- / -
FOR SAL��dutch canaries, 7 males, 6 females, one year old; two breeding cages, one single cage; cheap,; owner leaving to wn. Apply Mrs. McLaughlin.         . 2t
 Local and Personal
Mr. Charles Hughes, whose serious illness, has caused great concern to his friends, is reported today greatly improved in health. ' � �       *    *   �'*' �     %
�T"   Mr.;
FOR SALE�Pure-bred Airedale Ter riers, male or/female.    Apply E. W. '": Calnek, Fort George.                  3.tp
FOR SALE�Timothy and oat bay.   Apply Brodetsan .Bros.    3t
FOR SALE�Team of Ponies, with wagon, 'democrat and harness: cheap.�Apply Mrs. L. Bontez, Central. Fort George,                  nl2-22p
FOR SALE�Double sleigh, double harness, first-class-cutter; fur robes, sleigh bells; secondhand auto engine. See Claxton, CentralT'ort George.
FOR SALE � Household Furniture, .including specially made Kitchen 'Cabinet. Carpenters' tools, complete kit; also Bicycle.� Apply J. ,\\\ RitjCjJh, Seventh avenue, 'opposite Telephone office.              �   ,   8tnl-8p
FOR SALE�Three litters of Young Pigs; also some mature pigs."�Apply Hughes BL'os.,J\Ioore's Ranch, Phone 31-2 rings: V  �   ; �
FOR RENT�4-room furnished cottage plastered! electric light, phone, and water.�-F. J. Claxton, Central,Fort George.         �                               s24
FOR RENT�Double-storey barn for four horses, warm, re lit cheap.   See
Claxton, Fort Qeorge.   -      -
WANTED�A Sewing- Machhrev Mis. ""BeacHain, Fraser Ave.; Ft. George.
. ^ W,\NTED�Man' to run ferry at Mj worth until end of- scavSr.n. wages $3.75 per day. Apply District Engineer s^office, South Fort George.
 Public and Conveyancer  Fihe'Insu-kance-. �'. .
Policies .
-.   Millar Addition Lots for Sale, j Box 37        Piunce George; KG.
 . Hall, who was danger-
ously ill, is now much improved in health.
The polroon\s of the city were reopened yesterday, the ban having been lifted by the authorities^
The Kootenashi�-a' vje-ry little white bean-from Japan^Excels in, mild flavor. //2Oc a-t^Iunro's. :
The regular -meetng of the- G. \\\Y,A/\vill be held tonight. All members are urgently requested
to be present.         .....    .
.. . � *    *    *         .
�   Friends of Mrs._H. A. Carney w i 11 b e p 1 e a s e d to 1 e a rn th a t s I i e-is now convalescent after a severe attack of in-fluenza,�'-�..   .    '   � *    *,   *
Southern Yellow Yams in-sealed tins.    Come    as    a    delicious Southern dish to grace a Northernj. table..   30c  for  a  large    tin � at M-iinro's.
All patients at-the city hospital! are recovering nicely from�inrlu-j enza, and�if is proposed to close j the emergency at the end of this"! week if. present favorable condi-i
tions-continue. .:         �.__ .              j
��._., > �  "         *    *.   *       -                                                                                                 ,
The: remains of Mrs. ""Joseph j-\\: es'tman, � of Hutton, - were brought t6'tlie city yesterday ahd laid to rest in the local cemteery. Besides the husband�t-vvo--small cjhiklren are left.
Mr. Middaughv .manager.-of tli�j Rex Theatre, .annovfneels that as soon as the city officials permit 11 e � w i 11 reof^e n h i s th e a t r e. A1 v npuncemertt will h" made it>Vort 1) p|
	\Ve invite inspection	\VO>ir J�"
WoplAJnderwear >hirts            �    .   :,r
Socks, Mitts, Gloves
* - � �                                                                              .
Blankets �Qomforters
Rugs           V   .
~-    Winter  Teririk' .
\   MRS TOWNDROW'S SCHOOL OF           0
AVilL /Reopen MONDAY, NOV.  18th.
Vacancies for Cor.  Y'ancouv
four pupils, er  & � Fifth.
P.O. Box '228.   Phone 32, 3
Practical Watdh and Clock1 Maker, Working Jeweler, Etc
George.Street, Prince"Gtotge.
All  repairs., done, on "the' prem-ises and mfly i^c |had same day:
as left if required.
-^^iniida Food Board Licence No. 11H,
WiSll^ale and jlettf ME^ MERCHANTS
TelepHone No. 7