THE WORLD TODAY Sacks containing 150000 In small bills have been found In a telephone booth In London The money Is llleved to be part of the 7 million looted from a British mall train last summer The money was found In the booth after police received a telephone lip Police In the Hritlsh protec protectorate � torate of Aden are rounding up political and labor leaders fol following � lowing Tuesdays bombing at the Aden airport In which one woman was killed and 39 other persons were Injured Among the Injured was the British high commissioner Sir Kennedy Trcvaskls Police are acting under a state of emergency which was declared Tuesday A mounting wave of labor agitation confronted Italian Premier Aldo Moros new center left government today Just 24 hours before he asks parliament for his first con confidence � fidence vote Many It la Lin cities are withoug gas for the seventh day as a gas workers strike continues Most Italian firemen are out on a 48 hour strike and other groups are threaten threatening � ing strikes Britains foreign secretary Richard Dutler took his first look at the Berlin Wall today as a windup to talks Tuesday with West German leaders In Bonn Butler described his viewing of the wall as a very moving experience Soon afterward he left Berlin by plane for London The president of the Canadian Manufacturers Association has urged the removal of trade barriers that have outlived their usefulness II Roy Crabtree spoke today to the CMAs Que Quebec � bec Division In Montreal He said if we want improved access to foreign markets then we must be flexible and concession-minded where our our own tariffs are concerned On domestic affairs Mr Crab tree said that the fullest ex expression � pression of the spirit of Quebec can must and will be made within the framework of a united Canada A report from Vatican City says Pope Paul Is expected to appoint some new cardinals early next year While there Is no official confirmation of the report the sources said the impression Is growing in some Vatican circles that the Pope will make an announcement on the matter by the end of the month A campsite and burial ground of a group of Indians who lived between 3000 and 5000 years ago has been discovered on Allumette Island Que in the Ottawa River near Pembroke Ont Authorities say it Is the first campsite of the so called old Copper Indians ever ex excavated � cavated in North America Prime Minister Pearson himself a Nobel Peace Prize winner has sent a letter of congratulations to JohnAMac Aulay of Winnipeg who Tuesday accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the League of Red Cross Societies Mr MacAulay accepted the prize at a cere ceremony � mony in Oslo A Vancouver magistrate sug suggested � gested Tuesday that it would cost three or four times the 62000 estimated by the John Howard Society for the first jear of operating a public de defenders � fenders office in BC Mag Magistrate � istrate Gordon Scott comment commenting � ing on the societys request last week for a comprehensive sys system � tem of free legal aid said the plan would face problems in practice I think a great many who would otherwise plead guilty would take advantage of their opportunity to engage a lawjer he said Vol 7 No 240 Now hear this It was a regular family af- to meet the citys requirements fair at Hotel Simon Fraser Tuesday afternoon when the Two PG art enthusiasts hostelry staged its annual staff Naomi Patterson and Joy Jink Christmas party in the ball- erson in an effort to cultura room Gifts were handed out to llze the city are setting up an 148 children by Santa played by art gallery in the spot vacated catering manager Dill Grau- by the World Wide Travel wller Agency The ladies expect to A National Employment Ser- open Friday for the month of vice spokesman said today the December at least with a view NES will be able to supply the at something more permanent demand for Santas in the Prince later They will be displaying Geore area The spokesman the workofprofesslonalartists said that only one request had Prosperous Prince George been received to date but he Is the caption of the cover felt there were sufficient picture on the winter edition porky gentlemen available of BC Hydros publication Progress A five page story TXTTi y inside outlines the citys strides A1NUIWV toward making Itself the un unclassified � classified 2021 dustrlal rapital of British Col- Comlcs 17 umbia Editorial 13 Word comes from Ottawa that Markets 3 Bert Leboe MP for Cariboo TV Schedule 2 is down with the flu and hasnt Weather 3 been In the commons for several Women 14 ys Tk XZ Prince George postal clerk Jean Mounkley points out the proper way to bundle and label Christmas mail Cards should be sorted into local and out-of-town bundles then labelled with stickers available from the Trade Minister Sharp said in the Commons Tuesday that shortage of terminal elevator capacity prevented a larger wheat sale toCommunlstChlna Burned out family grateful A Prince George family has expressed gratitude for receiv receiving � ing furniture and clothing from residents after they were burned out of their home George Jackovcic got more than enough furniture for their new home said Capt A D Warren of the Salvation Army which collected the articles for the stricken family Capt Warren said Mr Jack Jackovcic � ovcic especially wanted to thank all those who donated Items A meeting which will chart the course of development In suburban Prince George will take place at 8 pm Thurs Thursday � day In Connaught Elementary School It will be a public hearing to determine whether to adopt a master plan for controlling all future development In all areas surrounding the city limits Proposals for strict zoning throughout the huge area known as Community Planning Area No 7 have been charted on maps and set out for public inspection in the office of build building � ing Inspector Doug Grant In the provincial building The planning area comprises 360 square miles of territory with boundaries roughly at Red Rock Mud River Salmon River and Six Mile Lake Present population Is 17000 slightly more than that of the city proper Official pro projections � jections place the population of the area plus the city at 54 000 by 1970 seven years hence Establishment of the pulp mill here In 1965 Is expected to boost this total considerably In concentrated areas where the minister of municipal af affairs � fairs sees fit he may set up a zoning law to control mush mushroom � room growth created by a pop population � ulation explosion such as Prince George is experiencing A building Inspector was ap- New meters for parking A new breed of parking meter which takes nickels and quar quarters � ters only is in operation in the city today The parking meters which dispense parking time in one hour 5 cents and flve hour25 cents intervals were installed recently inacity owned parking lot west of the municipal public library of Fourth The parking lot provides space for 26 cars two of which are reserved for the use of Boy Scout and Girl Guide leaders who make constant use of the scout hall In ths basement of the library building The lot Is calculated to pro provide � vide a measure of relief to the downtown parking pioblem particularly during the busy Friday and Saturday shopping days But isnt the lucky motor motorist � ist who will be able to find an empty space on almost any day of the week e FOR FUTURE GROWTH e itlzen The only daily newspaper serving Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11 1963 ik ii post office Residents are reminded that the deadline plan so that the two do not clash The zoning plan generally follows present uses of land A government spokesman said If helter skelter con construction � struction was allowed to con continue � tinue Prince George would soon have been ringed by shacktown and unsightly ribbon develop mens similar to those which plague most older cities in North America Pockets of sub substandard � standard development would have hurt all property values Much will depend on how strictly the zoning regulations are enforced A zoning appeal board has been set up comprising busi businessman � nessman Herb Sperling service station operator John Esau with merchant Geoff Richmond as chairman Mr Grant will be board secretary This board will hear and de decide � cide onallappllcatlonsforvarl atlon in the zoning regulations If the master plan Is approved Thursday evening It will go into effect Immediately Reports from Victoria indi indicate � cate the government Is plan planning � ning to harness the Fraser so that the river could become the third major power source In the province Engineers have been studying the Fraser for six years and a report on flood control which will provide for dams on the up upper � per reaches of the river will be submitted by the end of the years The inclusion of dams In the report is taken to mean that incidental power can be gen generated � erated on the river Crucial Columbia discussions OTTAWA CP - Crucial Co Columbia � lumbia River negotiations with the US resumed today amid signs that the chances of suc success � cess are better than 50 50 but that failure could sideline the huge project for sometime Agreement In broad principle will be reached before Christ- mir rva tli iaVlni 111 V for out-of-town mail is Friday while local mail will be shelved indefinitely informants assured of delivery before Christmas if mailed by Dec suggested after the second day 17 -Fete Miller photo of talks Tuesday night This agreement might come today or late noxt week after Suburban plan to be aired pointed In 1960 to halt shack town development which already had occured in some areas along the Hart and Vanderhoof highways Government men then drew up the new master plan for de development � velopment control Consideration has been taken of zoning In the citys master Search called off See pictures Page 17 RCMP have given up a search for one man missing south of Prince George but a hunt is continuing for two trappers in the Fort St James area Police said today they be believed � lieved 24-year-old Mel Tong who moved to the Stone Creek area 25 miles south of Prince George only three weeks ago from Vancouver had fallen into the Fraser River Tong disappeared three days ago on a rock hunting expedi expedition � tion A tracking dog followed his trail to the bank of the river Wednesday An RCMP aircraft will return to the search today for trap trappers � pers Paul Antolne and Frank Peter Dennis who failed to ren rendezvous � dezvous with a plane that was to have picked them up at Philip Lake on Dec 1 Police said Tuesday the search would be a race against time as a snow storm would cover any traceable prints of the missing trappers Freezing rain fell in the area Tuesday night but there was no snow and the weather remained clear today A snowmobile that went into the area last Sunday with a four man search party is ex expected � pected to leturn to Fort St James Thursday No work is expected from the search party until then as the snowmobile is not equipped with radio Theft trial remanded Two Prince George men charged in connection with the theft from the pulp and paper mill site were remanded in magistrates court Tuesday until Dec 18 Barrie Blake and Thomas Haskins who were arrested Dec C have not pleaded to charges of bieak in and entry and theft Both men are out on 300 ball scurw f Jim complex statistics involved are checked at Wash Washington � ington and Victoria by the US and British Columbia govern governments � ments The sticking point remains the various components on which a price can be agreed for a Canadian chunk of hydro power The Canadlan BC team in including � cluding External Affairs Minis Minister � ter Martin resources Minister Lalng Attorney - General Bonner of DC and BC Re Resources � sources Minister Williston conferred for two hours Tues Tuesday � day night t o discuss the latest American position prior to to todays � days resumption At stake is a program cost costing � ing more than 400000000 for three storage dams on the Ca Canadian � nadian leg of the river which rises In southeastern BC and winds Into the US to discharge its snow waters Into the Pacific These dams would control the wild seasonal fluctuations of the Columbia with the highest hydro-electric potential in North America and lead to Increased power generation In both coun countries � tries plus large savings in flood control for the US All spit n polish for RMR inspection It will be all spit and polish tonight when members of the Rocky Mountain Rangers undergo inspection by battalion commander Lt Col D Hanbury of Kamloops Lt Col Hanbury will be accompanied on a tour of units under his command by Col D F B Kinloch com commander � mander 27 Militia Group Vernon One of several in inspections � spections conducted by the battalion chief during the year personnel will parade in the First Ave armouries at 830 pm Phon LOgan 4 2441 NEW PROJECT We cant keep off the Fraser for long commented lands and forests minister Ray Willi ton This means that BCs two river policy could become a three river policy in 1964 The two river policy Is the simultaneous development of the Peace and the Columbia Work now is in progress on the Peace project which will cost between 400000000 and 800000000 The provincial government expects work to start on the 450000000 Col Columbia � umbia development next year The Fraser River report was begun as a means of finding a way to prevent flooding such as occured in 1948 when floods covered much of the heavily populated Fraser delta close to Vancouver The government recognizes possibilities of power units being installed In flood con control � trol dams to provide inciden incidental � tal power to be fed Into the grid linked with the Peace River power project Power from the Fraser would tie In with premier Bennetts claim that BC needs all the power It can develop The premier contends low cost power Is the one sure means of attracting Industry to the province Meanwhile the Peace River has been diverted and work has started on the 73000 000 principal dam By 1968 more than 500000 kilowatts Is expected to be available from an underground power plant that will be one of the largest in the Western world Simultaneous development of the Peace and the Columbia has been a bone of political conten contention � tion In the province for years 6 n 6 0 Low 13 - High 20 THANKS FOR AAY PRESENT VOOVE 11 DAVS TO SHOP FOR IT SNOW ga a r 2F X 7 1 A v- U- 7c a copy Fraser hydro study expected in month A report that will examine the feasibility of power dams on the upper reaches of the Kraser River is ex expected � pected to be in the hands of the provincial government before the end of the month o i q6MAar I I Dezell meets BC cabinet Mayor Garvin Dezell will represent the City of Prince George when the executive of the Union of BC Municipali Municipalities � ties meets Thursday with the provincial cabinet in Victoria At that time the UBCM ex executive � ecutive will present resolutions adopted at the UBCM annual convention in Dawson Creek last September Among the resolutions Is one proposing an amendment to leg legislation � islation to grant municipalities the right of local option relating to commercial Sunday sport The resolution proposed by Mayor Alex Fraser of Quesnel and seconded by Prince George Aid Charlie Graham subse subsequently � quently caused an outcry here from two United Church min ministers � isters Rev Ibbs Avery of Knox United and Rev Newton Steacy of St Andrews United decried the resolution claiming It could lead to the desecration of the Sabbath and to the breakdown of family relations Judge denies secret talks held on gas price probe VICTORIA CP - Opposition Leader Robert Strachan Tuesday protested a secret meeting of the Royal Commission inquiring into gasoline prices in BC The meeting was held in Van Vancouver � couver Monday and attended by 25 oil company lawyers one lawyer representing the Auto Automotive � motive Retailers Association and commissioner Judge C W Morrow of Pi lnce George Capt F G Hart of Victoria commission secretary said the closed meeting was not sup supposed � posed to be public We didnt want too much to get out be because � cause it was all off the cuff Said Mr Strachan I think Judge Morrow owes the people of British Columbia an explana explanation � tion of why he held such an ln camera meeting I think lt Is wrong that any royal commission should meet In secret with the representa representatives � tives of the Industry it is inves investigating � tigating In Prince George today Judge Morrow dismissed Mr Stra chans remarks as Justa mis misunderstanding � understanding He said the meeting with oil company lawyers was Just a procedural meeting and the fact the Judge Invited a member of the press indicated there was nothing secret about it In addition the man who In Instigated � stigated the inquiry MLA Cyril Shelford also attended the meeting A commission spokesman said the Vancouver meeting was by invitation only and intended simply to deal with procedural matters Judge Morrow meanwhile announced the first public meet meeting � ing will be held in Victoria Jan 13 Hearings will be held throughout the province and he anticipated it will be next fall before he submits a report to the provincial government 1 4 foot star on city hall City public works employees put the finishing touches Tues Tuesday � day night to a 14 - foot high illuminated star which stands atop city hall today The star designed by works superintendent Bill Jones and constructed by his men com completely � pletely dominates the street scene on George Below the star are three-foot-high letters spelling out Merry Christmas in red lights Made of steel and plywood the star is outlined by white lights Sinatra pays 240000 ransom HOLLYWOOD fl - Frank Sinatra Jr abducted from a motel on the California Nevada border Sunday night was re released � leased by his captors at 310 am today in the exclusive Bel Air district The 19-year-old singers fa famous � mous father told reporters he paid 240000 to get the boy back no questions asked Friends said the boy picked up by a private patrolman and brought to his mothers nearby home was not harmed The pa patrolman � trolman said the boy told hint he was blindfolded throughout his 54 hour ordeal Sinatra Jr did not talk tore porters outside the mansion of Mrs Nancy Sinatra But his father long divorced front the boys mother spoke briefly Mrs Sinatra is speech speechless � less he said and Im about the same way By the way he said I might add that this is my birth birthday � day No 46 and this is about as good a birthday present as anyone could ask for The FBI In charge of the case would not say whether any arrests had been made or were imminent Sinatra Sr said a gang of seven to nine kidnappers was involved He said he paid them off In small bills left at a pickup point on Wilshlre Boulevard In west Los Angeles He said no deal was nude to protect the ab abductors � ductors after the payoff Theyre on their tmn now Sinatra said Bel Air patrolman George C Jones said he found Frank Jr talking along my beat on Roscomare Road not far from Mrs Sinatras home Jones said he was driving along the darkened road when someone yelled heyl I rolled down the window and this kid asked me Can you drive me to Nimes Road Well they Mrs Sinatra ami her two daughteis live at 700 Nlmes Rd Theyre customers of the patrol service Jones said young Sinatia told hint he talked one of hs cap captors � tors Into letting hinigobefote another let timed ft ont the pick pickup � up point with the money Jones said the lo told him he liad been blindfolded sine his abduction he thinks there were three He said he thought they were a bunch of amateurs the way they operated Sinatra Sr who flew here from Reno Tuesday night after being reached about a ransom said he had talked to his son twice while the boy was being held once Monday and again about 9 am Tuesday They wouldnt let me talk with him long the father said I asked him if he was com f oi table ana he said he was okay I dont know If he was kid kidding � ding me but he mentioned rid riding � ing juwitf in a lot of trurks I think he meant the tiaits letted hint in the hunk of a cai