Comics THE WORLD TODAY Assassin alive A New York attorney said In Portland Monday that Lee Harvey Oswald did not assassin assassinate � ate President Kennedy and that the man who did the shooting Is still walking around Attorney Mark Lane said In a speech that Oswalds mother Marguerite Oswald had hired him to Investigate facts surrounding the shooting Lane said affidavits from Dallas laboratory tests showed that Oswalds cheeks had no powder marks and this Indi Indicated � cated that he had not recently fired a rifle Britain objects Over Britains protests the UN special committee on col colonialism � onialism voted overwhelmingly Monday to hand the Southern Hhodesla independence situation to the UN Security Council Im Immediately � mediately Britain challenged the legal rights of the committee to act and refused to participate In the voting African Asian and Commu Communist � nist countries on thecommittoo banded to adopt tho resolution 18 to 0 with five abstentions Envoy stabbed Tho US ambassador to Japan has undergone surgery and is reported in good condition after being stabbed in the thigh A mentally deranged Japanese youth climber over the six foot wall at the embassy In Tokyo and plunged a knife into ambas ambassador � sador Edwin Reischauer as he was coming out a door Canadas stand External Affairs Minister Martin has outlined Canadas position at the world trade and development conference at Gen Geneva � eva Mr Martin told the confer conference � ence today that Canada is op opposed � posed to a new world trading body He spoku in support of the preservation and development of basic trade rules and institu institutions � tions built up since the second world war Mr Martin listed a number of ways in which tho wealthier countries could help the poorer nations These In Included � cluded abolition of tariffs and other restrictions on tropical foodstuffs and industrial raw materials 24 killed An Indian spokesman says 24 armed Pakistanis were killed last night when a large group of Pakistanis crossed the cease ceasefire � fire line In Kashmir into Indian Tho incident followed Hindu Moslem riots at Rourkela in north - east India this week which killed more than 200 per persons � sons The Indian government said order had been restored at Rourkela and army units were patrolling the streets Too much tv Boston Probate Court Judge John V Mahoney asked a seven-year-old boy if he wanted to stay with his mother or with his father and was told I refuse to answer on grounds it might Incriminate me The Judge told the youngster a subject in a custody case Monday youve been watching to much television I think Mahoney took tho case under consideration A city man whose brother is on a round - the world tour phoned today more than slightly mad He reports Inland Natural Gas called him this morning asking whether he had a key to his brothers house because the gas company wanted to read th9 meter The absent resi residents � dents brother naturally was curious why they wanted to read the meter when the house was closed up because of his brotners vacation Oh1 he hasnt paid his bill and we turned off the gas yesterday was the Inland reply You guessed the rest One of the coldest nights of the year and the pipes all were frozen But heres the kickerac kickeraccording � cording to our informal the same thing happened to eight other residences yesterday From behind the scenes comes word that no fireworks are ex expected � pected at tonights meeting of the Prince George Hospital Society Therell be no resignations or INDEX Betty Conner Building page Classified -- 11 13 1415 10 10 W Vpl 8 No 59 This is a side elevntion of the proposed White Spruce Motor Hotel a 26 million development which will go up near the intersection of Seventh Ave and Brunswick St Its promoters say it will open next year An Inquest probably will Abe held Into the death of a j woman who was found in her hotel room Sunday RCMP rj gisald today The body of Rose Green- wood 32 was discovered by -her husband when he return- Jed to their room at the Europe Hotel at 730 am Sunday Police said anautopsywas made Monday and tissues have been sent to a patholo- gist for study The findings of the i j pathologist and reports of doctors who made the xautopsy will determine If an inquest will beheld How- Sever a decision on an in- Inquest Is up the the coroner J Meanwhile police said ftthey are not holding anyone i---jln connection with the death angry words which highlighted vote Werner Frelse 24 of Prince George is grateful for the ready assistance offered him by the RCAF after a weekend logging accident He was hit Saturday morning by a falling birch tree which came down unexpectedly and broke his leg while he was working In the bush as a faller for Thunder River Logging near Lynx Lake An air force ambu ambulance � lance from Baldy Hughes picked up the injured man and brought him In to hospital The main street coffee crowd is changing Us venue Seems the 15 cent price recently Imposed for Java at one Third Ave cafe didnt go over too well and the coffee drinkers even In that cold wind yesterday walked three or four blocks for a 10 cent coffee Its not the price Its the principle of the thing said one City council formally approved plastic bags for use in gar garbage � bage collections last night and tho more prompted Alderman and laundry owner Charlie Graham to suggest clean white linen bags while Alderman Spike Enemard with an eye Coming evnets ItlrViowoS Editorial Sports TV j0 10 aloud whether Mf those r plastic Here and there f wc 3 oass Kan u jaunuereu - All ah Stl 4 homeowners will be concerned about is W1U the bottom drop out at the crucial moment Gen MacArthur drea- WASHINGTON tP General of the Army Douglas MacArthur was reported in serious condi condition � tion today The 84 yearold general un underwent � derwent emergency surgery Monday night at Walter Reed Hospital The general remained In the recovery room where all facilities for intensive care are available the hospital spokes spokesman � man said The general has an opening in his windpipe to aid inbreath inbreathing � ing and a tube through his esophagus to retard bleeding there k e 1 jL H p i l i -u I i -i I He said independent contrac- tors would be utilized to carry out 50 per cent of the work under the companys tree farm licence An sawlogs and poles In the harvesting would con continue � tinue to go to regular outlets e Battle of food giants looms in Prince George Someone Is going to lose That Is the reaction of a number of food merchants in interviewed � terviewed after Mondays an announcement � nouncement that two now super supermarkets � markets will compete for the will be a great market In the not too distant future and noted the proximity of Kitimat about 800 miles north of Vancouver to the Far East He said the company Is pre prepared � pared to make the largest single Investment in Its history at Kitimat of8C0OO00Oforapulp mill Depending on market condl- Interest charges felt in school board budget So you think debt service charges on that car or furniture loan aie getting you down Here are a few of the figures from documents presented at Monday nights school board meeting School district 57 out of Its 1964 budget of 32 million Is paying 408500 in debt ser service � vice charges Now hear this A government agency has sold 360000 worth of school district debentures to US buyers At the current premium of the Canadian dollar and at an interest rate of 49165 per cent It will cost Prince George tax taxpayers � payers 170000 to borrow that sum over a 20 year period Were being taken over by the Americans anyway added Trustee Harold Mofftf last years meeting There are cvimicl7 ill about 300 members eligible to OCliUUOl IU Prince George housewlves food dollar The general opinion is that only time will tell if the loser will be the food merchants or houswives themselves 1 7 died one lived KINGSTON Jamaica AP Eighteen Cubans in including � cluding five children nnd six women drifted 18 days in an open boat in the Caribbean on an ill fated attempt to flee Castros Cuba Seventeen died Sixteen bodies were dumped into the sea The eventual lone survivor drifted onto Grand Cayman Island with the body of his dead wife still aboard He had grown too weak to dispose of it This story of thirst hunger and exposure was pieced together Monday New Kitimat pulp mill sees Orient as profitable market TERRACE BC CPj - Mac Mlllan Dloedel and Powell River Limited is eyeing the Orient as a market for produc production � tion of Its proposed pulp and paper mill complex at Kitimat J V Clyne chairman of the board said Monday Mr Clyne told the Chamber of Commerce In this northwest northwestern � ern DC centre that the Orient tlons MacMUlan Dloedel may add newsprint machines within five years to bring total Invest Investment � ment at the coastal town to not less than 150000000 he said The project would employ 1000 men during two years of construction and 500 men per permanently � manently at the mill when it becomes operative with another 600 working in the woods Mr Clyne said the mill would economically benefit Terrace Prince Rupert and Kitimat as each mill Job would create four other Jobs In service industries The company has applied for a tree farm licence and a pulp wood harvesting licence In the Kitimat Terrace Prlnco Rupert and Hazelton regions Provincial government hear hearings � ings on the farm licence are scheduled In Kitimat April 21 and the harvesting licence hear hearings � ings April 22 Mr Clyne said the existing pulp mill at Prince Rupert that has applied for licences over overlapping � lapping MacMUlan will not be able to use all the wood in the A survey was made of re retailers � tailers after Caledonian Lease Leaseholds � holds Ltd announced that both Canada Safeway Ltd and Over waitea plan supermarkets in the new Spruceland Shopping Centre The shopping centre at Fif Fifteenth � teenth and Central Is expected to open In July or August In addition to the food out outlets � lets Stedmans plans to build a department store and 20 other businesses will locate at the site The two supermarkets will increase by one third the num number � ber of such outlets already In the city The largest supermarkets now competing for local trade Include the Co op store two Super Valu outlets one Safeway store an Overwaltea store and Royal Produces Third Ave store Will the population of Prince George market area jump 10 000 or 15000 by the time the new stores open Some mer merchants � chants doubt it The school boards projec projections � tions of population growth per perhaps � haps the most carefully researched of any available here forecast an Increase of one third by 1070 The cost of food for the aver average � age family varies slightly from week to week say merchants They explain that only a larger population could add signifi significantly � cantly to the fund of food dollars In Prince George One retailer feared the cost of operating supermarkets on a marginal profit may be re reflected � flected in food prices He said it Is tho consumer who eventu eventually � ally has to pay for the assets and operating costs of such a business However it is possible that some of the supermarkets will not be able to survive the fierce competition which most mer merchants � chants see in the future This will mean some may have to go out of business and the Independently - owned stores would be the first to suffer The large chains could al almost � most keep a money losing out outlet � let In business indefinitely said an independent merchant who was confident hed survive the struggle Some of the chains may be paying 10 million a year In Income tax They could easily plough 5 million of that Into money losers and still make money Peter Lorre dies in Hollywood home HOLLYWOOD AIJ - Peter Lorre a master of horror on the screen but offscreen one of the most gentle of men was found dead Monday of an apparent stroke The body of the 59year old Hungarian born actor was found beside his bed by his housekeeper who came to clean his apartment near Hollywood Boulevard Lorre had suffered from high blood pressure for years STORES OPEN THURSDAY FOR NIGHT SHOPPING Easter Monday will be a working day for most Prince George residents not counting school students School students start 10 days of fjeedom on Good Friday a statutory holiday They return to school April 6 Students at Pi ince George College return April I Most businesses wilt stay as close to regular operation as possible Generally they will retain regular hours Wednesday stay open Thursday night close Fri Friday � day open Saturday and open Monday Most restaurants will re remain � main open Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday Dairies will deliver Mon Monday � day but not Friday Doctors offices will gen generally � erally be closed Friday and Monday Post office hours on Good Friday are 9 to 11 am There will be no money order service and no mall deliver deliveries � ies On Monday the post office will be open 0 am to l pm and mail and money orders will be handled as usual Foal stoies will retain regular hours Monday Thursday they will be open fiom 9 am to 9 p in itizen The only daily newspaper serving Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA TUESDAY MARCH 24 1 964 - i i 3 I - f j 1 i K ihiCrLn INQUEST LIKELY The hotel is being developed by Centre City Developments and will be located on the south southeast � east corner of the intersection The main entrance will be from Brunswick St and the secondary entrance from Sev Seventh � enth Ave will be by a corner mall having retail stores on both sides Plans for the hotel were re revealed � vealed at a city council meet meeting � ing Monday night They have been approved by the citys planning department said Mr Greenwell The site will have to be re zoned Mr Greenwell described it as the most modern hotel of Its kind in DC with complete facilities for conventions and businessmen While spokesmen would not reveal the principals involved it is understood one of the in interests � terests is that of Cloverdale Construction The hotel will have two ban banquet � quet rooms which when com combined � bined will have a seating capacity of 800 Dining room coffee shop cocktail lounge and beer parlor will be located on the main floor The retail area will be more than 11000 square feet and will have two floors of overhead office accommodation Also Included In the drawings are two swimming pools Stanley Stagg representing Centre City Developments Is responsible for the project Real estate transactions were handled bySawley Agencies Ltd If students are as sports minded as their school princi principals pals say they are they shouldnt be afraid to walk a few miles Trustee Harold Moffat suggest suggested � ed Monday night Mr Moffat was commenting at a school board meeting on a proposal to pay an increased insurance premium to owners of private cars which are used to transport students to com competitive � petitive sports events When I was going to school wed walk between Central Fort George and South Town South Fort George and think nothing of It said Mr Mof cloudy jiy lWf Low 0 - High 25 Ptiont LOflan 4 2441 cpS 7c eoPy 25 MILLION HOTEL TO CHANGE SKYLINE A 25 million hotel which will be as tall as Connaught Hill will be built at Seventh Ave and Brunswick St it was announced today Architect Alan Greenwell who designed the building said construction will start this year and the hotel is expected to open in 1965 It will be called the White Spruce Motor Hotel and will have 150 bedrooms in a tower block of nine floors above the main level GAS FIRM REFUSES TO SUPPLY SCHOOL School board will ask the BC Public Utilities Com Commission � mission to order Inland Natural Gas Co Ltd to sup supply � ply gas to a school 50 miles north of Prince George Hart Lake school is near Kalmer KilnLtd and Central DC Planers Ltd to which Inland started supplying natural gas last year In a letter to school board John Broznitsky Prince George manager of the gas company said it would not be feasible to build an exten extension � sion to the school He said it would be a rather costly extension It seems to me Id be very generous if I said the public relations of this firm are pathetic said Trustee Jack Rhodes They want only paying Student athletes could walk to games Moffat fat recalling the days he play played � ed hockey on the Central team A committee of school prin principals � cipals recommended that school board encourage lnter school and extra curricular sports as much as possible While buses or trains are used on most out-of-town trips the principals recommended that the board authorize the use of private cars to take stu students � dents to Softball curling and track competttons In the Prince Ceorge area This would Involve the board paying a special insurance on those cars customers said Trustee Vic Jay Inland serves the lumber Industries near Ferguson Lake under a PUC order advertised last August The advertisement said Inland would seek a certifi certificate � cate of public convenience and necessity to supply and sell natural gas to the two mills and those residents immediately adjacent to the said mills A school board spokesman said he is not certain how far away Inlands line Is from Hart Lake school which will be completely modernized by the time the new term opens in September However the spokesman estimated that the school is possibly slightly more than half a mile from the mill which Is supplied with gas Work for welfare proposal presented DUNCAN CP The Vancouver Island Chambers of Commerce in convention in Duncan said that able bodied male welfare recipients should be required to work for their money The resolution as approved by the delegates at the two day meeting said welfare re recipients � cipients should receive the pre prevailing � vailing trade union pay rates Opposing the resolution Ne Neville � ville Shanks of Campbell River said it is far too simple an answer to a complex prob problem � lem and represents a negative approach He said 90 per cent of wel welfare � fare recipients are willing to work and Implementation of the resolution would lead to the relnstitution of the work camps of the 1930s Dudley Wlckett of the Parks vllle Chamber of Commerce which submitted the resolution said the present welfare sys system � tem kills initiative and en encourages � courages a second generation to accept welfare as a way of life 4 xHlfllHK f -i5iM Bi3vi This is spring The calendar says so but heres one Prince George Resident typical of a number of those who found themselves walking to work this morning who wont believe it Maureen Hricker like many others discovered that it takes more than the calendar to make a freezing automobile go The temperature got down to lb below last night Pete Miller photo