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The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North-Central British Columbia
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Crown Life Insurance Co.
Wm. J.  Shockey
District  Representative
Phone  LOgan  4-2441
Vol.  4;   No.   69
7c  a  Copy
(Sec earlier .story page 3) A man who several previous witnesses testified had fought with Joseph Sinclair the night he received fatal head injuries denied today any implication in tin.' brawl.
George Nolin who was named by at. least 'four previous witnesses as having foug'ht with Sinclair, was testifying at the third day of a preliminary hearing into a manslaughter charge against, Arthur Faj'ant, 22.
Nolin said lie saw Joe Sinclair ski]) Willard Close, but claimed Sinclair walked out of the room by himself. Earlier, witnesses had testified Nolin and Alfred Guy had "grabbed" Sinclair and pushed -him into the kitchen.
The'witness claimed the only time :ho got up from the couch on which he was sitting was to play the guitar.
Later however, he said he went outside to assist in pushing Joe Sinclair's truck 'from against a fence posit. He said Sinclair was standing next ih'ltri and when the truck moved a bit Sinclair fell, striking hi.s head or shoulders against tlie truck, then fell to his knees on the ground.
Nolin denied seeing or taking part in a fight outside the Robert Pinkerton home.
He was unable to identify the hammer with which Sinclair allegedly hit Aally good. Also in .the cast wore Alan Grecnwell and Gordon Hough. LEADING MARK
Earlier in the evening the adjudicator heard classes in impromptu and public speaking.
A "delightful talk" on "Litter" presented by Harvey Milne won him a leading mark of 86 in the public speaking class. Mrs. Ringwood said his use of language was excellent but he could have shown more dash and verve.
He was followed by Don Me-Eachnie with 84, and P. B. Bod-man with 83. Also taking part in the class were Ralph Buckley with 81, David Trace with 80 and John Frcy and Kurt Koller-hoff with 78.
Mrs. Ringwood complimented contestants in the impromptu speaking class for entering the difficult contest in which five minutes was allowed to prepare a talk on a subject drawn from a box on stage.
She gave David Trace the lop mark of 83 for his discussion on drug addiction. His speech was well developed, she said, and he-had a nice presence. Kurt Kolter-hoff received a mark of 81 in the same class and John Frey was awarded mark of 80. All three contestants were presented with certificates.
Following are results of clocu-
FRIDAY PROGRAM 9:30 a.m.� Connaught Elementary   auditorium:   elocution.
1:30 p.m. � Connaught Elementary auditorium: intermediate drama, choral speech, elocution.
8 p.m. � Duchess Park Junior High auditorium: choral speech, adult drama� Quesnel Little Theatre presentations of "The Recco," directed by Ralph Irons, and "The Battle of Wits," directed by Mrs. Theresa Connolly.
Speed Restrictions Effective Friday
New speed restrictions are being placed on uri-paved city streets. �
Effective Friday, speed limit on all dirt roads in the city will be 20 miles per hour.
In his announcement today, works superintendent C. W. Jones said t'he restrictions will be "strictly enforced."
tion and choral speech  classes heard by the adjudicator Wednesday: ELOCUTION
Girls under 12: Lynda MacKinnon 82, Leslie Latham 82, Ellen Gene Westle 81, Eleanor Robbcstad 81, Beth Bowman 80, Karen Wicks 80, Barbara Clcland 78, Erin Wagar 78, Patti Pretty 77, Ann McKinnon 76, Suzanne Elliott 76, Evelyn Stephen 72, Joan McLcod 72, Sharon Miller 70.
Boys under 12: Scott Williams 85, Gary Peter Kimmcl 82, Glyss Riggs 80, Colin Barton 80, Donald Inkster 75, Carl Potskin 72, Donald Kiiox 71, Robert Sawan 70.
Boys under 13: Daryle Croft 84, Roger Gibbins 83, Colin Milne 83, Don Cocks 74, Philip Schlitt 71.
Boys under 9: Randy Estes 84, John Mill 82, Gary Pinkerton 81, Maurice Cullinane 80, Bobbie Leslie 80, Billy Chcckley 80, Michael Calyniuk 79, Alexander Morris 79, Donald Doerfrsen 79, Tommy Olafson 77, Robert Moen 75, Tim Brothcrston 72.
Grade 1: Harwin Elementary School 156.
Grade 3: South Fort George School 168, Harwin Elementary School 156, Bonnet Hill School 153.
Rural Schools � Primary Grades: South Fort George School 162, Bonnet Hill School 155.
To discuss new techniques :