1 / 10
VOl.    I.   N'<>    IS-
I'Kl.WK (!K(>l{(iK.   B.C..   KUIDAV.   MAY   7.   IH2U.
g                Ignore U. S.
Support to "Irish Republic"
iXDON, May 6.�The subnet ol support ^i\m to the "lrisli ublic" by some persons in the l.'nited States < ami- upin the -r ni Commons today. Horatio Bottomlcy askred whether the eminent was aware that appeals lor aid i-i the -ale of. bonds [�ssed b\ De \ alera as "Pr-csideni "i the Irish Republic" were �iuncaring in American newspapers,  and   were   supported    b)
ether Great  Britain proposed
;| up]g vernors of various States, and e   representations on     th Ittcr to I'resident Wilson.
Kit WI1K   I'l IC   CASK
Mi. Sliiu'l   lleiiilt-rsou Si'cun'v   l��-�i--
imi    Setting   Aside    Htteolton
M ji Hisl rat <'"s    UtH'isioli.
a cuse of much Interest to aril trappers ami fur buyers in Northern itritish Columbiu vus up before Mr. Justice Murphy in the Supreme Court at   Victoria on April 20,th.
Last February James Kramer, well known in Fort George, brought In . |5000 worth of beaver pelts from tin- Buhlne, Dear Lake and Stlkine. They wire neized under h search warrant by R. s Sargent, .1.1'.. under Section 50 of the Game Act, '>" the , sleigh driven by Kramer.
The case faun- before Dr. H �'� Wrluch, .1.1' . at Hazelton, who lined
\m \ i in:
Standing  upright  in  tbc  water Big   Lake, a    few     feet    from h   re   be   bad   ^< �lie  through    the
. tho body of Anthony Bishop, well known rancher in the Kni-Valley, was found by provin-constables   last     week    arid
the   accused   $Uo   and   $4   costs   and
lar   Law replied  in  be-       DROWNS WHILE FISHING   confiscated   the   fu--,   ordering   them
forwarded   to   the   provincial     name warden   al   Victoria.
Mr. Stuarl Henderson applied foi certlorari to quash the search warrant, the conviction and confiscation on the ground that the magistrate had not jurisliction to deal with the furs, alleging ( 1) There was an improper seizure under Section 50 of furs on a sleigh;   (2)Tbey could not
Mr, Bishop bad gone fishing in the ice and    must    have    broken throughi   I Ii- feet were caught in the mud and there he was until   bis  body   was  found bad lived in the district for  many wars  and   leave-  a   wife,   several children and three brothers in the Lillooet district.   Jle vvas 6o,
|li ni the Government and said i-   understood  that  such   ap-
we're -till appearing in cer-American papers, but he warn a  position  to say   whether
ivere supported b\ any Gov-r-    Great Britain, he added, pir �lot prepared to make any re-, cin
......:.....                                    I bin
Ianitobans buy farms in this district
irmers  From    Gilbert    Plains, Man., Purchase Farm Lands East of This Place.
Work  Will ( oniiiicncc on (I.mint; "f
I Miches*   Paik  Tonight�l>o
\"in   Share.
Tin' lio) �  u ho u re behind the Prince
llnorw Amaleiii Athletic Association arc   �'   K.....I   hunch   Of   hustlers.      They
have H|read\ carried ihelr arrange-in r1- Id ti point where provision for V splendid athletic park is made, and iviT-ii mi the clearing of this pain cm in- i.i .� tniiiuhi. This work will :ia\e in he ilcuie largely by voluntary labor, and iho promoters of the move infill ti'(|ue�l thiii everyone who can possible iiiteiiil will repair to Duchess Park  loniKhi   with the    old    family
ha'chei lii dear up the scrub. The lioui -'i i 7 p.m. If you can't gel ihere   11�>  and n> i a substitute.
The 'ii> has promised ;t donation ci J26H towards getting the park it; proper rendition for athletic purpose-       The grount
Mississippi Will Offer No
Welcome to Mennonites
\\ I \.\ I \'\i(\, \\.i\ <>. -The Manitobi publish the following special from   lack sell -tate- thai he has given    no  assuraiu writing, thai   Mississippi will extend  .i  \\ Soon Metnoiiites in Canada  who desire t prepared t...  -a\   what he will do consi be had not b.id live matter under  in ill
Mass.: eithei (i nne mi >\ ( i
�ration, an
 u ill touiorri'w "i >� ivernor Ru-\ erbally or   in  i he colony of  this state ; that  is therefore not inet     the    an
kjiulM '
iinl ii tree fi upon
Hie �   th'
are to be used  fixtures and fternoons they school   rhililren
Case   for   Prosecution   Proceeded
All   Day and    Is    Still    in
in   Session.
The case involving alleged misappropriations <>�  city   funds   by
Prince George Athletic Asaocl-1 Ex-City  Clerk   Fisher,   who   was incorporated as a lim-
t Clinton.
be seized  under-Section  51, as there must be animals, birds or ����'< on the vehicle before seizure; < ;J>� aihi oeing held : improperly  seize'1   'hey  could  not  be ]jc   legally   confiscated   under   the   r,4th Section of the Game Act.
Mr. Henderson's contentions were strongly opposetKoy the attorney-general's department, acting for   the   22
wil to plaj
.itioii Is to h
it*�� I liability company with a capitalization of  $25,000, divided into 50.00 ..hares al   $ij  a  shale      The executive! propose   to     form     two
also a Police Commissioner under  in the public the Hiio regime at the City Hall, opened in    Magistrate    Uanielt's court  yesterday.     The case   pro-
uoiricfiiient  frutn  Winnipeg that the   Mennonites  intend  to  move to tin- state the matter has    been rather  freelj     discussed    in    the slate pies-, and opinion seems  to In  somewhat    general    that    the Meinonites \\ill not receive a cor dial   welcome,  especially  ii  the) ui>i-l  oil having their own public -�hi>"ls with    German    languag taught.     I he teaching of Germs  hools of the state
was iod.
mongst the settlers   arriyjrfg
thi.-     week  are   Mr. Jamc-
Ids and Mr. Robert Wilson of
ierl   Plains,  Man., who    have
chas ugh i ity
d    a    section    of    land  Mr. X   C  [orgensen   of
-<� farmers will return to '��]<;[ and later in the year will return here with a com farming outfit to develop  iiew.ly acquired lands. They ii neighbors  to the them P.G.E.   ex�
press despatch coast last week. - made arrange-ork   t''  proceed.
surveying in tin work of the nort! tensii in.
According  to a
gi\ en   ' 'lit   ' ill   the
I 'rcmier Oli\ cr h; merits for this w<. Mr. I.. C. Gunn, whose work on reconnaissance lor the G.T.P. and '�tiler railwav-. ba- placed him in possession of much valuable information has received no intinia-tion a- i'i the new survey-. Mr. (iimn completed considerable re-con;iaissance work i"i" the P.G.TTi
Murphy and it is likely to be argued about the middle of the month before that  body sitting at  Vancouver.
 de i
\   special i Roard  of Tr
to-iight   at  *
cuss busines             p
All members are requested t
attend  this meeting.      . �
 >i   the
 called for  'clock to dis- f importance
-i line \ ears a,^' >, and in i"ti the line should cro* chaco here and proceei Millan   Crcjt'k   through farmiug iand ti i Summit
ii\     tbe    Title    1-aSS    |i
CotiiV eouritn
v  \tit ), Mav (>�   The Chi-
i .unillerinen's Association, ;li fjeorge  H.  Rinn, chair-:  the    Employers'    Labor tittee, declared toda)    that iildinc tie-up has failed    in ... as a  result of  the    mill  ^   l'"mAl" iters' -trike. the Association � ravine its offer of Si i<>  a-i � 11< rti\ e |une i st, for   mill) "i is, when the men did not \
lo work Wednesday.   The
� demanded Si.U) an hour Mav  I -t.
- the
\ i.i
Mr   1-:    W. C.  McPhail,  paymaster
.)i i he ilranby Consolidated Mining. Smelting & Power Company, was a \isiidi in town this week  -nil. and later with the Hudson's l'..~r~< 'o.iijiali^v there. He htis been at Aiiynx for .some time with Ihe bis mining company. "Hill" ('ollins, v.liu is running the hotel for the same company, was formerly factor of the Hudson'.- Bay Company at Quesnel, Mr. Collins expects to \isit ihis dis-tritt during Ihe summer                       #
the   I'-iiti
Big Hospital Drive Is Carefully
Organized With a $5,000 Objective
<>\   Wi:i�MSI)\V   XKXT
ivelopment  work at  Stewart. IJ'-C. the new silver mining cam]'. :aining speed as the season ad-ances.    Contracts have been let the construction of permanent -   to accommodate  the   larg-)   hips plying    Mofth    Pacific � : waters.    This work is being "shed forward so that (locks will '<� available  for this 'summer's 'tisiness.    One  shipment of  250 1.1s of ore has already been mafle � Mm-hers ;it Tacoma, Wash.
Tin?   I'lince   liaorge   l'"r will he open on Wednesday afternoon nexi.  t he  l :m ii of May.
It contains at present 600 volumes inn of which are loaned by the Dominion Government and form two of the "Travellers' Libraries", and 500 of which came from the Vancouver Carnegie Library and can be renewed every three months.
The City Librarian, Mr Alleyue Wright', who has undertaken this work gratuitously, has attacked his task with energy and precision. Tbe following rules have been drawn up by him and will he in- force:
I The Library will l�e open for the loan and return of books at the City Hall mi Wednesday afternoons from 1 : 30 p.ill   until t> p.m.
2. All applicants for books must hold a card signed by the Librarian If not ratepayers^,, they must be vouched for by two ratepayers at the discretion of the Librarian.
rio.vs iilem) Activities in .�!�<. \m/.\ti<�\ ok big dhivk
ASSIST  KXTKNSI<�\   OF   HOSt'll \I/S  WdliK       DltlVK niMMi:\i M \\    15th.
in�-  w ill   probably -i une days, as then it- registered in th time.
The witnesses so far the prosecution rtppcar* ii Mowing i irder :    //
Mav' >t 1 'erry, v\ hose showed lu^ instructions on receiving the rc|'oii of the deficit in tin-report 6l the special audit This dctint, it i> alleged by the prose-(filtion, i- wholly or in part traceable to the alleged defalcation- of the accused during his employment a- city clerk.
The next witness vailed was Miss-Mae   Gross,  a   young   lady
�  v\bo ba- acted ;i< city clerk and a-. ' assistant    � itjy    clerk    for   a    long I period  and   whose capability    is
generalh acknowledged. Miss (iross gave evidence as to'tbe sys t ;i ii empli >\ ed in the I itv .Hall '""ik-. and replied t�> questi'itis as to the manner in which certain transactions involved in the ease \\ ere ci inducted.
The present eit\ clerk, M r. � '.e. > I I � in w ick, u;a\ t   evidence    on    i b<4 proving of the Ixioks during    cer lain  in\ <--t ij^.'i11� mi-.
The cil v audit' t. Mi llutt, fi �r the firm of Kendall, I3arr & *.'�'. '�I   \ aii'i >u\ ei �. l- ^i\iiiL; evidence
�   toda\    ii|n'ii   tire   findings  ol     his
�   KUsumkalum  Lumber Co.
;". />inacord, on tbc Skeena '. is being put into operation i> year's business.    This   is "� the largest and most rnod-itiills  in   British     Columbia, 'n1'  a capacity  of about 45.000 11 "i rough lumber a day.    The 'ml'lu uf this mill for the season
"tip ern
\ meeting of representativtjw from the Associations in (he city was held in the city Hall on Wednesday at 8 p.111 The Hospital Hoard had re-quented a meeting of this kind for the purpose of instituting a vigorous campaign and drive from May 15th in June 2nd, with the sum of $5000 as their objective.
This sum is required for the sup-porl anil niuiutenuiice and for the purchase ol' new equipment for the hospital and for the proposed extension. The new wing to be added to ihe<-biiilding will cost $25,000, and efforts are now being made to secure ibis amount from the Provincial Government and the city. The latter will submit a bylaw to the ratepayers as cioon as .Mayor Perry receives information from the Government as to tho amount they will give
 I'ihi George  '     Cache,  nd   Miss Milli-
 track  v   the
.'!.   When   renewing   or     .~n.......�,
hooks, applicants are requested    to :     Mayor Perry stated at th produce their cards, that number of |n  the north to Sixth Av -.'iith. and  the  Crescent
Mrs. Fen wick uiul Mrs Fisher l"r��ni Third Avenue on the west iiu eluding east side Of Third Avenue I" ihe river 011 the east From th. 1 rack on the north i�> Pfttrlcin Avpiiu I'll  the east
Mrs.   hixon  and   Mrs   II Miller   Section     1 All   past Hill.)
Mrs.   Randall   and    Mrs South  Fort George. Miss Gross and Miss Murray    -From
Hruuswick   on   th.....e,st   to     George
Street on the east (.including west -ide of Qeorge street) From the track on the north to Thirteenth Avenue on  the east and   l'.G/.lO. camp.
.Mrs.  Attwood and  Mth.  Ogllvie-From  Frns'er oif ilu- west  to Brunswick on the east.' from Sixth on the North to Thirteenth on the east.
During the drive all hall rent and
Tlii- 1111' 'I'tnati. 'ii in  tin- case wa-lii'l .'ii   \|>iil },\<\. and    adjimrn in 111- have been made from week t'. week while the investigation of ibe hoi iks '.it the pan  of the de fi'iice  has  proceeded.
Tbe prosecution 1- being cow* ducted b\ Mr. P. K. Wilson, the . m -� 'licit 1 ir, who handles the csise with a -ure knowledge ''id\" j,, ,-,-.e~-i'(| l'\ lawyers "i his great e\|ierietice. Mr \\ 1' Og'ilyie, for the defence, i*- conducting    a
abolished during the. war p<-r AI that time tho language was being taught K a few of tb�* high schools and sentiment demanded that" it be discontinued. I 'here ba- been 110 revision since that^rmie, and speaking German, eyfii in ordinary conversation, is quite sufficient in some communities to �et a person into serious trouble."
Judge Robertson s Court Busy  at
South Fort George�Small
Docket of Minor Cases.
The County Court is in session1 this  week    at    the    South    Fort George.    Several cases have been beard since Tuesday, and an a.-> sault  case  irom  Dome Creek, involving the heaving of a chunk of wood ai a gentleman bj a lady is proce 'ding todiy
\ case brought against Mr. G. k. l.ocwen by Mrs |. K. VVynn arose out oi an auction sale '">i a house and sonu- wood, n which the lady, a colored person, alleged misrepresentation, and won \\o\ ease in Regard u> the cofdwood.
Some lien cases in\ "1\ inj; a tt   \\ ill ^ro   t. � the Sii|).reme Court, as there    ap . pears to be a difference between the  two a-  t" which    owes    the 1 .tiler a sum � >! ab' lak'ii tlbe i'
I'a. 1 has laud -tali
. ibt ra| dace in � . if the
WIImou "oiinaughl
 witnes  ficht
ami bis
� 1 it'llt.
IC   "I
i:< i.ii'si: <>!�
s^�^o\^   \h;h'
\-�l loiioinical       I'llCltOlllCllU        I'lainlv
Seen   I'roin   (lie  <>unil   Kancli
Not   Se�-u  in  City.
lighting will be requested free by the.
payments of  $r>  eacu,  and  thai     he
"'I heavy timber for railway �ri(''-:'' construction.
longer than one week, but  may brought back and checked out ngiifn al the discretion of the Librarian
 organization, and all  orders in     the will   be canvassed  for subscrip-
tako notes for the balance unpaid at   lions, and the Board of Trade will he the time of .subscribing.    He stated   asked fo co-operate in the drive.
.tbrarlan. 5.   nooks   will   not  be  loaned     for ; _^  ^ ^^ ^ & ^ ^^ ^   ^
 was a total eclipse of the  Sunday niKht at S o'clock, which was socn very distinctly from (he Gunn ranch. Mr L. ('. Gunn brought a"report of the occurrence to The Citizen On Investigation we find this eclipse accounted for with a certain exactitude peculiar to the as-
ittlenient now territory aoug 1' ci nitiguouH this   railway's
c coast terminus, a company ecu formed and 350 acres ot pnrchasexl   at   Woodcock,  a ill   14''   mile-   east   of   Prince it. for the purpose oi operat in.u .1 modern stock and dairy farm ilu   companj   i" be known as the Cas'siar   Farm  and   Stock    Coin l'.iu\      I.t is said that only registered stock will l>e bred, and it is anticipated   that   friilce     Rupert und other local markets will    ab -"ib the total product of the lann. Ijctiigs i'i men are at present en clearing the land, contracts twarded in lot- of 50 acres I'art of the acreage will be crop tins season
each'. tliidei
At the present tune there are forty-two coal mines located on the line- of the GjKind Trunk Pa
v,.i(ii..................________                eilic   Railway,  practically  all    01
tronomical gentlemen to whom punc-   which are located west of Edmon-
�WI N X1 PEG, .May 6.�Aliens' _leatrica1 enterprises of Canada Keen offered four principal ian music halls. The con- was pm before the share for ratification, but    the
noliected on ov
Each   of the ladies' organizations have organized  a Tea  on     different for the benefit of the hospital,
r               g
tuality   is such a  line art.    The Astronomical "dope sheet" refers to tho
an     �advance"   story     as
''In the year  1920 thore will    be

A fine of ten eeritg per week will'thai the. Hospital Hoard would irdue books                dertake to collect these notes.
Tin*  following   Associations     iy�i�   uatoa hm   mV  .^^..^..v _______.___.          ......_
epreBented at  tho meeting:                 and a tug day has aluo been arranged.) to,ir eclipses, two of the sun and two
St.   Michael's   Women's   Auxiliary.       The necessity for a large and well I of (]le rnoon.
"A  total eclipse of the moon May visible In the United States be-
 ci     Micliaoi s    women s   Ainuuiiji                           j                           m        ,
.on     Women's   Hospital   Auxiliary.   Girls', organized hospital in this city is very
All complaints re gratuity, pension     �            ^xMArt, Daughters of the   Vital,   owing   to   the   great   distances
o.,   in   Prince   George   and   district   HOBP��                                                         i                    h^    it     from     her
 h       u..
will be taken up by II - F district representative, s.i'.ii Rupert! Ii.c
 ^xMArt, Daughters                    ,
 nd   district   HOBP��                     VuxiUary of G.W, | Vfhiih  separate
 Wearmouth    ... u...  .                                           ^     {       f ^ ^
 th^  -
 city   from     her
V A.. Board of Trade. iNavy League.     larger It was moved by Mr. Hornsby, sec-   of the
 ^       -( and wes(    .� any  Citizen    readers-   iri    places
solicited   in
The w.a. of 1 ho First-Presbyterian
'7�ui was withdrawn and the I church    take    this    opportunity    ot     ^                  business diBtrlct
llI"s adjourned to consider   a  thanking  all  who in  any  way con-  stead or
tli7'753 cars, or approximately 000,000 tons of coal which includes commercial as lal for railway purposes.
ginning at Th lm p.m. and ending at   wt>||
loh 4 1m p.m. Eastern Standard time.________
Totality  begins at 8h  15m p.m. and                  wat fatY'r
ends at 9h 27m p.m.    Visible gener-        B1U   "A^lcS" l
ally in the western.countries of Eur-'     ;(                   ~         ;
opp and Africa, on the Atlantic Ocean       The   catch   of  halibut   for     the
and In the Eastern part of North and   month   of   March     brought    into
South America." How do they do It'
Prince Rupert totalled  I, pounds.