SPIKE ENEMAKK Your Liberal Candidate WHY SPIKE? Simple makes Spike Enemark, liberal candi- Liberal and it is Liberals hold today that is acceptable important to consider They appear as the to both labor and date for Fort George, our choice as the best contendei lor this seat. Spike is a the position only party management. Labor groups can sit down with a Liberal administration without arousing the (ciw and mistrust created by Social Creditors. On the other hand, management is deeply suspicious of the CCF. Thus labor ami management would both find the Liberals a safe administration, capable of maintaining a higher level of industrial peace than has been known in this province for .sonic time. Spike Enemark has unique qualifications which make him attractive to voters in this industrial area. His background includes active membership in the Mine. Mill, and Smelter Workers Union; also in the Operating Engineers Union. I/1' � Spike gained experience on the other side of the feiicu. I le operated several logging and sawmill shows with success. Presently in the clothing business, Spike is very familiar with small business problems. Spike is no stranger to public affairs. Mis activity as public works chairman on the Prince George city council has been of great value to his fellow citizens. His knowledge of public works goes right down to the worker level; because he lias worked on the Alaska and Hart highways. Spike thus presents a rounded experience to the voter. This background, added to the right party, certainly makes Spike the most suitable choice for the voters of Fort George to consider next Monday. Pulp Mill Big Hoax a pulp mill possible in North-Central British Columbia? Yes, says Social Crediter Ray Williston. No, says common sense. Not under present government rpolicy. �-Facts show that a pulp mill, a particle board mill orva chipper operation might be feasible here some &j,y. But that will not come until B.C. lias a government at Victoria which realizes the need and takes ..(fiction � not lip service � to satisfy it. With present stumpage charges,'lack of all-weather roads, high fuel costs and freight rates, the facts show clearly Mr. Williston's repeated statements that a pulp mill is just .around the corner to be a hoax. � * � It is one of at least seven hoaxes the Social Credit Party is asking the people of B.C. to swallow. The others: & That B.C. is out of debt. Federal statistics and financial house reports show that the Socreds in eight years of office have run the provincial debt to some $524,000,000 from $191,000,000. The Social Credit government now calls it ��contingent liability" instead of debt, but the people of B.C. still have to repay it. with interest. � That an honest attempt is being made to build the Pacific Northern Railway. Promoters of this scheme, if they ever intend to do more than make a start and then sell the stock, certainly were not ready to begin construction June 20. But they were forced to do"so in order that the Social Crcditers, who had promised a start in June, would not lose face with the public with an election coming up. � That Peace River power development schemes will go ahead as planned. Behind-the-scenes conflict between the Social Crediters and the backers of this scheme indicates it will not be started for seme years now that the federal and provincial and U.S. governments have given the Columbia River development priority. � That the Social Credit government is honest. The Sommers case, Gordon Gibson's proven claim that "money talks" in the awarding of forest management licences, road construction subcontracts, the attempted give-aways of provincial resources to monopolies such as Wenner-Gren and associates, and attempted back room deals for B.C. hydro power with such organizations as Kaiser, tell a vastly different story. (Continued on Page 3) Now Hear This... Phone LOgan 4-2441 Vol. 4, No. 176 PRINCE GEORGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1960 t f j�ms\*r. BY CARRIER 7c Q Copy O^Jgg^ $1.50 per Month City Man Freed Caravan 97 Skin. Remananded 8 Days On Charge of A\urder BURNS LAKE � Robert Skin appeared before Magistrate L. G. Saul Thursday charged with the Aug. 27 murder of Jinimie Andrew of Southbank. At the request of lawyer Frank Perry of Prince George, who is appearing for the Crown, the case was adjourned for eight clays. No counsel has as yet been appointed by the Department of Indian Affairs for the accused. I', char POLITICAL ROUNDUP Socred Says Jail Record From Secret Service Job VANCOUVER (CP) � Social Credit candidate Donald Iviggnn said Thursday night he made three attempts to verify with unnamed authorities his story that he served a prison term for theft service" assignment. both Kratz and Riggan. He de- Bartenders will have the day off Monday during the polling hours and will make the most of it by heading out to the golf course for what is hoped will be an annual Booze Eenclerb' Tournament, sponsored by Caribou Brewing Co. . . . Local waitress told a complaining customer his eggs were late because the kitchen .staff was too busy arguing politics to go to work on his order . . . But the people he sought were "evasive" and lie didn't blc'ime them, lie said. "I stand convicted by the past, a past I felt had been left behind. . . I can only hope that to my friends, no explanation is necessary. To my enemies, and they appear powerful, ho explanation is sufficient." .Mr. Riggan, 11-year-okl father ot six. is a director of the British Columbia Social Credit League and president of I he constituency league in Helta, where he is seeking election Monday. Me said he will not quit the campaign. He indicated, without specifying, that there were discrepancies in a statement published earlier in which lie admitted he had. .been ^siyiUyieecl to three, years jn prisoiSTur therFof pub-lie funds. The thefts occurred In Edson, A Ha., while he was a bailiff for the Edmonton sheriff. But Ilitf-gan said it was part of an elaborate plot to obtain vital information from a "brilliant Nazi scientist named Adolph Kratz" who was serving a sentence for murder in Prince Albert penitentiary. He said he was convicted by a jury on one charge and pleaded guilty to five others. He was paroled after 11 months and served out the term on probation. At Prince Albert, deputy warden .lack Weeks said he recalled scribed Kratz illiterate, and Sun said prison records describe the German as 22 years old, ;> carpenter and a private In the Afrika Corps. Riggan's earlier statement told of intrigue at the request of the Canadian "secret service." He was approached in l'J.'ii) by a man whose name he could not reveal, the statement said. and asked to do a job which "involved the total sacrifice of my future life forever" and concerned "Canadian secret service." The job. he said, was to get "information about electronics and other things" from Kratz. Later he moved to B.C. ami worked at Kitimat, where Hie RCA1B arrested him a few mon/'hx.� later for theft of public funiyH ?��/ �"H,'\v�� charged in Alberta with the* offences mentioned previously, tried, pleaded fiuil-ty under instructions, and was sentenced to three years in Prince Albert." He became friendly with Kratz, while in an adjoining cell to the German, the statement said, and "my job was successful." "1 was given to understand before I took on this job that in later life, after retirement from the secret service, that anything that came up would be my own responsibility and that at no time must 1 endanger the position of others. This 1 do not intend to do." If X S LAKE � A je of criminal negligence was dismissed by -M a g i s t r a t e I-. G. Saul against a Prince George man here Thursday. I.in lw g C Jerhart Strand-berg was charged after the car iiL- was driving plunged into the Endako River off Highway 1( '>. 1") miles east >f Burns Lake. A passenge-r in the vehicle, Carl Gustav Carlson, of Prince George, drowned in the mishap. Strandberg was pulled from the wreckage by a passing motorist, John I larding, a traffic officer with the provincial department of Highways. ALCOHOL CONTENT Harding pulled the victim from under water and revived him by mouth to mouth respiration hut he died later in the Burns Lake Hospital. UC.M!' said blood samples of the victim and accused showed ., being almost Carlson had .LS percent alcohq the Vancouver contenl ;imi Sl raiidberg, .12 per cent. EIGHT LOCAL CAMS joined Caravan !) 7 of its journey from Bend, Ore., to Daw sci in the City late yesterday, left at 7:.",0 t ii Below, tiie local Caravan !)7 committe e ern B.C. visitors at a moose barbecue i n 'hen it left here today on the last leg i Creek. The caravan, which arrived <, morning and totalled 71 ears in all. ilayed host to the American and South-the Civic Centre Thursday night. �James Meadows photo as part of a "secret Lions Here Host District Goranor The1 Lions Club here Thursday night played hosl to the visiting district .governor of district lii-D. John Trent. It was an < (fficial visit, Mr. j Trent's first t,j Prince George. He is making u series of official tours to Lions Club in Fort St. John, Prince George, Dawson Creek ami Que.snel. Asked his opinion of the dub here:, he said: "You've a very active group here ami they are a grand club. And what's moro there were no problems for rne to straighten out." .Mr. Trent's visit was marked by the installa lion of two new members, Bob Wilson, of the USAF base at Baldy Hughes, and Bert Win twiek of Prince George. CORONER'S JURY RULES Death Accidental Socreds Promise Easing In Trucking Regulations VICTORIA2, who died in hospital four hours after his Island Cache cabin was gutted Aug. 31. Verdict was rendered after the jury heard evidence of a woman who said she, in the company of another woman, Workmen Recover Bodies of Slide Mostly sunny .Saturday with cloudy periods in north-western sections. .Little change in temperature. Winds light. Low .tonight and high tomorrow at QuesneJ and Prince George, 35 and 12; at Smitbers, 3S and 70. I'CUCO Kivi'i1 Urgion Mostly sunny and cooler Saturday. Winds west 20, shifting to northwest 20 tand gust ing. Low tonight and high tomorrow at Grande Prairie, 35 and 60. Last -I Prince George.. Qucsncl .......... Terrace .......... Smithers ........ Kamloops ...... Dawson Creek Fort St. John.. Fort Nclsoi. ... Whitehorse...... Hours ..o Hi 43 GO 39 72 �!) 70 Precip. 54 45 -it; 40 55 -IS 33 McBRIDE (Special) � The bodies of a father ami son killed iu a landslide near here Wednesday were pulled from the slide lale Thursday night. WERE BURIED Alan Frear, about 50, and his 22-year-old sou, Alan, both of McBride, were killed when a landslide collapsed and buried them as they were working on a highway project. Crews had been digging with picks, shovels and draglines since the accident occurred early Wednesday. INQUEST SET One oilier man killed in the mishap, 48-year-old Frank Fred Lee of Prince George, will be buried Monday. Service is at Asstnan's Funeral Chapel in Prince George at 10 a.m. Inquest into the deaths of the three men will be held Saturday. went to Paul's home early in the afternoon when the three drank a half gallot. of wine. WENT TO SLKEP The other woman eft after a short while, she sai 1. and she and Paul went to leep on bed about 3 p.m. i'ome three hours later, the wo*1 an said, "I heard sparks and sm.o led smoke." "Uncle, I said. Hire's fire � jump." Then she sr. �! "1 didn't stop running" until she got to a nearby home where she told them Paul's house �;� xa on fire. The attending RCli ' constable known. The fire was concentrated in the kitchen and the front porch, lie said. STAGGERED Paul, who collapsed after staggering from the blazing cabin, said cause of the Hue was un a I died some four hours later m Prince George Regional Hospital. Dr. Patrick Kinahan, who attended Paul, said he would "never expect a man lhat age could live so long," after suffering such severe burns. Jury deliberated only a few minutes before bringing in its verdict. Parole Plea for Sommers Is Turned Down, by Board VANCOUVER parole . applica, former lands ami minister Hubert S serving a five-ye for bribery and acy, has been down by the Parole Board. TO BE REVIEV Regional Dire, Kyle Stevenson .-�� Thursday the ap; would be review in the spring. .Also denied pa! II. Wilson Gray, ed with Sommers. (CPJ�A ;ii for forests �miners, r term jonspir- turned lational ED lor 15. id here lical ion d again tie was onvict- ROHERT SOMMERS ... no parole OFTEN A CONFUSING QUESTION What's Social Security? KINGSTON, Out. (CD � Canada's social security programs have developed in a makeshift way and are often confused with unemployment and economic problems, the study conference on national problems has been told by two of its speakers. Claude Morin of Laval University's school of social work baid social security "should not be used to calm the conscience of those who do not succeed in stabilizing the economy or in bringing 'about economic pro-ress." A. Andy Andras, director of legislation, Canadian Labor Congress, said the Unemployment Insurance Act "has been the victim of political expediency to an extent that its integrity has been impaired.". The conference, which spent Thursday discussing � Bcial security problems, also heard T. W. Kent, vice-president of Chem-cell Limited and fom,;r editor of the Winnipeg Free V'rcss, advocate a greatly expan u-d social program and addition;, taxes in certain areas. Mr. Andras said the Unemployment Insurance Act wjm designed as a limited instrument for dealing with short-tcr i unemployment. However, it now was being used to take care of long-term unemployment an), seasonal unemployment. NOT FOR FISHERMEN Inclusion of fishermt.u. which came years ago, was a blow to the act's integrity, he ,i Ided. "It is commonly accented that this was a political ratlicr than 2 social decision. Fishermen do not conform to the standards of the act as applied to wage-earners. There is no objection to fishermen being protected against the hazards of their industry, but it would be better to cover Lhem by an insurance scheme tailored to their needs." "It might be better," said Mr. Andras, "if the fund were established more on a hand-to-mouth basis, thereby precluding poaching and conducting pcihaps to more effective action in dealing with large-scale employment. "If next year brings a very large amout of unemployment, tlie act will break clown a.j a vehicle for help through this period." (Continued on Page 6)