Cmi i t ei Vancouver Berlin Peace Walk Planned by 2 Men VANCOUVER CP Two BC men plan to walk from Vancouver to Berlin in the cause 5 peace Lome Bennett 21 of Vancouver and Hans Sinn 33 of White flock intend to start the jaunt Oct 1 JURY FINDS Poison Caused Death VANCOUVER CP A coron crs jury has found that Mrs Mary Galbrallh 50 died as the result of a lethal dose of cyanide administered by a person or persons unknown Coroner Glen McDonald asked the jurors if they wanted to classify the womans death as homicide after evidence the womans husband Dr Hugh Stewart Becchcr Galbraith 57 tried to make a suicide pact with her The foreman said no The jury found that Galbraith whose body was found in a hotel room last week killed himself by taking an overdose of barbiturates TAX TROUBLE Const Walter Bitzkarl told the double inquest he learned of a suicide pact proposal fiom Ber Bertram � tram L Ray Mrs Galbraiths son in an earlier marriage The officer said Ray told him Dr Galbraith had suggested the pact when he got into trouble with the income tax department seven jcars ago in Vancouver The officer said Ray told him his mother had rejected the proposal Dr Galbraith one of 22 Van Vancouver � couver and Victoria eye doctors accused of taking almost 400 000 in kickbacks on eyeglass prescriptions had paid the in come tax department 18000 but still owed 29000 the officer said Mrs Geitrudc Tecs told a detective Mrs Galbraith also told her of the suicide pact pro proposal � posal by Dr Galbraith who practised in Vancouver before moving to Courtcnay on Van Vancouver � couver Island a few years ago CYANIDE PILLS Det Robert Houghton said Mrs Tecs told him a druggist delivered a package to the Gal Galbraith � braith home in Penticton when she was visiting thece in 1954 The doctors wife had asked what was in the package but Dr Galbraith refused to tell her The officer quoted Mrs Tecs as saying the- doctors wife later visited her and told her she had found what the package contained The doctor was alleged to have shown his wife two cap capsules � sules in a small pillbox and to have identified them as cyanide He is alleged to have told her one is for you and one is for me Det Houghton said Mrs Galbraith died at her sons home here July 14 Two letters the doctor had written to a stepson were intro introduced � duced in evidence One said in part Perhaps I am being very foolish and sentimental but I cannot see a life without my darling wife My only desiic is to join your mother in the Kingdom of Heaven if they will let mc in Mine Closures Idle 5000 Men OV1EDO Spain AP Ap Approximately � proximately 5000 coal miners were idle today as the civil governor oideicd another major mine closed for labor indisci indiscipline � pline after a major slowdown Woik stoppage has increased steadily since the first labor disputes began last Satin day oer demands of a few miners for Satuulay afternoons off The go eminent policy is to suspend woik at any mine wheie a woik dispute developed Kamloops Whitchorsc Fort Nelson Fort St John Dawson Creek 57 47 07 62 53 63 41 01 62 50 30 59 41 27 77 57 61 51 01 60 46 43 53 43 29 54 45 17 SNOW DOWN UNDER MELBOURNE Rcuteis Heaviest snowfalls in 50 years hit some areas of Australia Tuesday night as wintry weather struck 1000 miles of the cast em coast from Tasmania to southern Queensland cutting some main highways and mak making � ing road travel dangerous Now Hear This Want to keep close check on how the various football teams are doing across Canada Drop into a BA dealer and pick up a combined Big Four and WIFU schedule scoic caul And while youic there sci BA Re Retail � tail Sales Rep Ian Kenney get one of the companys new Clear Across Canada along the Trans Cauada Highway map Itb a really colorful ef effort � fort I heres a plumber in town vouU jeeognue immediately on bceing him by his icd ied face Scenic the boss sent him to a ceitain addiess tother day and our boy picked the wrong house Dropping in to see how the lad was doing the boss couldnt find the company tiuck outside the house where the work was to be done But glancing across the stieet he saw both vehicle and plumber Whistling a merry tune said plumber proudly informed the ioss hed put the uevv woiks in the ailing water closet and i i whats more he didnt disturb anybody Thcic wasnt anyone home and the door wasnt lock locked � ed so he just walked in and went to work Visitor to PG and Baldy Hughes today was Major Ray Costello base operations officer at the US Air Forces McChord Field Ray is lemembcml here for piloting Operation Reindeers Christmas mission to Lower Post Indian Residential School in lJGO But hes also a Caua clian born Yank and knows this noith country well Among prize winners who will jecejve clieques shortly fiom the Simon Fraser Days and Exhibition are the following holders of canoe race associa association � tion membership cards Eric Buck Canoe No 1 Mary Campbell Canoe No 2 Ann Peltigrew No 3 John Moffat No 4- R Clifford No 5 and four non finishers who get con consolation � solation awards June Williams J Ktrylulk JHaiiitn and May bell Auilcn FIRST ANNUAL TH Phone LOgan 4 2441 Vol 6 No 164 r VflA y 1 mm OFF TO VANCOUVER for the annual Junior Olympic Training Program track meet at Empire Stadium this morning were local track and field athletes Board Boarding � ing the train are left to right Valerie Davis Marc Miller organizer Mrs Jean Dukes chaperone and Harold Johnson Both Davis and Johnson were medallists last year Vandervoort photo CLEAR iuj i i Vrfi 9VV m m i m Sunny with cloudy periods is the forecast for the Cariboo Prince George and Bulkley Val Valley � ley areas on Thursday There will still be some scattered showers and little change in temperature Winds will be light Low tonight and high Thursday at Prince George- 45 and 65 Quesnel 50 and 65 Smithers 40 and 62 Peace River Sunny and a little warmer Thursday Light winds Low tonight and high Thursday at Grande Prairie 40 and 70 LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Prec Prince George Terrace Smithers Quesnel Williams Lake Awards Night Stated At Exhibition Friday First annual awards night for the Simon Fraser Days and Exhibition will be held at the main Exhibition building starting at 8 pm Friday The fair board decided lo hold this special awards pres presentation � entation at which trophies and prize money not presented dur during � ing the Exhibition will be hand handed � ed out to winners Following the ceremony an informal dance will be held in the building Directors also announced to today � day that the annual meeting of the Prince George Agricultural and Industrial Association sponsoring body for the Exhibi tion will be held Nov 2 at a location to be announced Meanwhile all directors committee cnairmen and others who plaved leading roles in the 1962 Exhibition have been ask ed to prcpaie constructive te ports on all aspects of the fair hJ shcnff of tho cmmty with emphasis on suggestions that will assist with the pie parations for the 1963 fair Reports arc to be compiled as soon as possible and turn cd in to Exhibition secretary manager Ron Deacon befoie Sept 7 The public also is cordially invited to send in worthwhile suggestions They should be ad addressed � dressed to The Manager Exhi Exhibition � bition Board Box 955 Trincc George At Least 15 Plan To Go to Terrace Chamber Meet Space is still available on a special train coach which leaves Prince George Thursday morn morning � ing for the annual three day meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Cen Central � tral BC and Alaska We want to get good rep representation � resentation there because a lot of things will come up which directly affect Prince George and district chamber of com commerce � merce president Alex Clark said today Delegates will bleep on the t pccjal coach while at Terrace Moic than 15 hud made rcser vations by this morning did Mr Claik and the coaili can pi ovule space for up to 253 Tourism in Central U C and Alaska will be the theme of the meeting The Northern Trans Ptovincial Highway and tlie Alaska BC ferry system are expected to be the top items for discussion by the estimated 200 delegates Featured speakers will be federal Northern Affairs Min Minister � ister Walter Dinsdale B C Rec I cation Mluibter Karlo Weil wood aud a representative of Alaskas Governor iUsani E CIT PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY AUGUST 22 1962 7000 Awarded In Jurors Death VICTORIA CD A woman whose husband died after serv serving � ing jury duty his doctor said he wasnt fit to undertake has been aw aided 1000 by provincial government order-in-council Hugo E Blodcr of Dcwdney died in June I960 after serv serving � ing eight clays of jury duty in April of that year When called for jury duty he obtained a certificate from a doctor requesting that he be excused because of ill health of New Westminster where the case was being ncard said a judge had refused the request Blodcr served several days on the jury then presented another letter to the judge from his doctor and was then excused GENEVA UV Tho Una tion disarmament confcience agreed today to recess from Sept 8 to Nov 12 while their deadlock is referred back to the United Nations General As Assembly � sembly The US and the Soviet Union ro chairmen of the con ference had agreed Tuesday to tho recess The meeting also agreed that the two co chairmen Arthur Dean of the United States and Vasily Kiunctsov Soviet first deputy foreign minister should consult dining the tecess in view of any possible change in icsiunulton of tUc talks This means the conference may come bjck lo Geneva HOTEL PARTY IS MARGARET EXPECTING LONDON m Photographs taken of Princess Margaret on her 32nd birthday stirred speculation today that she may be expecting her second child The princess posed for the shots Tuesday at Abbcylcix Ireland where she is on va calton with her husband Lord Snowdon and his rela relatives � tives The pictures appeared in some British newspapers to today � day and seemed to show Margaret with a fullness of figure Piincess Margarets press officer said he was neither able to confirm nor deny reports Policeman Links Mail Truck Gang With Other Job BOSTON AP A machine- gun gang that held up a Lynn Mass bank last spring and shot it out with police while escap escaping � ing was linked today with the highwaymen who grabbed 1 500000 from a US mail truck last week State police Capt Michael J Cullinane said Tuesday he no noticed � ticed a strong facial resem resemblance � blance between composite pic pictures � tures of two mail robbery sus suspects � pects and descriptions of two of three men who fled the Essex Trust Company branch in Lynn last March 30 with 28500 In the Lynn holdup twornask ed band Its held 14 cuitorriers and 10 clerks at bay with a machine gun and a pistol and escaped in a car driven by a third man Patrolman Henry Stcadman 37 was shot in the shoulder during a police chase The gang later commandeered a laundry truck and passed through a road block hiding in the rear while the kidnapped driver was wav waved � ed on a machine gun held at his neck The composites of the two mail robber suspects were piec pieced � ed together from information supplied by the driver and guard in the mail van 75 Dead as Italy Hit by Quakes NAPLES Italy AP New tremors spread panic in south southern � ern Italy early today after a severe earthquake Tuesday nicht that took about 15 lives and injured at least 100 The earth shocks left a trail of damage from this port city to the Adriatic coast Some of the deaths were attributed to heart attacks from fright Many of the injured were hurt in pan panicky � icky flights from swaying build buildings � ings and homes Disarmament Meeting To Recess for Month either sooner or later than Nov 12 depending on developments in the UN General Assembly In New York or elsewhere The recess date was a com compromise � promise between the recom recommendation � mendation ol the co chairmen and the desires of Sweden In India � dia and Canada Dean and Kuznelsov sug suggested � gested Sept 1 as the most con convenient � venient dale for interrupting the talks Swedens C H Von Platen proposed mid-September Indias Arthur Lall fav favored � ored Sept 20 Gen E L M Burns of Canada opposed any recess at all The Canadian delegate reluc reluctantly � tantly agrrcd after all other delegations had accepted the compromise date FACE BLUE EARS REDf HANDS YRLOW A 26-ycar-old man was found guilty in police court today of two counts arising from an incident two weeks ago in which he pointed a pistol at a man during a party in a city hotel room Eino Ounpou was placed on a years probation for possession of a dangerous firearm and fined 100 or in default 30 days for as assault � sault by Magistrate G O Stewart Court was told the incident occurred when an argument arose over change from a bill for Chinese food Ounpou had given the money to two women who in turn gave it to Alfred Wilson to buy the food Ounpou entered the room re removed � moved a cloth from his hand which covered a Luger pistol and demanded that Wilson give him the change No shots were fired Police were called and Ounpou ar arrested � rested Found guilty on both counts the fact Ounpou had no previous record was taken into consider consideration � ation in sentencing him A record 57 students of Prince George- Senior Second 1 ary School were successful in their junior matriculation Grade 121 government exam examinations � inations Principal George Be van announced today Eighty one pupils took the exams and Mr Bcvan said the percentage of successful ones was also probably a record certainly in recent years Also released today were the names of 29 students who pass passed � ed in the general program The 21 university program students who failed their gov government � ernment exams still have the opportunity to achieve gradu graduation � ation through supplemental ex exams � ams now being conducted The results will probably be known by the second week in Septem September � ber said Mr Bevan Successful students will re receive � ceive their diplomas in a cere ceremony � mony Sept 12 In the fieldhouse Following are the university program graduates Gloria Clarice Anderson Eu Eugene � gene Maynard Askeland Mary Ann Baird William Owen Bar wise Arnold William Boom- howcr John Craig Botham Margaret Catherine Burton Is obel Sim Chalmers Linda Gail Dawson Georgina Dingwcll Eric Wilson Ditmars Heidc Ebcrlicn Penelope Jean Ek blad John Christopher Fotos Marilyn Lela Roseanne Grieves Robert Harold Hoist Maurice Robert Isackson Darlcne Ellen Johns Donald Evcrtte Killarn Frances Pauline Lessard Leon Joseph Lessard Karen Elizabeth Loder Marry Ann Malgunas Tcrrance John May Maynard � nard Joseph Robert Morns Carole Joyce Morrison Brock Royal Nichols Jeannie Marie Noble Donald William Noble Beverley Anne Clair OBrien Carl Robert Olafson Marilyn Heather Orchard Kathryn Mac Lure Ott Olga Pankratz Lynda Louise Pawson Eileen Marg arel Perry Gerrit Henry Pol man Gerald James Popowych John Lawrence Rebman Char Charlotte � lotte Elfrieda Schlitt Susan Mary Skinner Alice Ann Smith Richard Arthur Smith Virginia Ann Sperling Claus Frank Spikcrniann Lorna in grid Strom Dorothy Fay Thcs en Arthur Raymond Wartnir ton Svcrrc D3g Wcstgaard Man Turns Technicolor HUDDERSFIELD England Reuters Doctors today were Intrigued by a man whose face has turjied blue his cars red and his hands el low John OToote a worker t a lucal chemical factory said that uu the way home from ttork Tuesday be noticed yco pie were staring at him Then he looked in a mirror and nearly collapsed Part of QTooles job is to shovel chemicals into a heated pan for processing He wears protective clothing and a mak A Mjokesmau for the firm pairf been caused by chemicals af affecting � fecting his blood stream in some way and the yellow may have been the result of chem chemicals � icals getting on his hands But we cannot explain his re J1 Doctors aro tryuig ioicc- the blue could bavt Hwaz to tura Mm bk againf O O KEN The Only Daily Newspaper Serving North Central British Columbia Man Convicted Of Pistol Threat LESLIE PETERSON BC education minister said Tues Tuesday � day greater participation by Canada and other Western powers in educating under underdeveloped � developed countries will help thwart the aim of commun communism � ism which is not to destroy mankind but to capture its minds HAZARD DROPS VICTORIA CP August rain may be spoiling vacation plans in BC but its a boon to the BC Forest Service Moisture had reduced the fire hazard in the wooGs with only 39 fires burning in the province Donald Willard White Marg Margaret � aret Jean Widdowson Robert John Wilson GordonTJOttald Young Andrew John Allen Wayne Franklin Barnett Susanna Gail Robinson Terry Tetsuko Take da Following are the successful general program graduates Marilynne Bilokrely Frances Sharon Bremner Carol Budd Linda Ruth Buxton Diane Mar Margaret � garet Carrelli Luella May Dondalc Joan Elaine Eberle Robert Bruce Elliston Michael Albert Gaal Kenneth Gordon Mclntyre Eileen Dorothy Mac Lean Judith Lenora Mooring Die Dieter � ter Nauroth James Albert Niel son Peter Kenneth Edward Peters Marilyn Elaine Peter Peterson � son Karen Pettersen Hazel Ann Randle Maurice Henry Redding Sandra Anne Shomo- a solution doesnt appear im minent The result officials say is that the RCAF air division is in the worst fix it has been since Kail L HNi lififck 4ff DAVID BEN GURION of Is Israel � rael and Mrs Ben Gurion ar arrived � rived in Stockholm Tuesday ntfiht on a Visit to Scandina Scandinavia � via They were met at the airport by Swcdeub Premier Tage Erlander and bis wife 7f 7C rt a rw tfCFttoBY CARRIER Copy 55kfiipl SO Pft Month i ACCUSED FIT TO STAND TRIAL A 42-year-old man has been found fit to stand trial on a charge of indecent assault of a 14-year-old Vancouver boy Ralph Anderson who under underwent � went psychiatric examination at Essondale Mental Hospital was remanded eight days in police court Tuesday at which time a trial date will be set RCMP allege the incident occurred after a man enticed the boy to come here on the pretext of giving him a job on a ranch Suspect was ar arrested � rested at a motel in Red Rock 18 miles south of here BENNETT FLEMING Power Talk Scheduled VICTORIA CP Premier Bennett has an appointment with Justice Minister Fleming in Ottawa Monday to talk about the Columbia River The appointment was made before the recent federal cab cabinet � inet shuffle which saw Mr Fleming switched from finance minister to justice minister Clarence Budd the premiers executive assistant said Tues Tuesday � day he docs not know whether George Nowlan the new finance minister will be brought into the talks The B C and federal govern governments � ments have been in dispute over the financing of the multi-million dollar project Among other things they dis disagree � agree over what length of time the downstream benefits result resulting � ing from water storage in Canada should be sold to the US Record 57 Senior Students in City Successful in Govt Examinations dy Linda Darlene Short Mat- Ithew Aaron Thomson KaeEl- not wan EUWU1 uaviu vyuiiii ington Heart Massage Shown to Chiefs NEW WESTMINSTER 01 B C Fire Chiefs were shown Tuesday how to apply external heart massage a technique which saved the life of a Ques Quesnel � nel youngster last week Vancouver anaesthetist Dr W L Esdale demonstrated the procedure circular chest mas massaging � saging above the heart to 150 fire chiefs at the opening ses session � sion of their annual convention Doctors say the technique is almost as effective as opening the chest wall to massage the heart itself and avoids medical complications arising from surgery Nobody Knows Purpose Of 200 Jet Bombers OTTAWA ICPI In four or five months Canada will begin delivery of 200 supersonic CF 104 low level jet bombers to the RCAF air division in Europe But officials say what lolc the planes will perform is still indefinite because it still isnt known whether they will carry nuclear weapons Officials maintain that the npjor blame for this indecisive ness doesnt rest with the Cana Canadian � dian government but with NATO as a whole The alliance cant make up its mind on how to control nuclear weapons And it was sent abroad nearly a decade ago to help defend West Western � ern Europe against any Com Communist � munist assault In 1959 Ihc Canadian govern government � ment agreed to NATOs request that the air division be rc equipped with the CF 104 and its role changed from high altitude interception with Sabre and CF 100 jets to strike-reconnaissance The RCAF was happy to take on this job because it would again assume an offensive role which it lost in 1915 when it gave up its bomber fleet With the CF 104 the air divi sion would carry out nuclear strikes at targets beyond the roach of short range missiles The issue of nuclear weapons for the CF 104 is complex Some European NATO members want a bigger share in control of nuclear weapons And there is hesitation if not fear concern concerning � ing the possibility of West Ger Germany � many getting nuclear arms The 450000000 CF 101 pio gram falls right in the middle of thi3 quandary If the CF 101 doesnt carry nuclear Dombs in the role of a strike plane what will it be used for Officials say they dont know It appears extremely likely that the eight CF10t squadrons will be in full operation long before NATO reaches any solu solution � tion to the problem of nuclear weapons control And even if NATO does solve the problem how can Canada accept nuclear weapons for an offensive role in Europe while refusing to accept them for a defensive role Bomarc missilcaind Voodoo jet intercqptor at borne Again officials say they dont know a