Cubs, Scouts Hold Christmas Program Fathe Cutii Drmco )>a- and P< ith tin ATTENTION BUSHMEN outs of tlie Fourth iavi Church last night for the pre-I'ark and Troop ['sen tat ion of their Christmas pro-ir paiciiis in '.he j gram. �l, Giles Presbyter-1 Official troop and pack flags .....umil at _____2J' were presented, to the group by [Mr. Pigunti of St. Giles Croup Com in it lee. Al>o presented was .the fjnion .lack. complete with crow 11 and standard. I Mil In-.r tire evening the Royal Stewart tartan neckerchiefs were also viewed, and the Cubs present-led a port ion-of their ritiRil for 1 he I parents, Parents were 1 hanked for their co-operation in 111�� recent drive for clothes hangers.; Almost 15000 i used hangers were collected by the Scouts and Cubs during the drive. Anyone who still has hangers i which were iwl picked up is risk-i cd to contact Iloh Gaultat r,71-1:-_'. Games wore enjoyed by those j attending. Mis.- \l. Ford spoke in favour f organixing a Mother's Auxiliary 1 the iicw vear: Place Your Orders! I have 16 head of heavy bush horses, matched teams. Contact George Streigler Vanderhoof Before December 31- . \ 949' What's the score? Foster THewitt and his son Bill arc taking time out from broadcasting hockey games to do thejr Christmas shopping. With the 1 954-55 season well underway, Foster Hewitt celebrates his 24th year of play-byplay descriptions of Canada's national sport, and his commentary is heard every second Saturday night on the Trans-Canada network. Mild Weather Balks! Rink Managers ; Con^inupd mild weather has' balked the efforts of rink manager ' Flurry Thackcr to lay a sheet of \ ice in the Civic Arena and there j is a dwindling prospect 1hat skai-| ers. and hockey players will be j able to limber up before the Christmas season. Also in prospect is the cancellation of a travelling ice show billed tri appear here next \\rcd^ nesday and Thursday. With the exception of a "few spots of shale ice. the ground at the arena is still bare, and it will be impossible to obtain a foundation for a good ice surface until the weather turns much colder. A-similar situation exists at the curling rink where caretaker Allan Gaugli has been baffk'd by the current above-normal temperatures. 4 Prince George Citizen Thursday, December 16 CIHL Hockey Games Start January 8,9 if Every lovely lady loves a gift of Jewellery . . . not only for itself, but for th? warm affection it expresses. Choose here the gift to make your lady happy on Christmas morn. Sparkling Rhinestones Sets in Rhodium � also � Jay Kcll Creations beautifully set in sterling' silver. LUSTROUS PEARLS/'NECKLACES and EARRINGS All Prices Jewel Boxes, Powder Bowls, with or without Swiss Musical Movement. COMPACTS, BRACELETS, BROOCHES, LOCKETS CROSSES, BI.LLFOLDS, CUFF LINKS, TIE SLIDES, CIGARETTE LIGHTERS in a variety of styles for him or her. . � ELECTRIC SHAVERS � This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control. Board or by the Government of British Columbia DON'T GROW ON TREES Are You Ready To Haul? Order Your New INTERNATIONAL NOW WE HAVE� . � 1 '52 Mercury 3-Ton, ready to haul. 1 '53 Mercury 3-Ton, like new. 1 '50 KBS8, excellent,condition. 1 KS5, good motor, good rubber.* 1 '51 Chev. 1-Ton Panel, good. 2 '51 Austin Vi-Tpn Pickups. 1 '51 %-Ton Jeep, excellent. WEST END MOTORS LTD. � Phone 285 � Fourth and Victoria. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS WATCHES~~^�For-, Grownups and Children | Omega, Bulova, Waltham, Elgin, etc. "' ^ R. B. Jeglum j THE WATCH SHOP | 363A George St. � Phone 709- $ If ice is available at Prince Jcorge- and Qu'esnel, tin- curtain-, will go up on a new Central Interior Hockey League season oil I January s and !>. witii \randcrho6f playing a double-header at the Civic Arena, and Williams Lake Stampeders travelling to Quesnel j for a double date with the titie-| holding Kangaroos. The lit."..", schedule was dr-erwn ' up recently at a meeting oMeaguo officials and has a of 21 games billed during a five-week .playing season.. . 1:! 11. s. 0--Vanderhoof at Prince George:,M; illiams Lake at Quesricl.J j;in-�'!.-,_ k;�Quesnel at Vander-j boor: Prince George at Williams "Lake. 1 jan, in�Prince George at Van-1 derhoof. ! Jan. 11. 23�Quesnel at Williams! Lake. | Jan. 2fi�Prince George at Van-f derhoof. Jan. 20. 30�Vanderhoof at Ques-; nel; Williams Lake at Prince i George, - \ f Peb. :,,.C � Williams Lake at j y Vanderhoof; Quesnel at Prince 8* George. | & Fell. 12. 13 � Prince. George at M Quesnel; Vanderhoof at Williams y Lake. { With the exception of the Jan. ! 5m 10, 2ii dates, all games are double- |? header. i & �_____ ______________________________. I s? 2* V w 5j? ii Kl'l'lMAT, B.C. (CP)�The first | i train crawled to the outskirts of � W this wilderness aluminum town- y last week, almost ou years behiiul j �J schedule'. The. Canadian National Rail- j r-j 'ways work train came through j v �in miles of some of British Co- j ^ lumbia's most scenic territory.-- lac The track workers, most of {jj| thorn-immigrants, began their jooly in October. 1052, and pushed the I ^ line through on schedule. ; jSj Completion of the line.- from Terrace is expected early next week. There are sj.ill a few miles to go to the waiting Kitimat station. When finished at a cost of $10.000.()<>() � about 8215.000 a mile�ii will- carry out aluminum ingots and bring in the petro^ For the best in used tires, see Prince George Tire Service. Citizens,Jf you have toys not noeded in your homo you are invited to send them to th?- "Prnce George Goodwill Association" for use in Christmas-Hampers. Toys must be in reasonably good condition. Send them "to Prince George Goodwill Depot, Crystal Market building, any time after 9 a.m. from now until Monday, Dec. 20th. For further information phone Sect. Mrs. L Knight at 445-R-l or 281-Y-l. �.2i3;Sj�,^2�3,^>i^&2v2(3a>i*ai54aa3<3>2ia>;^^ A Few Christmas Suggestions First Kilimal Train Years Late A LAMP tOz-Brighten Up Your Home. We have the very latest from Eastern Canada. LANE Cedar Chests For Mother or Daughter In walnut, tawney and limed oak. Or A TABLE In walnut, mahogany, oak. Cocktail and Coffee Tables End Tables, Lamp^Tables / and Corner,Tables. r��'����, . A'beautiful table is a -lifetime ( ' � leum and coke used in processing |.S the alumina shipped here by! freighter from Jamaica.. A railway w> Kitimat was first visualized around 1000. The Grand Trunk Railway;, planning a line to tidewater from Edmonton- through the Frase.r, Hulkley and \Skeeiia valleys, 100 miles north of Vancouver, picked the Indian village o| Kitihuiat-as,' the terminus. Speculators tied up key estate throughout tho area and j the line- followed the Skeena valley to Prince Rupert. On the Terrace-Kitimat leg, the; track-layers slowed progress to' & half a mile a day. In the best stretches, they\ma< le ji 11 ree-f i ft I is of a mile daily. � TO CUT TIMHIIK Railroad men say that construc-epsts may hit $11:500,000 be- Dov/n Comforters - $31.75 and $43.75 Kenwood Bed Throws and Virgin Wool Blankets In gift boxes, priced $11.95. and $13.95 Carving Sets In all price ranges. SEE OUR Chinaware Depl. 52-piece English porcelain Dinner Sets, seats 8 persons. While they last .....,...........: $17.95 ke^ Parliament-approved line 5 is Following^Wtie railroad will be the telegraph, supple men ting tlfo costly- radio comnuMvications setup, until now KilinratV; only method of cqiitactinj points. The line will run through tableland four to flviB 1 miles wid where timber will be available to furnish pulp to the Kitimat Pulp I y and Paper Co. newsprint mill to be built here at a cost of more than $55,000,00.0. It will serve a land of logging, dairying, market gardening, fruit and berry-growing, fishing and sawmills. Also, it will connect with the Terrace airport, a beam station served by two airlines. Ernie Walls Tops City Five-Pinners Ernie Walls was the top trund-ler in the-Men's Rowling League this week with asingle string of 310 and a three-game count of S12. Playing In "A" secitioh Monday night, Alley Artists spilled the maple for counts of 11-15 and 3175 tp win'single and three-game honors. In "B" section, B. McKag's 299 was the highest single, game score and A. linger had 725 for the. best three-game count. The meres rolled J0G3 for (the top single game of the night, while .the UIC quintette piled up 2949 for the best three-game effort. A Rogers-Majestic COMBINATION RADIO For This ChrTs-tmas - Trade-in your old one. 'hi A NECCHI SEWING MACHINE For Mother or Daughter>\^ "That Wonder Sewing Machine" ^ Electric Kettles and Goffee Percolators What Boy or Girl Doesn't Dream of a� C.C.M. BICYCLE Or A Tricycle for the Little Folks Ladies' Wardrobe Case, with Overnite and Cosmetic Case, all to match. SEE THE NEW SKYWAY KOROSEL COVER That is washable with soapsuds - A Gladstone Bag, a Golf Club or Golf Bag for Dad. I Make the NORTHERN H Your Gift Shop S? All gifts will be gift wrapped free of �j charge, .upon request and mailed, expres- �j sed or delivered by 'us. We have a, Sf Christmas,-Eve Delivery Service we have w _.�" given fpr years. � . The NORTHERN Hardware & Furniture Co. ' " )���! i �Third Avenue � Serving Prince George, since 1919 Ltd. laa^jhaaaaaaaaa&fc^aaajMiaaaaa******