- SPOKIS HIGHLIGHTS Liston gets heavyweight crown after quick KO US retains Americas Cup Yankees cinch AL pennant DONATION of an 300 anaesthetic machine to Prince George Regional Hospital was made Tuesday by Alan Short left manager of the local branch of Liquid Carbonic Canadian Corp Ltd Admiring the machine are Nursing Supervisor Mrs Mary McGowan and Hospital Administrator Gordon Townend Vandervoort photo POLICE INVESTIGATING American Hunter Shot Dead Near Burns Lake BURNS LAKE Correspondent -j A 57-year-old Oiegonian Gene Simmons of Clatskanie became the first hunting fatality of the season in North Central BC Tuesday More Changes In UK Money LONDON Reuters More changes in the look of Britains money were announced by the Bank of England today All the old 10 shilling notes still in circulation ones with without � out the Queens portrait arc to be called in Oct 29 Early next year a new 5 note beaiing the portrait of the Queen will make its debut The thud of a new series of notes bearing the Queens portrait there also is a new pound it will be slightly smaller than the piesent 5 note DWIGHT EISENHOWER makes a disappointing fiown while watching the playoffs of the US Golf Association Amateur Championships at Pinehurst NC NEA Telcphoto Mr Simmons died after he was shot in the back of the head while hunting moose about five miles from the west end of Francois Lake about GO miles southwest of here An inquest under district cor oner L G Saul was slated to begin today while Investigation by RCMP at Burns Lake was continuing The victim was hunting with Harry Saxton Sr and Harry Saxton Jr believed to be Amer Americans � icans when he was shot late Tuesday afternoon RCMP bi ought the body to Burns Lake after they ueic notified of the mishap by tele phono from Nadina and began their investigation Arson Suspected In Three Blazes ST LOUIS AP Three fires described as the work of arsonists bioke out Tuesday night in a predominantly Negro suburb Three officers were wounded by shotgun fire while helping to bicak up a mob in the subuib earlier Tuesday Almost 50 officers mostly from nearby cities pati oiled the community Tuesday night breaking up groups of people muling in the sticets as the town tried to enforce a new 10 p in curfew The v lolence was triggered by the fatal shooting of a youth by an elderly policeman Both the youth and the man who shot him were Negroes but Mayor Clarence Lee said no racial an gles were involved Now Hear This Sine glad nobody we know spent upward of a bundled snuickeis plus ti a veiling ex expenses � penses to see that faice last night known as the Sonny Lis ton Floyd Patterson fight Brings to mind Phin Barnums famous quip which he meant Theics a sucker boin every minute One lad we know of came close Oldtimcr Alex Moffat went all the way to Vancouver to see the sham battle on closed cncuit television in Vancouvers Queen Elizabeth Theatie Son Harold lemarked that the icst of the Moifat family got their biggest kick thinking of Dad who had just put in liis longest day in a long time waiting for the bout And Mrs Roy McGilllvray thought shed listen to the fight wailing for her iion to get hot So wliilo she was down stairs plugging in the contraption the fight ended Then theres Wilf Peckham who held one of those Liston in the first tound tickets and who sez now his picking that ticket fiom a hat showed good judgment Its quite understandable there ate bound to be technical difficulties crop up in the opera tion of a television station But when theie is interfeience such as there was last night at the local station why wait more than an hour before flashing a Do Not Adjust Your Set Its Our Fault sign on the screen9 BC Hydro Boss man Bill Best is jumping up and clicking his heels three times between cigais Wife Grace presented fu1 T hat hls i and BUI with their first youngster fcl slipped this ayem a boy who weighed i11 the acic crator instejul o in in at at a ainund annul iv 7j nnunils pounds fir Or so sn lnc Drake pedal we gathered fiom his excited announcement Some old students will remember the apple for the teacher bit which seems to have long gone past as far as the present school age generation is concerned B u t a new twist came up Tuesday when a thoughtful student up the Hart Highway bi ought his teacher a freshly caught Dolly Vardcn You know the adage about yesterdays newspaper Evi Evidently � dently not everyone agrees A paik bench Romeo was noticed in front of city hall digging in a garbage can He came up with a wrinkled newspaper which he smoothed out and sat down to lead Impressing the gal he was waiting for peihaps THE CITIZEN The Ony Daily Newspaper Serving North Central British Columbia Phone LOgan 4 2441 Vol 6 No 188 WWMWgy98MjWgyyBW Fast Ambulance Hit by Doctors HARRISON HOT SPRINGS CPI A committee of doctors said Tuesday that ambulance drivers shouldnt drive so fast or use their sirens so much Excessive speeding by ambu ambulances � lances can cause hemorrhage in the patient as well as per perhaps � haps lead to a traffic accident the traffic and safety commit committee � tee told the convention of the BC division of the Canadian Medical Association Sirens also can cause mental upset and strain on the patient Doctors approved a motion that the government check all emergency calls quarterly to avoid abuses of sirens and speeding They also recommended that all new motor vehicles register registered � ed in B C be required to have scat belts installed in both front and rear seats Dead Drillers Name Released HUDSON HOPE Special The name has Dcen released of a Vancouver man killed Tues Tuesday � day when he was run over by the air track drill he was op erating on the Peace River dam project He is George Carr 48 Cair died a few hours after the mishap as he was being transported to hospital at Foit St John Death Pinned On Motorist PRINCE RUPERT tCPi Man Manuel � uel Ferreira Batista 32 of Kiti mat Tuesday was convicted of criminal negligence in the March 2 death here of Cecilia Grant of Kitamaat Indian vil village � lage Miss Grant died of injuries suffered when a car duven by Batista skidded into a ditch and flipped over Batista was remanded to Thursday for sentence Witnesses testified at the as assize � size court trial that Batista had been drinking prior to the crasli and that the car was travelling at 80 miles an hour Batista testified in his own defence that he had been travel travelling � ling at 35 miles an hour and that the steering wheel seemed to jam over to the left He said he u lost control of the car PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26 1962 TRUSTEES SQUARE OFF Police Almost Called To Hot Board Meeting Liston s Mighty Left Saves Board Meeting The left hook which knocked out Floyd Patterson in his championship fight with Sonny Liston Tuesday night saved a regular meeting of the board of School District 57 When the meeting was scheduled to begin at 730 pm only trustees Jack Rhodes and Shirley Preston were on hand Four trustees are needed for a quorum Ray Atkinson chairman is in Calgary but four trustees were still to be accounted for Tiustee Ken Melville wandered in a few minutes late and then after the two minute fight trustees Harold Moffat and Bob Range came in in quick succession at about 750 pm SALESMAN ANGRY Car Tender Protested To Education Minister The sales manager of a local car dealer has pro protested � tested to Education Minister Peterson the purchase by the board of School District 57 of a car he claims does not conform to the tender call A compact Falcon to be used by property manager W C Dit mars on board business was bought from Prince George Mo Motors � tors for 2290 during a regular meeting of the trustees Signing himself Irate Tax Payer Bill Clancy of Parker and Hipwell suggested in a wire that the tenders be declared void and be recalled Would like to protest action taken by board of trustees of School District 57 in accepting a tender for the purchase of a vehicle that docs not meet tendered specifications Also said vehicle is not low tender I suggest that tenders be void and should be recalled he said in the telegram to Mr Peterson Mr Clancy pointed out to the board that tenders had speci specified � fied a 15 inch wheel while the Falcon has a 14 inch wheel and that non conforming tenders would not be considered Trustee Harold Moffat in the chair for the meeting said that the situation was covered under a clause in the tender call ask asking � ing for various tenders Mr Clancy had submitted low bids in both half ton truck and standard four door sedan classes called for with the compacts so the board could make a choice Two of the half ton trucks wcic less expensive than the Falcon which was low in its class and lower than any of the four door standaid sedans tend ercd on 4SL COOLER Sunny with cloudy periods Thursday Cooler with light winds Low tonight and high Thursday at Prince George 35 and 65 Quesncl 40 and 68 Smithers 42 and 65 Peace River Sunny and a little cooler on Thursday Winds northwesterly 15 Low tonight and high Thursday at Grande Prairie 40 and 60 Last 24 Hours Prince George 7G 3D Terrace 62 50 trace Smithers Quesncl Williams Lake Kamloops Whitehorsc Fort Nelson Fort St John Dawson Creek 67 n 78 77 56 81 76 47 40 52 44 39 53 52 37 By LEWIS SEALE Citizen Staff Reporter Tempers flared and some strong language erupted during a regular meeting of the School District 57 board Tuesday night and it nearly took an unscheduled visit by police to bieak up the battle Trustee Ken Melville a rural representative felt trustee Har Harold � old Moffat had run this damn board long enough and said so loudly and repeatedly Trustee Moffat acting chair chairman � man threatened to have Mr Melville ejected fiom the meet meeting � ing and directed secretary man ager Bob Graccy to call the RCMP FIRST NAME BASIS However within a few min utes the smoke had cleared Business carried on as usual and later in the meeting Mr Melville was calling Mr Mof fat by his first name again The dispute arose over a re report � port by Superintendent J M Phillipson on the operation of the dormitory this year and problems which have been en encountered � countered Among the points he raised was the food provided at the dormitory a pet concern of Trustee Melville who picviously bi ought to light the poor meals being served Mr Phillipson said some ctnrlnntc hnvn n hnrrl limn fTpt- tinn iispH tn institutional mpals V but added that the dormitory committee had checked the menus and found them satis satisfactory � factory Mr Melville asked for a full report on the meals being serv served � ed this year claiming that the board has totally ignored the situation there in past years DOUBLE BUDGET The budget could be doubled without spending too much mo money � ney he said since the meals have a large part in framing the attitude of the students liv living � ing at the dormitory Trustee Moffat opposed the new repoit If the superinten superintendent � dent who got the dormitory on the right track feels it is still on the right track the board should be satisfied It was about at this point when Mr Moffat tried to move the meeting on to the next re report � port from Mr Phillipson that Mr Melville opened file In his dormitory report Mr Phillipson also said that about 50 students aic now living at the dorm and most problems to date have been relatively minor A couple of trouble makers have been singled out but they will be asked to leave unless their conduct improves he said Cost of School Referendum Would Hardly be Noticed Club Informed The average taxpayer will hardly feel the cost of repay ing debentures issued by the School District 57 boaul under Referendum 10 if it passes A W Webb district director of elementary instruction told a meeting of the Kelly Road Community Club Tuesday that icpayment could cost about a third of a mill on present as assessment � sessment The capital debt of School District 57 is in a category un under � der which the Department of Education pays 75 per cent of repayment while the school dis district � trict pavs 25 per cent Repayment of the full refer referendum � endum both principal and in interest � terest is about 60000 a vcar AS COUPLE ARGUES ABOUT CARS on a 20 year debenture issue under the 593000 referendum which goes to the vote Friday Thus Mr Webb told his aud audience � ience at the Kelly Road School 15000 becomes a charge an annually � nually against School District 57 assessment Each mill brings in about 45000 Even the repayment cost of a third mill would tend to be offset by the retirement of de debentures � bentures and by an increasing assessment both in the city and outside It is doubtful whether this referendum will be noticed especially in view of an assess assessment � ment that increased 8000000 from 1061 to 1962 Mr Webb said In connection vvitli costs he continued it should be noted that the school mill rate in School District 57 went down about half a mill last year The increase in assessment tends to take care of building costs in rapidly growing areas Mr Webb added so that the burden on the taxpayer should not be excessive Included in the referendum is provision for two classrooms and an activity room at Kelly Road at a total cost of about 68000 Work is also slated for Cen Central � tral Fort George School Pcdcn Hill the Seymour Subdivision and at rural schools and teach crages under the referendum 2500 Literally Goes Down Drain LOS ANGELES AIM John Pains wanted to buy one car His wife wanted to buy an another � other They argued Tuesday as they drove Suddenly Mrs Parris ges gestured � tured with the sack contain containing � ing the family savings Buymg that car she said speaking of her husbands choice would be like throw throwing � ing money away Out the car window went the sack of money It disappeared down a storm diain In it said Parris was 2 500 in cash Pan is slammed the car to a halt Mrs Parris jumped out and lunged for the money and almost got stuck in the drain herself They could see the sack ling there 15 feet aAvay 1 Pan is called friends sher sheriffs � iffs deputies and a toad de paitmcnt ciew to come help him As they tried to reach the sack with sticks a plumbers snake and a fishline it hap pened An attendant at a nearby gas station decided it was tune to dash down his drive way with a hose The water poured into a drain down the drain and to the sack As the would be icscuers watched helplessly the sack floated away Its hopeless said the county crews Youll never recover it now Parris and his wife drove away in their old car Sheriffs deputies noticed that the couple didnt seem to be t ilking to each other mi M if m II ill l Jim KEN MELVILLE fuming HiBillHfl 1 JfPW HAROLD MOFFAT sects police Bogus Cheque Warning Issued RCMP have warned local mer merchants � chants to be on the alert for bogus travellers cheques which have been turning up in South Southern � ern BC The cheques drawn on the Medicine Hat Alta branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce have been in denom denominations � inations up to 100 Safe Containing 300 Taken Here A small safe containing an estimated 3UU n cash was stolen overnight from a city tire dealers office Frank Hewlett manager of Dunlop Tire Sales and Service 1510 Third said the thieves jemmied the rear door to gain entrance The safe also contained a number of cheques It was the first time the building had been broken into said Mr Hewlett In another overnight burglary a sandcr valued at 200 was stolen from Dezell Construction Co 1025 Fifth by thieves who broke through a front window VANCOUVER CPl The strike and lockout of some 700 elec electricians � tricians which stopped work on numerous U C piojects was called off by union and manage management � ment Tuesday night pending consideration of a proposal made by government mediators The 700 emploecs locked out by 25 cotitiaeting firms wore urdcml to teport for duly Wed Wednesday � nesday morning In a joint statement Art OKcefe business manager of Local 213 of the Intel national Biotheihood of Elcctiicat Work cis and F O Miles lepresent ing electrical contractors said agreement had been reached on lifting the lockout and strike pending consideiation o a pio- posal by deputy labor minister William Sands and conciliation officer E P Fisher I he statement did not dls close details of the proposal sTE BV CARRIER - 7c a Copy 5lS n w wt Month DEAF M JTE NOT FIT FOR TRIAL PRINCE RUPERT CM Benjamin Edwin Muldoe IS-year-old deaf mutc was found unfit to stand trial Tuesday night on a charge of non-capital murder A 12 man assize jury recom recommended � mended the vouth be commit committed � ted to an institution Muldoe was charged with the July 2i strangulation death of Mrs Josephine Marie MacdonaH 49 whose body was found by her husband at their roadside cafe near Shame 20 miles west of Ter Terrace � race Muldoe a ward of the soc social � ial welfare department had been placed in the Macdon alds caie SCHOOL PROBLEM Action Due n PRINCETON CP The Sons of Freedom Doukhobors situation which began Sept 2 when hundreds of sect members left their burned out stronghold in the Kootenavs on an avowed 400 mile trek appeared to be coming to a head today Attorney General Bonner told reporters in Victoria that a mis undei standing appeared to have developed over schooling of Frcedomite children and the RCMP roadblock here The governments inteicst in seeing that children of the tiek kers attend classes lias not changed he said Tuesday seven Freedoniilc mothers tried to go through the roadblock at their encampment to register their children in schools at Princeton about 12 miles to the west They were stopped by police who told them they could not go west under instructions from the attorney generals depart department � ment The roadblock has been main maintained � tained for almost two weeks following instructions to the Freedomites that they should return east not west to their oft pioclaimed goal to join their km at Mountain Prison in Agassiz Only a few davs ago Educa Education � tion Minister Leslie Peterson warned the Freedomites to send their children to school Two other developments also appeared likely to bring the sit situation � uation to a head Mr Bonner said a deputy ministers committee which lias been dealing with the Frce Frcedomite � domite pioblem for the last eight years will meet today to discuss the situation The attorney-general was expected to make some announcement on government plans after the deputy ministers meeting The other development was an announcement fiom the Bromley Paik campsite of the Freedomites that they would seek a court injunction today lestraining the attorney general and the RCMP from denying them access to a public high highway � way Navy to Guard UK Fishermen EDINBURGH Reuters Biitish fisheimen who complain that Polish and oilier Commu Communist � nist bloc trawlers are running through their lines off the noith east coast at night will have the protection of a Royal Navy ship a navy spokesman said Tues Tuesday � day night Strike Lockout Mess Cleared Up at Coast The lockout of elcctiical em employees � ployees at 25 contracting com companies � panies followed a strike by the union Friday at the Tide Co of BC heic on the issue of wages The action tied up woik on such projects as a multi-mil-lion-dollar extension to the Van Vancouver � couver Vocational School here the guv eminent owned 11 C Ilvdio and Power Authoiitys theunal plant ut ncaibv lmt Moody and line work undertaken for BC Hydio The union seeks a 17-cent-au-liour wage increase on a one year contract The employers have offeted a 25 cent increase over two eais THREE MORE ESCAPE NANAIMO CPi Three more teenage bos escaped from Brannan Lake Industrial School here Tuesday bihyjing to four the number stjl at laige