Annual Teenage Driving Contest Set for Sunday The annual teenage safe driving rtoad-e-o spon sponsored � sored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce will be held Sunday at 1230 pm at the Safeway Parking lot Fourth and Victoria First prize will be a trip to Vancouver provided by Imperial Oil Ltd for the provincial finals Second prize is 25 and third prize 10 All three winners will receive trophies Anyone with a drivers licence who will not be 20 by July 5 this year and who has not been convicted of a moving traffic violation in the last six months is eligible Registrations will be accepted at the time of the competition Jaycce officials say but application forms are available at the high school LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Prccip Prince George 56 47 31 Terrace 68 43 01 Smithcrs 03 45 01 Qucsncl 62 50 29 Williams Lake 57 46 12 Kamloops 06 52 15 Whileliorsc 61 39 Fort Nelson G5 39 15 Fort St John 67 40 Dawson Creek 68 37 - FROM FEDERAL VOTE Error Eliminates Kitimat Candidate By The Canadian Press The first 70 candidates of a field that may approach 1000 are entered formally in the Dominion election race i today but a Kitimat business man will have to watch from the sidelines because of a human error Rape Trial Opens Spring Assizes The spring assizes here open opened � ed Tuesday with the trial of John Bruce Payne 25 charged with rape following an incident at Smithcrs It was expected to go to the jury today Mr Justice II W Mclnncs is presiding assizes which will see three criminal cases in which six men arc charged with rape 1 Scheduled to appear later are Teddy Moore Steven Prince and Carl Leon charged jointly with an alleged offence at Fort St James and Donald Edward Fortin charged with an alleged rape at Prince George Rainfall recorded at the weather office at the airport since the rain began Tuesday morning was 4 inches up to noon today Record rainfall for May was 1 33 inches set May 16 17 in 10G0 In 1960 the May rainfall was 416 inches con considerably � siderably above the normal 169 inches So far this montrTT k- we have had 75 inches Thursday will be cloudy with sunny periods little change in temperature and light winds Low tonight and high Thursday at Prince George Qucsncl and Smithcrs 42 and 65 Peace River Sunny with cloudy periods Light winds and little change in temperature Low tonight and high Thuisday at Grande Prairie 40 and 65 John Watt 41 was the Liberal partys choice in Skccna one of 21 constituencies where be because � cause extra time is needed to deliver election supplies nomin nominations � ations were held Tuesday Can Canadas � adas 242 other ridings two of which elect two members apiece have until June 4 to declare their candidates Mr Watt had from April 19 to file his papers and pay his 200 deposit but it was 1 55 pm Tuesday five minutes be before � fore nominations closed when he appeared before returning officer Alex S Bill at Prince Rupert BC He had the required signa tures of 25 sponsors but lacked the witnesses the Canada Elec Elections � tions Act rules must swear under oath that the signatures are true The witnesses were in Kitimat too far away to be of help Mr Bill said he could not accept Mr Watt as a candidate and Nelson Castonguay chief electoral officer upheld the de decision � cision in a ruling from Ottawa I feel terrible the intended candidate said later Due to my error in not having the forms properly filled out I have let down a great many people Im extremely sorry to deprive all Liberals of tho opportunity tovotc Jxr a Libei candidate in Skccna riding Skcena will be a three man contest among Frank Howard CCF member in the last House and New Democratic Party candidate June 18 Lewis G Morley Social Credit and A B Vance Progressive Conserv Conservative � ative The error tool some of the edge off a nomination conven convention � tion held Tuesday night on the opposite side of the continent The Liberals had planned to complete their slate of 2G5 can candidates � didates with the nomination at Bridgcwater NS of Arthur James in Qucens Luncnburg Mr James was nominated but was tho 26 Uh candidate instead of the 2C5th Apart from Mr Watts elim elimination � ination and the withdrawal of Fred Murray as Social Credit candidate in Meadow Lake nominations closed with a lineup pretty much as pre predicted � dicted CLINKING COINS AROUSE HOMEOWNER Now Hear This Number 928 in the Elks Day at the long long job of tabulat- program will receive a transis tor radio The draw was made last night so if youve got that number get in touch with the Elks fast The 20-year-okl yes thats all CCF Hall well known as a social centre and meeting place for Prince George is likely to be torn down In the brew is a sale by the PG Hall Co lo Caledonian Leaseholders Ltd the outfit which built that gorgeous shopping centre in North Kamloops and other de developments � velopments in UC Jaycee Youth Hand Director Eugene Bates says copies of music used by the joint choir which sang here dining tho recent music festival hae not all been re relumed � lumed to him Music was bor lowed from Summerland and must be returned So hurry please Interesting side light in the approaching June 18 federal election is polling hours During the advance poll June o and 11 hours will be S am to 8 pm On election day however polls will open 8 am and close 7 n m to give vote counters an earlier start ing Hie ballots To mark the official opening of his new retail stoic at Fourth and Que Quebec � bec Veteran Building Supply man John Mclnnis will hold open house all day Thursday The staff will pour coffee for all folks who would like to drop in and look over the new prem premises � ises Credit lHireau Boss man Tony Reynes is looking for a ram preeaoiy one with nicely curved horns Tony is officer commanding the Rocky Mountain Rangers here and the army boys want a ram mascot with horns just like the one on the outfits cap badge But they will settle for a goat if a ram isnt available just so long as they hae a mascot for special parades Dont disbelieve anyone who sez they caught 65 fish out west westward � ward advises Med Crotteau He along with Don Bryce and Arnold Lindstrom landed 27 from Dry William Lake between 630 und U30 ayem Monday then moved to Nulki Lake and caught another eight Fishings really good says Med THE CITIZEN The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North Central British Columbia Phone LOgan 4 2441 Vol 6 No 100 PRINCE ALBERT U Western Canadas biggest man made forest fire may be lighted in Saskatchewan in time to give US astronaut Scott Carpenter a bril brilliant � liant landmark to watch for in Saskatchewan during caught him just as lie went through the front door But the man managed to break away and Mr Strom was unable to chase him because he wasnt wearing shoes The man was described as of average height with very closely cropped black hair and wearing dark clothes Mr Strom was unable to make out his features He apparently gained en entrance � trance through a basement door which leads into the large home through the garage Following the incident RCMP urged householders to make sure their doors are locked when retiring for the night SOUTHAMPTON England Reuters The Vancouver Boys Band arrived here by ship Tuesday after complaints about their practicing during tho ocean voyage The 33 boys were playing happily on board the Orient Lines ship Orsova when a woman passenger told a ships officer c cant stand it any longer Donovan A Cromie Van Vancouver � couver draftsman and former member of the band who is chaperoning the band with his wife on the trip to Europe PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY MAY 23 1962 gig i tT- ff Wm mmmmr- - l- N y EXAMINING a fibreboard plank torn from the wall of a chickenhouse which Tuesday was raided by dogs are the owner John Wiley left and game branch predator hunter Milt Warren Mr Warren is assisting police in the search for the marauding dogs but can only take action himself if they bother game Vanclervoort photo MAN MADE BUSH FIRE Astronaut Might Get Yankees Launch Secret Satellite POINT ARGUELLO Calif LT1 The air force launched an another � other secret satellite here to today � day this one in pre dawn darkness The air force in recent months has thrown a sluoud of secrecy around its sky spy satellites Midas and Samos The spokes spokesman � man today however would not say whether the latest was one of these oisy Prowler Bungles Job A house prowler was foiled in his theft attempts early to today � day because he made too much noise shaking a childs piggy bank The youthful sneakthief arous aroused � ed Mr and Mrs Alf Strom 120 Fifteenth at 230 a m while attempting to get money from the bank in the kitchen He had one dime out but left it on the counter said Mrs Strom so he didnt even get coffee money Mr Strom pursued the prowl prowler � er through the dark house and his orbital flight The Cape Canaveral project mercury launching is scheduled for Thursday The Saskatchewan fire is to be lit to clear j almost 50000 acres of mostly non-merchantable timber in an area about 113 miles northeast of here The area later will be flooded as a reservoir for the Squaw Rap Rapids � ids hydro - electric develop development � ment R N Gooding Saskatche Saskatchewans � wans natural resources depart ment construction chief said Tuesday We may try to light the fhe for the American astro naut launching to give him a view as Saskatchewan as he whirls around the earth At least 30 men are to touch torches to the woods across a 200 mile wide front Mr Good Gooding � ing said most of the crews who will handle the blaze already were in position awaiting suit suitable � able wind and weather condi conditions � tions A fireguard 150 feet wide has been bulldozed and a chartered helicopter is to be used for aerial co ordination CAPE CANAVERAL Fla Ml Malcolm Scott Carpenters date with space arrives Thurs day if all portents remain as favorable as they are now Weather and other reports were so good that Project Mer Mercury � cury leaders ordered a start on a split countdown If all goes smoothly Carpen Carpenter � ter will be off Thursday morn morning � ing on the triple - orbit path first broken for the United States by John Glenn told the story when the liner docked here He said the band was given permission to play in the chil drcnh playroom for three hours a day A woman playing bridge complained about the noise Cromie whose 17-year-old son Terry plays with the band said Our music is real sweet We plajed an thing from Beethoven to Dixieland and even gave concerts for the crew He admitted that his charges Police Continue Probe into Hen Slaughter Here RCMP today were continuing Iheirinvestigation into the latest district chickcnnouscs after 210 t birds were slaughtered Tuesday in the VLA Subdivision The owner John Wiley 2410 Pine was victimized for the second time in a month Game Branch Inspector Walt Walter � er Gill said the rounding up of the dogs is a matter for the police although his department will co operate wherever it can to help find the ones respons responsible � ible Owners of the dogs can be charged under the Sheep Pro Protection � tection Act which applies to sheep goats or poultry Mr Wiley who said his sole income was derived from the sale of eggs estimated the value of the birds at 300 If the dogs owners arc located he could sue them In earlier raids another Pine Street resident lost 50 chickens and a Gorsc Street resident 35 rabbits Commented one householder on Pine who objects to a large number of chickens being kept on a primarily residential street If they find the dogs they should give them a medal Amory on Way To North BC Viscount Amory British High Commissioner in Canada left Vancouver today for a short tour of the Northern Interior as guest of the PGE Lord Amory will arrive In Prince George Thursday eve evening � ning Friday he will tour the city and address a meeting of the Rotary Club at noon He will then move on to the Fort St John area and will proceed to Alberta Sunday Lord Amory was in BC for the Vic Victoria � toria Centennial celebrations We Cant Stand It Any Longer Ship Passengers Complain of Coast Band got up to some boyish pranks For instance they changed the red lights in the corridors indicating the gents for tho green lights of tho ladies then stood back to watch tho fun The men came out with a smile but the ladies well they werent alwajs so pleased The bands engagements in include � clude the Lions international convention at Nice France Juno 20 a commemorative servico at Dunkerque in Au August � gust and appearances In sev several � eral British cities BOARD GIVES OKAY Referendum 10 with a total value of G03000 has been approved by the board of School District 57 and will be sent to Victoria for approval by the minister of education and lieutenant governor in council Vote by owner electors of the district is planned for mid June and will probably be definitely set at a special board meeting scheduled for May 31 or June 1 when some tenders are to be opened Introduction of the question to be asked the owner electors and a list of projects to be un undertaken � dertaken with funds from the referendum excited virtually no comment from trustees at a regular meeting of the board Tuesday If the referendum passes the board will be able to borrow the money within three years from Dec 31 1962 by the issue and sale of debentures at interest n6t exceeding six per cent and payable in a period not exceed exceeding � ing 20 years The board could raise the money from time to time in amounts not exceeding in ag aggregate � gregate 603000 after payment of discount commission brok brokerage � erage exchange and other ex penses relating to the issue and sale of the debentures Following is a brief general breakdown of the proposed pro projects � jects and their costs Amounts specified arc all within provin provincial � cial standards and the projects arc all eligible for grants from the provincial government Acquiring and developing school sites Central Fort George 5000 Peden Hill 4000 rural schools 2noo and Seymour sudivisicr 5000 A total of- 16000 Purchasing constructing and reconstructing buildings for in a series of raids by dogs on school use Central Fort George 230000 Kelly Road 68000 Peden Hill 13600 rural schools 24000 Seymour sub subdivision � division 150000 and rural teacherages 10000 A total of 495600 Furnishing and equipping buildings for school use Cen Central � tral Fort George 17000 Kelly Road 2700 Peden Hill 1500 rural schools 1000 Seymour subdivision 15000 and rural teacherages 2000 A total of 42200 Other capital expenditures for school purposes Plans and Continued on Page 3 To e Panel discussions on automa tion in industry and trade pro promotion � motion will bo featured during the annual Northern Interior Lumbermen s Association con vention here Thursday and Fri Friday � day Lands and Forests Minister Ray Williston will officially open the convention in the Hotel Simon Fraser at 1230 pm Thursday following the morning business session Guest speaker at Fridays luncheon will be S F Dingle vice president of Canadian National Railways About 350 are expected to attend the associations 22nd annual meeting Registration at the Hotel Simon Fraser be begins � gins at 8 am Thursday Topic of Thursdays panel discussion which begins at 2 pm is Trade Promotion and Extension Chairman will bo G M Wilmot Panel members arc Harry J J Ionic Canadian consul and trade commissioner at Chicago Gordon Birtlcs of A F and D MacKay lumber importers Liverpool England Gordon Osbaldeston Canadian consul and trade commissioner at Los Angeles H A McDiarmid of Timber Sales and Distributors Ltd Vancouver and Glen Thomas of MacMillan Blocdel and Powell River Ltd Vancou Vancouver � ver Fridays topic Automation in Industry will be discusbed by Joe Morris vice president of the Canadian Labor Congicss II C Wilkinson chairman Division of Industrial Adminis Administration � tration Faculty of Commerce UBC Ross Ford director of training Department of Labor Ottawa and Stephen J Hall president Stetson Ross Machine Co Inc Seattle Chairman will be R W Hilton Manager Bob Gallaghers an 7c a Copy BY CAHniER 1150 per Month Referendum Vote Due in Mid June Board Against Glenn Speaking to Meeting The school board is to indicate its disapproval of an invitation to astronaut John Glenn to attend the forthcoming BC School Trustees Association convention in Victoria Trustee Harold Moffat asked if the convention was to be a circus or an education conference Such an invitation was in poor taste he said He called for censure of the invitation but Trustee Bob Range warned him he would be quoted on the word censure and said next thing he would be accused of being Communist Mr Range apparently summed up general feeling when he said Glenn was the wrong type of public figure for such an occasion and that a noted educator might have been invited instead DURING STORM ures ne Falls nual report and those of the various committees will be pre presented � sented at the 930 a m business sessions Thursday and Friday rs CENTERVILLE Iowa AP All 45 persons aboard a huge jet airliner were Killed when the plane broke apart in a sudden storm Tuesday night and littered the area near here with pieces Miraculously there was a sur survivor � vivor but he lived for only an hour and a half after being re removed � moved from the fuselage of the Continental Airlines jet the only major piece left of the air aircraft � craft The survivor was Takebiko Nakano a service engineer who Graham Attacks CBC Tories on TV Situation FORT ST JAMES Staff Liberal candidate Charlie Gra- carrMri hnsinnss txrW lUtinr am eunebuay niBiu cnucuuu CBC and the Conservative oih t ri nvi in SHhc uuuijova in vaiv x uiiv jil tit hi Los Angeles He died n Center- ville Hospital It was not known whether any Canadians were aboard as pas passenger � senger lists were incomplete The plane Continentals Flight 11 en route from Chicago to Kansas City and Los Angeles spewed debris over a miles wide area as it foil from the sky It carried 37 passengers and a crew of eight The fuselage was found on a farm tenanted by Perry Bun Bunnell � nell 4Vi miles northeast of Unionvillc just south of the Iowa line Mrs Bunnell reached by tele telephone � phone said the family heard a big crash but didnt know what it was last night government for what he termed their callous disregard of the people of the Cariboo riding in provisions for radio and TV coverage He addressed a public meeting in the community hall and will speak at a meeting in Vander hoofs memorial arena tonight Mr Graham said the Liberal program was formulated by over 2000 Canadians from all parts of Canada at the Ottawa rally in January 1961 This was not handed down from an ivory tower by a so called brain trust He referred to the Social Credit party as a party without a purpose or policy and charg cd that the Conservative party has no program for Canadas future 31 The convention will wind up Friday night with a dance and banquet at 8 pm in St Marys Hall HNl jEp JHH HBBS X v j GORDON BIRTLES HARRY J HORNE T 3 y V CORDON OSBALDESTON H A McDIARMID