Quality Spruce IWA Agreement I Examination of a contract signed recently between a Burns Lake district lumber mill and its employees discloses some inaccuracies in the statement made by a union spokesman relative to its terms I t if Rifleman Brian Johnson son of Mr and Mrs II E John Johnson � son of Prince George grad graduated � uated recently from the regi regimental � mental depot of the Queens Own Rifles of Canada at Cal Calgary � gary He will join the Second Battalion of the regiment at Currie Barracks Calgary CBC Outlet Here Now on Al 24 Hours Daily The CBCs low power relay transmitter here CBRG is in included � cluded in operation of radio networks on a 24 hour basis to broadcast instructions and in information � formation to the public in the event of a national emergency As the first stage of imple implementing � menting plans announced re recently � cently by the Department of Transport the CBC radio net network � work went into operation on a round - the - clock basis Friday according to a release from CBC Vancouver Under the emergency broad broadcasting � casting plan key CBC radio stations arc staffed 24 hours a day although they arc not actu actually � ally on the air and the network linking these and affiliated sta stations � tions are in fHltlnuoirfruperaUon feeding out music The CBC stations will not have any change in hours but transmitters in 91 communities including Prince George which cannot be turned on and off on short notice as they arc un unmanned � manned will be on the air all the time The network known as the Emergency Broadcasting Net Network � work is co ordinated under ihe CBC and in case of emergency would come under the direction of DOT It included both pub publicly � licly and privately owned radio stations In case of a national emer emergency � gency all broadcasting stations in operation at the time would be on the air immediately while others which had shut down would be reopened as soon as possible They will broadcast only official warnings and in injunctions � junctions The contract was siened by Quality Spruce Mills Ltd at Toplcy and Michelle Day and the international Woodworkers of America Local 1 424 and ended a strike of about 10 weeks on April 23 A Prince George IWA spokes- man said at the time the em ployees were given wages and working conditions through this contract identical to those throughout the industry in the Prince George area The memorandum of agree agreement � ment which was examined by The Citizen today shows that the IWA statement was incor incorrect � rect The Quality Spruce agreement calls for a basic of 174 per hour effective March 1 where whereas � as the Northern Interior Lum Lumbermens � bermens Association rate in the area is 179 per hour The board rate charged the employees under the Quality Spruce contract as of March 1 is 275 per day whereas the NILA contract calls for a rate of 235 a day Statutory holidays under the Quality Spruce contract calls for seven paid holidays per year whereas the NILA con contract � tract calls for eight paid statu tory holidays Union security The Quality Spruce contract provides for Maintenance of Membership only which means that the cm ployees arc not obliged to join the union but may do so if they wish and the company will agree to deduct dues The NILA contract provides for Union Shop which means that every employee must join the union and must pay dues whether he wants to or not The contract signed is for one year effective March 1 1UG2 and expires on Feb 28 19G3 WEATHER A light frost was reported in the Prince George area this morning The forecast for the Cariboo Prince George and Bulkley Val Valley � ley region calls or more of the same mostly clear with a few showers and continuing cool Light winds Low tonight and high Tuesday at Prince George and Qucsncl 35 and GO Smith ers 40 and 55 Peace River Sunny with a few cloudy periods Widely scattered showers Light winds Little change in temperature Low tonight and high Tuesday at Grande Praitie 35 and GO LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Prec Prince George 52 31 2G Terrace 55 42 02 Smithcrs 51 38 08 Qucsncl 5G 35 02 Williams Lake 49 35 12 Whitehorsc 5G 42 trace Kam loops Gl 41 trace Fort Nelson 5G 40 28 Fort St John 58 37 Dawson Creek GO 3G 05 AUTOPSIES FOR WOMAN CHILD TERRACE Staff Kenneth Raymond Van Horn 27 of Telkwa charged with capital murder in the slaying of a wo woman � man and her threc-month-old child here has been remanded in custody for eight days Van Horn an unemployed railway laborer who was ap apprehended � prehended by police in a resi residential � dential area of Terrace Sun Sunday � day appeared this morning be foie Magistrate C J Norring ton Autopsies on the bodies of both the woman and her child Now Hear This Memo to Phil Gaglardi Travelers between PG and Van Vancouver � couver are perturbed about the new China Bar tunnel Its painted while inside and is brilliantly lighted Which is fine during the daytime But at night on emerging from this super brilliance into the outer darkness drivers cant see any anything � thing at all until their eyes get used to the darkness again So something should be done be before � fore theres a fatal On the political beat Nor Northern � thern Affairs Minister Walter Dinsdale will speak here Satur Saturday � day night along with Cariboo MP and Tory Candidate Gus Henderson This should be a doozer on account weve been fed so much about northern de development � velopment in recent ears it will be nice lo have somebody JEW HATER JAILED TRIER West Germany Reu Reuters � ters A German merchant has been sentenced to five months in jail for having ap approved � proved of Nazi crimes against Jews and for having insulted the local Jewish community The merchant was accused of calling a Jewish tavern owner a dirty Jew around who really we hope knows something about it If the prime minister committed political suicide here last week as is suggested in a paragraph which appeared in last Thurs Thursdays � days copy of the Echo this newspaper and every other daily as well as every wire service missed the scoop of the year According to the Second Street Oracle and youll find it on Page 4 Mr Diefenbaker said that the Liberals would be in hciiting a financial mess and it would take some time to put the nations finances in order So hows that for ac accurate � curate reporting and from a seat at the national press table shtlp us Visitor to town today and for the rest of the week is Roy L Sumpter manager of the credit interchange department Cana dian Credit Mens Trust As Association � sociation Vancouver Its Roys first trip to PG and hes suit suitably � ably impressed Dr I Hoff man a member of the ana analytical � lytical chemistry service for the Canadian Department of Agri Agriculture � culture dropped in on the Do Dominion � minion Experimental Farm here over the weekend Dr Hoffman assists units with var various � ious analysis problems THE CITIZEN The Only Daily Newspaper Scrying North Central British Columbia Phone lOgan 4 2441 Vol 6 No 108 EAT Tfc J5s TALKS START TUESDAY The IWA will seek a 23 cent acros-ttfe-board wage increasc plus paid holiday extensions and other fringe benefits as negotiations for a new contract with Noilhcrn Interior Lumber Lumbermens � mens Association get under underway � way Tuesday The union demands were pre presented � sented at a meeting Friday be between � tween NILA and IWA repre representatives � sentatives They meet again here Tuesday to start negotia negotiations � tions The present two year contract which includes a basic rate of 179 expires Aug 31 Terry Watt of Management Research Western Ltd Van Vancouver � couver will head the NILA ne negotiating � gotiating team comprised of the associations labor committee while Jacob Hoist president of Local 1 421 IWA and Joe Miya zawa IWA associate research were held today RCMP here reported The attorney general is ex expected � pected to waive an inquest cus customary � tomary procedure in such a case Bodies of the woman and child were found Saturday night in a two room shack by its own owner � er John Carson who said he went to the building when he noticed a broken window When I got close I saw flames reflected from the win window � dow he said I went inside and saw the woman and the child lying on the bed The gas tank from a portable camping stove had been placed on the bed The woman had been stabbed in the chest and hit on the head apparently with a beer bottle Carson said that part of the womans body had been burned when he found it The infant had been slashed so badly police said they could not immediately determine the sex of the child The knife wound almost disembowelled the child Van Horn is being sent to Oakalla Prison and will appear next in Hurnaby court police said rather than come all the way back to Terrace Investigations continue 341 FIRES OTTAWA CD A total of 341 fires destroyed or damaged 2 581 acres of Canadas forests in April the federal forestry department reports The average size of the files was eight acres In the corre- sponding month last jcar 322 firps hurnpfl in RM1 nrnu -- WWWV PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA MONDAY JUNE 4 1962 K5Z tZT sr tZ2uLZXX- Z1 mml3UkJittsi MaLfe OW juj4e i j POURING a manhole base city workman Bob Wettlaufer shovels concrete in a section of the storm sewer program progressing or Fifteenth More than any thinge else work being done this week is a tidying up process being carried out between Douglas and Johnson Trunk line is on Fifteenth Fujikawa photo director will represent he un 1 where an operations tcontraqtor ion or sub contractor siens an acree- Also included in the union de demands � mands arc Three additional weeks of paid holidays for all qualified employees those having work worked � ed in excess of 225 days Pres Present � ent provisions allow three weeks for workers with more than five years service and two weeks for those witli less than five years Inclusion in a health and welfare program of group life insurance providing coverage for 5000 accidental death and dis dismemberment � memberment coverage of 5 000 and a weekly indemnity of 35 for 26 weeks if injured and off the job 9 An apprenticeship prog program � ram to provide training for maintenance categories in the industry O Improvements to the sen seniority � iority provisions which would establish a 2 30 rate for licenc licenced � ed scalers and graders Pres Present � ent rates arc 214 for scalers and 206 for graders A clause to provide that Carpenters Due To Ponder Strike The 135 local members of the United Brotherhood of Carpen Carpenters � ters and Joiners of America will probably meet in the near future to deal with prepara preparations � tions for a possible strike It was recently announced in Vancouver that the 3000 - mem member � ber union would hold a mem membership � bership meeting next week to discuss preparations for a strike in a pay dispute with construc construction � tion firms The union which has been negotiating on a provincial level with contractors associations has rejected a conciliation of officers � ficers suggestion of a 15 cent hourly wage increase over two years ment with the company the company will undertake that all wages and conditions of the master agreement will apply to the contractor or sub contractor G Insertion of a clause to require the company to provide transportation for employees to operations where travel is in excess of 10 miles one way The contract will affect some 2000 employees with about 40 companies in the Northern In Interior � terior Russians Hint At Resumption Of Atom Tests MOSCOW Reuters -Pravda today published a government statement viewed as a strong indication that Russia will soon resume nuclear tests in reply to this weeks US testing over Johnson Island in the Pacific The Communist Party news newspaper � paper ran the statement in the space usually reserved for its editorials The statement issued here Sunday night was seen as a hint that Russia planned to start testing again soon It said the Soviet Union would be forced to take correspond corresponding � ing measures if the United States went ahead with its planned series of high altitude tests Russia particulaily objected to US plans to test a device this week that might disrupt a fraction of the inner Van Allen radiation belt The US Atomic Energy Com Commission � mission acknowledged last week the belt might be disrupted by a planned nuclear blast but that the disturbance would dis disappear � appear within weeks or months and would pose no danger to health NUCLEAR WARHEAD DROPS INTO OCEAN 7c a Copy 5rfil i50cr Month QUANTITY UNKNOWN Addicts Ransack City Drug Drug- starved addicts from the Lower Mainland are believed responsible for the weekend burglary of a Prince George pharm pharmacy � acy An undisclosed quantity of narcotics and cash was taken from Monarch Pharmacy 5G5 Quebec sometime between mid midnight � night Saturday and 8 am Sunday Also ransacked were a num number � ber of doctors offices in the adjoining Associate Medical Clinic It had not been deter determined � mined if any drugs were missing from the offices An RCMP spokesman said to today � day the thieves either remain remained � ed inside after the building clos closed � ed Saturday or somehow broke in later Glass in the pharmacy door located inside the build buildings � ings entrance hallway was kicked in Pharmacist Allen Bailey de declined � clined to disclose the amount of cash taken but police said it was under 1000 Mr Bailey said most of the drugs taken were of the type used by narcotic addicts and it was obvious the thieves knew what to look for Also taken was a quantity of non negotiable cheques It was the second raid on city pharmacists in three weeks Earlier a quantity of narcotics was taken from Blows Prescrip Prescription � tion Pharmacy 1705 Third The RCMP spokesman told The Citizen the break ins were obviously a direct result of the drug faniinet duringreceny weeks at Vancouver-where-sup-plies of illicit narcotics have been cut off the result of police raids and withholding by ped pedlars � lars to boost prices 21 of 700 Cars Of Freight Jump Off CNR Tracks Twenty one of the 100 freight cars on an eastbound extra train Friday were derailed be between � tween Rider and Legrand sta stations � tions about 17 miles west of McBridc as the result of a de defective � fective car wheel No one was injured in the derailment said CNR area manager here Harry Wortman But although no estimates have jet been made damage to the equipment and freight was ex extensive � tensive The derailment took place at about noon Friday and the tracks were cleared Saturday igh AItitude Atom Shot Fizzles HONOLULU CAP A mal malfunction � function in the tracking system of a Thor missile caus caused � ed failure early today of a US attempt to detonate a high altitude nuclear device above Johnson Island The missile was dcstroed in flight only 100 seconds before its nuclear waihcad was to be exploded The warhead fell harmlessly into the Pacific and sank The Atomic Energy Commis Commission � sion and the defence depart department � ment said there was no dan danger � ger to personnel on -Johnson Island or elsewhere in tho mid Pacific test zone The Thor was launched 15 minutes before the scheduled detonation As it neared the firing altitude oedeved to be 30 to 40 miles a safety officer ordered the rocket destrojed The announcement said only that the tracking systcin mal malfunctioned � functioned Radios monitored the count countdown � down With enc minute and 40 seconds left a voice was heard shouting negative negatue negative Thousands of Hawaii resi dents retired after watching the horizon during two hours of delays for a gilmmer of the submegaton blast A meg aton is equal to 1000000 tons of TNT The failure followed the 21 hour postponement of the ex explosion � plosion the first of three or four in tho current Pacific scries The postponements were not officially explained but cloudy weather and pos possible � sible technical difficulties were reported reasons There was no word of when another shot will be attempt attempted � ed They want to analyze this one before they say any anything � thing further a spokesman said The US went ahead with the shot despite a Soviet gov ernment charge from Moscow Sunday that the test would carry the nuclear arms race into outer space A spokesman for the task force said let them com complain � plain They know more about these tests than wc do Thats what were trying to find out Disappointment was appar apparent � ent among task force officials watching from Honolulu Johnston Island is 711 miles southwest of Hawaii The Federal Aviation Agency cleared the test zone for traffic five minutes after the missile was destroyed R was anticipated that the blast would have blacked out some radio communication in the area for up to 21 hours Store SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS A total of 20 records smashed at the annual school track meet Vic Russman comes within hair of equalling PGARA record New York Rangers bid for Geoffrion appears to have fallen by wayside Sec Pages 4 and 5 CMA PRESIDENT Canada From en MONTREAL CP Canada may more than make up in sales to the Common Market what she may lose if Britain joins the European group F D Mathers president of the Canadian Manufacturers Association today told the associations annual meeting A few years ago it would have sounded foolish to suggest lhat Canadians could sell manu manufactured � factured goods in Europe and that some of our most intense competition continues to come from there he said We arc perhaps less aware of the extent to which rising living standards and higher labor costs in Europe arc im improving � proving our own ability to com compete � pete there provided tariff and other barriers are not arbitrar arbitrarily � ily raised against us Mr Mathers of New West Westminster � minster said his prediction is subject to continuance of the rate of economic growth and rising prosperity that has char characterized � acterized Western Europe 6ince formation of the European economic community According to estimates within eight years Western Europes population will have climbed to 320000000 more than the combined population of the US Canada and Mexico Her living standards will also have moved close to our own and many of their produc production � tion cost may be expected to approximate more closely Miose prevailing in North America In these circumstances com common � mon sense dictates that we should do all in our power to hold down our owp costs Noting movements toward liberalization of trade Mr Ma Mathers � thers commented There arc few of us who would not recognize the desira desirability � bility even the necessity of our going along with such proposals for freer trade int nationally as can be worked out consistent with the essential well being of our own industries and the na national � tional economy 98 GRADUATES TO BE HONORED The processional banquet and ball to mark the end of high school for 98 Grade 12 students at Prince George Senior High will be held Fti day Awards for the students of the junior matriculation class will be held June 13 at the school while graduation cere ceremonies � monies for those who pass will be in September Closing ceremonies and awards days for the three junior high schools -dt School District 57 will also be held in the near future school of officials � ficials said today France Britain Erase Objections PARIS AP A two - day meeting between President de Gaulle and Prime Minister Mac millan has wiped away many French objections to Britains entry into the Common Market A joint communique issued after the talks ended Sunday said the community of interests linking the two countries must influence negotiations between Britain and the six continental states on British membership in the economic community French officials indicated the talks which placed new em emphasis � phasis on British - French friendship had cleared away many of Frances doubts about bringing Britain into the Conv mon Market Monty Battles Move Towards EECM With Full Page Blast in Newspapers LONDON CP Field Mar Marshal � shal Viscount Montgomery to today � day s w ung into the battle against Britain joining the Com Common � mon Market with a full page advertisement in six national papers His statement entitled I say we should not join Europe ap appears � pears in The Times Daily Tele Telegraph � graph Daily Herald Guardian Dally Mirror and Daily Mail It includes a footnote saying it w as paid for by Lord Beaver brooks Sunday Express Montgomery sas he is op opposed � posed to Britain joining mainly on military and strategic grounds a side of the argu argument � ment which seems to have es caped the attention of the gov government � ernment The intention behind tlii Treaty of Rome the so called constitution of the Common Market Montgomery says is political unity a federation on the model of the US We could not possibly lake part in that it might well moan that we would have our laws made for us by Europeans and not by our own Parliament What a frightful idea Once in the European Com Community � munity Britain would be so outnumbered on the Continent that our voice in military af affairs � fairs would be ovciborne Once wc sign the Treaty of Rome our armed forces navy army air force would bo subordinate in a crisis to oi dcrs from Europe orders gien maybe by a iWnian general whose nation has dis disturbed � turbed the peace of the wot Id twice during the last 48 years Are we to put up with all this Never The government is trying to get the best of both worlds VISCOUNT MON1GOMERY thumbs down to join tho Common Market and also piescrve the Common Commonwealth � wealth undamaged he says It cannot be done Referring to our staunch friends in Canada Australia and New Zealand and recalling their service under hU com mand he adds