SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS Weather permitting therell he heavy schedule of sports on weekend Surprising Twins take over second place in American League Bert Olmstead unhappy with move to Rangers from Leafs Sec Page 4 f5nVW -x W W XVf3SV t ra3y5gK iTr Sssi ISU mszyitm ia -sk Htwa r -w -a3to-44r Ai- iti- jAcif wt syz i ii srsrrSMK cw k- r -iiiflfc W TWtrf - - vi iirfiwrf v m r k rr twfiffOSSSi RECONSTRUCTION of Connaught Junior High School should be completed just about a year after the former 12 classroom school was destroyed by fire early last October says School District 57 Property Manager 1 IN 20 VOTERS WITHOUT WORK OTTAWA CD John Turn Turner � er Liberal candidate for Monti cal St Lawrence in the June 18 federal election said Thursday about one out of every 20 Canadians who have a vote do not have a job Thursday was the warmest day so far this year with a reading of C9 degrees Mostly cloudy weather is still being forecast with cool tem pcraluics continuing Saturday Winds northwesterly 15 in the afternoon otherwise light Low tonight and high Satuulay at Prince George 38 and 65 Qucsnel 40 and 70 Smithers 40 and 00 Sunday outlook Sunny with cloudy periods Continuing cool Possible shower activity Peace River Sunny with cloudy periods Satuulay Little change in temperature Winds Wcsleily 15 Low tonight and high Saturday at Grande Praiiie 45 and CO LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Pre Prince George Tcirace Smithers Qucsnel Williams Lake Kamloops Foit Nelson Foit St John Dawson Creek G 40 13 55 37 10 Gl 38 7G 41 03 70 49 13 8t 5G SO 52 74 77 53 7G 55 PICKERS NEEDED VANCOUVER CPl Farm labor officials said Thursday 7000 pickers will be requited to lianest the Praser Valley blraw berry crop tins ear The lianest is expected to begin about June 20 HALF-MILE-WIDE Sees i errace Isme j Candidate Charlie Graham was spotted tother afternoon slip slipping � ping suneptitiously out of the Tory headquarters where Gus Hendersons campaign manager Ernie Burden had presented Marv with a coupla Gus 4 Us pens Memo to City Swim Pool Boss Bill Woycik Why this Ma Murrays inimitable style came through when she wrote in her BJdgo River News Miss - the new swim swimming � ming instructor is heic and she looks every bit as promising as last years appointee and without any fanfaie Wow Wonder what those chamber of commerce types from vatious communities who voted down tho PG C of C motion to seek lower gasoline pticcs are think thinking � ing now theyve hcaul the news that some oil companies have raised the pi ice thioughout BC Big winners in the 1000-4-5 draw run off last night by- local so called service club THE CITIZEN Phono LOgan 4 2441 Vol 6 No 112 y - -Jk j -jf Jr iaS5fijfcf zr t TE l32 miL 5w SwJ9Jaw rgmrw3e2B9mtf iirrMJ risv lTttiN- - MUltlfc TSKLKUcummS km TERRACE Staff A half-mile-wide sea of blue grey mud has blocked the Kitimat Terrace highway for the second time in three weeks A 5000 foot stretch of road and a government campsite was pushed into Cakelse Lake Thursday Government engineers from Victoria and crews from the Department of Highways offices at Terrace were at the scene of the slide caused by an under underground � ground upheaval this morning investigating the situation Still movMt eaily today the slide severed Kitimats only load connc on with the rest of the provin and cut off the power supply f om the Alumi Aluminum � num Co of Canada hydro dam at Kemano to Terrace Officials said it was lucky the Rain Slows Down Paving Program Rainy weather continues to postpone the city puha mixing temporary pavement program on mote than 80 blocks City Works Superintendent BU Jones said today crews which would be working at the pulva mixing are doing other jobs One of the main purposes of pulva mix is to form a good footing for future asphalting as well as to cut down on the dust problem We certainly dont have any dust today said Mr Jones About the same amount of pulva mixing was scheduled last j ear Weather held back the program dunng 19G1 too It will take about a week of drying out befote crews can get at the program this jear Now Hear This An observer sez there are so many tourist s standing around outside the local UIC office these das the cit should build benches along the side sidewalk � walk Rumots flying around town that CPA intends to take its Rritannias off the Vancouver Ptince George Wlntehoiso run are without foundation se loa CPA Uoss man Earl Brown The company is putting a DC Gil on its Vancouver Prince Rupett tun and has a DC3 on shuttle service between Fort St John and Foit Nelson while the Nel Nelson � son airpott is breaking up But theies no scheme afoot to ie mosc the B rit an in a s Flicnds ami he has a gteat many offeted congtats jester day to Canadian Lcgionaitc and popular PG Oldtimer Dill Bexon who celebrated his 70th birth birthday � day and his 41st jcar in this city Tis amazin tho lengths some folks will go to get a free ballpoint pen Marvin Mandle - fps- -- slide did not occur during the tourist season when the 60 camp site one of the largest in BC would be packed TRAINS RUNNING The Canadian National Rail Railway � way track to Kitimat on the other side of the lake was not affected Special trains were to be run to take care of stranded motorists on both sides of the upheaval One witness said massive trees were being carried by the ooze into the lake at a rate of about three miles an hour Thete was a whole island of trees that had been taken off the side of the lake and arc now in the middle of the lake In places it looks like a river of mud Six hjdro poles were snapped off by the slide and several earthmoving machines left in the area disappeated The slide bypassed the pn vate resort at Water Lily Bay iSSS while startled spectators i watched TREES CRACKLING Witnesses said they could hear the giant trees crackling as they weie carried m the ooze The campsite under construe tion for three years cost 100 i 000 to date The slide is about three qiut lers of a mile from another Hut swallowed almost a mile of the highway May 25 The highways depattment had been building a detour around the other slide Patt of the detour disappeared in Thursdays upheaval RCMP said it would take at least two weeks to complete an other toad link Meanwhile soil cxpetts will study the situation Construction foreman Bob McEachern of Terrace said a tractor and a road scraper both weighing aboul 35 tons disap disappeared � peared into the slide MOVING MOUNTAIN It was like a mountain mov- cant we get news items like ling itself down into the lake It started about 2000 feet above the lake and slipped right down and out into the lake for about half a mile The surface of the ground feels solid tho roots of the trees are all light rocks show but underneath there is a layer of fluid blue clay Photographer Ma Patzclt of Kitimat who flew over tho up upheaval � heaval said mud flowed from the hill over an old load over a new road through the camp site and out into the lake An America tourist had a trailer in the campsite and as we flew over we could see it out on the island among the trees There was a tiee across man acuve unerai campaign weie uni carmichaei and Bill i it its not leally an island vvoiker and son-in-law of Giit Dagg who split a ducat more like a peninsula The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA FRIDAY JUNE 8 1962 ta SOL iQHS Sf jVi ii tf1 3 rSi1fci3- asurKP -iswk s - V C Ditmars Top floor of the classroom block should be ready by the end of the month so that materials from the Civic Centre can be stored there during the summer VandcrVoort photo Jayne Does Strip Twist ROME AP Bosomy Jayne Mansfield twisted down to her lace brassiere no striptease just an accident she said in a night of Roman partying that ended early today Striptease by La Mansfield headlined Romes II Messag geio Not tiue said Jayne it was no striptease I just hap happened � pened to be wearing a very loose fitting dress Occasionally it came apart Jajnc wore a low cut polka clot cocktail dress Thursday night as she and her husband Mickey Hargitay first went to a movie studio party then to a Rome night club At both places the blonde actress here making a movie called Panic Button created small panic She twisted And as she twist twisted � ed her dress slipped off her kitoli JAYNE MANSFIELD dress came apart shoulders leaving only a black and rose lace bra above the waist It happened at both the party and the night club I tried to hold my chess to- Igelher Jayne said I guess ivwsung wasn i tne oesi iiuhk to do in that dress ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO VICTORIA CP Govern Government � ment officials said Thursday economic trends reported so far this year show a healthy upsurge in BC business It may be a little early but certainly at this stage all systems are go said a spokesman Among the factors were these Quatlerly mining figutcs show a four-per-cent gain in coal production and a two-percent increase for gold BY WILUSTON To SLutfib Third University Plan For City Given Okay VANCOUVER Special Gordon II Elliott English lecturer at the University of BC lias been appointed resident UBC instructor in Prince George for the 19G2 63 academic year President N A M MacKenzie announced Thurs Thursday � day that the senate and the board of governors have approved continuation of the extra mural teaching program for the third consecutive year Mr Elliott will teach two English courses and a history course The Prince George school board underwrites the program students register with UBC and pay a fee of GG per course IN KOOTENAYS More Than 5 Bonk names aet on TRAIL CP A mass fire demonstration in which more than 50 homes of Sons of Freedom Doukhobors were set on fire in three Frccdomitc villages in the Koolenays was reported today by RCMP Fotty homes weie reported binning at Ktestova 10 at the village of Shoicactes and thtee more at Kilpin Authorities said the burning baildings were mostly of plywood and tarpaper The Fredomitcs stood around and watched their houses bum clown There was no nude par parading � ading or other demonstration The local feeling among those who know the Frcedomitcs was that the burningswerc in pro test against Monday s prelimin preliminary � ary hearings in Vancouver of 71 members of the radical sects fraternal council charged with intimidation against the gov governments � ernments of Canada and BC The fires came with the RCMPs special I for Doukho bor Squad out of town prepar preparing � ing evidence for Mondays hear hearing � ing in Vancouver Police said women left home homeless � less by the fires had moved in with neighbors to whose homes they transfer ed their belong belongings � ings prior to setting of the fires Sec earlier Doukhobor story on Page 3 ce a First of two days of advance polling for the federal election opens Satuiday at 8 a m re returning � turning officer K Gary Rob Robinson � inson said today The other one is Monday For Prince George and sur surrounding � rounding area the poll will bo held in Room 10D of the Hotel Simon Traser between 8 am and 8 pm during the two days According to regulations if a voter presumes he may be away from his polling division on June 18 he can vote cither June 9 or 11 Lists were prepared by icvis ing officer Frank Wheeler last week after 250 persons in the area appeared for the court of revision There arc 32 polling divisions in Prince George Advance polls are also being conducted at Vanderhoof and Qucsnel Mr Robinson said this is the first time that the advance poll has been open to all electors Tried in Ontario returning of ficers noted the number taking advantage of the poll was double former figures During the last federal clec tion about 125 persons took ad vantage of the advance poll in the electoral district of Cariboo Lead production was down 21 per cent for the first two months but other figures show a six fold increase in production of BC crude oil and a 28-per-cent increase in natural gas production Timber scale figures which indicate the level of logging activity were 17-per-cent gteater to the end of Febru February � ary compared with last year Quaiterly figures for the fish industry show the value of fish landed on the increase Inquest Ordered After Man Dies In 125 Foot Fall REVELSTOKE CP An in inquest � quest has been ordered for Monday into the death of 51-ycar-old Ralph Victor Rogers whose car missed a curve and dropped over a 125 foot cliff between Galina Bay and Beaton RCMP said the accident was discovered late Tuesday when a provincial highways department workman found Rogers body in the car at the bottom of a canyon Police believe Rogers who operated a resort at Gerard about 70 miles south of Revcl stokc left Friday on a trip to Kamloops GRANT CHOPPED VANCOUVER CP The Canada Council has chopped 15000 from its annual grant to the Vancouver International Festival This years giant is 25000 There arc a total of eight ad advance � vance polls in the Cariboo this year Contract To Be Given Tuesday Contract for construction of the new Royal Canadian Legion branch is expected to be award awarded � ed Tuesday Finance Committee Chairman Dennis McDonald said today He said the low bid of 124000 by M and G Construction of Victoria will likely be accepted but that all sub trades will be local Two local bids were re reived Dezcll Constt uction at 127311 and Heart Construc Construction � tion at 133993 The two storey structure will be erected on four lots in the 1300 block Seventh A building presently on the site will be re removed � moved this weekend and the lots prepared for construction Work is scheduled to statt within seven days from award awarding � ing the contract Mr McDonald said it is hoped the building will be completed in time for an official opening Nov 11 although no target date is stipulated in the contract despite a drop in the volume Factory shipments for Janu January � ary inctcascd four per cent The number of new housing starts made during the first two months showed a 50 per cent gain but declined in March to give a 10 per cent overall increase for the quar quarter � ter Unemployed in April drop dropped � ped to 42000 from the 46 000 of the previous month while the number of persons The percentage of the lum bcr market wc have had in the Eastern US has caused a gicat furore in the northwestern states he commented and if there was any basic reason they could use to downgrade our lumber theyd probably use it It seems funny the order would come through so rapid rapidly � ly he added Mr Williston re returned � turned to the Lower Mainland early today MEETING DUE The FHA ruling on specifica specifications � tions was that BC Spruce could take 10 per cent less stress than regular white spruce in load - bearing joints and rafters Col J H Jenkins director of the forest products research branch said in Ottawa Thurs day night Ins department disa disagrees � grees with the reasons given for the step He said a meeting of trade and forestry department offic officials � ials will be held today to sec what will be the next step The problem said Col Jenk ins is mat wnite spruce ana Engclmann spiucc both grow in Interior BC and the Ameri can authorities claim that a cer certain � tain amount of Engelmann spruce is shipped mjxpd with white spruce It was Very dif difficult � ficult to distinguish the two species In Canada Engclmann is as strong as the white spruce he said Canadian lumber stand ards did not diffcientialc be between � tween them PRODUCERS ON PAR But in the U S Englemann spruce u up t 10 per cent weaker than the other Col Jenkins said the Ameri Americans � cans dont deny the Canadian figures that the spruces in Can ada arc the same strength But they said they had to put BC producers on a parity with American producers of Engle mann spruce He said the FHA orlcr doesnt 7c a Copy p affect spruce producers in other- provinces where there was little Englemann spruce grown The Northern Intono Lumber Lumbermens � mens Association is protesting to the federal government over what it terms the atbitray de decision � cision which effects ony BC and not the three prairie prov provinces � inces N1LA Manager Bob Gallagher said today the proposed reduc reduction � tion in span tables is the most serious problem facing the Noilhern Intel lor lumber in industry � dustry today We knew it was there but wc hoped it would never hap happen � pen The Northern Interior Lunv bermens Association is whole hcartedly in support of action taken by the CNR in abolishing free 15 day holdover time for lumber shipments Manager Bob Gallagher said today The NILA made official re representation � presentation to the board of transport commissioners and the railroads a year ago ad advocating � vocating this move he said We support it for the simple icason it will mean lumber will I be sold on a firm basis in or Boom Reported by Victoria employed rose by 10000 to 517000 These figures show 71 per cent of the labor force with out jobs compated with 10 per cent a year ago Increases were noted in gas gasoline � oline sales retail sales life insurance sales the number of tourist permits issued and shipments out of the port of Vancouver It is also expected that capital investments will at least equal last years total by cAnniER 150 per Month owngrade Put ermeri s Mr Williston was informed of the FHA downgrading in its standards of specifications for housing by The Citizen in a telephone conversation from Vanderhoof where he spent the day campaigning for Socrcd candidate Bert Lcboc Beefs Lands and Forests Minister Ray Williston suggested Thursday night that the US Federal Housing Authoritys downgrading of BC spruce could be the result of pres pressure � sure from Washington and Oregon lumber producers No Immediate Quota on Canuck Lumber Slated PORTLAND AP The Lumbermens Economic Sur Survival � vival Committee said Thursday the U S tariff commission will be unable to put any immediate quota on Canadian lumber im ports The committee which earlier this week asked an emergency quota on such impoits said the tariff commission had replied that it could not act within six months The commission also suggest suggested � ed that any action should await the outcome of a presidential committee study of Canadian US lumber competition A prepared statement quoted a spokesman for the lumber lumbermens � mens committee as saying This definitely eliminates the Tariff Commission approach as a relief to our problems The committee was organized recently to try to improve the lumbermens economic position Heart Switch Seen Shortly LOUISVILLE Ky AP Replacement of a bad heait with a good one is possible in humans within the next five or 10 years a Vale university pro fes5orv said Thursday Such transplants have been made with dogs but have been only partially successful main mainly � ly because the body seems to reject tissues of a strange heart Dr William W L Glenn told the Kentucky Heart Association 23 Men Battling Two Forest Fires Two forest fires in the Daw Dawson � son Creek ranger district were being fought today by 23 men and five bulldozcts as the fire hazard shows steady signs of incicasing A BC Forest Service spokes spokesman � man said that the Peace River district showed a danger index of moderate Warmer tempera temperatures � tures and winds arc continuing to raise the hazard Meanwhile the iemainder of the Prince George Forest Dis District � trict reports low fire hazaid conditions No new fires were reported duiing the last 21 hour pciiod Eight arc still burning in the district A total of 30 men arc fighting fiies The two main fires in the Dawson Creek district arc not binning in any major timber areas a protection officer said here But they arc burn burning � ing over more than GO acies HiLA Welcomes CNR Cut in Holdover Time Mr Gallagher said the ruling which becomes effective at Win Winnipeg � nipeg and Moose Jaw July 11 will eliminate the situation whereby there arc large vol volumes � umes of unsold lumber in tran sit When your free time ex expires � pires youve got to sell it be because � cause It is subject to demurrage charges by the railroad and the buyers can start horse trading and knocking prices down Mr Gallagher said theic is bound to be a period of transl tion but in the long run it wont hurt the manufacturers only the transit wholesalers A spokesman for a major dis district � trict producer said the free time delays only put the stock in the position of a grand auction Many times in Detroit and Chicago they have more or less of an auction on Fridays He said the mill operator who ships in transit cars often finds himself in the position of having to take a sacrifice price on other than readily saleable items Any advantage if any in transit is purely with the whole wholesaler � saler he added It definitely has a depressing effect on the market