- / -
The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North-Central British Columbia
Phone LOgan  4-2441              Vol.   5;   No.   33        PRINCE  GEORGE.   BRITISH  COLUMBIA,  THURSDAY,  FEBRUARY   16,   1961            7c   a   Copy
BY  CARRIER �1 50 o�r Motitt
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS for the high school conference to he held at CJBC later this month is discussed by Frank Snows ell, vice-principal of Prince George Senior High School, and the two local students who will attend, Barbara Shiels and Rosina Robertson (right). The conference is designed to acquaint high school students with university ways.                                         �Hal Vandervoort photo
IMMIGRANT DIES ...........
A 28-year-old German immigrant di�(l early today in a fire which razed his cabin at Cornell Mills, 50 miles east of here.
IiCMP identified him as Rein-hardt Christian. He had no relatives in  Canada.
A second man, El rich Treid-felt, escaped the blaze. Police are investigating.
13-Minule Radio Silence Probed In Crash of Jet
BRUSSELS (Routed�Investigators today sought the reason for a 13-niinule1 radio silence he-fore a Kiant Belgian jetliner crashed near here Wednesday, killing T.i persons, including 4.9 American p :| s s c n gcrs and a Canadian. inquiry officials said that diir-
inu   Hie   pre-ittnmnR   rjitlii)   slloAco
Brussels Airport control lower tried unsuccessfully on several frequencies to make contact with the Boeing 707 arriving from Now York.
An officer on duty at the lime .said: "All we .^ot was dead silence." Another official s;iiil the last message from the plane reported lh.it "everything was normal on board."
Meantime, Lhe bodies of all 72 j occupants of the plane�including 18 members ol the American �figure-skating team heading for the world championships in Prague � lay in ;i makeshift chapel in the airporf waiting room.
Among the dead was Victor !\laes, a 39-year-old tobacco farmer from Vanessa, Out. .Maes, a native 'of Belgium, was cm his way to attend his mother's funeral,
The body of ;i Belgian farmer killed when lhe plane slammed to earth 2'j miles from the air-port will lie turned over to his widowed niolhcr.
Man with  Paralysis Flown  to Vancouver
liUKNS LAKH (Correspondent)� Joshua Joseph, suffering from paralysis due to myelitis, lias been flown to Vancouver.
He was flown l<> I'rincc George Regional Hospital Wednesday by Oniliiecn Air Service. Accompanying him was nurse June  >1unro.
Barbara Shiels and Rosina Senior High School .students, w attending the 14th annual high school conference University of B.C. Feb. 24 i\nt\ 25.
The two-day conference i.s designed to provide high school students with an opportunity to sample aspects of university life.
The   conference   will   offer   a I program of lectures, discussions, campus tours and sports.  It will conclude   with   a    banquet   and dance.
The two local students arc be-in.--! sent lo tin- conference by the student council of the school. They Were picked on the basis of academic standings over four nl her applicants. GRADE  12
Only students of Grade 12 and on the university program at the high school are eligible to apply to attend the conference.
Miss Shiels and Miss Robertson will address the Grade 12 classes
obertson, Prince George be among 260 delegates
l the
speak to civic classes in the school and to local service and fraternal clubs in the city on request.
"We've been send ing students to the conference for the last two years." principal A 1 1 a n Stables said.
�Oil   ll!iC    IM..
turn.    Tire
ii  liiep  r.--will    also
"1 think it's a good tiling," he said. "It gives the students a chance to look around the university and find out what they can expect when they go.
"Students would see things at the university that would interest s 'kIci.'s, whereas a teacher or ...lull .aiUi.l miss these ii-dlnrus," lie said.
rt Cords, Trustees
Various aspects of the Chant   Report, ranging from porl card.s to school trustees, wvw discussed  Wednes-nighl   by a  four-member  panel  at   the Senior  Nigh
Scl mi i' I 'arenl -Teacher Asso
I'ain ii.- i - \\ ere: K. !�'. Alexander, (listricl -iipennieiiiletii of schools: Professor Kmi Maker of (he University of B.C. Kin-dish faculty; Allan Stables, principal cl Hie Senior lli.^h School; and Dons Weicker, Duchess Park Junior llmh School principal. Senior high school vice-principal r:.i;;l. Snowscll wus chairman. Outlining   the  proposed   rcor-
 iation meetin
13.C. public Welekcr said i in i he junior high .inalile in cope wiih which   the   schools
ni had ii
 ffer. Vet , ul.ir   ni't'
in	rill.	Im	�.:  a   vo-
	u hi	.�h	would
w	it h	!ii	e   capa-
r<	'.-en	1	trenertil
eared   a  iIon.   he
cl th
Now Hear This
We're hind the day's cd IS   bill news . .
One ol
really not that far he-times. We know yester-lion was (latelincd Jan. it   did   carry   I eb.   is
icfll ministers wain [>(J Ucfilonal Hospital for an appcndoctoiny. Ah he was cum in^ (Mil ol the anaesthetic he w.i-moaning nud Broanlng, which U natural for anybody. The nurse, our infonn.iiil .-iiys. told him. You should he ii woman and luivo ;i baby, To which the padre re piled: I c.iu't L'om'olvu .... and Jill* voice trailed off � � �
PG oldlimcr Emit! IWirdni cot one of llio /ii^i<%d blrlhdaj ulft� ui his life till* week. Son In hiw
|�CtO   CIHM|HCWC    prtMMilcd    luni w)lh   .i   -I,ilue  Of  ii  Hi'iH   With  ,i nioM   protuberant  tuiiiiny and a fluoroHcciitWlc  noit'i   I tu  Hies-gaflo: PiyclioioninUc nothliiHl I've cot im awful bellyocho ,     i nd ui the Lesion ore still elwekllnii over   wroitHnfl   promoter   mull rofcroo  Hi'U  WHmhi   who  won! lliniiiuli III*' WPOIIJI (lOOP) prcMim ,
ably fluurliiH Hit- slfl" iold '""H
0JO�   .   �   �   Ml
i whose N'aiiniina rink reached the finals ui the H.C, women's curl-ins championships yesterday, is u former dominion champ ami five Unit's winner of lhe Vancouver Island bonspiel. She also is ihe sister of Citizen Business Manager Ted Miller, who is ;i nun luirlcr . . , Urll    i iioitfhalaiH'0 Is famous
I'll        I IICl Illlt'S   II 'H   r,lined   ,1   loilU
�'�I.-. Like last iin�in11-111 when I raplict1 Jim Meadows ;:oi a    i   it1 call fron
posed system failed to make provision for low ability children, uho would be unable lo cope wilh cither program and might mean thai students would be dropping oul of school earlier than they now do, creating a greater social  problem.
Speaking on the priority of school subjects, Prof, Baker said he was in complete agreement i pel., with the commission's esliinuti ol I'Jnglish and mathematics at the core subjects of the school system,
Mr. Alexander noted that a uin iher of subjects, such as home economics, were at one time the responsibility of the parents Imi had somehow made their way Into the school system, The Chant Iteporl was putting lhe responsibility back where it belonged, he said. 1 le pointed oui thai subjects such as art and music \\ ere not going lo he ollml. nalud from the school curriculum bill maximum time allowed for iliem would be slightly re-dm ed. it i he recommendations Implemented, Alexander discussed mo-iif eleiiinn rural represeiit-and  -. hnol  irustees, nml
[-Iospital board members will meet MLA Ray Willis-ton Sunday to pros;-;  dun Townend tolil The C'itize today that if the unfinished set lions had been completed who the hospital was built it woul have cost only 820.000 to .S2f>,00< Today, he said, it will cos at   least   $00,000.
Before money can be approve for the project, BCHIS mus make a bed survey to determln requirements of the area in re laiion in its populaLion. Nuinw ous rerjue.sts for Lhe survey hav< boon made by the hospital huarc for many months without result he said.
i;i(.llf  l\   II.AI.I;
There were eight patient.-; ii ihi1 surgical ward corrido'r lo-day, nine in the medical ware and three in the children's wan Mr. Townend termed the situation "serious."
Today's fjyui'es are typical. a situation which lias existed since the hospital opened. It means, said Mr, Townend, "the people of the Prince George area are not receiving adequate hospital  protect Ion."
In a letter to Health .Minister Eric Martin requesting a meeting between Mr. .Martin and hospital board chairman Gordon Bryan I by Feb. 27, Mr. Town-end  wrote:
"We were promised a survey would bo carried out by your research division and that ;i questionnaire would be forthcoming' for our completion i enable   them   In assess  our  In.1
Beliveau and Plante combine to help Canadians down Maple Leafs 3-1.
�     �        *
United   States   has   little   hope   or  maintaining figure-skating  superiority.
�     �        *
Pencler ^\gn^ to fight Carmen Basilio but refuses to bother with Fullmer.. (See page 4.)
$49,180 Assessment Chopped by Court Here
A $49,180 timber assessment against YV. M. Ranch Ltd. was thrown out by a court of revision here Wednesday.
The three-man court � chairman Alex McGregor, Mayor Garvin Dezell and Percy Williams�has been hearing assessment appeals from the rural portion of School District 57.
The  court   began   its   si it in Tuesday and concluded Wednes day afternoon.
The deletion of tbu huge lim her   assessment   against   W.   M
Ranch was the largest reduction granted during the two-day sit tings.
A total of -.171 acres of laud iu'd by  the company  in   the
ea east of Summit Lake; near
"To   dale. received am of   research, Dec. 21),  informed  ut mi   nearer   to   having
his has   not   been when  the director
in   a    let tor   dated were ur\ cy
I done than when Iho original rc-J/ijuesI   was   made,   the   hospital hoard   became   of   the   opinion (hat a direct  approach  to you lalJy   inu consideration (he projected developments planned for tills area, such as the Pacific Northern Itiiihvay, Peace River project and the oil pipeline, It can Naturally be assumed that the population will increase al an L'\ en faster rate than in the past dui. to ihe rapid opening up of
Gaglardi Receives Traffic Warning
VICTORIA CR�Highways Minster Gaglardi, thrice convicted S lixceeiiinf* speed limits, found Iinscif in hoi water Wednesday ut got off with only a warning. Constable Pat Carson of the entral Saanich Police Dcpart-lcnt said lie pulled over Mr. -aglardi for driving tun close be-intl another car. The officer said ic highways minister said some-ling to the effect that he is [ways being picked on. "IE I had been out to yive a ckct he would have got one for attitude," said Constable arson.
"I didn't want to give the driver a ticket from the start and 1 didn't know who Jic was until I saw the licence."
The incident occurred on the Patricia Bay highway.
Mr. Gaglarcli's driver's licence was temporarily suspended after his last speeding conviction.
u en Ml
UukIi atlve oulIn
�' e   figu ispiial \� . A brief (-(�in   i 11 til III.S
conduct- j w as mi
of   Hum
 il'ii i
deteiiiiillt iii-1'i'al b
II   .Mil III Illll
id will and Martin i\\ Ing a pop-u hh Ii hear> inadequacies �mand   upon
I'ane 3)
VlCTi )i;i.\ (Special � There is ihi point in basemen I fullout sJielters, John Squire CCCF-A1-be nil) �'-�lid  Wednesday.
��| ha\e a 12-yoar-okl sun sit-tliiK in Ihe nailery imlay and I'm iini showing myself to be si i stupid by telling him Iiu-inanit.v's only escape is lo build a liniiili shelter in the southeast corner <>( our base-
inclit,"  he said.
"Art1 you Koing to run to your neirlibor's v\ hen i he bombs start falllnj,'?" culled Diill   Smith  ISC-Vlctoi'lu).
Mr. S(|inre said he hat! no ik1 ili'c to in' tin- only survivor in llio block.
��Wh.tf- ihe k'ood of snr\i\-Iiih when there are no neighbors, nnr< nt�  '.' ihr\ uk
 inn I'd
Stage Set for Curling Championship
for .i
Umlishl He |!ol
 M    v    ii n,  ipr ii ihe ph
 in   I lie Illltltllc  nl
I ii il Ili'iulH'y, will) appealed  i hiri iur iii> purl In  I'cn/iiiit'c which opens  int   the dcltiiie hnlled,
\\\ i ex \v.\i ki:ii                  plenty
Citizen Sports Editor               Prince
The .*'..r..(% h Hlinosl �el  lor the l.n":c>t snorting evcnl ever to be held in  Prince liPOI'tfO the   i'.ui,nil,in   Si hool>   (ui lin,".
 i volunteers from the e George Curliiifi I'lub  alrciidy expressed w*iIIIhk*
 tn .ml in iroin'ortlng the  uiii into u lur^c curl Ing
to    Biipplcmcnl    the
 d I i
 i in  in
 mid I
i         Lad     id  Mui'garci 1 ulJcr. Iroui Mori
ho offers, but what moid wore the o.v .:,i\e lor hupponiiif! Vobod) admitted in I ike 11i*i* Manager mi, who contributed node] in* uxplalnod soul to hint bj n uncu  n I wear n.
unit   Ilkfl  .1  I'l'IIT'lT
A< loiiiiiio L'urliM'M who will Suiuliiy   morning eai'li ul the in p
 for the 11  rrive mi the  Iriiln from  vIiu'pi iOn*  havu
lUl'IO    Illll    Iv* i"   eiilne
been nrroutiud by local of fit
lijtuiilir: tin1 week Ions iiUyilown, And local Individuals h.ivc prepnrod to ilonato Irani'
|hii'l,iiinn |nr e.icli ol the rink*
|n|'  the I'llMl'e   \\ivk
There In > 1111 llio ice f|iio*tlon
lo lie MUltlod   Mill  Illll ntll .ij>
paroutl}   bi   luiiu  trouble a*
M.iiis o| the in,ilcriiil> Iur lln-
liliiunilc Initk have boon donated
l)j 'in Mies', in'iii- iiii'(Mi;:liiiiii I lie < ily ,iml the comei'Mon hnn Itch si'licdulctl to lieglii early Saturday morning.
OTfklnln ol lhe 'iljllcl 10}  lhe
(nli-i'iiiii   will   bo   II)   lllO   bc>t
|io>mIiIc   condition    fur    this
iiMiT'iii-ii lili'iline event,
Tin1 ilitu'i'iiry for the vllitlng ClirlOH Illll been gel up imd I lit*
vlniton will Imvo b buiy tlma u� in.iiiv inturuHlluu mul uducfl' lioiiiU toiio iiuvu
Speclatoi'ji	will have the	   llto   pi'ojde   of   Cuiiii		iihi
pintcd    >l><    in	what   is   titkinu	
place   lU'pori	�  will   he  lenvl	n �!
iiif city after	every third a	ml
in itri'p Canada up>lo>dttlo		on
wiiui Ii liikin	ii!  tiliicc  here	in
IIcit In the city, the commit' Ire looking after llio tickets for lhe 'xpi�'i report 'l^v flro "fioiiis very well" but u rush for good bcalH In expected be* tween now and opening same
(�'or ihohC inlri1r>>l(td in |�ro-curing ducalMi the following buolncitti citlabllihiticnli arc ii.ri'iinr: the nil William Cm1' mlchael Lid, Allmi k Hnw-I home. Interior Spurliinon'ii Shop, DC. I.iind ft Investment, Tommy Itlchardiou'i, U.C, I'm-pniiOi Al's Darbor simp ond Northorn Hardworoi
A yroal deal of work hm Uono Into moklnti t'il� n sroal event�and Ii undoubtedly will
Keep Out Of Congo, Reds Told
WASHINGTON K'P) � Presi dent kdrinedy warned I'reniici Kbnishchev Wednesday ni^ht th)
Gov't Asked to Promote New Forest Industries
VICTORIA '(I'1    A uhang  incriiiiw's for development
in  ;ij>|i!'r pi'i;itc iircis�c-|>(ri;iilv
central regions of the province�
tin     Vld           W
in  lOrcsl   piil
if new loic.st
in  the  in tit 1 i i'uh urged ii) t
\Veclnpsdny l�y William .Muir;iy (SC-Princ
-aii I   I'rince Ituperi   fore> i
cy in pro-inilu.-tiii's eonsl .iini he legisln-
>   lUllH'l't I.
slrk'i   had  shown  an   hurras*' 25 per ct'iu ui timber eul linn 10(50,   tar   hiulur   than   ai:y her ili- I riit ill lhe pro\ ince.
The ir-'uiTs Indicated Ihul tho 'riliciii oild central |)arl�j  ul u kvil for ii !>� in tiuii by the iiij'iiw uj   dr-
Illmeiil    In    I n 1111 - > \ i �    lii-'liw.iv
llt'l Wl't'll iTiin e l!u|iii"    ii I llll|
will he prep.ind by iilld-lUdJ
men   ihe  ucltJcd   truffle  dc< .
ainl.-<   ihiit    will   ic.-iili   il   lhe
I.i K.i   r.i l> < I'm inn'   '*. 'i      .i In ad |
I   ItH   f M�'|*('-( i J    Icll'S    . ('IN Ii I
i ci  | 'i im e I lllpOJ'l and   IUVO' ll  .M.I - k'HI � ('III IC . I le     lilil   the   I.I   I   .'ill   mill |    o! iIn Illj-.'h\\il.V  1)111 Kl  he Impi'iiM'd,
[Ci   iiiii  i  bo    111'lii'ihencil lii
heavy  IouiIn ol  irun |�ji*i
(H  tlwil .il�'  lll.i'K' lo IIH0  lhe
 I luri'll
IOHIOCAST  uili Inch of (i y .iini oct'iislo
 are    fiireca  I  ,-111iK)W will lie-in al'ler iiiliil;'hi ami end tomorrow  li�". i|cM�n, \'rry eiild, I ,m\\l iinl' 11\cnilj'lii bC'CCJIilllB noi'lli
I'iiiiic Gc
Ten iii'r Soul hers (,'ur ln'l U'iIIiiiiiix
n Si, .iniiii � i'ii Cruuk
 l,n IN-crlp  'II    ,0.1
l.'l �ti � l id    �
�2   It'll I'D
 '27   M