- / -
The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North-Central British Columbia
Phone LOgan 4-2441
Vol.  5;  No.   119
7c a Copy
BY  CARRIER S1.50 per Moiltb
-Dick Wuymiie's homer gives Yanks victory over Texaco in senior Softball.
�      �        �
Athletics down Yankees in  AL to give new manager, Hank Bauer, first victory.
*      �        �   '
Vancouver  Mount ies  defeat  Salt  Lake  City Bees in extra inning. (See Page 6.)
TOP CADET in 396 Rotary Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets, was Flight Sergeant Bill Simpson. He was presented with the squadron efficiency trophy during the annual inspection held Monday night. Above, Flt.-Sgt. Simpson (left) receives the trophy from Wing Commander T. J.  MacKinnon,
coinmanding officer of the Sea Island RCAF Station, who conducted the inspection. Flight Lieutenant Harvey Clarke squadron commanding officer, and Jim Christie, chairman of the sponsoring Rotary Club, look on.
�Vandervoort. photo
Shouting Match Rages Over Coyne Proposal
OTTAWA (-GP)�Two Liberal motions to have Bank of Canada Governor James E. Coyne summoned before the commons' banking committee were defeated today 'in a wild committee session which at times erupted into a shouting match.
The conservative majority on the committee outvoted'by the early Liberal arrivals at the start of the meeting defeated the motion by votes of 15 to !) and 21 to 8.
Co-Operation Urged
JUNEAU, Alaska Ml�Public Works Commissioner Richard A. Downing today urged B.C. and the Yukon to work hand-in- hand with Alaska in the delve lopin on I of .their1 resources and tourist industry.
Downing, speaking at the IPcning of a two-day conl'cr-on problems common to the three, said Far Eastern markets will play an increasingly important role in the search for new markets by the three ureas.
i\pcni errcc
"In our areas of mutual ii terest, when we discuss 11k movement of resources and th effect on mutual transportatioi syslems wo must consider the pxccaii-t aniiu future markets for those resources.
"The Pacific Rim countries and in particular Japan are becoming increasingly important as outlets for our mineral, timber and agricultural products."
Downing said Alaska and Canada   may   have   to   look   to
New Health. Unit Director Takes Over Duties Here
I.   II.   ItONHAM Wiiiiilpeg'born
Dr. J. H. Bonham took over as director and medical health officer of the Cariboo Health Unit today, lie succeeds Dr. K. 1. G. Benson.
The 28-year-old Winnipeg-born doctor graduated from the University of Manitoba's medical school In LD56. He served with the Boundary Health Unit in the Lower Kraser Valley for 1G months.
Dr. Bonham completed a course In public health at the University of Toronto's School of Hygiene prior to coming here.
Japan for markets for oil and "it would be desirable, therefore to consider joint efforts in development of pipeline systems when adjacent Canadian and Alaskan- production-are confined to a common market."
Alaska's production soon may exceed the volume which West Coast refineries could absorb.
A formal brief from B.C. government said it will  take  B.C. many  years  to  complete  four specific road projects sought by Alaska.  "Any  accelerated  program to construct the system in a  short period  of   time  woul be  dependent  on  participate by the federal governments o Canada and the U.S."
The projects referred to ar
proposed road from Hazelloi to Jake's Corner on the Yukoi section of the Alaska Highway connections between Alaska ''anhandle cities and the In crior, reconstruction of the :utofr from the Alaska High vay to Elaincs at the base of lie panhandle and paving of he Alaska  Highway.
Now Hear This...
Wo know they're not period, and who is. but it kind of browns .i motorist's rear bumper when in1 sees a policeman getting away with traffic offence* he's not allowed to overlook for anyone clso, One driving car with licence number 420*618 pulled three boners in a row Monday without even slapping    hi!    own    wrist,    lie
went through Con n a u � hi School's 20 mpli zone at more than 30 at S.SO p.m.. then jtoonv cd throufih .in occupied crosswalk .it .Ninth and Victoria, then ran the amber light at Seventh .nid Victoria . . .
Chamber "i commerce has pul out .mi hi1 rn! call to borrow 20 lii<" Jickoti bo it can take advantage ol Auund Han-sen'1'  oiler  to  llOSl   20  visitlllfi
Americans on n rlvcitaoal trip up tin* Ncchako Thursday after-liiion.   ami   Howie   Witt's  river
hn.it trip for tho croup up the KniMT on Friday! Anybody who i1.in ipsro any numbir of
.said   lackol '  for thO das1  plOttIO
phone 'I.oil, ind  It'a urgent
boot vendors �tailed �� �ui
 and bar- tourni-
merit Sunday, courtesy of Car-line's,  and   it   wasn't   too   Ions before   reports   drifted   around Hie course that two moose had been sighted,  one on  Ihe fiflh and another nn the eighth. And I his was before any of the boys so much as had a heer ... If Jolt in'   Grwfic   i ii :;iimhi   was seen uiratin' genially yesterday, friends .should know lie's quite okay.  It  was all  because of a father's day present from wife Shirley, a daughter, their first .   News  .story  in  this  sheel last   Thursday   goofed   when   it said the ll.C. Tuborcitlotla Sue-loty's   mobile   vans   would    lie | parked   all   lliis   week   al   eily hall, T'ain't .so;  il's nc.\l   week
Mil Nolan, l>r.i\ rr trapper and
l.irmcr al I'raser Lake, nffrrrcl
in.-. -Os niorici Naah Lo ih*1 Siuioii Craaer bay Committee for use iii ihe parade In a it-
cent letter. Hut. farther Oil I here was a paragraph snyiuc he dldn'l know if he was still hi a |iuMilnii lo make Ihe offer. Saul a tree crashed down on in ii.1 [c and in* dnin't know il In'd he uhle lo ycl the niaili Inu In uPiTalion  .1 mm.  , , .
tolel Operators Found Innocent Of Liquor Charge
The operators of a city bear parlor were found not guilty Monday of allowing a drunk person on the premises,
Northern Holdings l.ul., owner of t n o Canada Hotel, was sharged under a seotlon of tlio Government Liquor Adt which makes ii an offence for a hot� Lo allow q drunk p<*rspn licenced premises.
In dismissing the cliargc Magistrate G. O. Stewart not* ran fl let ing evidence of t w IK'MP officers and four of th Icfcnco witnesses. He sold h did not disbelieve th<> poltcx blit   nor  could   he   Ignore
claims of t.iic defence w Wries I'ollc eaicl Arthur May tAv ed the usual signs of uito.N lion In thr beer parlor .May May pleaded guilty to a drunk charge Mm following day. Defend! counsel was ('.  A
Kdwnrds   of    Vancouver.    T�.'<
Maci.au'hv acted for tin1 crown
DK. hLOVI) JACOBSON, head of the oral diagnosis �department at tine University of Washington, is in the cky conducting a two-day refresher course 'today and tomorrow for local dentists. Besides the seven local men attending, 'there are two from Edmonton, one from Prince Rupert and one from Burns Lake. Course Is held here annually,
	W   �        VII KFIN'ON K	Vkl IJ P)�Tw	i nioro
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P.ol	ably niH.I	1100,	
Mostly cloudy with afternoon howcrs. Cooler. Lipht winds. iOW tonipht and high toinor-�oa\- at Prince George and Smiihers. 45 and (>,">; Quesnel, 5 and 70.
A total .20 inches of rain fell n five in in lilt es here Monday t about 2:.''it) p.m.
Pence Itiver
Mostly sunny and a little vanner Wednesday. Winds northwest -<>. Low tonight and high tomorrow at Grande Prairie, 50 and  7."i.
Last -1 Hours
Hi    Lo Priv.
Prince George
Torraee Sn lit hers Quesnel Williams  Lake Kam loops Whifaohorsc Fort   Nelson Port St. John D.iwson Creek
Liberals Paul Martin and J. W. iPickersgill, shouting to .be heard over the protests of Conservatives, demanded that the committee summon 'Mr. Coyne immediately to discuss the Bank of Canada's annual report.
Criminal Code Changes Okayed
OTTAWA �B � A bagful of amendments to the Criminal Code, including measures for road and water traffic enforcement and a new approach in dealing with dangerous sexiial offenders, passed detailed Commons scrutiny Monday.
Forty-five     Criminal     Coc amendments    were     approvec with only minor technical alle atibhs.
Justice Minister Fulton the dangerous sexual offende �the new term for crimin sexual psychopaths � may .1 sentenced lo preventive dctc tion on the basis of only oi offence.
At present, it is necessary t prove inability to control sexua impulses before a person ca be sentenced to preventive dc tcntion. The matter of clinic for sex offenders�primaritl a provincial affair � would b canvassed with the provinces. Dangerous driving also is be ing put back into the Crimina Code to meet requests, thr min istcr said. The change was re moved in 1055 .but. juries tend cd to shy from convicting fo criminal negligence in the op oration of a vehicle and too many persons were setting away  with  light  sentences.
Dangerous-clrivinR convictions would carry a maximum sen tencc of two years. The code also would add provision foi careless operation of sjnall boats � a move welcomed members who susKested how-over that it may he difficult lo enforce tho regulations. Sonic suggested special summer-time deputies.
VANCOUVER (CP) � Ne-gotiaitions are expected to reopen shortly b e t w e e n Trans-Oanada Air Lines and its stewardesses and pursers �who have voted to strike if necessary ito enforce new contract demands they say the jet age ihas Ibrougjitj about.
The more 'than SOO vott'd ' !M per cent to strike if TCA doesn't Jiicol demands for dying time �credils.
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Congolese Parliament-To Reconvene Shortly
LiEOPOLDVlLLE (Reuteiw �Hoprescrtitntlvcs of Uic central Congolese Bovoi'tinienit In LcopolclyllJe *ud of Uhc Ooin-munlut-backod Bovorrtmeiii under Antblno ClzcngB In Orion-tal Province have a^rood lo reconvene 'the Congolese Par-li.imcnl hCPC Juno 25, it W&8 announced today,
Integration Not Wanted, Indian Spokesman Says
VANCOUVER (CP)�Indians are against Atitorney-Ceneial Bonner's suggestion itfhat thc.v be integrated willh the rest of tlie population.
They fear an end of segregation also would mean an end lo t h e i r reservations, said North American Indian Brotherhood secretary Mr�. Gene-vieve Mussel! of Chilliwaek.
"We want our reserves, tfhey iro the only means we have for 'ecovering wlrut we feel is �iglilfnlly ours," she said.
Mrs. Mussel! was commercing on Mr. Bonner's suggestion) hat segregation be abolished  full' responsibility for in-lian affairs be taken from Ot-iwa and put in t'he hands o*f he provincial government.
An unexpected break in the weather today was enabling firefighters to make headway in the battle against forest blazes in the hard-hit southern section of the Prince George  Forest  District.
Cool, overcast weather following rain helped crews to control many new lightning-caused fires dis covered Monday while they were still small.
A -total of 2(5 new 'fires were spot'led Monday to bring to ii tho nuniber 'now burning ii the district. Most were starlet h.v Suii(lay\s lightning.
"If the weather e-Oioukl warn up we will find even more Tires," local B:C. Fo'reslt Service protection officer Dennis Me Donald said. HAS  1MPKOVKI)
"We don't know where 'this cool weather came from but it �has kept all fires quiet today. If it continues for a couple of days it will 'bring all fires under control."
Situation at 'the huge Went Fire at Che (headwaters of Baker Creek, 30 miles southwest of Quesnel, is still serious today but has improved Bince Monday'.
'The cool weather slowed the fire clown and weVo trying to get a fireguard around pants A id," Mr.  McDonald said.   \
Situation at tihe fire was ex-reinely serious Monday after-loon and two ranchers in t;he  eva^'iui'ted Mmir ranches. They were to. return to' their' ionics 'today, however./
Wo don'it knowhov'v Jjig tlie s   is,"   -Mr.    McDonald   Hair
IjT.-COL.    1�.   .1.    Hl'VDKN
ihas been appointed assistant adjutant and quartermaster general at Heatlquarters, B.C. Area, the army announced today. A native of Cumberland, Colonel Himdon served as dcpu.ty coininander at ihe Joint Anns Training Centre, Riveivs, Man., before moving ito   Vancouver.
Book Worm, 2V2, Given First Card
"Some esliniate.s 'have placed i around 30,000 acres, but doulrt if it's tba't big. Bu there'-s so muoh smoke it' hard to tell."
A  !)5-man .suppression crew aided by 1.4 bulldozers, will lr> to   contain1.  Uiie   blaze   on northern .side vyQiere it is burn inj,r in immature pine SLASH  BURNING
No action is being taken on the fire's soutJhwegfc cornei which is in the Kamloops For est District. The blaze is burning in sla.s'h and old burn in that direction:,
A helicopter is based at the fire and will be used for reconnaissance work.
Two aircraft and three helicopters- are-aiding T.\\\ men and i;i bulldozers baMle fires in tlie district,
The Penny and Wells areas were hardest hit by the lighit-njiitf .storms and each area had 1] Tires still burning today. Fiain in Hie Penny area Iliad cooled off all of its fires.
WEST NEW YORK, N.J. � AP) � Florence Jacobs is the >roud owner of "her 'first public ibrary card.
The card will enable 1icr to mrsue suoh favori'te subjects as rocketry and outer space. And it will bring her an endless supply of line 'long, tpnguc-fwi.sting words llhat rihe likes to spell.
Florence- is jurft 2V6 years old.
The brown-eyed, Oil - |K>un of 'linwWeis ;t|ip1ied fur her card Monday, b'u't it took a little doing to get it. Library regulations declare Hurt card holders must 'be at least seven years old.
LSut afltcr a meeting wiUh Florence; Mayor John J; Ann-ellino made an exception to the rule. "She's probably the youngest card holder in I b e countiy," the mayor said, "except, for her age, dhe qualifies for a card."
Her mother, Mrs. Marie Jacobs, said Florence 'has already �ead some 60 books through the seventh grade level. She learned t'he alphabet when she was 1 year old and now spells more than :!()() difficult words.
"J tell her that words are leau'fclful," said .Mrs. Jacobs. 'I pronounce new words with ;rea/t excitement. And Florence  ijjjie dictionary to learn iew ones." Then to cap �her performance ho named t'he planets arid heir satellites and 'licked off, ihabctical order, all of the 0 states in  the  U.S.
Unemployment Falls Sharply But More Still Jobless than in 1960
OTTAWA (CP)�Unemploy-leril fell sharply ito 457,000 at lid-May from 622,000 a month niicr, the Dominion Bureau Statistics reported today, lie total, 38,000 higher than year earlier, represented 8ev> i per cent of ithe labor force, in pa red with a !).7 per cent a onth earlier.
The decline In uneniplo.v-ent, third monthly drop in a �. was cuntruslnl willi a ,000 increase in employment, a greater �than - usual Jump for the time of year.
'I'lic plotUIX! in  brief, w i t h estimates in thousands:
.May April   May
Labor   force    6,542 0,440 7
Unemployed      457    <>22     IP.
The   unemployment   report
based fan a survey of 35,000 households across Canada, was released just It) hours before Finance Minister Fleming was to present his budget in the ("oi i n nuns.
Vlie labor department, analyzing t!ie> report, said 'the1 long-term unemployed accounted for almost all of the 1)8,000 in-crease over last year's mid-May jobless total, when the unemployment rale was 8.0 per eu it.
There were los.ooo worketB
who bad been out of a job for more than six nionilhs. Thirt was 25 per cent ol' the I.'UI.OOO without     work     and    seeking
Work, the formal definition of
unemployment. The majority, however, had
been      unemployed     for     six
months or less.
In addition, I here were 18,� 000 on  temporary  layoff.
The number of unemployed men, 307,000, was down 1.V1.000 from     tin1    previous    nionih.
ere was a .decline in 12,000 unemployed women, leaving a total of 00,000,
'By Almighty Godr I'm Innocent, Eichmann Says
.IKNllSAI.KM (AIM � Adolf lohmann swore under oath to
[ay In1 never realized what Ihe i parly Intended  to do lo
he Jrws when he joined It in
By Ihe Mine Ilir lot   unfolded.   Kirhin.iim   IBldi
 um powerlcla to "in/luoHco" iir- former GchIupo officer
iM'il   of'n   key  rolo  In  the a/I cNtci'iiiiniitlnii of Ii.001).000 cws (Ini'liiK the SitoikI  World V.ir took the .stand In In.- own clencc    Ilils    inornliik    niter nlinn lo waeki of profoou* mi vvlduncu a,.jiii..t him.
Kichmanii, now .1.1 mid wear in^ iK'nvriniuu1'! Klas.scx sn:i|v pod  to ramrod attention  when
preaidlnfl Judfic Miv.hr Laitdaii announcod ihr atari of the do fence,
rroMiJiiis .iti inoslly of Jowlsli nurvLvora <>f tin* w;iriime po-gFoni I'liinbied in aurprjie and rrsiMilnicnl, 8BRVA11U8 SPEAKS
BSlchrainn ill down as his counsel, Dr. Hubert Scrvatiux of Wt'M (ii't'iiuiny. rose for u few liurnrliu Uiry  ivmurkH.
"In tins cunt1 llioro uro two wurlilK," Dr. Sorvalliifi Mild. "Tlu> world of ||iom> who njif-liTi'tl �nd tlioHu who wcru in aiitlionty.
"Tho defence will .show lh.it the Intertwining o� tho iccuaod in the apparatua of llio ponccu<
lion was a rcsull of Hie leadership of tho slate, This was a rcault which rmild nut be avoided.
"Ii will become clear that tlu< accusation Dial the BCCliaod *vas worse than Miller was only constructed luler. There ih no truth in tin* contention (hut Hie licensed could huve sabo-laced (he orders �� this was wi'oijk us well as Ihe story that (SS boss llelnrlch) IIIiiuiiUt himself feared I In; iicau.od."  �! on r,ii;l ,i>