tlienc north 80 chain*; Ithence east Ho^c.mjns thence south 80 chains to pciint' of com mencement,  containin'  640  acres  more or
less.     ..         "                      i�.....- J,    --.
Xt.xat-*           RICHARD DAVIDSON.  ~ .
� March 8th.1911.      Frkiik  WatiOn,' .agent
tends to  apply for permission  -      __......-
the  following  described  lands:-          .,  .
Commencing at u post planted on the 1st bank of Halfway Kiver, and about 5 miles downstream from the'moutli of Cypress, Creek; thence north 80 chains; lliencr nest 80 chains to river bank, thence south ilong river bank to point of comniencc-inent, containing 320 acres more or less. Jcio.                ALEX McKKN.VA.
March z,   1911. '      Frank  Watson,  ngent.
Bronger & Flyrai
Plans and blue prints made Estimates submitted
All kinds of work promptly executed
NO.  7 SECO-lrf) STREET,  George
PEACE RIVER LAN'D DISTRICT. District of Cariboo.
TAKE notice that James Husk, of| Vancouver, 'B. C.| occupation Farmer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following "'described lamls:-
Commenciiip at a. post planted on the west bank  acres more or less. Jcio.                JAMES BUSK.
March  3,   1911.         Frank  Watson,  agent.
PEACE RIVER  LAND DISTRICT. District' of Cariboo,'
TAKE notice thatWilliiiin liordman, of Vancouver, II, C, occupation Knrmer, i�-teiids to apply for peimissioii to iiurchaSL' the following descryicilv lands:-   ,.-     .
Coiuiiieiiciii); ut.a "i>st. nliintcd nu the west bunk of IlalfwiiV River ul.iiut ,s miles ilowustrciiin from the mouth of Cvnress Creek; tlience west 80 chnllis; theuce north Ho chains; theuce-eiiHt-60-pJiuiiis, more or It-Sii, to river liauki, theuce 'spilth nloii); river bifirik to point of. corniliciicemciit, cniitniiiini'_32o ucrea more nr less. � ~> Jc;lo. �       WILLIAM  lHIttOMAN.
March 3,   1911. ; .    Frank  Watsonj_Aj�ciiI.
District  nf Cariboo.                    >
TAKE notice lliitt Ciei.in-e Wilkinson, df Vancouver, 11. C, occupation lal orer, intends to apply for iirrnii-ssioii to. uiiritliase the followiii" "drscribeil  luiid.s:-         .     r
Cniniiieiicinir at 11 post nlmitcdyinc il^ilo west from Hnlfwiiy LRlvpr, iind! aUoiit 5 miles downstrt'iim from the mouth of Cy1>-fess,"Creek, thence "south go ejiiiiiispthencc west, 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; ilience .ea�t 80. chains to point vof cum-mencement, containiiiir 640 acres more or le��;'           � '         ;           *                      f Dominion Peace Iti'^er Reserve, tlience south 80 chnins; thence west 80 clinins; theuce north 80. chains; theuce east 80 clinins. Jy.l.               DUNCAN DURRANI)/
'.March 30II1.  10I1.      Albert Tate,  iig.-nt.
,        IJistrict of Curiboo,. TAKK imticetliiit   I,  .I0I111 MacC.illvniy, of   Picton,  (Jiitnriii,  <)ci:ii|iiilion   j;i-iitIctiimi,. intends   to apply  f   doscril-.-d   lauds:-. Comnu'iiciiiK   at   11    post Tlanti'd   l'  mile sdlfth niitl 7 miles  west-of  tlic'-'/Soittlt-ensV corher  of- the. .B.   C.   Government   Reserve,
the followin); described lands:-'"Coinmeiicing at a-post planted \ ol � mile, south fnun the mostNsouthtrly P'""1 or SwaiiNliiike: thence South 80 chuuwi., thence west . 80 chaina: thence north �> chnins; thence east 80 chaini. Jy.i.          .  KIWAKI)  IIORKK.
March 27,   1911.       AUtttl Tate, ����''�_
Pence Kiver Land Dist. - Dist. of Caril""-TAKE notice that Henry Gowau, y. Ediiioiiton, Alta, occupation Brakrr, ��"� lends to apply for pcrmiMion to purcb�� the fiillnwiti|r'described lands:-
Ciimineifcitijr �t a post' planted 8 mil'* south of Selby's temnnrarv Boundary l'�� at H.JJ. Corner of Dominion Peace Hi*" Reserve, tlience south 80 chaini; th��� west 80 cliains; tlience north, to ch�iu�; thciivc east 80 ''chains.* ~ ' Jy.l.           V     I HENRY GOWAK.
.Miirch'jotli. 1911.     Albert Tate, ig*�l-_
Distriut nf Caribou.          .
TAKK jMi'Uce that I, Charles Harris. <� Winiiipc);, -Manitoba, occupntion coiitni"'' Intends tii -apply for perminsii>n to |�'ri" use  the fiilluwiiii;  ilcacrilied  lands:-
Cntnmcitciiur at 11 -iipst planted a w� Houlli nn.l 7, miles weat of th* Suthe*^ corner  of the B,   C.  Government
nmr,ki.f| J; M.'s S. W; corner; thence north f marked C. 80 chains; thence cast 80 chains;; thence-' 80.. cliains; '� thence west 80 chains; ,tl""" south 80 chains; tlience west. 88 chains to nortli 80 chains; thence ea�t 80 w"'^"*^" point   oi    coinmeiiccjuc:iit,_cuiitiiiiiin(r   640, point   of �'.commencement,   containing   W
 ,        Jtlt  -30111.,"" 1911..