Cow fashes shiny new set of false choppers TOMBSTONE Ariz AP Theres an eight-year-old cow near here than can flash a shiny set of choppers with every moo A veterinarian fitted the cow with a set of stainless steel teeth Sunday in a effort to prove his claim that dentures will prolong the life of cattle PRESIDING OVER THE SECOND ANNUAL Queens Ball on Saturday was Miss Pat Turner Queen Aurora V Accompanied by her princess Miss Kaandi King Queen Aurora pinned on the banners of the six Aurora candidates as they were presented to her From left standing are Miss Pauline Smith IN US 10 injured in battle between Jews Nazis LOS ANGELES AP Ten personswere injured in a free swinging battle between Jews and Nazis outside an observance of Israels 15th anniversary of in Plan to service area with gas put off a year A decision on plans to serve the Prince George College and Ieden Hill area with natural gas has been defened to next j car by Inland Natural Gas John Broznitsky local Inland manager said a survey of the area indicated a substantial number of homeowners would take natural gas Hocer the companys en engineering � gineering department found that capital costs of servicing the aica could not be supported by anticipated subscriptions at tliU time IN THE CITIZEN Classified 89 r Comics 10 Coming Events 6 Editorial page 7 District news 9 Here and there 6 Markets 3 Quesnel news 2 Sports 4 S Tv 2 dependence The combatants used fists and clubs during the 10 - minute struggle Sunday night in front of the Shrine Auditorium police said Four swastika clad members of the American Nazi party and four policemen were injured Two Jews were treated by am ambulance � bulance attendants at the scene Guests inside the huge audi auditorium � torium including such enter tainers as Jack Benny Ziva Rodann Kathryn Grayson Ray mond Masscy Bill Jose Jim Jimenez � enez Dana Marty Ingcls Cal Calvin � vin Jackson Jacmic Mason Ed Beglcy Gene Barry and Viv- lenne Delia Chiesa were un unaware � aware of the fight outside Officer George Raines de described � scribed the battle When I arrived on the scene I saw officer Bill Mazzoni on the ground being kicked by two of the men in Nazi uniforms The other Nazis were swinging at people on the sidewalk who were waiting to enter the audi auditorium � torium About 40 people were fighting kicking and scuffling Raines said the Nazis car ried anti Jewish signs and the disturbance started when a Jewish man was hit over the head by one of the picketing Nazis Now hear this City contractor Ron Anthony back fiom the Electrical Con Contractors � tractors Association of B C convention in Kclowna repoits what h probably the biggest boo boo of this crazy spring Mines Minister Ken Kiernan featured speaker for the con convention � vention electrified the audience with his topic choice JJow to discover produce and sell na natural � tural gas A woman in police court Sat Saturday � urday on a drunk charge vol volunteered � unteered the information she had washed the jail cell floor that morning Offered Magis Magistrate � trate George Stewart as he bciilcnccd her to one hour Con Congratulations � gratulations for contributing to the welfate of the community lrince George delegates to the -list annual convention of the UC Iaicnt Tcachcr Fed eration at Vancouver next month will be named at a meet meeting � ing of the PTA Council tonight Mrs Harry MacNutt president of the council said a number of delegates from local ITAs are expected to attend the May 13 14 and 15 convention It was a day for the wives to take over Friday vvheo Prince George Rotary Anns ran the regular Rotary Club lunch luncheon � eon A seafood lunch plus a fishnet motif and a zany skit lampooning some of the clubs most ardent fishing fans were all arranged by the gills Mrs Rita FawceH was in charge of the program in place of the clubs regular chairman John Morrison The affair also pro provided � vided an opportunity for Ro tarians to meet their candidate in the Aurora Queeu contest Elsa Gladwin A banquet and dance in honor of Harry Gray retirement after 51 years from the CNR was held up a few minutes Satur Saturday � day when the guest of honor and his family were about 20 minutes late But better late than never and the evening was a huge success anyway According to Citizen corres correspondent � pondent Rachel Robinson the migration of geese this year appears unusually heavy Num Numerous � erous flocks fly over Burns Lake nightly some with as many as 300 geese per flock Theatre Workshop PG will hold a post play meeting tonight at 8 at 258 Moffat Phone LOflon 4 2441 Vol 7 No 83 x Tf CA k l aaaS Y jliiaaaaaaaW V laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalir aaaaaaaS tvt fjaam iaaa KiaaBK aaaaaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 BBS TaK sW i VR lSii rutm BBH BBX B f w s 1 4 mf waV J BBBB - BBBlhw v iM aEtjk Hink u ry iiiiiiiH BXm B Bl v 1 BK fe Tv Bv K BjfWBl b- T f UJ j0F jp wif flPlKwKHj S iffcSk--- a ff JJbbVbVbVbo BViJIV bVbhw Ht11 A f St sS SJi Jfct - 1 lVbs mftftTsP ytBBBj4iwi TPt zBbtbI 2 rfvBt bIbbV3- w JbLbVV IbItA b WAfliw 4 m If vfrf vBDMl iA k Wv - jH5- tBkAwB4K i Miss Kiwanis Miss Janice Rikley Miss Lions Miss Turner Miss Gail Loder Miss Jaycce Miss Judy Norrish Miss PG Hotelmcns Association Seated Miss Elsa Gladwin Miss Rotary Miss King and Miss Margaret Nicholson Miss Legion Vandcrvoort photo Southern US lumbermen moaning about imports ATLANTA AP Lumbermen from Georgia Florida and Alabama complain that imports chief chiefly � ly Canadian shipments are breaking the financial back of the US lumber industry Urging sharp cuts in imports the lumbermen testified at a hearing Saturday of the US Senate commerce committee R R Cook owner of an Atlanta lumber firm said Canadian government owned timberlands and lower wages make possible shipment of lumber into Georgia at prices lower than he can meet Man swims two hours to tell of tragedy ALERT BAY CD James Tarkancn 21 swam for two hours in near freezing waters Saturday to tell of the drown ing of his three companions Tarkancn a husky 200 pound fisherman staggered ashore at Malcolm Island near this set settlement � tlement off the east coast of Vancouver Island Exhausted but unharmed Tarkancn said he and Ronald Myntti 20 Thomas Shields 19 and Raymond Blid 21 were flipped from their 14 foot boat by a wave about halfway be between � tween Malcolm and Cormorant islands Tommy Shiels and Ron Mynt Myntti � ti went down right away he said But Blid and I stayed afloat FIREWORKS BAN VANCOUVER CP Police Chief Ralph Booth has asked for a complete ban on the sale and use of fireworks in Vancou Vancouver � ver saying the situation was getting out of control His re request � quest backed by the police commission will go to city council for quite a while Then I start started � ed to swim back to Sointula and I didnt sec him again All four men were from Sointula a small fishing com community � munity near here I do a lot of swimming but it was pretty cold and I was tiring when I finally reached shore Tarkancn said An RCMP crashboat recov recovered � ered the boat drifting about 200 feet off Malcolm Island There was no sign of the bodies NEGHBORNG COUNTRIES SQUABBLING e - Citizen The only daily newspaper serving Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA MONDAY APRIL 29 1963 PLANES COLLIDE 8 death crash prompts probe Few turn out for first Sunday movies at coast VANCOUVER CO Last December 67000 persons here voted in favor of Sunday movies but only a handful showed up to watch them Sunday at two downtown theatres The weather was one deterrent Thousands choked the highways as the temperatures went up into the 60s Twelve theatres remained closed and their operators wouldnt say when they would open They indicated that because of employee wage demands for the extra day it may be a long time IN KREMLIN TALKS K Castro discussing Russian aid to Cuba MOSCOW AP Premier Khrushchev and Premier Fidel Castro opened talks in the Kremlin today aimed at further cementing relations between their countries High on the list of topics ob observers � servers believed was stepped up Soviet military and economic aid They wondered how much higher than the reported 1000 000 a day being spent now the Soviet Union was willing to go There also was speculation that Khrushchev would try to wipe out any bitterness remain remaining � ing because of his decision to withdraw missiles from Cuba last October without consulting Castro Moscow newspapers were full of welcomes for Castro The press accounts made up for any lack of warmth in Sundays greeting Khrushchev led 40000 Rus Russians � sians through a Red Square welcome but the elaborate show failed to whip up the fren zicd enthusiasm westerners had expected The bearded Cuban leader proclaimed that except for the Soviet Union his revolutionary regime could not exist He heaped praise on Soviet econ economic � omic and military aid But Castro wearing a fur hat against the chilly winds was relatively restrained in manner Khrushchev opened the pro proceedings � ceedings from the reviewing stand atop Lenins tomb and set the tone He donned steel rimmed spec tacles and slowly and dryly read a welcoming speech which one more time said the So Soviet � viet Union was lined up shoul shoulder � der to - shoulder with Cuba against the US School teachers join general work stoppage GEORGETOWN Reuters Primary school teachers went on strike officially in British Guiana today in support of the colonys week old general strike Meanwhile Premier Cheddi Jagan announced he intends to set up a committee to investigate the working of the Trades Union Council He accused American labor unions of interfering in Guianas affairs for political purposes FIGHTER SENT TO HOSPITAL Roy Cazimlr was treated for multiple injuries and later dis discharged � charged from hospital follow following � ing a fight early Sunday near Fourth and George Cailnrilr wu taken to hos hospital � pital by ambulance RCMP said no charges have been laid in the incident Hearings slated on plan to halt railway operation OTTAWA CP Hearings will be held in May at Fernie Nel son and Pcnticton on a CPR proposal to discontinue a pas passenger � senger train on the Kettle Val Valley � ley line between Lethbridge and Spences Bridge the Board of Transport Commissioners an nounced today The hearings are May 21 at Fernie May 24 at Nelson and May 27 at Penticton hi nr--iir--aMsMpsjw M I r W JV i aiLW AiBilllBk vJa flaLvSrSKBAaBr HESSSaiaaHia7c s aBBBKjB LWCJT avHMMiiHLiK -i LMHp aitLBILiiiiiv BLACKIE PET OF MRS Lawrence Dames of Conne aut Ohio is convalescing from the first of two opera operations � tions for cataracts It is guessed that the dog will re recover � cover sufficient sight to get about by himself NEA Telephoto PENTICTON CP Two department of transport inspectors today started an inquiry into the mid air collision of two private planes Saturday which took eight lives five from a single family Investigators Cy Lcyland and William McCubbin of Vancou Vancouver � ver are trying to determine what caused the planes to col collide � lide in seemingly perfect flying conditions Since there were no survivors the investigation will depend on information from witnesses and still uncovered wreckage from the planes both of which plung plunged � ed into Skaha Lake three miles south of here IN SHOCK Dead are Richard Parmley of Penticton 49 regional distribu distributor � tor for Royalitc Oil Co his wife Margaret daughters Rebecca 17 and Lorinda 8 and son Richard 15 Ernest Ralph Han son 19 a friend of Rebecca Parmley and the two pilots Ed Lcwko of Edmonton and Earl Sibley 26 a native o Dart mouth NS A sixth member of the Parm Parmley � ley family Jenny Lee 14 was not aboard the plane She was reported in a state of shock and was in the care of relatives here Dr T G How the transport departments regional director for air services said the planes were flying under visual flight rules and were not in radio con contact � tact with air traffic control The aircraft were about 500 feet above the water and the sky was cloudless PLANES LOCATED uy aunuay nignt only one body and parts of tvso others had been recovered Both air craft were found in deep water and their positions marked with buoys Witnesses said the Parmley aircraft a twin engine Cessna Aero Commander was appar ently preparing to land at Pen ticton airport when it was clipped in the tail by Lcwkos single engine Cessna 140 The Cessna fell apart and the tail section dropped from the Commander The Commander glided for a time then plunged into the lake at a CO degree angle apparently exploding on entering the water Fifteen divers Sunday night suspended efforts to recover bodies and were to resume their work today One witness lawyer Peter OBrian said he watched the crash through binoculars He said Sibley secpicd to struggle with the Commanders controls in a terrible fight with death I thought he might make it but then I saw that one of the engines was out Then it plunged into the lake and there was an explosion I knew then there couldnt have been any survivors 7e a CoPylrm0cPRn wTft- WWl jBilKfl JAMES HOFFA 2 1 victory IN VOTE Hoffa beats AFL CIO PHILADELPHIA AP Inter International � national Teamsters President James R Hoffa has won a 2 1 victory over the AFLCIO in a key representation election one of the stiffest challenges to his leadership in the largest union in the US The official count in the National Labor Relations Board election was 4893 for the Team Teamsters � sters and 2550 for an insurgent group known as the Voice of the Teamsters which had the public support of AFL CIO Pres President � ident George Mcany At stake in the four day elec election � tion which ended Sunday night was the right to represent 8200 over-thc-road truckers in Penn Pennsylvania � sylvania New Jersey Dela Delaware � ware and Maryland members of four Teamster locals A jubilant Hoffa in Philadel Philadelphia � phia for much of the last 15 weeks directing his campaign received the news of his vic victory � tory and thrust two fingers downward I I i i anvnero 1 1 f il OiW lii Sundays high of 67 degrees was the highest April tempera temperature � ture here since I960 The five day forecast calls for a series of weak disturbances to draw in above normal tempera temperatures � tures from the south Main storms will be centred north of this forecast area and only moderate precipitation will bo experienced here Tuesdays forecast is for oc occasional � casional showers and turning cooler Winds southerly 15 oc occasionally � casionally reaching 25 Low to tonight � night and high Tuesday at Prince George and Smithers 40 and 52 Quesnel 40 and 55 LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Prec Prince George 67 47 Terrace C6 47 Smithers 67 47 Quesnel 70 52 Williams Lako CG 50 - Knmoo s 74 4J Whitehorso 50 45 Fort Nelson 62 43 Dawson Creek CO 33 - 40 Canadians killed in Weekend accidents By Th Canadian Preis Accidents killed 40 persons in Canada during the weekend A survey by The Canadian Press from 6 pm Friday to 12 midnight local times Sunday showed that 19 persons died in traffic accidents six in fires Armed clash threatened in Caribbean island SANTO DOMINGO Dominic Dominican � an Republic ft An armed clash between the two neigh burs of the Caribbean island of llispaniola threatened today The Dominican Republic ac accused � cused Haiti of invading its em embassy � bassy and Haiti broke diplo diplomatic � matic relations between the two countries President Juan Bosch gave Haitian dictator Francois Du valier 24 hours to withdraw troops surrounding the Domini Dominican � can Embassy in Port au Prince The embassy is sheltering 22 foes of Duvalier Unless the outrages against the Dominican Republic in Haiti end within 24 hours we will put au end to them by all means within our power Bosch said The Dominican armed forces secretary Maj Gcn Victor El Elvis � vis Vinas Roman announced that all soldiers leaves have been cancelled But he said there was no military move movement � ment toward the Haitian bor border � der TENSION MOUNTS The Organization of American States ordered a five nation fact finding team to fly to both countries to investigate the crisis next door to Cuba The OAS appealed to both govern ments to keep the peace The dispute with the Domini Dominicans � cans f ldied as a icsult of Du Duvalier � valier attempt to crush tising opposition to hU regime Tension begaii mounting a week ago when leaflets warned Duvalier that an attempt would be made to overthrow him May 15 the constitutional date for the end of his firt term as president Suspicion that opposition to him centred in the regular army Duvalier last week fired 64 officer the bulk of the armys leadership The dictator has built up a pergonal militia and presidential guard that out outnumber � number the army and arc bet better � ter aimed On Friday occupants of a speeding car opened flic on Du valiers two children Jan Claude 12 and Simone It as they were being driven home from school Three of the chil childrens � drens guards were slam but the children vVre not hurt IS KILLED The attack triggered weekend violence in which 15 persons were reported killed and at least 68 Haitians including for former � mer at my officers ano their families took haven in Latin American embassies Informed sources said Haitian soldiers broke into the Domini Dominican � can Embassy Friday and staited a search for tefugees but were ordered out by the chaige daffaues Armed guaids and roadblocks blocked approaches to the Do minican ambassador s resi dent u Sunday Telephone lines were cut off and taxi drivers refused to take passengers to the vicinity Bosch denounced Duvaliers regime in a radio television broadcast declaring that inva invasion � sion of the embassy was equiv alent to an invasion of our iQQuntry and five in drownings Two others in addition to the piano crash victims died in otucr types of accidents Manitoba Prince Edwaid Is land Nova Scotia and New Brunswick reported no acciden accidental � tal deaths The worst accident was a col collision � lision near Penticton between a twinengino plane carrying seven persons and a single-engine plane carrying only the pilot Five of the victims wero from one family Ontario led in road fatalities with IU Four died in Quebec roads two in Saskatchewan and one each in Newfoundland and Alberta A fire in Quebec piovince killed a family uf five and a child died in a fire in Ontario Three youths weic drowned when their 14 foot boat over turned in Aleit Bay 200 miles northwest of Vancouver On lario and Alberta each had one drowning Other types of acci accidents � dents killed one person each in Alberta and Ontario The survey does not include known suicides slayings indus industrial � trial accidents or natural deaths i i -