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Dedicated to the Progress of the North
Phone LOgan   4-2441
Vol.  3;   No.  242
by parrot sso per
The Prince George & District Labor Council has taken issue with mayoralty candidate Garvin Dezell's criticism of its support for three candidates in Thursday's civic elections.
Mr. Dczcll, a building contractor, charged Sunday in a public radio forum the council was practising "segregation" by not backing at least a full slate of candidates.
The council, which is backing incumbent Carrie .lane Gray for mayor, Dave Fraser for alderman and Howard Webb for school board, issued a statement in reply to Mr. Dezell's remarks.
The statement, made by Jake Hoist, labor council president, said, "I have never heard of segregation being applied, as suggested, in politics. Surely we are all free to support candidates of
our choice. This is a right we have had for manv years which we should protect."
Mr. Hoist added that there were 10 candidates and "surely it is not being suggested that any one individual or organization is supporting all 10 candidates. If so, this would appear i to be a new approach in civic politics."
The statement continued, "The Labor Council, by majority vote, decided which candidates they would support. We are not concerned with personalties, rather we arc concerned with policies and programs which will bring about the most good for the fu ture of Prince George."
"Naturally, some of the Labor Council's views differ with statements being made by certain per sons regarding issues in the civic election."
hert Strachan Presents Brief
VICTORIA CIV-A brief to the new British Columbia energy board calling for a firm stand hguinst early development oi the Peace River hydro by private interests, was submitted today by provincial CCF Leader Robert Strachan.
The brief, given individual boarcjj -iiic�rh