say ifow CARLING BLACK LABEL BEER thlt dvrtlinwil It not published or dltpliytd by tin Liquor Central Bord or by th Government of Brltlih Columbia Vol 9 No 1 3 k e e Thursday won t be a dull one Premier Bennett said his Social Credit govern governments � ments policy as reflected in the speech from the throne will unfold on many fronts He said the session will mark emergence of a dy dynamic � namic society in BC thanks to the govern governments � ments Peace and Colum Columbia � bia River projects which had been approved despite opposition from reaction reactionary � ary forces of both the right and left Robert Strachan leader of the legislatures 14 - member New Democrat opposition retorted that BC needs a great deal more than the government Is giving it Our society will only be dynamic If it covers every field of endeavor such as equality of opportunity in education re reorganization � organization of society to handle problems created by automa automation � tion reconstructionofourpenal system and research on the failures of our existing social welfare program Boom times mean nothing he said unless the gains are transferred to the people The NDP leader predicted the session will be very interest interesting � ing He called on the government to start the session off on the Slop In The Face Cutting the research staff at Prince George Ex Experimental � perimental Farm is a slap in the face for the Central Interior And the slap is being administered without even the slight satisfaction of a full explanation from Agri Agricultural � cultural Minister Harry Hays Hays argues the same work can be carried out as effectively in other localities as it can here What nonsense This fastest growing area of British Columbia must be enabled to produce more of its own foodstuffs Why should we import agricultural prod products � ucts that can be grown here But agriculture has little chance when the government itself turns its back on the farmer The Central Interior in no easy farming country It is a region needing the prac practical � tical help and encouragement only research can provide Instead of getting this support research facili facilities � ties are being cut to the bone It appears the staff soon will be reduced to one man One man The Central Interior needs more not fewer agri agriculturalists � culturalists to upgrade and expand its agricultural industry Centralization may please the pencil pushers at Ottawa but it will not satisfy the local farmers needs Itlzn The only daily newspaper serving Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20 1965 tljc QVMAiwiic SOCIETY SESSION WONT BE DULL f 5 5 J WOR10 TODAY Vote Change OTTAWA CP - Ten elect electoral � oral boundary commissions have been named to handle the complex task of restoring more equal representation In the House of Commons The com commissions � missions have a year to re redraw � draw the federal electoral maps There now are 2G3 rid ridings � ings and fewer than a dozen are expected to escape changes Crisis Over SAIGON CP - Brig Gen Nguyen Cao Ky agreed today to accept temporarily the post of minister of youth and sports and a potential government crisis In South Viet Nam was averted Meantime five of South Viet Nams top Buddhist leaders vowed before a crowd of 10 000 weeping and applauding fol followers � lowers that they would fast to the death If the government of Premier Houng does not step down The hunger strike started Immediately Extend Law BONN Reuters Fifty leg legislators � islators of West Germanys rul ruling � ing Christian Democrat party Tuesday Introduced a motion for a 20- to 30 year extension of the statute of limitations on the laws against Nazi war crimes The government decis decision � ion not to extend the statute of limitations for war crimes which runs out in May has brought protests at home and abroad Find Fallout WASHINGTON AP - The United States may charge Rus Russia � sia with violating the limited nuclear test ban treaty as a result of an underground ex explosion � plosion last Friday In central Asia The US Atomic Energy Commission said Tuesday night the blast has produced some fallout in the northern Pacific near Japan Blizzard Hits LOI1ON AP - An Atlantic blizzard swept into England this morning blanketing three-quarters of England and Wales and tying up road and rail traffic in many areas Among the worst hit areas was the mountain area of North Wales where nearly all the main roads were blocked and rail service cut to a minimum WORLD WAITS Winstons illness Enters Sixth Day LONDON AP - Sit Winston Churchills doc doctor � tor Lord Moran has left the former Prime Min Ministers � isters residence after an unexpected visit there early today No medical bulletin was issued by the doctor after the visit He was in the Churchill house for about 40 minutes Further word is awaited from London on the condi condition � tion of Churchill The reason for Lord Morons surprise visit is not yet known Twenty minutes after the doctor Churchills daughter Sarah arrived She was ac accompanied � companied by Celia Sandys Churchills granddaughter It is pouring rain today in London Churchill In the sixth day of his grave illness is stlllappar ently unconscious Lord Moran said today the valiant warrior slept peacefully throughout the night and this morning Little to Report He said he had little to report other than that Sir Winsons restlessness had gone and that the sleep was continuing A British Medical Association of official � ficial earlier had suggested this was another way of saying that Sir Winston was unconscious from a cerebral stroke Depending on the state of Sir Wlntons constitution the unconsciousness could continue for several days the Medical Association official said Later Tuesday Moran 82 announced that Sir Winstons condition had deteriorated Then the In the days final bulletin Tuesday night he said Sir Winston had slept all day with no apparent change It appeared Sir Winston had be become � come unconscious Night Vigil Only a handful of journalists photographers and spectators kept the night long vigil at the entrance at Hyde Park Gate dead end street the narrow - - from which the growing Inter International � national press corps and the public retreated Tuesday at the request of Lady Churchill The vigil was about 100 yards from the house The only move movement � ment on the quiet gas lit street came shortly before 2 am when Winston Spencer Church Churchill � ill 24 Sir Winstons grandson whose wife is in hospital ex expecting � pecting a baby left the house ILill T i M m 1 5v a iH III tJ You dont have to haul Y furniture up the side of the building Mrs J L Powney assures prospective tenants at the high rise on Fif Fifteenth � teenth Mrs Powney speaking for the owner says there is plenty of room In the elevator for furniture How else would tenants furnish 76 suites she asks Mrs powney made the comment after The Citizen pub published � lished a picture of a furniture firm hauling a chesterfield up outside the high rise She sus suspects � pects the furniture move was Just a stunt Why you can move a piano In the eleyator Mrs Powney tells us Still more tall has been heard about a new theatre for Prince George And It has come from three people who apparently have a bit more than the family car to mort mortgage � gage y If you can tolerate the pres r ent potatoe prices try to stick it out for another INDEX Weather ---- 3 Women 7 Tirm Page 10 Classified ------ 14 15 Comics - JO Coming Events ------ 10 Lditorlal -------- 2 Iorts 0 TV 19 month or so Supermarkets say the prices will remain steady until probably the end of March then they may drop when the new California crop comes on the market Meanwhile theyre selling for about 13 cents a pound 10 cents more thana year ago y I think they should play V music the people like said one caller who set out to describe the after mldnlght programming on the local radio station This ope a and junk makes you fall asleep As far as he was concerned the station might as well be off the air y And heres letting you In on r a secret While the two staff room doors of some of PCs schools are labelled men and women they both lead to the same room y James Edwin Hlngley cele celery � ry brated his 36th birthday today by being sentenced to one day in jail and a 200 fine after he was convicted of cashing his own pay cheque In two different places the same day Evidence showed that Ring ley cashed a 97 cheque at the Travelodge Motel in Prince George in September He used 31 to pay a bill he had at the motel and when he picked up the 00 change he also picked up thi cheque lie later cashed the same cheque at a ho el and drove away In his sports car Lady Churchill 79 Issued her dispersal appeal Tuesday after returning from a short motor trip only her second trip outside the house since her famous statesman husband fell 111 She expressed her true thanks to the press for kind kindness � ness and restraint but ex explained � plained that the cameras flood floodlights � lights and Inevitable disturb disturbance � ance had become a severe strain Without hesitation the press packed up and left followed by the public and within a half hour the street again was de deserted � serted Cancel Trip Meanwhile Prime Minister Wilson cancelled a planned visit Thursday to Germany He said I have decided that In view of Sir Winstons Illness It would be wrong for me to leave the country at the pres present � ent time Strachan Seeks Question Time VICTORIA CP - The leaders of British Colum bias two major political camps agreed Tuesday that the 1965 session of the provincial legislature which starts right front by reforming the legislatures standing orders This is the only parliament in Canada that doesnt allow an oral question period at the open opening � ing of the days proceedings he said It Is contrary to British parliamentary tradition for government to deprive mem members � bers of this right Mr Strachans comments were made as he emergedfrom his partys pre sesslon caucus The 52 man Social Credit caucus and the five -man Liberal caucus will meet Thursday There are no Conservatives In the 52 member house Mr Bennett who this ses session � sion will set a BC record for political longevity made his comments at a press conference earlier In the day Weve had greatprogress In the past 12 12 years he said but with this dynamic society we will be going into another gear The provincial cabinet was to meet today with its unfinished business including the fate of George E P Jones Mr Jones was suspended without1 pay as chairman of the governments purchasing com commission � mission Oct 2 after he was charged with accepting unlaw unlawful � ful benefits while an official of the government The charges were dismissed last week In a judgment which criticized their description of Mr Jones as a government official Whatever the cabinets ver verdict � dict the Jones case is expected to produce some lively debate In the House New legislation expected to come before the session in includes � cludes a Parks Act revisions of the Municipal Act to provide for development of regional services and a bill setting up a single diking authority for the Lower Fraser Valley Lands and Forests Minister Ray Wllllston Is likely to put before the legislatures for forestry � estry committee the matter of longrange policy In forest licensing for new pulp mills The main problem is how to proceed in carving up crown timber resources among the firms that want timber for new mills Feb 15 willmarka milestone In provincial political history On that date Mr Bennett will eclipse Sir RlJhard McBrides record of 12 12 years In office as premier set In 1913 200 Arrested SELMA Alabama AP The sheriff In Selma anested an estimated 200 Negroes today after they refused to entei the Dallas County Courthouse through an entrance designated by him The Negroes had marched to the courthouse in an effort to register to vote ROBERT STRACHAN need more FOG CARPET SOCKS IN ALL AIRPORTS Fog dense as a carpet today socked in Prince George Fort St John and Vancouver airports grounding all incoming and outgoing flights All north bound nights are moving out of Abbotsford and may have to go as far east as Edmonton to land We have no waj of knowing how long its going to last said a Canadian Pacific Air Airlines � lines spokesman Ive known this airport to be as fogged in as it is now and clear away In 10 minutes But then it could last for days One flight to Prince George from Grande Prairie is unable to take off because theres no place it could land However the weather office reports anew system approach approaching � ing Vancouver Island from the south It is about 300 miles off the coast and this may reach Vancouver by tonight bringing relief f i om the fog Above freezing temperatures are likely to continue in the Prince George area Although some frost Is likely to form during the night snow and ice will melt The weather system which brought rain to the Prince George area Tuesday has moved into Alberta In its wake a ridge of high pressure is now building up from the south Buildings Collapse McBRIDE An old section of the fall fair hall and two farm barns have collapsed under heavy snow which has fallen In the McBrlde district this winter A section of the McBrlde Ex Exhibit � hibit Hall three miles east of town lies In shambles The walls fell outward when the roof collapsed last week The building had an alum aluminum � inum roof which never before had created a problem BUT NOT A BRIBE Extradition Fund 60000 MONTREAL CP Guy Mas son 35 professed fervent Literal says Liberal party cof coffers � fers would have been 60000 richer if LucienRivard escaped extradition to the the United States to face charges of smug smuggling � gling narcotics for the Mafia crime ring He told the Dorlon Inquiry Tuesday however that none of this cash nest egg amassul ly Mrs Rlvard within a week of her husbands June 19 an est here was intended as a brilie for any individual The inquiry is investigating allegations by Montreal lawyer Pierre Lamontagiie acting foi the US government in the Ri Rival � val d cxtiadition case that he was offeied a 20000 orlte by mlnisteiiil assistant Raymond Denis and subjected to Literal political pnssuio last summei to get him toagieu to II Wards l lease on ball Mr Masson said he never mentioned GO000 for the Lib Liberal � eral party fund when the RCMP questioned him twice last September Masson said he was told June 22 by Rolieit Gignac that the Litei al partys campaign J und would leteive 50000 to G0 000 if Rlvards extradition was blocked Gignac was lormerly Mas sons business partner and has been chaiged with capital mui der in the Sept 17 slaying of nightclub donnnan Rocky Biu nette He testified lefore the Poi Ion inquity last week Masson said he lelayedGig nacs money messam to Denis that night June 22 Denis had advised him the next day to Let in touch with S natoi I ouis P Geliuas who Masson said he knew wis the Literal p ii ty tioasuiei When old lv Masson that the case involved narcotics Senatoi Gelinas had reiused to see him then oi at any other time He had informed Denis of Senator Gelinas teaction and had been told by Denis to drop the matter theie Mrs Rivaid 32-yeai-old ledhead testliled she wlthdiew the 00000 fiom a tiust com company � pany account whole she had put it June 25 pel haps aftei Gignac had inloimed liet he had been questioned by the RCMP in the Rlvat d case She said she didnt know Roiky Biunette shin one day aftei the tCO000 was with iliawu when asked whethei Biunette hail helpedhei toialse the money The 60000 was intended foi bill ioi hei hus husband � band she said Masson testified almut at least 13 telephone conveisa tions oi mot tings witli IVnis beginning June 22 and lasting into August during which the Hiai d case had been disc ussed He quoted Denis as sajing in one of their last talks that theie had nevei leen any question of offeiing money to Mi Lamon tagne Masson was still In the wit witness � ness box todav testlivingundei the piotection of the Canadi Evidence Act Chief Justice Ti edii ic Jtoi ion told Masson testimony he give could not l used in am piose cutlou against him unless he peijuiedhtniselt at theiiKHili You will still U subject to a cliaige of pet jury If jou dont tell the tl uth the judge told Masson Masson said Hut tesiiles -ing a I iUial he Is a jipio sentatlve ot va i ions comp in ies in the MontiiMl iiti some ol them p u tl -owned b Gigntt Phone LOgan 4 2441 Low 28 High 38 MONTH 1 1 I7J 75 DEI 10c Con i ue v opy v CADDIE Johnson Vow Victory Over Want Hunger WASHINGTON AP - President Johnson took the oath of office today then vowed that Americas enemies of poverty hunger sickness and ignorance will be conquered within this generation Johnson was sworn in before a great throng In front of the Capital building He took the oath of office shortly after Hu Hubert � bert Humphrey was sworn In as Vice President There was a change in the schedule as Johnson advanced to repeat the oath to preserve protect the Constitution An of official � ficial of the inaugural commit committee � tee has been scheduled to hold The Bible for the President But the person who did it was Mrs Johnson In his inaugural address Johnson promised the best lead leadership � ership he can offer He recalled that that was what he said on what he termed that sorrowful day when he first took the oath That was after President Ken Kennedys � nedys assassination November 22 1963 Describing the mission of his full term In the White House Johnson said poverty and other ills in a land of plenty are an injustice to Americans and an enemy to the nation He said of this enemy It will not surrender easily But change has given us new weapons Before this genera generation � tion of Americans is finished this enemy will not only re retreat � treat It will be Conquered The Presidents speech dealt almost entirely with what he views as the United States mission at home He touched only briefly on foreign prob problems � lems But he did pledge the United States to international co-operation The inauguration ceremony proper was but the first of three major events The others were the grand parade down Pennsyl Pennsylvania � vania Ave and the ball spread over a huge armory and four big hotels The president and the vice president will look In tonight at all these balls attended by some 27000 persons r jtt -ih irv rfjHfe CwBH Vice President Humphrey President Johnson ITS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOUNG DEMOCRAT OLD By SAUL PETT WASHINGTON AP High brow middle and low the Great Society is jumping from fugues to frugs With President Johnsons inaugural jubilant Demo Democrats � crats had something for everybody a concert by the National Symphony Or Orchestra � chestra a numbing round of state receptions dances massive cocktail parties and private blasts that were still chorusing today It was a helluva town lo sleep In The hotel receptions were so big Hubert H Humphrey temporarily lost his Senate replacement Waltei F Mondale of Minnesota In the boiler room of the Shoreham There and else elsewhere � where long lines formed at bars at hat check rooms at washrooms and elevators President Johnson and his family went fiom the con concert � cert to a relatively sedate party at the state depart department � ment where daughter Luci did the Watusl and dad did what historians remember as a middle - of - the -road box step The Texas State Society had an Intimate bash for 2000 at the Statler They had 18 bars and enough bour bourbon � bon to keep the Alamo still holding out Tidbits over overheard � heard Why C P you old skunk Who jou cheatin now Our two daddies were farmers together They hitched their horses togeth together � er they Before they unhitched their Cadillacs and rode off Into the night one got the impression the two term limit on US presidents might soon be in jeopardy There were two big dances of young Democrats at the Mayflower and the Wlllard where Lincoln once slept and The Battle Hjmnofthe Republic was written By dawn the oung Demo Democrats � crats were old Democrats and the Great Socletj had a groat hangover Dief Criticism Unfair BRANDON CP John Dief enbakei would be ustilied If he decided to lesion as nitlonal leadei ol the Picies he Con senative paih loiinei noith em alfaiis ininistei Waltei Dinsdale said Tuosdi Theie s been a lot ol mifali ttitklsin and he would W Jls lied in pissing on the lesponsl bilits the CoiiMnathe MP foi Hiandon Souils said in M in tenlew Tom somen Consonitnos oalled foi a hilt Tuesday to the spitMding putilli ill bate ainont pu huk lHlululs owi the leadership ot DioKiilukot Nitlouil Ilisidont Rilton K Lamp who must doi hie with othei piliuipil oviiutiie otli ids whithoi lo i ill a louloi ship coin onl Inn aikod ioi sil ence fiom all Pi ogiesshe Con sen at ives Goidon Chuuhill thepait Commons House leadei and a staunch all of the embattled opKisition leader temied the public iontioeis among MPs dlsgiaieutl A Canadiin Piess Miie showed J5 MPs siipoiting Mi Dieleiibakei s lontiimed leadei ship and si wanting a new Jo idol Ton who weie Intel ieweit weie non iomniital oi would not comment End Talks PARK Reuteis President ilo Gaulle and West German Clnncellor Tihaidtodaj ended a lound of summit talks on the jxMltlcal futint of Europe and West Gem am