lUfh German Line
Donets Basin
I, Troops Drive Ahead With :jng Momentum; Cut Railroad for Germans in Caucasus.
4SpecialL-Sii?B; which" they reached the 1941 winter
$$^$ h h i thC D°nCtS BaSin
An Independent Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of Central and Northern British Columbia '
Vol. 26; No. 5
Prince George, B.C., Thursday, February 4, L943
$2.00 a Yeai
Wells Fire Hall Swept by Flames
Two spare chemical fire fight-Ing units have been sold by thc Prir»:« George Fire Department to Welln Volunteer Tire Brigade whose entire equipment was lost When 1 iXe swept their fire hn.ll l;st Thursday.
Fire Chief C. H. Hughes of Wells advised d address of Alfred Bauch, son. of Osenr Bauch -if Prince Gerrgo. who wns an old jriend in Central Fort Gcdi-gc. j
slant in-,le r-thr, .t Cook t
itai It
aamm mttrm uin
if waste (¦ol tnin< rs t( see that noth-
./lit i- part ,f til e iou iff );' every Vrmy
"da ¦-, . Bor e's a i.l U ustq [ats flrj [jap^'i
that ias.j9a Iva^ e va ik' is c!u nnd ,, , i t,,
for I) ickup by : i -a! 'jitje Iruc . ( ir'cfiil
•.(¦(¦ and r aily chec kiiiM of i ooks jl.Ul
Ac i unuilat i<>n ii SU rphis loo iS;
Naval Ohicers Watch Curlers For First Time
The education of three eugagiiu; young' United States Navy officers was broadened here when they saw i tuiiniK game ;>--'>id for Uie first lime. Two admitted tiny hud known nothing of the (fame, but the tl.lrci had nvui of the historical Scotiii.li background of the broom and stane. Weather-bound at Prince George Monday night, the trio showed a keeh in erest In the city, Us sports hd The Citizen plant, which they -.: Ited, Thoy expressed appreciation kindness shown them by C.m-a'dians'wi-d-voiced Uie hope weathei /Udilloiw would allow Uiem to pend u lew days in the city.' The officers were Lieut, JByron J. Beat tie, a newspaper -nd -printing plant propmetor at Portland. Ore., in civil life; Lieut. ArUiur H. Lyceit, formerly associa:ed wiUi the adver-: ing tinn of N. W. Aycr and Son, Philadelphia, 'and Joseph M-:TJylor ii Richmond, Virginia.
Close to $2,000. Raised in District; Large and Small Centres Responding.
Gordon Burton Seriously Hurt At Shelley Mill
jive Crowd Applauds Interesting Fancy
1 liigli at, Uie;
[ carnival held -by
the Uvlc Arena laet Frl
oluier and civilian d uieir prowess applause °lroin Ui»
colorfully decorated
iia, oolloons aim Hags
itumes than expected appetu-ttrice but they jacclve, Among them ii..:- •¦.. .hiia.ily (jri'.-.t-u yh, dcvsled and tr, sailor gtr), Holland llyuogs iimt put on. an j savage man, East In-funny paper girl, two eighteenth century Miiple Leaf hockey 1 grinder with his mon- money for his ef-angels, young s»ldier, 1 legionnaire, tiny cos-ner, aalnty (jreen and txamp,' Scotch lad [oriental dancing girl,
lady. Mrs. Volde f).
gentleman, • Marie uiiilre). iy, Mrs. M- AJtcWson
tUleman, Pte. George |lady, 'Betty Moffat ntleman,
Rifles, Rangers Staged Thrilling Overtime Tilt
Play Three Extra Periods Last Night Before Rifles Win 7-5 to Move into Final Series With Headquarters; Pr. George Eliminated
Hockey history was made here at 1 o'clock this morning - ' when Rifles snatched victory from the Rangers by a 7-5 score Ic branch of after the two tired teams battled through three hectic peneds of r:c.a.P. Ho overtime in the semi-finals of the City Hockey League
Rifles and Headquarters open a best three out of five final series Sunday at 1:30 p.m., and will meet again next Wednesday, turned back Print*** ¦ , _-
New Order May Hamper Trucking Into Central B.C.
Plan Surprises For Red Cross Ice Show Here
Many Novelties Arranged by Carnival Committee for Big „ Winter Event February 19.
If advance, work and wide plan mng count, for much then the Re CiCcS ice carnival >echeduled fo j^e-bru ry i'J in Uie Civic Arena wi jc outstanding.
The committee, headed by W. H ¦Jimmy" James, is arranging several Innovations this year-thai arc oehevedto be'sure-fire hits. A num-
Millwright Apparently Seized by Drive Belt; Has Multiple Fractures and Abrasions.
Gordo:i Burton, 24 years, lies In rince George-Hospital with severe Juries suftered at McLean's Saw-
nill at Shelley. His condition today reported iiG "slightly Improved." Brought to.hospital-Monday, Burin yras f-und to have sustained n
r^ctured skull, fractures of Uic up-
p»r and lower left :irm, left Uilgh nd riKht foot, lung injury, six frac-ured ribs arid severe cuts and abra-16ns. He Ls Ix-liii; ui tended by Dr
7 G. MacArthur.
Biirton", a millwright,'oald he was iot cert iIn in w'nai manner the ac-ldenl occurred. With twoipUier em-ployet« he had bom lixlng a sprocket, chain and had turned to'adjust an-cthcr belt. Tliat was nil he remembered. It Is tliouuht he was cr.uirht by one of the belts and whirled
round.^Moct of his clotliei were torn from'Kls body.,, /
By Tucxlay of this week die minimum objective of $1,000 Tor Prince Jeorge and dLstrici was passed In the campaign for the Canadian Aid o Riuj'sia .Fund. The treasurer Of he looJl committee, Frank Smith, umounced $1111 had'been received and' more wn.s coming In. )
An unofficlarreport »ow sous U'.1 returns close to' $2,000.
As predicted by John Mclnnls, cimpjign chaiiman; Frank' Clark* sccteuuy. and A. B. Moffat, fin.; nc committee chairman, the response to the worthy appeal has been splendid, contributions rolling In from tuaxxy points bc:we^n Vnndcrhool ;.nd Red Pass und north and south of yie C.N.R..line. DONATIONS
'-v Following are, ueveral special turns that came as pleasa-nt to the committee
Children of Central Fort/Ueori School, $C.73. ' V'
•A FrieJid," who ls/€ res
rince George. $25^
Proceeds of a^riuncc siwnsored by
Boys' race, 6 to 10 years—1, Jon Moffat; 2, Andrew Simonskl. •
Girls' race, 10 to 12 years—1, Ml dred Brian; 2, Donna Styles, . Boys' race, 12 to 14—1. Bobby O*r mlchael; 2, M- Shaw. '
Girls' race, 12 to ,14—Mildred Brian; 2, Doris MarUioit.
Boys' race, 14 to 10—1, BUI Home-wood; 2, Boboy Carmiciiael.
Glrla' race, 14 to 16—1. Grace Houglan.
Men's half mile—-I, W. P-schal; 2. E. H. Clark.
Men's mUe—1, W.'Paschal, winning cup; 2, Bill Blactcburn.
Oople race— 1, Grace Rougoh and Bill Blackturn; 2, Ma-riojn Boyle und A. Orlofl.
Potato luce—1. BUI Home wood; 2< Howard Witt.
soldiers' raoe—1, E. H. Clark/-'2, D. F. Zuble.
(otarians Hear Rev- Runnalls Tell of His Work
When a man Is making the best off his utente he is being saved sptr-.j tually. ajid When he ts waiting them &> Is lost.
That is the.belief of Rev. F. E. RunnaUs, who addressed fellow Ro-truins on "My Work." at luncheon Friday in thc Shasta Cafe.
Purixise of his work, like that of Rotary, was to make people better and ihe world a beuer place In which to live, he said. It was his hope to plant faith in 'others, in good. In ft Uow-sliip among men and faith tot a better world. He did not believe In cramming ideas down aijothet'fi •Jiro.it; he preferred to broadca^: right thoughts in the hope Uia-t they would take seed.
Mr. Runnalls told several amusing Incidents that had occurred dur. # his minis: ry-
He read a letter from Rev./LloyJ Morrison, Methotilut mlnUer.hcrc from 19H to 1916, Up-which Mi. MorrUon related that^vhen he
George 6-3 l.'.st night. The Prince Ge.rge iKju-d was badly h ndl a. ped by Uck of capable substitutes. The wore soxl 1-1 at the end of the first period a.id 2-2 at -the end of Uie second. SIM. AV GAMES
In the firj»i games of t!:e playof: series Sunday. -Meiadquarters trlm-med Princ-e George 11-7 and Bifles dewned Itange.s 10-7.
But «k> 8;une that will kec-p uw hockey fane tajklng for a.- long time is the Riflcu-Hangers affair that begui last night and finished this morning, after 30 minute* of thrill-intj overtime plW'-
All the excitement, suspense, tiirill and smart piaylng of the m.i-. jor leagues were wrapped up in Uie •¦midiiiyht special." The -coiv was 3-3 at Uie end of the threp regular periods. ' y4
The third overtime stanza got under «;iy with the board read-Ing 5-">. and it'was Lewis wlio. broke the ,Mc m» » P1""-1* 'rom Marzo ar'2:35. Then at. 4:57 ¦ Mann picked up tin- puck from Tn,rnbltv to bring rondu-ive vic-
Der of til'ese will be in Uie natui'e
. - rin i drawing up the progn iising the technique of radi^'scn.i writers ~*> that nil eVent^aoyetaU a;-.: one will'follow ano<1icr closely
M\aX getting on in fancy costume
ItL- by 8 p.m.. as the sheet will be closed judges will be picked
Ml CO»tfcSliUltj> Will
stand In their rc-noi mixed n.s i".
Traffic en all small brldg the Quccnel highwi ut^<; vi
Srrathn ver lin.s been limited to a gross load of 10 tons acj« lini n 6rder of Ho:u HertpsC An comb p: jviiu-!a>a:inis:fr ^rpubllc works.
The regulation pi*':fs no indication as to when tb^restrictioh will be lifted. X
This ruHng Is expected to mater-lally affect freighting by truck into Prince George "district.
Last Rites lc/ Bend Meitnant
Hans Hansp*^52 years', well-knowi old t3iher>w Bend,.'passed away u UnivereKy Hospital at Edmonton oi fry26, ajid was ljuried in Princ, Ogc ceme:cr>' Ty ¦?• Funer-1 services weris conducted by Rev. F. E. RunnalU; in Assman' Funeral Cliapel.
Pallbearer^ were Juries Hooker, O Elllfson, Ken Irwin, K. Andexsoi T. M WaCson and A. Miller.
Mr. Hanson had. operated n gen cr;l stores at Bflid' for the past 1 years.
he C.CJF..
Island nd emp
Fire Destroys Shed, 23 Chicks
n preparation (or U:i.- popular There also will be a musical i by a troupe of girls.- anJ , ..;.; p rform on the ice. uile relay race will be held for Ufles, Rangers -iul Headguay-and a mjle op«nrace Is pUn-In addicloh there will be a ,;uck carrying contest.
Kfon«> are'being itiade by the committee to arrange a short ill-star- hockev match to'conclude the
Funeral Held For 0. Presho
The funeral of Oran Pre.-Jio, years, who succumbed w> injurt«» buffered while working- at Strvm ^ logging "camp, was held Saturday at •j.30 p.m. from Asshian's Funeral Chapel.
¦ Rev. Father John J. QUJwclcy officiated. ;
Pallljpiirers were O Slattan, O. P. Olson.' P. Strandberg and L. E. Strom.
Mr. Preslio (leaves to mourn hlii less one sister. Mrs T King. Peers.
Fire d< 3 chicks
/Lei Bunt tjley' rnajc
couple, Shirley and
[(clowns), d j»y, John MacArthur
girl. Donna Styles Ross Hocking Lois Hocking (crgan
Will Speak on New Education Policy for B.C.
Johann Phlllipson, Williams school principal; will speak on "A Sound Educational Policy for Brit lah Columbia." before members c Uhe Prince George Parent-Teachers Association at a special meeting to morrow (Friday) at 8 p.m. In the elementary school.
The B.C. Teacners' Federation believes that the time has come when the public should be "fully and accurately Informed about the inadequacies of present provincial policies regarding educational finance." The Federation (eels that unfair distribution of coste of education Is a common problem facing Jll citizens of this province, and Umt revision of present and past policies is an Immediate problem to be fJced. Teachers contend immediate redistribution of education casts on a more equitable bmis would assist In obtaining more equally of educational opportunity for children, re- f it Uey llve ln
Morrison rci«u«i uw .>>.».-.. ••>. — coming to South Port 'George he was wirned by thc^ superintendent o: missions thaKne was "«omg Into -he mouth of/hell." Tlie superintenuen: and ajw'ther official liad seen tljc side pr life at So'jth For; a sliort time before when Johrwon of U»e' famous Johnson liquor bar mistook the two visitors for real estate agents,
Dr C. Ewcrt, club president read telegrams and letters of congratua-tlon on the club's receiving of a Ko-tary lnternatlon:l charter. .Communications came from Cuba. Denver.' Seattle. Kamloops. Newj Westminster. Portland, Maryland, Wisconsin. Ottawa, Bevelstoke-CHhtfEO. Los Angeles, C.'.lffarj'. and the president of Rotary Internatlcnal.
Harry Johnston tailed By Death
REVELSTOKE—Harry Johnston. Liberal member of the British Co-umbia LegUrature for Revelstoke passed away at nearby Arrowhead of a heart ailment. He had been ill „ week. He was 59 years old and a native of Teeswater. Ont.
First elected to ihe Legislature in the general election of 1937,.he wa i U eneral election o
Mnry Crocker (sal-Oleri Valde (Robin
race—l, by Guiles.
gwdleas of wiietner Uiey llve ln urban or rural areas, ri£h or poo districts.
Mail Censored
VANCOUVER — Mall going iron Vancouver to Victoria is being sub Ject i© censorship.
re-elected in Uic general election of
He leaves his wife nnd a son, Wallace at home, and a daughter^ Mrs. McCuJh)Ch, at Port Albenil.
te of.fn.-i Is said today tha r'lo>t Uie '--.inie when Trom-«ived a minor iav.ead of a penal:;.' In Uie first^h If of :he first overtime aiter grappling with the referee, Bob Canxm, for calling him for cross-checking. Pans , nd Rlayers Joined In that bit of [excitement. PLAY I NIHCK PRpTEST
Kolodzy ar.'-assault. ^
The pa me war, by f.ir the brst of the season and a large crowd yelled Its approval.
The pressure put.on by Rangers, who ended In last place In Uie regular league schedule, ws
stroyed a chicken s>hed tTuesdaj at 12:26 p.m ' ,: - :'¦.'>: Mrs Carl o nue e3st. Firemen late to save aoyailng Chiei D. O. Fraser.
funeral Service For H. Richmond
• Funeral of Harry Richmond, 49 years', who died Ln his room In a citj hotel Friday nu:ni:i-. was held Wednesday at - p.m. f'rohi Awiiwn's Fuiieraj Cii.ip l. Services'were under auspices' It riie'Anny & Navy Veterans: and Rev. F. E. Runnalls
Rotary Club Plans Barrel Sweep
To raise money for a children's swimming i»=l Mid for the Queen's Fund ;o aid British children.affected by :he war. Prince George Rotarv Club will sponsor a barrel sweep-sia.ke m the Frnser River this year.
'in. making 'jtli« announcement this week, cliib'. directors K\ld UiQ prjoceevis would be ;dlvided etiuaHy between the twb programs. N\> date hoB been -set fcr the event
Trapped and Prospected in Northern British Columbia Before Construction Days.
intain Mines Limited $136. Thkj sum was and sent here by Wells , of Trade.
anonymous donation of $5 was received ln the mail. The envelope, narked only "Can <11an AiI
pecial work at Win nip-'::.
Curfew Powers May Be Extended in B.C.
VICTORIA—One of the measures to be introduced at this session of
but the pace was ux> fast fcr them Uie British Columbia hd t less men | !i opens Tuesday
They had two less men .A.!:iCn opens Tuesday. Ls a curies bill emixjweriiig th6 gc*ernment to
to keep up.....
than Rifles In the game and tnu advantage for Rifles showed in the overtime periods when Uie ice was sticky. .
S'-lvaggio. Francis. Marzo and Kuard were outstanding.
Butt*-!- rairon n.is beencut tempor> arlly by one-thu'd to D.alntaln Uie butter supply Jujlnj-Ohe season ol low produeilrn ano to vw.ro equtt-abJe dLstributlon. tho WarUrne Prices and TrJde Bo.ud haw announced.
ill empowering / g [•signatp certain places In unorgan-.•fd district* when- curfew may bo •reclaimed. ..--
For North Road From Pr. George
Homer T. Bone. U.S senaWi M Washington'state, is behind a in Uie United Sta'.'1- •-'¦ '¦ ¦' ;:' tt-ould give authorization to co struction-of a military -••;•: •• '¦¦ \vuy^.uniiiin; fr-m Prince George
Af -sku.
Thc bill Is i !>¦"¦ • :1 wu|! '"•" ; iroxiiict-d m ;!"•'¦ H ; ¦ ;v'¦' ' ¦itivi-.s Jaiiu.uy '> <>; '¦¦L' •''¦ ¦'¦' '¦' Alaska.- Anthony U- Dlniond. .
Vanderhoof Trade Boards Elects 1943 Officers
VANT^ratHOOF—T. G. LudgaU Uie president of Vanderhoof Bo-of Trade; having ixx>n re-elected Lhe annual meeting. OUier officers we ^f G. Ki'ir. vice-president, and George Ogsloh, secretary-treasurer. Those named to the executive wi'iv , H F Wallace. O. N. Jacobson. Dr. W. Ross Stone; H. V. Taylor and K. A. JVhlm.
Red Cross Corps Grows
The Canadian Red Cross-Corps, organized 18 montlis ago. has 4100
G B. Williams
Eid. SjaritlbfrrB, J
Cbrless, J-"-. ar.i
Wlkdahl. Geon don. J.J- CD.-Unless,-J. S:itr i?tyles, Carl I R. Peever, A H ertconj F. E Cli ndoin, Mr Alfred Miller. D- Pefera Pejuiliigton, H. W.ilclp;,.--A. Aronso'n. -Rir-h Arbn Aroivwn. R. E. fcCann, '¦ RanisayiiD L Wvlif- L. FV>
1, C. U
I eei ttn.-k Cad-.. o. c K 1, Sivi nxm. E. Wi i'dsi rt, L. YaTdley, .fcCabe, D A.
bto thi
he ear.1} [x-ctor all
::. ire :''¦-1 t:-a-
CJii-er. W
liing. R- 'I
deJong, C
Wilson. D. McDonald
McB. Voung. L- E. H
Fe.orl Smith. O N i friends far. Taylor, W-E. Brow::, s genial narj Motors Ilul.. Mr n< generosity, j Fraser, I Spaner J a he :1th for | M. Moron, G V I
contly %v>'ir treatment
Mr: (St-c
W G.
- Mrs.
: win.
Man's Death Due To Abscess, Hemorrhage
Not Caused by Beating Up,
Doctor Tells Coroner's Jury
Veteran Dies in Hotel.
members, 500
and approximately 10.000 in emergency nursing "reserve?-
Harry Rlchmon .a downtowii lion :.,m. a.s a result ,i hcinon-li ge ol jury found al
man bo fore hLs c;
49 years, died in Friday about 6 .ui absceivs aji:i Brain, » coroner's influest Monday Funeral Chapel. ,-tTO.aUended the :h and conducted aid he
poi He had . swollen oye.
of the head, bmplained of
noises in his
Vag Goes to Jail
A vagrant appeared in City Police Court last SfftOrday on two charees oX»i>eggingi On one he was Gentcnced !o"'two- weeks at hard labor, and on tiie second was bound' over to keep the peace for one month.
-WILLIAMS LAKE—Owing to extreme cold m-ather, deep snow and pcor roads, the.'town of Willlnms Lake experienced 9 meat sliorta^*' ifcently With some modersuion in :;„ weather the -situation was eased: a little. ;"""
a post-mortem examihatlor fouSaiiatece^ oh the right side of
the bnuii and a hemorrliage in th> brain in the left rrontol, lobe.
uld have been quite o m-in," he said
. M case^
di wife of the de-jury her husband
....... q u ; .... from tlv-
.'".:' , ¦¦-'.: or Lyoti ted tha:
neither ilie condition of the man.-.
¦ '. ,¦ ¦.. nick on the i-fad haJ
been enough to cause the hemon-
•I do not think his death was dm' to a beating up at all," the ,lr malntalnwl. coroner W. M. SWn'ncf presided
and the following were Juryman
A. B. Moffa-t, foreman; .1 G Ranby.
K, H. Dougla.< J. J. Lynch, Bruce O
Parker. Jack Nicholson.