13 BOARD OF TV AT1 610:,00"0 !;OR YJ^. its m miki hi \ ......(,,M ViliiamK Strikes the n> Uii ,.;i.. � Comniittecis tint th: rmu.in: Summl , i year ry're^H6fceii l.ioi tw t.Yu\ ii-. ., cltr-nw -, \ "'' v-'*-"�< >v )-.< )vai nv.ui/ no orovi-sio? foi hv V/unor: Gonttlbutcc ,;...;;;; .,..;'�'';�� "��������-��.�. htwj hftttp payment ��of M3rfca"i Britain' wtt, -uh GH�ftiipiotis Mv Ggusc'-ol Ptiiiiai*] ''''>�"' Nbtliiiii Baci OH :t^'>'< - W-illianu ixiu :'.:<.'^t.l ol the.lncul hrniri ? 7 ^^ tlv "liuni M.'--; f/) iiv:p-- � _ l (1:-a-.i. .;.�!. ,�., v... *�� Vi '*ir lYliU^J, O i W'ibPWi :i! bom 'Q II ,::U ?j: '�' ' :� . . .'" i \.' i: t '��IV-.', l.f �"'Min 1;!"!..", � ' .-.:vi i 13 r'.nnii""; n: n ;:- , j. . r- mi ;:�., ruxl'cn i'-'. uli ^ij^1'* ��.T �; Jyt : n aoi mud: u � 'OniniL :-n|!'. 1 .. � ' i \i\\\. ; im : ^ '"!� n i i --Miti un i tho Uiiporte Mcntsd fn: :: i.i URCiVf bO�C'd :.'' Cruel! :: ,: the aTitsatudi :.� tiu :<:'::u^.}. '.7: 'S.:< waj n ;:.:�� ;, H; siuc there vrnrf rr.i.: � vt; y aevelapniGnl wihich hitd enms jg ;;h cliKSriol l:i�c firsJ bf-ft: ..��:"�� �'"in:1; ; ii'D-f: an< SlliTinii a: f Swumi s-.'"f hytiro dfwUonmmi : jwnovtah v/hothm the; v;ouj :: i:i"- �.�.ru r�:tOTiS!.n7 .-. th-^li :.-t,,-i>-.--.i.��: ilnrv- in.--. Prlruv &port?( "Ki/ executive ��>� r.hr u.-)(>~.- v.. �� mt{Qvrt into the proposes /!;-:-:� irn! :-.;c->v-h' fron Pi'ltice Georg ?Ui.rJ:nrvflle ' et*j�aiilc; 7 V';�iw> GHRMANTi IS t^vFI tfcsa <. lorife't*ctic< Oo .'.-�*;'t-.i P. -iruiri p-(i ii,'; <_, .-w l.ill/l.-U, ii ,miI.N. / v IIX-( l.,lv", .in l,.,.i *l..ri.-w. i I\. finhi�n->1 !>� .1.-, ��:� ?�;-! -v,. i,'. li �- � �� v,w .iriiril/ �MJ.'. rn.->".-�.-, i- lupus! -:c. xite easi .: ai :' � . ?r^i.: 'i-r soirtis r-.; Qus :.��: . \ ssi au rsplaoed tihe aid B boVrwi..r.r: and '..-|;. rofid to >T-i:-: r*��� ;.' ;. et-a Opinion Europe Suffering Attack of Jitters I-car I> At the Bottom ot I "r.:\-s{ ^V hich Ilir-.-^tcns itvr Pt*csen� ice oi the ^ orW roi-t -�.::-.�.-. i BtnnPT �wrt T1MF ONI Y CAN CURE j >=iidl=E3 for7 thft provinciaV o'^c^-J _ EdH-diy_ R\tra BAtalIHxris ^Shc lie bu!JcLng of the �'."rp:v..'>:>r ./oo '' ./ to Qaasae] ana the naaktng available] Insisted Upon :'. \ line :o Ev^mo Creek; aixl \h( ; establshrnen-t o! the Pinevfe"w lj::i , Gone\*a. Apr.' i.; ^X'.-.c; :��%,�� : :�,:, .'� ~..i :.:-.~ :�?n advoe.it<"-d by :he b.^rd ' pacts are skepi e�l a^ to*��-<�:'. ,i p\v �-,-,,^ :�.�� reta/'n hopes for the securing ol most j e tAblished lit.Ue i^-\-.--.-,v:. :' � p* the things the board is at present | world is sufforins :�.�.��� i ---re for. He said ho was prepared of ��jitters" whlc.lv nqthins Im�* to admit that a number of the im- passage ol i\uw �>:� likely vo inimvr provements he had-UstednvUght .have Foixed e\irt-a'lment of arnvymrnt �a-- \\\r>)\\ ih^i !( come to the district eventually without the ^rood offices of the bonrd, but �* was equally true the act vities of Uie board had hastened all of them, ^nri 5ome of them might not have eventuated but for the bonrd of trade A ecnerous round of applause was ^corded the secretary on the termination of his remarks. President Williams announced the following standing committees of the board for the ensuing year: Public ty�R. A. Renwick.. .' w Kelly, Jacob Leith. I. B. Guc t and W. L. Horrusby. Entertainment�W. 1,. Armstrong, ��V M. Patterson. C. H. Wisenden. M c- Wiggins and W. H. Crocker Agriculture�Harry Bowman. A H at, R. w. Alward. C C Reid have failed to euro tho r-ti �� � In �'lrw o! i.hf When thr rtll'os iH-i^r.i thrnv-rlvr:. rtl' � <�� ���ii'1 [\\r r>. m Versailles to all t.ho unn'rvl up'vj.tilM revnt'p'1 "'" !'r over Geriuanv ih<-\ wan(r�l liu'\ >'\ '� ;\ sr>vioi of ne>r 1'. '-A not crt that fWllnH ol s Whov nl the Genniuvs. thi\nks In tlu< Uiin Ii Vrnn wciv thus UmlUni to �> prod :shmol ".i,<\; nrmy ol loo.txv.i, t)u> rrenrh mKUPd |h'- hevo that it \v"!>.>; :\ morr drtUEr-roup i '' '' aijijressivo woapon Ihnn :i "�<"> '': M'1 '>'-t>- army I3ul whcii the Oovuiiuip t^mnu ln ' �>d back to eot\�cri|)tloii ihry ����ir. 1i> hue h�M-(i!n"- .'I 1! lumc ulUiUOl'in.iF In 1-Vaiu-c':. cy<\s TllOSC tt ))<> III Illlmt'' \;\ fidci nt- Ki>l Hnin � control. Hi"1 Hrll r-h r^pln-inoil l�r n I '' ���>'"�" ��"',. iv ' ..in fiucri vshi 'M ii '< � Ii 11 ... 1 a Hnsfslp ,,n,| , �, ,.| ,. \\ ii'. 1..- i 1*1 p ,-li:c.l in I .-,�: I totl "I ' :' ' '->< l;' >' '�'> = U�rt'1 "'� Us til I,, O Hi.. I hoy were un iblr t and L. Zimmaro. their nun Timber�E. E. Grogg, John Mcln- the il.nuvf l.]vil 'rniiin nis, p. n. Taylor. Hen II < '� Perry miifht !��� ir and A. p. Andersen. , Sinn- l.l'-rr H I.I Transportation�Dr, c* Ewpyi �' ' the 1.11.tie Kni-m.- hn Henderson. Ken Irwin, A S Bn rcl tlaU>d, i!.<- ITTiIk!� n vuU and George Prudente. r.rcnUtl, i,'u.i;i nnd !!� Industries�Joshua Keller, W Mun- buried the hnlch�'i \t\ r:' J. Scott and S. J. Watson -fl the; I/'ukuv of NaMoi Merchants�C. C. Reid, Karl Ai � ami H i .�'� ' ' "�' ' �'�"'� derson, p. w. Bunion and W ii ..u I vnl ...I I '.Ml, i, I inp. :ii.'im.l ' ;ni ii oh :n| i-nni r "I In !i("! in ! and ""'��' I if Ihr V ' =Hil]rk= � rofll I i � n 11111 i 1 o,,. I > I. 1,1 illi-. ol. .,,> not ......:�:�.. � 11�--. :r.lf 6ii-i,,io ... , . I, i K.,i I. ,.!.,, .1..., M, Cl, I,III ai,.....,.,.!.,.,! ,.�� i;,.!,) ,.i i.>,.;... � � � ,� ..u.i.. I n.i,,..i. f.,| ,, . i .,1.1 : i I,..! ..ill .. V 4 ,,1,1...) i >. II.. I.. Ml N I IM )M \>\ III I < AMI". ( M\ \ I I S< \ N| AT Illl I i [ SJ >AY '.I '>'.!< >N I I,., I i.s II.. � I....... I ... I 1. it .,. < � r i A;.i jl !<: Mr-i. Fi iini I I.- CVrf-Ji" fu .1 .....1 ,,..Ul I, following a discussion the ship rate was set at $3.00 *:- uing y^or. rhere was a somewhat '.:. _r �'��'� on a suggested amendn �� � raun'cipal bylaw ;"��� ; i'-r" of shops with a �/���'. iv''"\v* f-'^rrv ^ stay open '9'ock on Saturday evening." partlcipatixl In bv Karl . 1 John K>:'y C. C F � .-: � I I,, .,11 ' - tilth which the rrieri in fclie a noppi r.? motion ri ? D- Tavlr� CECIl'. RHODHS TO MAKE t.mf,,.,r April 17�tt ha� ,been GOVS'RNMBNf PROPOSES ' . SUPPLEMENTARY vui RELIEF OF v^30,000,000 Ottawa, April 16�Sir George Per-ley, government leader, today announced a "supplemerrtnTy relief yofe of $50,000,000. One half of the vote will be advanced to the CPJR. and O.N.R4 companies for the providing of new equipment, to be manufactured m the shops of the respective companies thus increasing employment. The remaining fifteen million has been' allocated chiefly to public �works of various Ictads. to Liberal members "� signing r ta'n reservations ANADA WILL MAK "���� finally 50 'eminent : the house pr the day. INTENSIVE SEARCH FOR I _ . DEPOSiTS OF GOLD Ottawa, April 17�The federal government will ?v>ond $1,000,000 this summer in an intensive search for gold deposits. It te proposed to send �out 900 men ^n parties of five. oarX of which will be-assisted by experienced geologists. Twentv of the parties have been ^signed to. British Columbia, The results of the search will be rendered available for prospectors. The program cnnt�mt>1">'>*-concentration of prospecting in most likely areas as determined by the geologists. f.r:r. RSOM - n r� t IN BERLIN f.F.SlFMX* i FOR WESSEr VJUR7XPR Berlin, ^pril ��'� Two '"............"" beheaded rv-N '����-^�y '�: ~ - murcfer of JSoret We sel vho five y--- sgn was an outstanding Nazi horn. One of the victims was 1 Jew named Sal-liepstein, and '.he other Hans Ziglcr. The kUluig of Wessel was admitted but thedef^neo- offered was that Wessel had been mistaken for an eviction officer in the act of evicting a woman. �