6 / 10
Tuesday, October 13,  1959
PRINCE GEORGE'S Senior Men's Soccer champions for the past season are Mac-Kenzies, who defeated Star Equipment 4-3 Sunday on a snowy field for the title. MacKenzies overcame a 3-1 Star lead in the final ,30 minutes of the game to gain the victory. Kurt Kolterhoff presented the Spaner's Trophy to the winning team.
Stamps Have Visions Of a Playoff Berth
The Calgary Stampeders, troubled with a mid-season slump which almost put them in the also-ran column for another year, scored two impressive week-end victories in the Western Inter-provincial Football Union.
The wins � 5:3-13 over Saskatchewan Saturday in Calgary and -11-23 over the Eskimos in Edmonton Monday �gave the Sla'tnpeders new visions of u playoff berth.
Calgary, now is lied for third place with British Columbia Lions, who lost to the Eskimos
For the Bert
Reconditioned Cers
and Trucks in the
Interior � See
Sixth  & George Open  Evenings Till 9
38-M in Vancouver .Saturday. Both have 11 points but the Lions have three sanies left, one more than the Stamps.
The other game Monday saw the league-leading Winnipeg Blue Bombers defeat the Rough-riders 27-14 in Regina. The loss for Saskatchewan was the 12th in 13 starts.
The Bombers now have 20 points, four more than second-place Kdmohton. The top three make the playoffs.
The Eskimos loss was the first at home to a Calgary team in seven years. Jackie Parker scored enough points to move into first place in the individual scoring race but it wasn't his day]
A crowd of 15.,100 booed the ace quarterback after Stampcd-ers intercepted four of his passes and scored touchdowns on two of the interceptions.
Canadian Don (Jetty took over Hie quarterback slot near the end of the third quarter and Parker played at half for the rest (jf the game.
Halfback Gene Filipski matched his Saturday output by scor-
The Prince George Curling Club Ltd. wishes to announce thai all those wishing to curl in the Men's League (Shareholders and Non-Shareholders) must have their names turned in to H. G. Pretty by the 31st of October.
Dues for the 1959-60 Season will be $45.
Please  phone  LOgan  4-2922 or w rite   Box  904.
Names arc now being accepted for Commercial League Rinks and must be in by October 31.
Ing three touchdowns, two on passes from quarterback Joe k'app, as Stampeders gave Eskimos their worst setback of the year.
Kapp and fullback Earl Luns-ford also scored Calgary touchdowns. Doug Brown kicked two field goals and .five converts.
Parker scored a touchdown and kicked a field goal and two converts for 11 points and a season's total of H8. .Toe-Hob Smith and N'ormie Kwong also tallied touchdowns for Edmonton.
Calgary made 22(i yards rushing and 2!)5 passing against 98 and 225 for Edmonton.
Edmonton losl fullback Mike Lashuk when his knee popped after a tackle. He may be out for the season.
In Uegina, quarterback Jim Van Pell threw four touchdown passes and kicked three converts for the Winnipeg win before a crowd of 8,000.
Halfback Leo Lewis scored two touchdowns while ends I-'er-ell Funston and Ernie I'itts got the others. The touchdown by Pitts was his 11th on a pass this year and it tied the league record set last season by Jack Hill of Saskatchewan.
Fullback Ken Carpenter and end   Ron   Duhcas   scored   six-pointers   for   the   Koughriders. Reg Whitehouse converted both. Bombers   rushed   for   III! yards and got 25-1 yards on passes while the Killers gained 78 on the ground and 208 in Ilic- air.
Please Pick Up Your Golf Clubs
Golf season is over and curling season is about to begin. And if the golfers don't pick-up their clubs from the Curling Club, Harold Pretty may use them for kindling wood.
Mr. Pretty would appreciate members dropping around and taking home the clubs (hey have left at the club.
Once again the Kinsmen are haying a bottle drive for their annual Kiddies' Halloween Party.
Clean out your basement and garage, have yo.ur bottles ready for the Kinsmen. Help support your' Kinsmen.
The Kinsmen will hold their bottle drive every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon for the remainder of October.
YOU can HELP in this most worthwhile cause. SAVE your BOTTLES for the Kinsmen.
NHL Action
The National Hockey League season is only one week old but the Toronto Maple Leafs have already offered impressive proof that their strong finish in 1!J5S-5!J was no fluke.
Foe nearly three seasons the Leafs lingered in the wilderness before coming with a rush last March lhat carried them to tin Stanley Cup finals against Montreal.
Today the Leafs are undefeated and share first place with Boston Bruins after impressive 6-3 and 3-1 victories over highly-rated Chicago Black Hawks during the week-end.
Hut   the   resurgent   heat's must share the spotlight with Boston   who   unleashed   tremendous   scoring   power   in routing   New   York   Kangers 6-4  Saturday and  then  stunned Montreal Canadiens Sunday night with an 8-4 drubbing at Boston, The Uke line centred by Bronco Horvath for .Johnny Bucyk and Vie Stasiuk did most of the damage against New York and Montreal. The line collected seven goals and 11 assists for 18 points in the two games.
In other games, Montreal and Detroit battled to a 1-1 tie Saturday and then the Red Wings handed the. Rangers their third straight setback with a 1-2 triumph at Detroit Sunday.
Veteran Bert Olmstead who scored only 10 goals all last season was the key man in Toronto's weekend sweep.
See Your . . .
International  Deafer
Urfatt Stock In Hi� North
BY-LAW NO. 135
A by-law of the Village of Burns Lake authorizing the submission
for the assent of the owner-electors of the proposed extension of
the limits of the Village of Burns Lake:
WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Village of Burn?
Lake has received a petition of the resident owners of certain
lands lying adjacent to the Village of Burns Lake praying that
the boundaries of the Village be extended to include the area in
which they reside;
AND WHEREAS the number of signatories to the aforesaid peti
lion is in excess of the requirements of Section 21 of the "Muni
cipal Act";
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 21 of the "Municipal Act'
the Council is required to submit the question of extending the
area of the Municipality to the owner-electors of the Village of
Burns Lake;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Village
of Burns Lake in open meeting assembled enacts as follows:
1.                         The Council is hereby authorized to submit the question of extending the area of the Village of Burns Lake to the owner-electors of the Village of Burns Lake at the Civic
. Centre on the 26th day of October, 195!', and the hours of the polling shall be between 8:00 o'clock in the forenoon and .S:oo o'clock in the afternoon:
2.                        The question to be submitted by ballot to the owner-electors shall be, "Are you in favor of the extension of the boundaries of The Corporation of the Village of Burns Lake to include the areas described as follows:
1. Commencing at the junction of Water Street and the high water mark of Burns Lake, thence due North to the Canadian National Railway's right-of-way, thence in a North-Westerly direction along the Westerly side Of the Canadian National Railway's right-of-way to point of contact with District Lot 5311, thence due South to Burns Lake and extending 500 feet into Burns . Lake, thence in a South-Easterly direction following I he high water shore line of Burns .Lake to a point 500 feet due South from the point of contact of the West boundary of District Lot 2502 and high water of Burns Lake.
Commencing at the point of contact of Government Street and Highway 10, thence due North to Ninth Avenue, thence due East on Ninth Avenue to the point of con-
full-bodied light aroma    //
This advertisement  is  not published or  displayed  by  the  Liquor Control Board  or  by  the  Government  of  British  Columbia.
Esso gasoline now protects most cars against stalls due to carburetor icing* � and at no increase in price!
For several years Esso Extra has given complete protection
against the cold weather driving hazards of
carburetor icing and gas-line freezing.
Many Canadian motorists need protection only against
carburetor icing. This has now been provided in Esso!
* Annoying stalls can result, In weather as high as 55"F. from ice crystals in the carburetor. These stalls can bo embarrassing because they usually occur, belore your engine warms up properly, at limes when your car has to stand idling at stop-lights and stop streets.
fact with Centre Street, thence due North 2,300 feet, thence due West 2.600 feet, thence due South 1,750 feet, thence in a South-Easterly direction along the South side of that portion of Highway 10 to the point of commencement."
3. The Council is hereby authorized to do all necessary acts and things as may be required to give the effect to the provisions of this by-law.
-1. This by-law may be cited as "Burns Lake Extension Referendum By-Law No. 155, 1959."
READ a first time this 8th day of September, 1959. READ a second time this 8th day of September, 1959. READ a third time this 8th clay of September, 1959. RECONSIDERED and ADOPTED the 28th day of Septem-
bet* 1959
WM. W. G1LGAN, Chairman.    T. FORSYTH, Clerk.
I hereby certify lhat the above is a true copy of "Burns Lake Extension Referendum By-Law No. 155. 1050."
Signed: T. FORSYTH, Clerk.
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the by-law authorizing the submission of the question therein set forth for the assent or opinion, as the case may be. of the electors of the municipality and upon which question the vote of owner-electors of the municipality will be taken at the Burns Lake Civic Centre on the 26th day of October, 1959, between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and eight o'clock in the afternoon, and that Reverend .1. Frame has been appointed Returning Officer for the purpose of taking and recording the vote of the electors. DATED at Burns Lake, B.C., this 1st day of October, 1950. T. FORSYTH, Municipal Clerk.
�       *       *
BY-LAW NO. 154
Being a By-Law of The Corporation of the Village of Burns Lake, hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation," to authorize the leasing of certain dedicated Park Lands.
WHEREAS Blocks 1 to 5, Plan 1180, District Lot G309, are registered in the name of the Village of Burns Lake as dedicated Park Lands;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable and expedient to lease a certain parcel of the described dedicated Park Lands; AND WHEREAS The Burns Lake Curling Club has offered to lease a certain parcel of the described dedicated Park Lands for twenty (20) years, at a rental for the said term of Ten Dollars � 810.00) per year;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of The Village of Burns Lake in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:
1. That the Council shall lie and is hereby empowered and authorized to lease to The Burns Lake Curling Club a certain parcel of dedicated Park Land, being more particularly known and described as:
That part of Block Three <3>, Village of Burns Lake, Ma]) One Thousand, One Hundred and.Eighty (11S0), described as follows:
Commencing at the North post of the said Block Three (.'!) and measuring along Railway Avenue a distance of One Hundred and Fifty (150) Feet, thence due South along the Easterly boundary of the said Block Three a distance of One Hundred (100) Feet, thence measuring parallel to the said Railway Avenue to the Westerly boundary line a distance of One Hundred and Seventy-five (175) Feet (approximately), and thence measuring along the Westerly boundary line of the said Block Three (3) to the point of commencement.
2.                        That the lease be for term of Twenty (20) years and yielding, during the said term, a rent of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year and shall be in the form attached hereto.
3.                        That this By-law shall, before the final passing thereof, receive the assent of the owner-electors, in the manner provided by the Municipal Act.
�1. That this By-law shall take effect on the date of its registration in the office of the Inspector of Municipalities.
5. That this By-law may be cited as "The Burns Lake Curling Club Lease By-Law No. 151, 1959." READ a first lime this 28th day of September, 1959. READ a second time this 28th clay of September, 1959. READ a third time this 28th day of September, 1959. RECEIVED the assent of the owner-electors of the Village
of Burns Lake this............ day of..................................,.............
RECONSIDERED and ADOPTED this ...................... day of
WM. W. OILCAN, Chairman.    T. FORSYTi;, Clerk.
1 hereby certify that the above is a true copy of "The Burns Lake Curling Club Lease By-law No. 151, 1959."
Signed: T. FORSYTH, Clerk.
TAKE NOTICE lhat the above is a true copy of the proposed by-law upon which the vote of the owner-electors of the municipality will be taken at the Burns Lake Civic Centre on the 2Gth day of October, 1959. between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and eight o'clock in the afternoon, and that Reverend .1. Frame has been appointed Returning Officer for the purpose of taking and recording the vote of electors.
DATED at Burns Lake, B.C., this 1st day of October, 1959. T. FORSYTH, Municipal Clerk.
Made in duplicate the 27th day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine,
IN PURSUANCE OF THE "SHORT FORM OF LEASES ACT" Between: The Corporation of the Village of Burns Lake, Burns
Lake, B.C., hereinafter called the "Lessor" of the First Part; And The Burns Lake Curling Club, Burns Lake, B.C., hereinafter
called the "Lessee" of the Second Part;
Wilnesseth, that, in consideration of the rents, covenants and conditions hereinafter respectively reserved and contained the Lessor doth demise and lease unto the Lessee All and Singular That part or Block Three (3), Village of Burns Lake, Map One Thousand, One Hundred and Eighty (1180), described as follows: Commencing at the North post of the said Block Three (3) arid measuring along Railway Avenue a distance of One Hundred and Fifty (150) Feet, thence due South along the Easterly boundary of the sairl Block Three (3) a distance of One Hundred' (100) Feet, thence measuring parallel to the said Railway Avenue to the Westerly boundary line a distance of One Hundred and Seventy-Five (175) Feet (approximately), and thence measuring along the Westerly boundary line of the said Block Three (3) to the point of commencement.
Together with all erections and buildings thereupon erected, standing and being or hereafter during the said time to be erected, and together also with all ways, paths, passages, waters, water courses, privileges, advantages and-appurtenances whatsoever to the same premises belonging or other appertaining.
To have and to bold the same unto the Lessee for the term of Twenty (20) Years, to be computed from the 27th day of October in the year of Our Lord 1959 yielding and paying therefor each year and every year during the said term unto the Lessor the clear annual rental or sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) of lawful money of Canada payable as follows:
Ten Dollars ($10.00) each December Thirty-First (31) (luring the said term without any deduction, defalcation or abatement throughout on any account whatsoever; the first of such payments to become due and to be made on the 31st day of December, 1959.
The Lessee covenants with the Lessor to pay rent; AND to repair (reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire and tempest ex-cepted); AND that the Lessor may enter'into and view state of repair; and that the Lessee will repair according to notice, save as aforesaid; AND the Lessee will not carry on any business lhat shall be deemed a nuisance on the said premises; and will nut assign or sub-let without leave; AND that he will leave the premises in good repair.
And also that if the term hereby granted shall be at any time seized or taken in execution or in attachment by any creditor of the Lessee, or if the Lessee shall make any assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becoming bankrupt or insolvent, shall take the benefit of any act that may be in force for bankrupt or insolvent debtors the then current annual rent shall immediately become due and payable and the said term shall immediately become forfeited and void.
And it is hereby Declared and Agreed that in case the premises hereby demised or any part thereof shall at any time during the tern? hereby granted be burned or damaged by fire so as to render the same unfit for the purpose of the Lessee then the rent hereby reserved or proportionate part thereof according to the nature and extent of I he injuries sustained, and all remedies for recovering the same shall be suspended and abated until the said premises shall have been repaired or made fit at the option of the Lessor for the purpose of the Lessee.
Proviso for re-entry by the Lessor on non-payment of rent whether lawfully demanded or not: or on non-performance of covenants" or seizure or forfeiture of the said term for any of the causes aforesaid.
The Lessor covenants with the Lessee for quiet enjoyment Wherever the singular or the masculine arc used in tin's Indenture the same shall be deemed to include the plural or the feminine or th   bd       liti       l          d
 pes have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and the year first above written. Signed. Scaled and Delivered
In The Presence Of Signature of Witness City or Town Street Address Occupation
The Burns Lake Curling Club