t SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS Vanderhoof Bears break jinx with 5 2 victory over Mohawks in Coliseum Qucsnel Kangaroos dump Williams Lake Stampedcrs 8 5 to take over third spot in CHL Sawchuk and Howe stand out as Wings defeat New York Rangers See Page 4 Loggers Death Ruled Accidental at Inquest A verdict of accidental death was rendered at the inquest Wednesday into the death of a 36-year-old city man killed in a logging mishap neap McLeods Lake Henning Borge Niemann died of injuries suffered when a ttrec he was filing jpht and ritt PfJLsiyunSjout fleaUnfihim a fatal blow He was employed as a fallcr during the winter months with Ferguson Lake Sawmills Ltd During the summer months Mr Niemann worked with his brother Erling Niemann in his landscaping business here A service will be held Friday through arrangements with Assmans Funeral Chapel Time and location will be announced iree m Fined 25 Tin ec transient book salesmen who ministers say claimed they represented church organiza organizations � tions while selling Bibles were each fined 25 in city police court Wednesday for selling without a city trade licence The group came into the dis district � trict several days ago Fined but given time to pay were Margaict Pai Wo Vernicc Rose and Michael Laapcr None arc from the city In default of payment each of the persons will spend fne days in jail The operators were insinuat insinuating � ing they were representatives of whichever church a resident said he belonged ministers said Rev Ibbs Avery of Knox United Church denied that the church had any representatives in the aiea Rev Newton Steacy iach Here of St Andicws United Church agreed that the church doesnt sponsor salesmen There are a lot of unscrupu unscrupulous � lous people that try to hide under the cloak of the church said Mr Steacy They are to be pitied He said if people want to purchase Bibles it should be done through known book deal dealers � ers the church and other re reputable � putable people If they dont they get slung nearly every time he said City trade licence inspector Adam Barone was contacted Wednesday moining when a Queensway resident said one of the salesmen was at her place He went to the area at the same time police were notified of the incidents The 1 rio ap appeared � peared in court that afternoon Now Hear This Thcie is no unemployment in the ministry reniaiks Rev A Cursons who came out of letircmcnt for the third time four months ago to take charge of Central Baptist Church hoje Over 80 Mr Cursons is the youngest but one of a family of six and all his brothers and sisters are living Sure is humorous to listen to Homer Weseen on the ayem sportscast and you can hear it several times in a row word for word and again in the eve evening � ning if you want to listen that often When Mohawks win it takes Homer two to four mln utcs to tell about it and he uses every adjective in the book When they lose like last night the story is put across in thicc short tcnc paragraphs with all the frills dropped Still on radio it would be nice to know who Jack Carbutt thinks hes kidding when he refers to the weather tower That place at the airport is just a room on the end of the second storey no higher than the rest of the building and well below the level of the airways control tower which isnt being used at all Lets not overdo the baloney Jack were still a small city you know Any more parties in the up stairs lounge like last nights farewell do the RCMP staged for Corporal Cy Mills whos leaving for North Vancouver and the Legion will need its new building before next fall From downstairs it sounded like thunder on the ceiling and the wTiole building shook as those size 14s tripped the light fan fantastic � tastic BC Hydro reports the people at Willow River are really good to the meter read readers � ers They make sure pathways are shoveled so the boys can get in to read the meters Which doesnt happen most places es especially � pecially in the city Mrs Letha Carr is apologiz apologizing � ing Seems a lady phoned to say she was trying Mrs Carrs butter crunch cookie recipe as it was piintcd in The Citizen but couldnt make the dough stick together A check of the recipe showed that in copying out this delicious cookie treat Mrs Carr had forgotten to in include � clude one egg Copy that missing ingredient into your recipe she said and try it Vernon Winter Carnival brass has invited several interior cities to send their queens to the event and tossed in a sug suggestion � gestion they bring their winter woollies And that from the Sunny Okanagan THE CITIZEN The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North Central British Columbia Phone LOgan 4 2441 Vol 6 Mo 18 UKWW V - riPf Pf si8a5- fcSfSPvJ -Sssg hAwMWJM if I 18P a5 K Me -MX BT WTlMraTHra Tf ft HTT IlBTr T arx WiifT f 1 THACTOK became immersed in muck Wednesday after a section of the steel piling of a coffer dam for the new Fraser River bridge gave way Two coffer dams 80 by 50 feet are being built by Poole Con Construction � struction Concrete will be poured in them to provide footings for the three span bridge Coffer dams are being scooped out to a depth 30 feet below river level Engineering consultants are A B Sanderson and Co Ltd of Victoria and Vancouver Vandervoort photo 15 TOP FEE Increase in Licence Fee For Dogs Under Study A new dog bylaw for the city was discussed in part Wednesday by a city committee which decided leashes were unnecessary for effective control of dogs Having found the former dog bylaw ineffective and difficult to enforce the city instructed its solicitor Cecil Edwards to prepare another bylaw Following discussion in com committee � mittee a recommendation to city council has been made to increase licence fee for an un spayed female clog to 15 from the present 5 Male dogs and spayed female dogs would have licence fees increased to 3 from 2 Should the bylaw be passed it will become effective immed immediately � iately The main purpose of the by bylaw � law is to make control easier to enforce The city believes too many dogs run unattended and many of them are unli cenccd City dog catcher Rhys Thom Thomas � as who was put on full time duty at the first of the year told the city ill dogs had been collected so far this month Pound facilities are taxed to the utmost He is woiking seven clays a week Some of the points in the by law being considered by the city arc A dog found in any place not occupied by its owner and not under effective control can be impounded No dog can be in a place of business in the city Cats found running at large will be impounded and disposed of in 24 hours Reclaimed dogs from the pound will cost the owner a basic 5 in the city and 7 for dogs living beyond the city limits All the pioposals discussed are subject to change when or before they reach council Control of dogs is primarily what is desired in a dog bylaw But city committeemen felt re requiring � quiring a leash for a dog to keep it under control would be too stringent a measure Mayor Garvin Dczell said If were going to go the full ex tent of the bylaw then we might as well go one step further and outlaw all docs itist likr wo did horses chickens and rows Since city dog licences went on sale in January about 100 have been sold Mr Edwards asked the com committee � mittee to consider the possibil ity of requiring all dogs to be innoculatcd against distemper before a licence is issued Whatever the case the much discussed highly controversial dog contiol situation in Prince George is by no means ic solved Should a dog that bites a man be Immediately destroyed Should dogs be allowed in a bus What means of effective control must a uog owner nave over his animal One alderman said Maybe well know some of these an swers by the end of the year Mail Campaign PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA THURSDAY JANUARY 25 1962 VICTORIA CP Share Shareholders holders of the HC Power Cor poration Wednesday started a mail campaign here against the government takeover of B C Electric Co ilast August Cost of the promotion aimed at stirring up a piotest against the takeover was paid for fiom donations sent to the commit committees � tees central executive in Van Vancouver � couver said a pi ess lelcasc The fair expropriations com committee � mittee is piessing the govern government � ment to amend the Power Act to permit negotiation of com compensation � pensation terms with a statu statutory � tory right of appeal to the couits if negotiations fail The committee is mailing householders a one page leaf let warning that peoples homes or invested savings could be the next to be confiscated arbi arbitrarily � trarily The leaflet also charges that citizens are being denied the right of appeal an unjust hardship Is worked on thous thousands � ands of Investors and that the teputation and credit of the province has been damaged by the takeover The householder is asked to sign and mail to the committee a printed form which reads I agiee that the method of takeover of the B C Electric was wrons and that the legis legislation � lation should be amended to permit negotiation and appeal to the courts The leaflet also urges citi citizens � zens to write members of the legislature cabinet ministers and newspapers SECOND SOUGHT FRIDAY Fair Simon Link Given One Prince Gcorgrs Simon Frascr Days Committee voted unanimously Wednesday to amalgamate with the Prince George Agricultural and Industrial Association The committee thus endorsed a proposal from the I two groups executives that they amalgamate their I two annual undertakings Simon Fraser Days ami 1 the Fall Fair under the name of Simon Fraser Days THRONE SPEECH Education Assistance Promised VICTORIA CP Increased financial assistance to all levels of education and establishment of an overall provincial hydro power authority were forecast today in the Speech from the Throne read at the opening of the BC Legislatures 1962 ses session � sion Increased education facilities including a dentistry faculty at UBC and more changes in edu education � cation laws in line with the Chant recommendations also were outlined The speech prepared by the government and read by Lt- Gov George Pcarkcs at the tra traditionally � ditionally ceremonious opening of the house also said a new water resources department will be established and a royal com commission � mission will investigate work workmens � mens compensation Revision of magistrates courts of BC and amendments to the Municipal Act aimed at improv improving � ing administration also were forecast along with promise of provincial aid to construction of housing and recreational fa facilities � cilities for the aged There was no mention how however � ever of any legislation to fur further � ther curb trading and gift stamps promotions Attorney General Bonner has said the government plans such legisla tion at this session The speech forecast new fa cihtics for vocational education at Vancouver Prince George Nanaimo Nelson and Kclowna There was no elaboration of this Establishment of a BC Hydro authority had been expected in the wake of the governments takeover of the BC Electric last August The takeover placed most of BC outside the Okana Okanagan � gan and Kootenay areas within the area serviced by Crown owned corporations The speech said the govern government � ment will introduce legislation to establish a BC hydro power authority to be responsible for generation and distribution of all public power for construc construction � tion of a provincial transmission grid and for the consignment of power to a national grid when required and Exhibition The fair association will vote on the same proposal Friday at a general membership meeting in the IWA Hall 909 Fifth start starting � ing at 730 pm Tentative dates for the 1962 exhibition have been set for Aug 15 through 18 In addition a horse racing meet has been scheduled for the fair grounds track July 18 through 21 This will be the fifth year of operation for the Simon Fraser Days Committee It started dur during � ing 1958 to provide a gala day on which to commemorate the cxploicr Simon Frascr and other pioneers of the Prince George and Central B C area Its first celebration was held Aug 27 1958 but the tiirce sub subsequent � sequent Simon Fraser Days were staged on July 1 Details of planning for the new exhibition will be worked out during the next few months if the fair association approves the amalgamation It is quite possible however that some lesser event of public interest and attraction will be sponsored each year on July 1 by the exhibition board Present proposal is that the Simon Frascr Days Committee will be kept more or less intact within the framework of the fair association and that it will operate the entertainment events of the exhibition This includes the now famous Simon Frascr Brigade canoe race from Fort St James to Prince Gcorcc down the Stuart land Nechako Rivers The exhibition and agricultur agricultural � al aspects would be operated in the main by the people who have been doing it for many years the chief change being that all working committees would be under authority of a general executive charged with the overall responsibility for making the exhibition a success and responsible to the general membership Nelson Fair Board Quits The entire committee of the West Kootenay Agricultural In dustrial Exhibition has resigned in Nelson Committee members said they were discouraged and dis disheartened � heartened by a poor financial year and by public apathy Members said the public in interest � terest has dwindled in recent years and committee president Mrs Reginald H Dill said Last years fall fair had a loss of 1400 and an attendance of less than 6000 persons Decision on Brewery Not Due Until March A decision on disposition of the Caribou Brewing Co plant here which was bought Jan 18 by city contractor Ben Ginter is not expected before mid March Mr Ginter left Prince George Tuesday for a tluee week vacation in Hawaii but a company spokesman told The Citizen nothing concrete has been decided upon yet The plant was purchased by Mr Ginter lock stock and barrel for 150000 at an auction conducted simultaneously here and in Vancouver Mr Ginter has not discounted the possibility the plant could be put back into operation as a brewery He could also sell the equipment and furnishings and use the plant for other purposes HE WOULDNT BURN IN HELL Blueberry 29 roared belch out gigantic black smoke clouds and finally exploded into white flames as gas mix cd with the oil Adair went into the inferno for about 25 seconds then in a vain attempt to shut off the main valve Adair went into the blaze to retrieve pieces of molten metal that could touch off an explosion once the fire is out Carrying a six foot sheet of aluminum in his left hand to ward off the flames and stooping to the ground when oil exploded he reached the main valve iu seconds Flames belched out La all 7c a Copy aEcMMBnPpvl3p3 ILDV CLAIIIC In pai iide FEB 16 25 Queen Aurora IV To Attend Vernon Winter Carnival Aurora IV queen of last years Simon Frascr Days will reptcscnt Prince George at the Vernon Winter Carnival Feb 10 to 23 The queen Miss Judy Clark will take part in a number of events during the first three days of the carnival Mrs Jean Hill queen com committee � mittee chairman for the Simon Fraser Days Committee said Queen Aurora would be in the parade and would attend many other functions Service clubs which spon sponsored � sored candidates in the 1901 queen contest will be asked for contributions towards the ex penses of the queen and her chaperone Queens from the various cities and towns fiequently visit other areas Mrs Hill said and part of Miss Clarks job will be to promote Simon Prasjcr Days ore i Tenders arc expected to be called shortly for construction of three additional buildings at the new vocational school here National Employment Service Manager A G Thomas said today Additional facilities for the Prince George school scheduled to start classes in the fall were announced in the throne spccci today but no elaboration was made Mr Thomas said the voca vocational � tional school project and re reconstruction � construction of Connaught Junior High School which was destroyed by file last fall wiU likely result in an increased demand for heavy construction workers Figures released today by the NES indicate a considerable drop in the number of persons seeking jobs compared with the Same period last year There are 1455 men and 310 women registered for work compared with 2059 men and 435 women at the same time in 19G1 ire Ace Conquers Oil Well Blaze TORT ST JOHN CP A wild oil well fire which had blazed for almost a week at a well in the northern bush land was snuffed out today by Red Adair recognized as the w oi Ids foicmobt oil well fireman Adair flown to the site of the blazing Blueberry Well from Algiers by the Sun Oil Co walked into the flames clad in an asbestos suit He chained down the Christmas tree type ap apparatus � paratus at the well head which had been loose and leaking Then lie simply turn turned � ed a valve which stopped the flow of oil and gas from be low and the flames died away at Blueberry 29 where the fire sprang up last Friday The well is 55 miles north of Fort St John near the AUbkd Highway It was the second asbestos suit walk into the flames in as many days for Adair He took a first look at the blaze belching fiom the well among a maze of well head pipes on Wednesday One awe struck roughneck who witnessed the perform ance said If Adair is sent to hell he wont burn Earlier the oil well blew wild Wednesday night directions while tcmpcratuics around dropped below zero and a gale whipped up to the northeast Huge icicles hung from water pipes a few feet from the blaze Officials had said chemicals would be used next in fight fighting � ing the fiercest oil fire in BCs petroleum history However if the chemicals failed dynamite was to have been used Adair said he didnt want to use explosives but would do so if theres no other way The Sun Oil Co which com plctcd the well brought in 100 pounds of dynamite Wednes Wednesday � day BT OAHRIKn tt BO DM Mont EPIDEMIC TAKES 301 IN 9 DAYS MANILA AP A cholera like epidemic has taken 301 lives In trie last nine days bringing the death toll to 1692 since September The Philippines government re repotted � potted Wednesday The number of cases from the disease cholcriform en enteritis � teritis rose to 11001 from 10770 in the nine day period APPEAL COURT City Mans Sentence Extended VANCOUVER CP Two men wiiu stole two Ixittles of whisky from an elderly Chi nese last rail nail their sen sentences tences Inct eased by the BC Court of Appeal Leonard Sutherland 27 of Wells had been sentenced to four months definite and eight months indefinite and Walter Leslie Lee 27 of Prince George eight months definite and four months Indefinite by Magis Magistrate � trate J T McKclvie w h e n they admitted robbery with violence Their cases were hi ought to the appellate court by the Crown because the pair were not eligible because of their age for indefinite sentences Justices F A Shepiwrd C W Tysoe and J O Wilson de decided � cided the definite terms were not sufficient and gave Suth Sutherland � erland one year more and Leo two years Lee admitted they took a rifle to the piemises of the Chinese saying they offered It as security for liquor but it was lefused MONTREAL CTl Two muni municipal � cipal court judges ruled Wed Wednesday � nesday the Sunday operation of automatic laundries is illegal In separate test case judg judgments � ments Judges Roland Paqucttc and Henri Monty found La Lavcndire O u c s t Incorporqc guilty of infringement of the Lords Day Act Both fined the laundry 10 and costs The actions were the latest in a series of test cases undertaken by the city against the oper operators � ators of automatic laundiics Appeals against Wednesdays judgments are planned For Vocational School Lumbering and logging is very active with periodic short shortages � ages of skilled workers par particularly � ticularly the logging occupa occupations � tions such a power saw fallcrs and c h o k e r m e n said Mr Thomas The meteorological office at the airport forecasts little cold or weather for Friday It should be mostly clear over overnight � night with snow beginning In the forenoon Winds will ho light tonight and southerly 23 in the main valleys on Friday Low tonight and high tomor tow at Prince George and Qucsnel 10 and 25 Smlthers 15 and 32 Peace River Clear Friday Clouding over In the afternoon with snow in the evening Con tinuing very cold Winds east erly 15 Low tonight and high tomorrow at Grande Prairie 20 and 0 Last 1 Hours III Lo Prcc Prince George 30 27 truce Terrace 38 Smlthers -Ifi Qucsnel 35 Williams Lake 32 Kamloqps 27 30 12 27 01 15 1 13 POLICE CHIEF SHOT GUATEMALA CITY AP A burst of machine gun fire from a speeding car killed the chief of the Guatemalan secret police Ranulfo Gonzales Wed Wednesday � nesday night as he was leaving his home Gonzales driver and one of his assistants were wounded Attackers escaped