say fammt i m 8tM irii lABtt LIB Vol 8 No 223 THE 2ZS5 VANCOUVER CP - The sales division of MacMlllan nioedol and Powoll Hlvor Lim Limited � ited las announced a reduction of 10 a ton In its basic price of newsprint A company an announcement � nouncement at Vancouver says tho price drop was necessary to forestall a long term ero erosion � sion or this traditionally Important market for its pro products � ducts Tho avorago current newsprint prlco Is 131 a ton Fire Kills 3 BRUSSELS AP A series of oxplosions wrecked an ink and varnish plant outsldo Brussels today A fire department official said threti persons woro killed and nioro than 40 hurt 15 of them seriously Firemen said tho oxplosions apparently started in a photogravure shop and then fed on tho store of highly flammable Ingredients used to produce inks and var nishes Plane Crashes ARGENTIA Nfld CP-Deb-ris found in tho sea near tho US naval base hero was posi positively � tively identified today as part of a four enginoturbopropaircraft that disappeared Tuesday night with 10 men aboard y Fourteen - year - old Ray r mond Wick saved all last wintor from his baby-sitting money to buy a blko Ho choso a 75 gold - colored threo spoed model with lights and all tho accessories Last night he loaned tho bike to his 12-year-old brother Denis to go a couple of blocks to tho Thrift Market As Denis rode up two big boys jumped him beat him up and ono took off on the blko heading toward Cen Central � tral This was about 915 pm Tho police were called In but as yet there Is no sign of tho bike Gold bikes arent too prominent around town Tho schedule of local V school meetings lias School Board officials and trust trustees � ees on the hop night and day Before secretary - treasurer Bob Gracey left for tho meet meeting � ing at Stone Creek last night he grabbed a bundle of annual reports Yes they were annual reports - but they woro from 10G3 which meant the good people of Stono Creek had two years business Instead of ono INDEX Weather 3 Farm Pago 12 Classified 10 11 Comics 0 Coming Events 0 Editorial 2 Hero and There 5 Markets -- 3 Sports 78 TV 0 CARLING BLACK LABEL BEER Thli idvertlttmtnl l not published or displayed by th Liquor Control Botrd or by the Government of British Columbia Ct Discovery Police gave this account of tho discovery of tho trunks secret The trunk arrived at tho air airport � port aboard a United Arab Air Airline � line bus shortly before depart departure � ure of tho airlines night flight for Cairo- The trunk was accompanied by two embassy men and was cleared for loading as diplo diplomatic � matic baggago bound for tho UAR foreign ministry In Cairo As tho trunk was being lifted for transfer to tho plane tho customs men heard faint cries Tho two ombassy men said tho trunk also contained musical In Instruments � struments Tho customs men listened again and heard u muffled volco crying In Italln aluto ussassini help assassins Chase Too The two embassy men pushed tho trunk back into tho bus and sped away but a pursuing pollco car stopped them on the road to Romo At tho Ostla pollen headquar headquarters � ters tho tiunk was opened Pollco said the two embassy officials refused to answer questions and demanded to bo put In contact with tho em embassy � bassy Thoy wore joloased e e Kidnapped by Egypt Itlzn The only daily newspaper serving Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18 1964 SPY in the AIR EXPRESS THE WORLD TODAY Rail Talks Held CHICAGO AP - Noeotiu tlons arc being resumed here today In an effort to head off a nationwide US railway strike threatened for Monday morning Federal mediators arc sitting In with railway and union of officials � ficials In an attempt to reach an agreement A spokesman for the unions says u walkout would halt service on 187 major rail railway � way and terminal switching companies which handle most US rail traffic Gas Fire Rages DAWSON CHEEK Cl - A gas well In rugged bush country about 100 miles northwest of here Is still blazing out of control the fire being fed by more than 400000 cubic feet of gas an hour Internationally known oil and gas well fire ex expert � pert Hod Adair who passed through Vancouver Tuesday night is expected to arrive at the well this evening to help extinguish the blare Newsprint Down NO WORD YET ON SALARIES There still was no word today on the status of teacher salary negotiations in Prince George School Hoard Is believed to have received a proposal from the teachers but secretary-treasurer Hob Graccy said he had no com comment � ment on the matter The board and teachers had until midnight Monday to settle the differences The deadline for arbitration was midnight Columbus Licence Suspended Columbus Hotel 1250 Third Avo had its liquor llccnco suspended Tuesday by tho Liquor Control Hoard HCMP said today that tho hotel had its public houso llc llccnco � cnco suspended for an Indof Inlto period by tho Liquor Con Control � trol Hoard Thoclosurobocamo effective at tho regular closing tlmo Tuosday Tho LCD told RCMP that tho hotol was closed for un unsatisfactory � satisfactory operation No details woro given Europo Hotol 1235 Third Avo was closed by tho LCD on Sept 8 It was allowed to roopon Oct 10 aftor a closuro of ono month and two days Pollco said no chargos havo boon laid In connection with tho Columbus closuro Killer Asking Re Trial OTTAWA CP - Georges Marcotte 32 - year - old con convicted � victed killer of a St Laurent Que policeman asked the Su Supreme � preme Court of Canada today to grant him a new trial on grounds that a Crown witness at his murder trial either de deliberately � liberately or unknowingly com committed � mitted acts of pur Jury to discuss S How long Is It going to bo r before somo people in this town road English Tho now parking areas havo one way traffic and there aro signs at one end which say DO NOT ENTER y Mr and Mrs Fred Brad V ley and Mrs Alex Moonlo had a narrow escapo Mon Monday � day night when driving through an Intersection Seems a largo car doing at least 40 camo shooting out driving without lights Fred floored tho accel accelerator � erator pedal and If ho hadnt It Is possible tho HMS Pina fore wouldnt bo still In pro production � duction Mrs Moonlo Is direc director � tor Fred Is manager and Mrs Bradley Is accompanist y Eight district scouts and r their scoutmasters brought homo nothing but soggy clothes aftor a good hunting expedition to Davlo Lako Scouts Davo Nolson Ivan Matthews Darylo Croft Mur Murray � ray Thesen Jeff Mohr Brian Cadden Wally Cheor and Keith Felr and Scoutmastor Peter Russell all of tho First Prince Georgo Scout Troop found tho lako was covered with nearly four Inches of Ice They also arrived In tho middle of a bllzzaid all of which meant no geoso woro around How about somo sand or salt on tho footpath going up tho Quoonsway mil asks a reader who foil and suf foiod biulsos when trying to negotiate tho stoop incllno ROME AP -The Italian Foreign Ministry has ordered the immedi immediate � ate expulsion of two Egyptian diplomats caught trying to ship a bound drugged prisoner to Cairo in a trunk labelled diplomatic mail Rome police said the victim had been a spy for the United Arab Republic tome years ago and more recently for Israel Police added the dip diplomatic � lomatic trunk had almost certainly been used before for human cargo They alio said the man in the trunk Moroccan born Josef Dahan 30 denied however that he had spied for either of the two Middle East rivals police said A linguist with bleached blonde hair who speaks 10 languages he told police he had worked for a tlmo us an interpreter at the UAR em embassy � bassy At Airport The locked trunk was halted at Romos Flumlclno Airport Tuesday night whllo It was be being � ing shipped as diplomatic mall Police arrested the two first secretaries who woro with It but released them becauso they had diplomatic Immunity Tho trunk was lined with leather and had a tiny scat built in shoos and anklo clips lo now tho feet in place and a metal neck clamp and a kind of crash helmet to hold tho hoad steady Tho pollco said they woro still trying to determine how Dahan ontorcd Italy They said ho had stayed sovoral timos in Naples Ono unconfirmed re report � port said ho had sorved at one tlmo as somo sort ofanagont for tho North Atlantic Treaty Organization A pollco spokosman said tho condition of tho trunk shows almost definitely that It had been used in this way before They said both tho shoes nailed to the floor and tho metal crash holmct woro adjustable to slzo and holes on tho outsldo of tho trunk indicated that many othor shipping tags had boon attached previously The Intricate box was labelled diplomatic mall from tho UAR ombassy In Rome and addressed to the UAR foreign ministry in Cairo Police questioned Dahan for hours aftor midnight as he slowly camo out of shock and drug injections There was no Indication of when he worked at tho UAR embasy He was also quoted as saying ho had lived In Naples and had recently come to Romo from Frankfurt Germany TRUNK Its FACT Not FICTION AND IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE HIDDEN BOMB Terror Steps Up In Viet Nam War SAIGON AP - A terrorists bomb destroyed a restaurant at Saigon Airport today wounding 18 Ameri Americans � cans and at least four South Vietnamese One US Air Force officer was badly wounded He was sit sitting � ting outsldo tho restaurant in a bus when concrete fragments smashed lntolt Tho othor Americans slightly wounded were 1 1 airmen thrco or my men and threo civilians Tho explosion all but levelled Missionary Death Order Postponed NAinODI Kenya lAIV-cun-goloso robel loador Chrislopho Gbenyo announced today tho oxocutlon of Amorlcan medical missionary Paul Carlson has boon postponod until Monday A broadcast by tho rebel Stanolyvlllo Radio said Gbenyo has sent amossagotothlsoffoct to Prlmo Mlnistor Kenyatta of Kenya Hut the radio added that In tho moantlmo it Is up to Washington to find a sultablo basis for negotiating ovor tho prisoner it added that If no satisfactory basis Is found Carlson will bo oxocutod on schedule Tho radio station also said Gbonye hold negotiation talks with tho US consul In Stanoly vlllo Mlchaol Hoyt on tho American prlsonors of war The broadcast said Hoyt and tho two Congolese lawyors who defonded Dr Carlson met with Gbenyo Monday Thoro woro 03 Americans behind robel lines Includingfivo US consulate officials All woro made prlsonors of war by tho rebels about two weeks ago because of Amorlcan military aid to government forces Radio Stanleyvlllo said the negotiation talks betweenGben yo and Hoyt woro hold in a spirit of porfoct Understand Understanding � ing It quoted Gbenyo as saying the negotiations wore Inspir Inspired � ed by tho rebels policy of ensuring safoty and proporty and llvos and wero In accordance with tho Organization of African Unltvsnlrlt tho Air Vict Nam restaurant situated a few buildings from hangars containing US Air Force Jots US and South Vietnamese security men at first thought tho airport was under Communist mortar attack similar to that which killed four Americans and two Sbutli Vietnamese and wounded 72 at Hlcn lloa Air Daso two wcoks ago An armada of 110 US holl coptors was landing at tho air airport � port as the oxplos Ion took place Thoy had been engaged in tho blggost alrlUt of the Vietnamese war carrying troops Into Com Communist � munist territory north of Saigon Tho oxploslon heightened US foars about tho vulnerability of Salcon Airport a centre of Amorlcan activity in South Vict Nam Tho rostaurant was woll insldo tho airports security aroa and tho bomb had been carefully placod MaJ Gon Nguyen Khanh tho South Vietnamese army com commander � mander and former promler personally commandod tho huge hollcoptor operation flying around tho operation scene in ono of the aircraft South Vietnamese Air Forro Skyraidors at sunrise had soft oned up tho assault area mid midway � way between Tay Nlnh and Sai Saigon � gon with napalm whlto phosphorous and heavy bombs Then armed helicopters moved in neutralizing isolated Viet Cong groundflro Thoy wore followed by troop-carry-ing helicopters which landed a battalion of marines and a bat battalion � talion of paratroopers Llttlo contact with tho Com Communist � munist guerrillas had been re reported � ported by early afternoon however On the political front the high national council has set up a commission to Investigate tho composition of tho cabinet of Premier Tran Van Huong Informed political sources said the commission was likely to recommend tho replacement of threo or four members of tho government The Queen Is Dy COLIN FROST LONDON AP - Princo Charles got top marks today for democratic views after publication of excerpts from Ills school essays Hut ono newspapor gave him a minus for business Instinct Queen Elizabeth Charles mothor was not amused that tho German magazine Dor Stern had published extracts from the copybooks of tho 10-yoar-old holr totheHrit ish throno It Is highly regrettable said Buckingham Palaco that tho private essays ofa Pocket Money Problem schoolboy should have besn published In this way If tho essays aro genu genuine � ine said The Dally Minor Britains largest dally Princo Charles views on democracy are very demo democratic � cratic Hut Tho Dally Telegraph reporting that Charles him himself � self was the original vendor of tho essays Indicated the princo had greatly under underrated � rated thoir worth Quoting Terence Smith head of a press agency that handled one stage of the deal It said tho princo ran short of pocket money while at school He recalled the paper said that collector woio paying good prices for manu manuscripts � scripts and sold lour of his school papers to a school schoolmate � mate or 30 shillings CM CO When the essays were of lored in Fleel Street some weeks ago tho price staitod in tho thousands ol pounds Phone LOgan 4 2441 cJT This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia r 5TiJ II SOMtMONtM IOC -opy iTCAttite t iiHiiiiBBiKfliiiiH kkkkkkkkkkkWkVkfl iEk ukVkkkkkkkkkkkH JkkkkkkkkkHkkH HnH DiHkkkkkkkkkkkfl flkkkkkkkkkHkkH riSiiH iiVnHn flHiiH iiiHHHI ilkkWni2jkkkkkkkkH iBHBTiHiiHii kkV t i LHO i VftmM How it was dono a Citlzon roportor shows tho crampod noarly doublod ovor posturo a kldnappod Israoli spy was forcod into for shipment to Egypt FROM GOVERNMENT 350 Lots Go To City For New Home District Tho provincial government has given tho city of Princo Georgo a largo chunk of land In Central Foit George for badly needed homo dovnlop ment It has conveyed to tho City of Princo George 23 blocks of propoity The movo was announced In Victoria Tuesday almost three months after the city asked tho provincial lands depart ment to convey tho sltos to the mun municipality � icipality The city has had virtually no municipally - owned sites available to homebullders since August when tho application for the land was made to tho provincial government A spokesman for tho city said today tho proporty be between � tween First and Eighth Avos west of Qulnn St will bo sold at public auction as soon as it Is sorvlced It will bo developed on tho grid system NOT AMUSED Reliable sources in London made clear that the four essays in Der Stern wore genuine Thoy said three wore original compositions essays on il e m o c r a c y nowspapers and television and on what four possessions ho would take to a desert is la ml The lourth was a history summary The palaces anger obvi obviously � ously was ilue to two things First the Queen and Prince Philip broke prece precedent � dent bv sending the heir to the throne to a boarding school Go rd oust nun In Scotland - and thoy want him lo have a normal school llo Second he juvenile views ol the lutiire kini on political Issues could bring the mon monarchy � archy Into IOlltlOWIS Resources Mlnistor RayWU liston who Is also MLA for tho Princo Georgo region said Tuesday tho government has secured guarantees that ar arrangements � rangements for handling salo of tho land will bo satisfac satisfactory � tory Tho land 350 lots on crown proporty In tho central Fort Georgo area was made avail available � able by cabinet order Tuos Tuosday � day subject to a distinct under understanding � standing Mr Wllllston said the land had to be provided because of the rate of expansion in the city and tho fact that there ts no othor place to build Tho cabinet order said tho city must sorvice the lots and development must bo completed and tho land paid for within two years Salos will bo by public auction with newspaper advertisements placed not less than two weeks before tho salo Each sales agreement must commit the buyer to bona fldo development In a reasonable tlmo and tho city must pay the provincial govornmont the sales prlco loss tho cost of provid providing � ing services Tho total prlco must not bo less than 124 030 tho assessed value of the land House Again Stalls Flag OTTAWA CP - An all party agreement lias beer reached to postpone Commons debate on tho Canadian flag in favor of completing wojk by next Friday on tho 10G-1-O3 spending program Privy Council President Mc Health mado tho announcement this afternoon after a round of talks with tho Houso leaders of tho opposition groups Mr Mcllraith said there has been no decision on when the flag de bate will begin ibHLvuBiiiBRvamiBhI i PRINCE CHARLES short of cash