12 THE CITIZEN Conference On Nursing VICTORIA CP The first of a series of institutes on training practical nursing stu students � dents Is to be held in Kelowna Feb 11 and 12 Education Minister Peterson said today the institute spon sponsored � sored by the education depart departments � ments technical and vocational education branch and the B C Registered Nurses Associa Association � tion will explore mutual prob problems � lems on the training of prac practical � tical nurses Gups and Saucers Porcelain plain and assorted patterns 7 pm Special Womens Wear Thursday January 21 1965 Immigration Racket Closed Down PLYWOOD VICTORIA CP -A Victoria fisherman was fined 500 Wednesday for helping illegal Chinese immigrants evade immigration department inspectors three years ago J J- Bland pleaded guilty to the charge in city court Police said the charge waslaid following an Investigation into an immigration racket broken by thRGMP last year Tim operation had been master minded by Peter Chons of Victirf5iovlervlng a five year penitentiary term or securing illegal immigration of persons to Canada Crown prosecutor W 11 Mc Intyre said filand did not know the Chinese were illegal im immigrants � migrants He said Bland pick picked � ed up the Chinese in the vicinity of Mount Vernon and landed them from tils boat north of Sidney Boost Benefits VICTORIA CP Welfare Minister 13 lack announced Wed Wednesday � nesday that supplementary pen pension � sion benefits in DC will be boosted 1 a month in view of increased transportation costs Welfare department officials said the Increase will affect some 32000 old age pens loners who qualify for the present sup supplementary � plementary lieneflts of from 1 to 24 a month The move follows an increase in transit fares in the Vancou Vancouver � ver and Victoria areas on serv services � ices operated by the government-owned BC Hydro and Power Authority Condemn Fruit VERNON CP The BC Fruit Growers Association has condemned some road -side fruit stands for the poor quality of fruitandfor improperprices Delegates asked Wednesday the BC Fruit Board to seek mands of regulating the quality and price of fruits sold at stands Some fruit Is a disgrace and the prices at which some fruit is sold are outrageous said the resolution Scooters on Line VANCOUVER CP - A recommendation by a coroners jury that scooter patrols precede all trains through the Seton Lake area of the Pacific Great Eastern railway line has been Implemented by the rail railway � way A railway engineer was killed recently when his dlesel locomotive ran into a slide between Lillooet and Darcy and pluneed into Seton Lake BC QUEEN CONSIDERED VANCOUVER CP - The man who organized the last two Miss Vancouver contests has proposed a Miss B C contest Bill Davis former president of the Metropolitan Communities Association said Wednesday he thinks B C should have one repre representative � sentative In the Miss Canada contest KEEN COMPETITORS VANCOUVER CP - A change appears in the offing in Japans fishing relationship with Canada BC fishermen say they are receiving inquiries from Japan the second largest iishing na nation � tion of the world about buying more Canadian fish Industry sources said this was surprising as Canada and Japan have long been fishing competitors in certain areas There have also been other moves by Japan to secure more fish The only functioning Cana dian whaling operation off the West Coast now is partly owned by the Japanese Some sources also say two or three small BC canneries now are controlled by Oddments of sportwear such as skirts ski pants slims and blouses Incomplete suing 7 pm Special priced from 188c 1499 Plastic Overshoes Broken sizes childrens 5 9 womens flat illusion and high 5 9 limited quantity fr4 Were 1 98 249 Now E to Printed Flannelette Cos warm soft napped cotton flannelette for the -whole family Limited quantity Yard Breck Hair Spray Regular hold designed to give softer control to regular hair styles 14 oz Reg 198 7 pm Special Jr Girls Dresses Skirts Originally 598 1 798 One and two piece dresses and skirts in a variety of fabrics Mostly one of a kind Sizes 7 14 includ ing teen Each 199 44 128 299 PRICES STILL UP VANCOUVER CP - Last months floods along the US west coast damaged among others the lumber industry but U S Plywood Corp has something to be thankful for Plywood prices have climbed 10 a unit and U S plywood has 134 warehouses across the U S stacked with plywood S W Antovillechalrmanand chief executive officer of U S Plywood said here Wednesday his companys operations were relatively lightly hit The over all industry was hit hard however lie said and production will be held up for some time because of the dam damage � age to roads and railways Mr Antovllle said the value of his companys inventory stocks rose from 58 60aunlt before the floods to 6 8 -70 afterwards This is temporary of course he said We were in a position to benefit because of our huge inventories Japans Interest Grows In Buying Canadian Fish Japanese interests About 90 per cent of all the protein consumed by Japanese comes from fish and about 85 per cent of her annual fish har harvest � vest is for domestic consump consumption � tion w i i wm a i7 Wim lirV Infr ySn1 mSlK and arnels and cottons in pretty prints Sizes 14 20 JLQR 1ffiHM - MM -l - yjftjn and 14V4 24V4 W M JJ Siii Wtk -- v i li BsJfv Semi Annual Homemakers Modern Chesterfied Suite Clean modern lines highlight this hand- some suite designed to enhance any room setting Theres a wide selection of handsome nylon frieze cover shades Comfy no sag spring construction hardwood ferruled legs button back polyfoam cushions No money down on a CDP 3 seater Chesterfield matching chair special 199 GE Wringer Washer Wringer control starts stops and reverses the rolls Nine pound capac capacity � ity perma drive mechanism 3 zone washing action Plus free clothes basket full of TIDE CDP 9 118 Tweed Chester Bed A remarkably low price for such a good quality attractively styled chester bed unit Closed youd never know It hides a double 231 -coil mattress Versatile tweed covers in a wide choice of decor decorator � ator shades Walnut knuckles polyfoam cushions No money down on a CDP - -gi - NOW OPEN llll J ISgBsr tv radict Illif fillB2 f88 Service to all makes TV Radio jSBSSSJr lEKliiPS Jfl S3HSlx Jlf Stereo etc in our shop or in iiiilii r JEaRffiM V KIS58 Zi ALJKSL S11 mm Phone 564 5559 1I1I mmimMi W LJsSfliKr 1720Queensway tmMmi Wk g0mSKM3i fiWtUmrml TgB UlkflKL if iiiiiHHHHlBllMBllMalMltiiBllllBalaBlliiiiiH NjHiiH it WSiTZ m tr J seat cushions ire lKNP MntifKwrwsKMMWFK NBHH k BiwSiiKi 3AiRF0AMiUBBEii very 0 yw HHLILLIHLlLILBiiSHLiHLiHHHiH ol4aBy pootfoam j but firm m Mens Sport Shirts Chester Bed special 199 Quilted Covers Feature This Terrific Value In New Traditional Suites Four Seater Chesterfield Matching Chair Special 299 NO MONEY DOWN on your handy CDP You must see them to appreciate the low low price Youd expect to pay at least 100 more The rone-on-tone covers are all quilted matelasse in shades of brown beige blue and greenbronze The skirted traditional styling with slim Lawson arms comple complements � ments any decor No Sag spring construction and laminated cushions guarantee lasting comfort Men s long sleeve sport shirts Popular pat- - f - - r tern ond style Originally to 595 7 pm 1 QA OSS d L J kSfc for1 ifi l aliriSft iWMmn Lounge-and-Chair Set This smartly styled suite seats four in comfort yet is perfect for average size or smaller living rooms It comes in a wide assortment of fashion colors in the nylon frieze covers Button back poly polyfoam � foam cushions hardwood ferruled legs No money down on a CDP GE 30 Deluxe Electric Range 2 piece set special 159 Easy-to-set fully automatic oven clock controlled Infinite heat switches temperature controlled automatic broiler appliance outlet full width fluor fluorescent � escent lighted back panel 13 Monthly on CDP 218