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Super Bowl set: Bears to collide with Colts /8

Bird flu rears head / 14

Clinton is in: Hillary to make presidential run /15

Grizzly attacks P.G. pair
by FRANK PEEBLES Citizen staff Two Prince George forest workers survived a grizzly attack in northern Alberta this weekend. On Sunday the last of the stitches were being sewn and the details of the rare winter encounter were starting to emerge. Daylon Johnson, 24, and his friend Moira (last name unknown as of press time), both from this city, were conducting beetle kill surveys in wilderness about 150 kilometres south of Grande Prairie. They were on snowshoes and were heading back to their helicopter rendez-vous point at the end of the day, according to sources. "They didn't see it coming," said a family member who did not wish to be named. "Daylon said he heard a twig snap, they turned around and that was it. They both got bit but they are both all right. He got bit on the back of the leg and she got bit on the hand and for some reason the bear backed off after that." The helicopter was already on its way to pick them up, and that is luckily what got the injured pair out of the area quickly and off to Queen Elizabeth II Hospital in Grande Prairie, according to Norman Brownlee of Alberta's Ministry of Sustainable Resource Development. "Our fish and wildlife response team was there earlier today and looked for tracks. There was a lot of snow there," Brownlee told the Citizen late Sunday night. "We have determined from the tracks that it was a grizzly in the area. We are going to cordon off the area so we don't have any more staff going out into the area and we are investigating." The attack occurred at about 4:30 p.m. Saturday, with the pair arriving at hospital about three hours later, said the family source who explained that Moira was the most immediate concern Saturday evening due to tendon damage to her hand while Johnson was put under general anesthetic on Sunday for a thorough cleaning of his wound and some stitches. It is not the first time this winter that Johnson has been in the eye of a rescue effort. In October he was in a group of 27 forestr y workers who became trapped overnight in the Rocky Mountains between Tumbler Ridge and Grande Prairie by a severe snowstorm.

Mother speaks for self, son at coroner's inquest
by FRANK PEEBLES nounced dead within minutes. Citizen staff "I don't think any good can come of In the line of suits along the bar at the this," said Brian, who sits behind Young Kevin St. Arnaud coroner's inquest, in the front row of the public gallery, his there is one in department store attire. face perpetually vexed. "They've all She looks more like a mother than a made up their minds about how it's golawyer, and she is. Dolores Young and ing to go. I mean they have already deher husband Brian chose to represent cided they aren't going to pursue themselves at the probe into the death charges. I just wish the officer wasn't of their son. getting off so scot-free." To Young's right is the lawyer repreProvincial Crown counsel announced senting Rebecca Gingera, St. Arnaud's in February, 2006 that the internal common law wife. To her immediate left RCMP investigation of the matter was is the legal counsel for the RCMP. Far- done and the evidence did not support ther to her left is the c harges against lawyer for the B.C. Sherematta. Coroner's Service. It was then the Before them all sits coroner's inquest Regional Coroner was announced. AlShane De Meyer. though it is shaped In the legal crosssomewhat like a trifire Young rises to al, though, it does speak infrequently not find fault with a and in blunt senperson or institutences that insist tion for a death, onthere be no assassily the root cause. nation of her son's Gingera told the character. Citizen t hat she "I just feel I have feels the spotlight to protect Kevin," has been turned onYoung told the Citito Kevin instead of zen. "I think it is imSherematta. portant to have a "If t his were a second voice up civilian who shot there." Citizen staff photo and killed someone She and Br ian Dolores Young is representing her- he would have been knew Gingera had self and her husband at a coro- in court the next lawyer Cameron ner's inquest into her son Kevin day but because it Ward in their cor- St. Arnaud's death. was a police officer ner and felt confieverything gets hiddent Ward would get to the heart of the den from the public and we don't get to police shooting that killed St. Arnaud, hear about who Sherematta was, we onthen 29. According to preliminary testi- ly hear about Kevin," Gingera said. mony, on Dec. 19, 2004 at about 1 a.m. She said the public ought to know that Vanderhoof RCMP responded to an in- St. Arnaud was never violent towards truder alarm at a drugstore and saw St. her or anyone else she knows of. She Arnaud run from the rear of the build- heard that he did some drugs in his ing. youth but never in their life together and After a foot chase through the snow he rarely drank alcohol. across a tennis court and onto a soccer He was a hard worker, a fun person pitch, St. Arnaud apparently turned to with a good sense of humour, and a talface his pursuers. Const. Ryan Shere- ented artist who carved soapstone and matta, fearing for his life, then fired welded metal sculptures, she said. three bullets that all struck potentially The inquest began Thursday and relethal wounds. St. Arnaud was pro- sumes Jan. 23 to 26 and Jan. 29 to 31.

Citizen photo by David Mah

FARE THEE WELL LOVE -- The Rankin Family returned to perform in Prince George Sunday night at the CN Centre. Heather Rankin, along with Jimmy, Cookie, and Raylene played to a crowd of 2,200.

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P.G. dancer living dream at Tokyo Disney
by CHRISTINE SKOREPA Citizen staff A Prince George dancer has fulfilled a lifelong dream by landing a job with one of the largest and most renowned entertainment companies in the world. Cary Hamilton has landed a role as a performer in Tomorrowland at the Tokyo Disney Resort. Legalities of his contract keep Hamilton from naming the exact roles he's played from the Disney classic movies, but it's safe to say that during the contract he's had a featured role where he's flying across the stage in a harness. "The most challenging aspect of the show in the beginning was learning the lyrics," explained the 21-year-old. "The show was entirely in Japanese and we have to lip sync every line." Hamilton, who performs five 30minute shows per day, five days a week, is currently on a break from performing and is on a backpacking vacation through Thailand. He plans on returning to Tokyo Disney at the end of the month. Perks of the job include living in an apartment complex among 150 foreign performers who work at Disney. Hamilton has his own furnished apartment, a daily allowance for living expenses, and his regular pay cheque is in U.S. dollars. All this began when Hamilton auditioned for West Side Story in 1999 and met Judy Russell's family, who was putting on the production. With encouragement from Judy's sons, Matt and Jonathan, Hamilton took his place under Judy's wing at 14 years old. With support from both his parents, Hamilton auditioned in Vancouver for Royal Caribbean Cruise lines right out of high school. A week later, he got the call to start his training in Miami, Fla. A month after that, he was on the job for a six-month contract travelling to the Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Aruba and the Bahamas. That job was quickly followed by another offer of a contract for a gig on a ship traveling throughout Antigua, St. Maarten, Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama then on to Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Croatia and Turkey. That's when Hamilton decided he wanted something more. "After my last contract with Royal Caribbean, I decided it was time to try for something better and headed home to Vancouver where I lived for five months studying dance, auditioning and working on movie sets as an extra," said Hamilton. "I worked on X-Men 3 and a TV show called The Evidence. I also picked up an agent and started auditioning for commercials as an actor." That's when he got the job at Tokyo Disney Resort. His next contract ends in October.
Submitted photo

Annie's Mailbox . . . . . . . . 23 Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 City, B.C. 3, 5, 6, 12, 18, 19, 23 Classifi ed . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Coming Events . . . . . . . . . 19 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Entertainment . . . . . . 16, 17 Horoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 15





Prince George dancer Car y Hamilton is currently performing at the Tokyo Disney Resort.



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