SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS Wicbe smashes three homers McLaren strikes out 17 in Legion victory - Dairy Queens outlast PG Hotel for 12 8 win in ladies Softball Brisk business expected as NHL clubs prepare for draft See Page 5 GRANNY SEYMOUR was 110 years old Tuesday and among the birthday gifts she received was a fancy cake from Mrs Ed Richard with whom she lives in South Fort George Granny also received a budgie bird pillow slips flowers and other gifts from friends who called at the Richard home to wish her a happy birthday Last year the grand old lady spent her birthday in hospital here Vandervoort photo 150000 MEDICAL BUILDING Centre Completion of the lease agree 1 day night ment and organization of the Ken Reid proprietor of Rcids corporation structure for Vic- Prescription Pharmacy Prince jloria Medical Building will be George Ltd and holder of con- discussed at a meeting Thurs- troltinc Interest said today tho 3 Forest Blazes Cover 60 Acres in District Three forest files covering 60 acios weie burn burning � ing today in the Peace River area All were reported overnight Seven fires are burning in the district There are 13 men on the three new fires Fire hazard is generally low Peacq River area ranges between low to moderate DUNCAN CD Wcldon Juben villc president of local 1 80 of the Intel national Woodworkers of America CLC said Tues Tuesday � day the locals executive board has i ejected a proposed settle settlement � ment for a two- ear contract The 1 ejection follows similar DO-IT-YOURSELF DEN HONG KONG Reuters A Cl j ear old woman was fined the equivalent of 25 for run running � ning a do-it-vourself opium den She insisted all customeis bring their own diugs r action by IWA locals in Courtc nay Port Albcrni and Vancou Vancouver � ver Dean i Neil Perry of the Uni cisity of II C proposed a two year contract with a wage in increase � crease of IC-ccnts-an-hour The picscnt contract expires June 14 The unions sought a 25-cents-an-hour increase across the board plus an additional three weeks holiday with pay to counteract unemployment and increased automation within the industry Current basic wage rate is 195 an hour Now Hear This Its interesting to lead the various weekly newspapers ftom around the Cariboo riding these davs to see how political rallies in PG hae their attendance boosted Like the Lester Pear Pearson � son rally here last week which had at the most 1000 persons was said to have been attend attended � ed by 1300 in Quesnels Cariboo Observer Wecly editors should note that all the candidates committees ate inclined to ex exaggerate � aggerate attendance a mite and then somo A battery of auctioneers in including � cluding George Choban and Warren Holley will bo pioviding the spiel Saturday when every everything � thing from several old cars to some trunks will bo auctioned to raise money for tho many community services of PGs two Kiwanis Clubs Place is the lot opposite tho PG Hotel on George Time is all day from 030 am Sec you there Frank Wheeler revising of officer � ficer for Prince George sez there were 250 actual revisions during the 12 hour court of ie vision here This makes a total of 7136 voters on the mban list who can ote Juno 18 Latest WCB newsletter has tome interesting facts and i figures concerning fatal mis haps in the piovince excluding highway fatalities lor instance the most tragic accident in ECs history took 313 lives when the passenger ship Prin cess Sophia hit Vandcrbilt Reef in Alaskan waters and sank in a subsequent storm Nanaimo aicas old coal mines claimed 300 lives in the short span of 28 jears fiom 1887 Because of the pulp mill hear hearing � ing going on today the regu regular � lar city committee meeting was cancelled Not enough members to conduct any business Pieparations are going ahead for Lt Gov and Mrs George Pearkes to be In Prince George July 2 Still not much definite word regarding the arrival but scctetary to the lieutenant-governor C G Dixon sez George will be hete sometime Guide lcadeis in tho city arc appealing for a competent swim swimmer � mer 18 or over who is quali fied in water safety or would qualify at the water safety training course to be given by the Red Cross June 29 to July 4 to attend guide camps dur ing July as swimming instruc instructor � tor Interested gals arc asked to call Mrs Kathy Longford at LOgan 4 S281 DENTISTS TOLD THE CITIZEN The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North Central British Columbia Phone lOgan 4 2441 Vol 6 No 110 building was almost ready to go Property needed for the medi calbuilding has now been pur purchased � chased aud zoned at Uio corne of Seventeenth and Victoria ad adjacent � jacent to the Overwaitea Store Mr Reid said If everything goes right we hope to start con construction � struction July 1 Our architect is completing work on tenders now Plans for the centre include room for at least seven doctors offices a drug store and main building and property is esti estimated � mated at more than 150000 As early as January this year Mr Reid stated most of the doctors offices had been com committed � mitted There will be 50 car off street parking underneath and beside the medical centre WAREHOUSE LOOTED VANCOUVER CP Burglars made off with 2800 worth of radios and equipment from a wai ehouse here eaily Tuesday Police said the thieves gained entry through an office window and looted the storeroom Mostly cloudy in the Bulkley Valley area but frequent sunny periods in the Prince George and Cariboo areas A little warmer Light southerly winds at times reaching 15 Low to tonight � night and high Thursday at Prince George 38 and G8 Ques ncl 40 and 70 Smithers 40 and G5 Peace River Sunny and a little warmer Winds light Low tonight and high Thursday at Grande Prarie 45 and 70 LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Prince George CO 32 Terrace 58 49 Smithers Quesnel Williams Lake Kamloops Whitehorsc Fort Nelson Fort St John Dawson Creek 60 62 57 63 49 09 61 65 Pre 08 PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY JUNE 6 1962 QUICK DECISION DUE - WILLISTON CFP Vice - President John Liersch who read the com companys � panys 37 page formal proposal said his firm has conducted an intensive 13 month study and concluded that a pulp mill is feasible here While the fully bleached kraft pulp producing mill would have an initial daily capacity of 500 tons our plans envisage the possible expansion of this op operation � eration to 1000 tons per day after the first decade he said Outlining the problems in involved � volved Mr Liersch said the success of the Prince George operation would be primarily dependent upon our ability to compete in the overseas pulp maikct with mills already estab established � lished in more advantageous locations Lower Costs The major part of CFPs ef efforts � forts he said was concentrated on assessing the possibility of obtaining its wood at a cost per ton of milp lower than the cost in coast operations to offset the disadvantage of rail freight costs to tidewater Production of the Prince George mill would be directed to overseas markets and in order to reach these markets in competition with tidewater mills the only way to overcome the 500 mile difference would be to obtain lower than coast wood costs There is a tremendous vol volume � ume of wood waste of all kinds dovcloDcd in the Prince George Forest District as a result of manufacturing about 800 mil- lidn board feet of lumber per year the company noted in assessing the potential wood supply We anticipate that at the initial start up of the pulp mill the number of sawmills in the Prince George Forest District which will be in a position to install the necessary barking and chipping facilities to pro produce � duce chips will be relatively small However medium sized and larger mills located on the rail railway � way or on main highways with within � in economic hauling distance of the pulp mill arc considered by us to be potential suppliers of chips These mills repre represent � sent a substantial percentage of the total production of the region If the government accepts our proposals we arc prepared to negotiate mutually acceptable wood chip contracts with saw sawmill � mill operators in the area These contracts will contain a clause calling for the delivery of chips to us on a firm basis as early as eight months after start of construction of the mill But due to location size and intermittent operation of a great many of the small interior bush mills they cannot afford to install efficcnt chipping fa facilities � cilities However many small mills produce usable wood for pulping purposes in the form of slabs and edgings a percentage of which depending on location and distance of haul might be bought by the pulp mill if Waste in Woods A second source of raw ma material � terial investigated by the com company � pany was waste being left in the woods after sawlog logging operations an estimated aver average � age of 800 cubic feet per acre of wood usable for pulping purposes The most economical method of logging this material will be to extract it concurrently with sawlog logs and deliver it to the pulp mill said Mr Liersch This could be done by the in individual � dividual timber sale owner with no clement of compulsion by the government requiring the re removal � moval of the material by the licensee These sources would provide only about a third of the mills requirements he pointed out and the major part would have to be provided by the logging of standard trees We feel there is sufficient volume contained in stands suit suitable � able for sawmilling purposes and which due to low site or other conditions will not eventu eventually � ally become suitable for saw sawmilling � milling purposes to supply a large percentage of our re remaining � maining requirements Another source would be a large wood potential south and west of the city presently ex excluded � cluded from any sustained yield units or public working circles In areas covered by the pulp harvesting licence the logging of this wood would be contract contracted � ed to members of the local community and surrounding areas CFP would lOi onlv a mini mum volume itself for experi experimental � mental or pilot plant opera operations � tions to develop the most ef ficient methods and onuinmpnt for logging this material under conditions prevailing in this area Other points included in the proposal The pulping operation Curvy Nurse Eases Pain VANCOUVER IB That curvaceous nurse in the den dentists � tists office is doing more than passing instruments Dr Russell Haney a psy psychologist � chologist from California said at the annual meeting of tho Canadian Dental Association Tuesday the confident female in the environment will help soothe the frightened patient People with strong fea responses often have strong security attachments to the female figure Dr Haneys point was one of many mentioned to the 1000 delegates to the convention as modern weapons in the fight to take the pain out of den dentistry � tistry Others weie psychology tranquillizers white sound and hypnotism Dr J F Reid of North Vancouver said psychology i slow and time consuming and tranquillizers and certain drugs are quicker Dr Eerett J Casseli of Seattle said white sound a sound similar to rain or a waterfall coupled with mubic the patient chooses himself can take his mind off pain Dr Haney said children should ncer be promised re rewards � wards for being good at the dentists or told about tho dentist beforhcand Dr D M Kotitz of Calgary hypnotized a patient and his partner removed a molar in a display of hypno denttstry Under hypnosis Mrs Aman Amanda � da Bcveridge the patient did not bleed or feci pain She woke up feeling wonderful QjVPvryrTtfTT J alone will require an estimated 520000 man hours annually and thenumberof man hours in the woods and saAvmllls needed to produce the wood requirements would be about double that of the mill About 325 men would be employed at the mill CFP has an option to buy 400 acres of property just cast of the city from the Pacific Great Eastern Railway which will enable us to expand our pulp or papermaking facilities at any time such expansion is justified economically Water supply which will require pre treatment will be from the Fraser River Equipment recommended by the fisheries department to purify the effluent water pour poured � ed back into the river after 7c a Copy by CAitniEn 1 50 per Month uarantee of 500 OOO Offered on Pulp Operation By PAT DENTON Citizen Staff Writer A 300000 performance bond was offered today by Canadian Forest Products Ltd when the company placed its proposal for a 51 million pulp mill here before a public hearing con ducted by Lands and Forests Minister Ray Williston The firm is seeking permis permission � sion to build the proposed 500 ton daily capacity mill on Frascr Flats The bond would be forfeited to the government if the mill is not in operation in 19G5 CFP is also asking for ihe establishment of a pulp har harvesting � vesting area under the BC Foi cst Act to include nine sustained yield units and public working circles in the Prince George area The government would grant the company rights to the util utilization � ization of material unsuitable for sawmilling purposes within the area for 21 years with pro provisions � visions for renewal if it per performs � forms satisfactorily under the contract 100 at Hearing About 100 persons including CFP representatives forest service personnel district lum lumbermen � bermen and other interested people crowded the provincial building courtroom when the hearing opened this morning It was expected to continue through today Purpose of the hearing was for the minister to hear pro proposals � posals counter proposals and any objections Mr Williston said a decision will be given as soon as possible after consideration is given to information submitted to the hearings He stressed that no Interfer Interference � ence with present sawmill quo quotas � tas or activities would result within the affected sustained yield units from establishment of a pulp harvesting area The effect the CFP proposal would have would be beneficial through enabling many opcia- tors to increase production and decrease amount of waste from their mills sy - fir I -v HUGE LAND AREA totalling some eight million acres comprises the pulp harvesting area licence applied for today by Canadian Forest Products Ltd to provide raw material for its proposed 500-tons-daily capacity pulp mill at Prince George The area includes the Parsnip Crooked River Carp Stuart Lake Ne chako Westlake Naver Big Valley and Willow River public working circles BC Forest Service map use will be incorporated in the mill at an additional capital cost of about 2 million Operating cost of treating tne -eiiiupnc afterstart up will amount to 80 cents per ton on all pulp prod produced � uced Departing from the written proposal Mr Liersch said the company has had no assurance from the fisheries department that it will unequivocably ac accept � cept our proposals He said the mill would be subject to closure at any time if condition of the effluent was not satis satisfactory � factory until it was corrected e Recent technological ad advances � vances have largely eliminated the nuisance of pulp mill odor and the proposed mill would be designed to reduce odor nuis nuisance � ance to an absolute minimum goeinmcnt leiry to bring the I boy to Burns Lake I Other children weie reported involved in the incident how ccr details were sketchy The boy was in surgery at noon today Nixon Easily Captures Republican Nomination SAN FRANCISCO CP - AP Richard M Nixon easily won the Republican nomina nomination � tion for governor of California Tuesday in a primary election and will face Governor Ed Edmund � mund G Brown a Democ Democrat � rat in the general elections next November Republicans chose Nixon as their nominee for governor by a margin of about 7 to 3 over Joseph C Shell a wealthy state assemblyman Democrats gave Brown a 7-to-l vote of confidence over tluec little known candidates His showing in an election with little to attract Demo Democrats � crats almost equalled the combined Nixon Shell total Democratic icgistralion out numbers Republicans 4 to 3 Republican right wingers had staged a well - financed drive to block Nixons politi political � cal comeback RICHARD NIXON 7 to 3 favorite Data obtained from the Depart ment p Transport astcT ntC f vailing winds In thlrr jTtr cates that any odors W1jH---fcU by the plant in its J2Js2Sd location would be -carried away from the city 94 per cent of the time O The estimated initial cap capital � ital investment of 51 million is considerably greater than would be required at the coast for a similar installation due pri primarily � marily to the necessity for water treatment mill effluent treatment and the added cost of structures due to the need to protect equipment from low winter temperatures Manufacturing costs exclus exclusive � ive of wood are also consider considerably � ably higher because of chem Continued on Page 3 Death of Candidate Disqualification Another Cuts Down Record Field By The Canadian Press Disqualification of a New foundland Social Credit candi candidate � date because he is too young and death of a Liberal candidate has reduced the record field to 1016 men and women for the June 18 dominion eection Albert Lavignc Liberal can candidate � didate for Stormont Ont died in hospital Tuesday night Mr Lavignc 53 suffered a Boy Taken to Hospital With Severe Wounds BURNS LAKE Correspond 1 ent An unidentified Indian i boy believed to be about nine ears of age was rushed to hospital here today from Grass Plains suffering sccic gunshot wounds in the arms and legs C J Durban stoickccper at the tiny settlement south of here arranged for a special I trip across Francois Lake in the heart attack last Sunday Mr Lavignes death forces an indefinite postponement of the vote in Stormont Mr Lavignc won the Stor Stormont � mont nomination in 1954 alter Liberal member Lionel Chev ner resigned his scat to accept an appointment as president of the St Lawrence Seaway Au Authority � thority He captured the scat in the 1951 byclection retaining it in the 1957 federal election He was defeated in a bid to retain the scat in the 1958 general election by Progicssive Con Conservative � servative Grant Campbell William Stoyles returning of ficcr for St Johns West said Tuesday a check of church rec records � ords showed that William J Bowc who thought he would bo 22 Aug 4 will be only 21 on that date A candidate must be 21 to qualify for election under the Canada Election Act Earlier in the day a icchcck of official nominations showed one New Democratic Party candidate had been omitted and a Social Credit candidate listed although he had not filed nom nomination � ination papers The changes increased NDPs total to 218 of whom 40 are in Quebec The Social Credit total dropped to 230 with 70 of those in Ontario and one In New foundland Jean Philip qualified as ND candidate in the Quebec riding or Terrebonne before nomina nominations � tions closed at 2 pm local Standard Time Monday but was not included among candidates reported at the time Gordon Hughes listed as SC represent tive in the Ontario constituency of Hastings Frontcnac did not file Mr Bowe was the third o cial Credit candidate who failed to qualify or withdrew Fred Murray the nominee in Mea Meadow � dow Lake withdrew May 21 and forfeited his 200 deposit