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UN'IQUE GUESSING GAME went into operation at Ferguson Electric Ltd. Wednesday to start a contest that will last to May 2!). To win prizes ranging from automatic washer valued at 8240 to mixmaster, contestants have to guess the mileage the wheel will travel during its uninterrupted operation during the 29 days. Mileage indicator was sealed and will not be opened until contest's end. Official entry forms may be obtained from the store at 1405 Third Avenue. Here president of the firm, R. S. Ferguson sets the wheel in motion to start it on its "travels" in store window.
ormitory Probed
Charges will likely be preferred against a Prince George youth following a request by the board of school trustees for police investigation into the alleged drinking of liquor within the School District Number 57 dormitory at G55 Wainwright Street.
The report coincides with a request, Tuesday, by the board for progress of the Investigation which was instigated April !) by the KCMP.
Kc|)(n(s pf liquor allegedly he Jug brought into the dormitory bj' ;t noii-stiidont resulted in (hi) f.MMil.siou of two tjrado 1(1 students recently.
Both students were subsequent! iy reinstated on the recommendation of Senior High School principal   L.   W.   Downey   but   they
have been denied participation in extra-curricular school activities.
One of the students involved reported to have consumed the liquor, lias been dismissed from the  dormitory.
A discussion between parents, representatives of the two youths, and members of the board revealed the name of a third youth, an outsider, who is alleged to have brought the liquor into the dormitory.
"Shakespeare" |
Joe Park I
is writing 'job )>\ Poetry
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