Heard At McBride ing full last tin1' .SWl 11 W ber of the past week harvest-,ions have been going ,r Wet weather of the li;iys will hold up the for a few days, but a the farms have been �eshed out and in some n crops are showing Some clover seed has and results have ali"ei places rrfiptl y' , been Ssfactory. Several farmers bee" ?mm 50 to 100 acres In have i'1"!! st0D ' ,t home service was held ,,,,1's United Church on evening and the church �tcfully decorated with id flowers mostly grown local citizens. Services irlucted both llatvi fin St. � ! sunila.v was I ruits a iv the Webb had the misfortune to fall and break his arm. He has been a patient in McBride Red Cross Outpost Hospital for several days. Mrs. Clara Boyd of Dunster is a patient in hospital, having been taken ill at her home and rushed in for treatment. A number of McBride young folk travelled to Dunster on Saturday evening and McBride orchestra was also in attendance. McBride Public Library has been re-opened and books can be secured both Saturday afternoon and evening each week. Now that the nights are getting longer we may require to catch up on some of our reading. If the new books are required, see the librarian or you if McBfj noiincc baki'H-their bu noon. le Women's Institute an- they will hold a home ;ilo and afternoon tea in ilding on Saturday after- spen ling Commissioners are considerable money this idcwalks; those being this year being of ce-,,-l of Main Street and nues are his is a great .improve-the old wooden ones TETE JAUNE The Forestry Department showed an educational movie at Tete Jaune school on Friday. Miss Margaret Bomer, formerly of Grande Prairie, is visiting the Martens. Charles L. Rathbone is' in receiving at-1 Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancouver :..........." for treatment. Miss Anita Stewart, Miss Louise overflo ices in i?h am Singinc from I. fine ?>': Mr. family Mr. Ak ire repairing almost jGarneau and Ronriy Garneau, of McBride wore week-end guests of ides have been made xod Neighbor. of McBride airport j jo]in Fandrick sold his car to i, bui it is doubtful if- Bernard Hornick. completed thus fall, j Mr. \y. Duncan Sr., of Jasper, has been visiting his son. Buster, the past week. Frank Coggins of Jasper, is working for Nergaard Sawmills. Ear-ling Nergaard has purchased a l!)r>i Dodge. Mrs". F. Schorh of McRride and Mis. Minds of Calgary were recent Tete Jaune visitors. Tho-two young ladies rode horseback from McBride and return., staying overnight at Carr's to weather conditions. If r'K is held up on account or snow, it will be com-n the spring. i i\v Theatre was filled to viiv-' on Sunday evening the combined church serv-aid of funds for the Brit-I Foreign Bible Society, was good, and the choir imming'Mills �ave several actions; irvl Mrs. Don Aker and have leaft for a vacation, ast by car from McBride. e.r is manager of the Bank f Nova Scot ia. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anderson ml family have returned after ponding a holiday with relatives Ubcrtn. Mrs. .1. Lee is a visitor here : : Vancouver, the guest of her : tor and son-in-law, Mr. and Irs. T. W. Fleming. Koi Clark, Albert Brown, Sr., � ' Robert S. Fells were McBride � over the week-end from � While here Mr. Brown �' ii some property on urth Avenue and it is expected II build in the near future. and Mrs. Moo Arbour and nily loft on Sunday by car for Iflmonton on business and expect 1 '"� away for a week. Mrs. It. .1. Anderson and son, 3n. returned home after spend- i? a holiday in the Alb.erta capit- NVhile playing, Master Gary HOSPITAL DAY The Red Cross Outpost Hospital <* McBRIDE will be "At Home" >o oil (own and district residents on Sunday, Oct. 6 from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. This is the Annual Hospital Day 'or McBride. Any donations will be gratefully accepted. 724T NATIONAL FLAG DESIGN � A. L. Caron of Montreal submitted this flag design to the National Flag Committee believing it to be truly Canadian in conception and execution. The cross is white on a blue background: the 10 stars, blue on a white background; the maple leaf, white on a red background. Ferndale News Ladies of the community club held a shower for Miss Dorothy Pickering whose marriage to John Perry is to take place on September 29. A carriage full of 1 lovely gifts Was wheeled into the hall by little Esther Perry and Susie Walczuk. A delicious lunch was served. A successful dance was held on Saturday night with the Rhythm Ranch Hands supplying the music. They will also be playing at the next dance to be held GISCOM Oct. 6 with Mrs. J. Evensen, Mrs. J. MacDonald and Mrs. F. Scott on the committee. Mr. and Mrs. J. Evensen took a drive up to the Parsnip River on Sunday. Mrs. F. Scott left on Saturday for Castlegar to visit her sister who i.s very ill. Sidney Nystrom is on a holiday in Saskatchewan. Vernon Schofield had his eye hurt while working in the bush. Farmers are busy digging potatoes and vegetables. Prince George Citizen Thursday, September 11, 1951 7 Policeman: "Why didn't you give the lady her half of the road?" Motorist: "I was going to as soon as I found out which half she wanted." Dunster General Store We are prepared to meet all your needs. Visit or write us. R. P. HA AN Mrs. Yosh and Erria Kanashir left on Saturday for a month's Abe Dorekson from Tedding-tbn, Sask., was a. week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John visit with her mother and father' Jan?en< in Brooks, Alberta. Mrs. Lou Rivard and two small sons arrived on Saturday morning to spend a month with her sister Mrs. Pete Norbeck}, and sister-in-law, Mrs. Bill Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. John Swasitsy and Lenard returned on Thurs-Ranch i day from a three-week trip to and also visited the Mills and j Saskatchewan, United States and Neighbors. j Okanagan Valley. Ernest Chart- Tete Jaime's Indian summer j riind Wils also on tl10 triP-weather has disappeared, and winter snow is creeping lower n the mountain peaks. Tete Jaune Community Club members are asked to watch for a poster annoncing a club meeting. A good many people are anxious to get the card parties started again. rand was also on the Mrs. Johnny Neaf and son Charlie are on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Nellie Mq'tt has returned after spending several months on a trip to the United States and the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Campbell and two sons, Arthur and Ronnie of Edson. spent a few days visiting his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Campbell, and their parents, Mr .and Mrs. George A. Campbell. Henry Tall and family have moved into the house formerly i iccugied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hallwas. I � E � L '51 SUPER TWIN POWER CHAIN SAW Guts in any timber, any position. The unlimited power of this value-packed performer is tops. New EEZY-FEED Va Pitch Planer Chain has great capacity, longer life, no kurf drag or binding. SEE IT ! TRY � New Tailsfock � Improved , Oiler � Improved Helper's Handle � Increased Cooling Capacity � New Concentric Float Carburetor Fill in and mail for particulars: I Name Address ........................................................... Dealer: LAMMING GARAGE & McBride, B.C. EQUIPMENT Distributor: PURVES E. RfTCHlE & SON LTD. 658 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. DUNSTER Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Read and family arrived from Vancouver Island to again take up farming in tin1 district, having purchased the Dyer farm. Community Hall Association will hold a special meeting in the hall Friday night. Sept. 28, where arrangements will he made to take care of the wood supply and other work needed to prepare for the winter months. William Irvine held a meeting sponsored by the C.C.F. in the Community Hall Thursday. It was not^ very well attended hut the few who turned out heard a good address. Mrs. Clare Boyd is a patient in McBride Hospital, and Mrs. H. Groenveld, who was a patient, has been discharged. Ed Wilson returned to his duties as teacher and opened school with IG pupils, and is again operating the school bus. R. P. Haan returned Sunday from a motor trip through B. C. and the States, returning via Alberta, where Mrs. Haan remained to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rawson returned home last week after spending their holidays motoring through southern B.C. and returning home through the States. They were accompanied by their daughter and 'grandson. FOR HARD WEAR... U.W.U. Overalls and Coveralls Now in Stock. "Everything for the Male' Jimmy Stewart B from � SPEED GLAZE is the new modern way to polish cars. Just wipe it on, wipe it off, for the most beautiful shine you've ever seen. "Speed Glaze" is a silicone polish, developed by the industrial chemist to clean and becutify in one operation � with no cleaner required. VACATION LUGGAGE like the smart suitcase in the picture has benefited from Chemistry. It is covered with "Fabrilcoid", a coated fabric made by C-I-L. "Fabrikoid" is supplied to other manufacturers, who turn it into shoes, belts and suitcases, to mention a few. and McBride, B C JUST PRESS the button! Suntan lotion, perfumes, deodorants are easily applied by aerosols which depend on "Freon", the chemical propellent that makes them "go". YOUR UNSEEN SERVANT -CHEMISTRY A lot of C-I-L products are unfamiliar; a lot are known only in the form of finished articles. Take "Freon" for example. It is used as the propellent in aerosol bombs; it is also the chemical which keeps your electric refrigerator cold. "Fabrikoid" coated fabric is supplied by C-I-L to other manufacturers who convert it into suitcases, belts or book covers. In the same way C-I-L makes nylon yarn and staple fibre, but other companies make the nylon stockings, lingerie, or the seat-coverings pictured here. The things made by C-I-L are often obscure in the finished product. They bleach the towel, dye the dress or cool the refrigerator � all vital but little known tasks performed to create new and better things for you. In such ways C-I-L is constantly "Serving Canadians Thro.ugh Chemistry". CANADIANS take naturally to the outdoors, where the sportsman matches his wits and skill against the wild. C-I-L Ammunition is designed by men who know from experience what a sportsman needs. COUNTRIES far away use C-I-L products of many kinds. Here explosives are loaded aboard a barge on the first leg of a long journey to an Asian construction project. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES UNITED MONTREAL AUTOMOBILE manufacturers are always seeking refinements to provide you with a better car. One of the latest of these is nylon upholstery, made from C-I-L nylon yarn.