Tou get a barrel of flavour In Carling Pilsener BEER say please Vol 9 No 162 nation THE WORLD TODAY Plane Explodes SAINT - TROND Belgium AP A Polish commercial plane crashed near here today police reported Brussels air airport � port sources said there were no passengers aboard but this was not yet confirmed Police Policemen � men on the spot reported no survivors The plane exploded as It hit the field Church Revolt Nearly a thousand Methodist ministers In England one- quarter of the total may quit their church rather than accept the proposed formula for merg merging � ing with the Church of England a Methodist leader said today Leading dissident Methodists are preparing a statement op opposing � posing the reunion plan Rev K Mackenzie general secre secretary � tary of the groups organizing committee said Kremlin Bids MOSCOW AP - The Krem Kremlin � lin called today for a popular front against the United States modelled on the Soviet attempt to lead opponents of Hitler in the 1930s The Soviet Commun Communist � ist Party combined this appeal to unite diverse political fac factions � tions in many countries behind the Kremlin with another call for healing the Moscow-Peking split In a remark appar apparently � ently directed at Peking the party newspaper Pravda said complacent sectarianism has become an ingrained vice in some Communist parties Unity was needed it added Punish Marines SAIGON Reuters TW U S marines who climbed into the cockpit of a Jet aircraft while drunk and threatened to bomb Hanolhave been sentenced at a court martial in Da Nang Accounts of the incident at the time said the two men climbed into the cockpit of a B - 57 Jet bomber on the tarmac and threatened to bomb Hanoi Neither marine was a pilot and in the words of a U S spokes spokesman � man they did not get the plane to move a darned inch Bomb Sniffer WASHINGTON AP - Ttw U S Federal Aviation Agency said today it has ordered pro production � duction of a test model of an electronic nose designed to sniff out explosives that might be brought aboard an airliner The FAA gave a 175000 contract to develop a prototype to be de delivered � livered to the agency by April 19 1966 Greeks Move ATHENS AP - Premier Ellas Tsirimokos and his cabi cabinet � net were sworn in today in a new attempt to end Greeces grave political crisis The swearing - in ceremony before King Constantine had been post postponed � poned twice in the last 24 hours The delay coming after a re renewal � newal Thursday night of rioting in Athens heightened tension in the crisis - ridden NATO A visitor from Ontario had a rather harrowing exper experience � ience last night The 18-year-old youth was returning to his in laws home on 15th Ave at 11 pm when a station wagon sped out of the darkness and cut him off on the sidewalk Hey you c mere the driver said Keeping In mind the number of muggings in the city he had read about he backed off A man on the passenger side bounded out the car and our hero headed off down the road full speed ahead He hailed a cab who failed to hear him and then ran straight Into the living room of the nearest house with lights Police were notified and drove him home A half hour later police were back with two men In tow The men ex explained � plained someone had been at attempting � tempting to steal one of their cars and they were out looking for the culprit The incident was explained but the visitor says hes taking cabs home for the rest of his vacation f Pedestrian Fred Gray asks How can anybody get across Fifth Ave anywhere between Central and Harper St Drivers wont stop not even for the stop signs on the streets Intersecting Fifth And what is going to happen when the school children start This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia COMMUNITY INTEREST GENERATES EDUCATION EPIDEMIC List of winners page 3 A desire for academic excel excellence � lence stimulated by the inter interest � est of the community in educa education � tion is almost an epidemic at Prince George Senior Secon Secondary � dary School Forty - three students In Grade 13 and 13 at the school wrote government examinations in June in an attempt to qualify for scholarships and bursaries The first list of winners of 6500 worth of scholarships and bursaries which were of offered � fered at the school this year were announced today by prin principal � cipal George Bevan Considering all the employ employment � ment opportunities which ex existed � isted here this summer I think it is remarkable that 43 students decided to stay in school an ad additional � ditional two weeks to write gov government � ernment exams said Mr Bevan In addition to his praise for the students Mr Bevan also had plenty of compliments for the sponsors of the scholarships and bursaries He surmised that few secon secondary � dary schools in B C have the awards of the value offered at Prince George The scholarship committee is extremely gratified with the response the community has given to our requests said Mr Bevan He pointed out that in 1961 two students at the school wrote for scholarships In 1962 there were six applicants in 1963 12 studentsin 1964 30 stu- uems ttnu nits dune o The tone is set and the pat pattern � tern has been established If the community places a high value on education students feel likewise he said This is what has happened in Prince George Mr Bevan also suggested that increased university fees may have been one of the pres pressures � sures which inspired more stu students � dents than ever to apply for scholarships Two Crashes Overnight A Prince George man has been charged with falling to yield the right of way after a midnight mishap that caused aggregate damage of 650 Gordon Velletee of LaFren iere subdivision was charged after his vehicle was in colli collision � sion with a car driven by Arn Arnold � old Casper man 453 Ogllvle St Mr Casperman suffered bruises to his leg Damage was estimated at 450 in an accident earlier Thursday night at the intersec intersection � tion of Twelfth Ave and Douglas St Cars driven by Mrs Shirley McMlllian 1274 Carney St and Mrs Elizabeth McGillvraey 1557 Edmonton St collided at about 720 pm No charges are contemplated wanting to go back and forth across there f Vancouver racing official w Ken McConnell in town to act as racing commissioner for the annual Prince George meet says the local meet Is improving every year I was particularly Impressed by the calibre of horses here this year And the parlmutuel handle al always � ways the yardstick of racings success has shown a sub substantial � stantial increase he said to today � day Arthur McClelland federal candidate will be in Prince George next Friday to attend the luncheon In honor of Prime Minister Pearson Mr Mc McClelland � Clelland will introduce the Prime Minister at the luncheon Mr McClelland is currently In Vancouver where he will attend a reception in honor of Mr Pearson on the weekend 0 Okay we give up Why is the controversial section of Third Ave just past the Northern Lights Motel closed Council voted a while ago to keep It open but Its been closed ever since and no work seems to be going on In the vicinity As it sits It looks as though It might as well be left cut off but is it is or is It isnt k e e PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA FRIDAY AUGUST 20 1965 mz5M wHi MMmmW r SI WBSmWMMmmmmm fc3rltH 4 1WM MyjtSsSJmfw7hmmmmmi mWmfMmmmmgmSm mmMs mmmSmJmWBSMSmm PjMCivnHMalHQnki - VHEE3BcvVfliMQB mmmmmwmmmmBSfSliJ BBwjS ij1HHbhE ISfca All the tempting in the world wouldnt get this stubborn goat to move back to its quarters in the 4 H barn at the Prince George exhibition The young girl didnt want her picture taken but the goat had other ideas he wanted to stick around for a while What developed was a tug-of-war Miller photo Hazard Rises in The fire hazard has risen to the moderate to high level In the western and southern parts of the Prince George forest dis district � trict for the first time in two weeks A week - long heat wave with prospect of more has brought the hazard up in all districts in the southern part of the district after it had stood at low to mod moderate � erate Troubled Gemini Flight Is Ready for Blast Off CAPE KENNEDY FlaAP- Eight officials swept away to today � day most of the troubles that stymied Thursdays attempt to send two Americans on mans longest space voyage They now hope to blast off Saturday Engineers and scientists working much of the night dealt with three electrical prob problems � lems that combined with a thun thunderstorm � derstorm first to delay and then to halt Thursdays countdown 10 minutes before launch time They interrogated and found unharmed the taped memory of a spacecraft computer A lightning-generated power surge had forced it to cut off Thursday None Injured In Helicopter No one was believed injured today when a helicopter went down In the bush west of Mc Bride Okanagan Helicopters Ltd sent out a rescue team about 11 am to pick up the pilot and any passengers Forestry officials were un unsure � sure whether the helicopter had crashed or made a forced land landing � ing Radio contact was main maintained � tained and it was reported no was one injured There was no definite word on how many passengers the helicopter was carrying The helicopter is believed tobelong to an Ontario firm and has a contract with a mining company the last trouble before the flight was postponed A programmer had been re replaced � placed In the telemetry system and it was undergoing checks as the flight officials moved Into an abbreviated countdown Integrating the rocket and the spacecraft A cable fire caused by an in industrial � dustrial accident would not hinder Saturdays planned flight and was under repair All other aspects of the flight plans were satisfactory space agency officials reported There are afternoon thunder showers predicted for th launch area well after the U AM EDT flight time Seas were 18 feet high in the West Western � ern Paclflx as Typhoon Lucy moved over Japan It was stormy weather Thurs Thursday � day that forced the postpone postponement � ment of the Gemini 5 mission and sent the two waiting astro astronauts � nauts back to the suiting - up trailer to strip away their sil silver � ver flight suits Union Dairy Optimistic Union - management nego negotiation � tiation at Northern Dairies Ltd continued until almost mid midnight � night Thursday Most differences between the company and Its employees In the contract dispute appear to have been ironed out Negotiations were scheduled to get under way again this morning V 1 In the part of the district east of the Rockies the hazard remains high to extreme No change was reported this morning on the three major fires still out of control north of Fort St John Men and equip equipment � ment continued to build a guard around the Kan fire 25000 acre blaze A Forest Service spokesman said the only new fire reported overnight was being hit by a Canso water bomber today The fire about an acre In size is 40 miles north of Finlay Forks There were 26 fires burning today Some 178 men and eight bulldozers were working on the fires most of them in the area north of Fort St John 1 1 r itizen The daily newspaper for Central British Columbia - cfL HOT fa IOW 50 HIGH 80 U Phone 564 2441 McCulloch jjfer una moans - yimm -s MODFL 10 Worldi Ughtott CHAIN SAW SEE IT NOW AT Interior Power Saw Sales and Service Ltd 140 Quebec 563 3678 SI ti Ml MONTH I IK topy TCAIE BIPLANE MISSING A pre war biplane with two Americans aboard it miss missing � ing in mountainous country 500 miles north of here The slngle englned Waco air aircraft � craft was to have landed at Fort Nelson at 247 pm Thurs Thursday � day after a three hour 20 min minute � ute flight from Watson Lake on the BC Yukon border The plane is registered in the name of AB MacFarlane of Port Townsend Wash Police say he was not the pilot Two tourists who had stopped their car about 100 miles north of Fort Nelson are reported to have told a resort owner they spotted a biplane flying over them about 4 pm 90 minutes after the missing bi biplane � plane was to have landed in Fort Nelson Its flight plan called for the old plane to follow the Alaska Highway through the rugged Northern BC terrain RCAF Search and Rescue officials at Winnipeg dispatched a plane Thursday evening but it had to return because of mechanical difficulties Lake Victim Identified SMITHERS - Police here say Prescott Boyd 58 was the fisheries patrolman who drowned Monday night inBabine Lake RCMP had withheld identifi identification � cation of Mr Boyd until his family could be notified Mr Boyd a resident of Smlthers for 23 years was found dead in an Indians sal salmon � mon fishing net early Tuesday in Bablne Lake A three plane search was getting underway today Two planes are being sent out from Winnipeg and a third is being diverted from a train training � ing flight to Resolute Bay NWT RCMP Constable David Watt of Fort Nelson said private aircraft would probably Join the search as soon as the weather cleared Weather reports are con conflicting � flicting but apparently there is a ceiling of 1000 feet he said This is a little too dangerous for small aircraft In that moun mountainous � tainous country Both the pilot and his passen passenger � ger are from Washington State say police They were on a flight from Alaska to Washington Revenue Minister Brown more dough Civil Servants Get Pay Hikes OTTAWA CP - About 35000 federal civil ser servants � vants are going to receive pay increases -comparable to the raises recently given postal workers Revenue Minis Minister � ter Benson said today Mr Benson said the govern government � ment has agreed to accept the financial recommendations in the second report of Judge J C Anderson of Belleville which was made public today The report suggests addi additional � tional salary increases for Class D employees which would mean raises of up to 54 a year when coupled with earlier In Increases � creases Ginter Slams Jealousies Organization of Fall Fair Ben Ginter one of the big biggest � gest exhibitors at the Prince George Exhibition and one of its biggest boosters has withdrawn from the fall fair completely Ive never seen a bunch of disorganization as Ive seen at this years fair Mr Ginter said today Its terrible the way that place is being run For that reason and for several other Mr Ginter has pulled his registered Hereford cattle and prize horses out of the competition and refused to put his pheasants peacocks geese and other colorful birds on display He said in the first place there was no place to unload his cattle Then when I did unload them a jet screamed overhead kids were screaming and people were wearing shirts every color of the rainbow which bothered the bulls he said Some of the young bulls jetted off he said And then this smart guy an official comes over and tells -me I should get them out of there he said Mr Ginter also blamed petty Jealousy for fanning 111 feelings towards him In the tack room I heard things about me that made me sick all about Ginter and his high priced horses he said I heard them saythatGlnter comes and steals all their prizes with his high priced horses Mr Ginter said the exhibition needs a complete overhaul a transfusion Theres no room for the sort of thing thats going on there now he said I believe that a new broom sweeps clean Mr Ginter added Mr Ginter said that during the past few years hes given both financial and personal aid Ive helped make thbraB fair spent lots of time helping to build it up and now I dont think were wanted there any anymore � more he said On a percentage basis the raises are comparable to those given postal workers also in class D a few weeks ago Mr Benson told reporters The other federal workers in this class represent a wide range of trades including eleva elevator � tor operators bookkeepers Im Immigration � migration officers and elec electronic � tronic technicians The added pay increases are retroactive to Aug 1 this year Part - time postal help ex excluded � cluded from the judges first report were Included this time The postal helpers will receive an extra five cents an hour a boost to 155 and part time letter carriers seven cents giving them 196 Judge Anderson recom recommended � mended that a boot allowance of 60 a year be included in postal workers salaries He said present procedures used before the allowance is paid sometimes cause annoying de delays � lays He said his final report on the remaining 3000 employees In Group D will include a recom recommendation � mendation that these persons receive additional pay in increases � creases of at least 190 a year Mr Benson said a consultant to examine working conditions and grievances of postal work workers � ers probably will be named early next week The Judge had suggested several things the consultant should look into Judge Anderson said the con consultant � sultant should examine whether present hourly rates for part time employees are satisfact satisfactory � ory and reflect adequately their responsibilities and con conditions � ditions of employment Police Called to Fight Spraying A protest that has sprung up In the Lakes District over roadside weed and brush spraying by the department of highways and BC Tele Telephone � phone Co was described by a health authority as a tempest In a teapot today Hugh Bell senior sanitar sanitarian � ian for the Northern Interior Health Unit used the term in describing protests over the use of chemicals 24D and 245T to kill weeds and brush Were not preturbed said Mr Bell He said the chemicals are potential killers lntheirpure form but noted both the de department � partment and the telephone company were using them In a ratio about one pound of chemical to 6000 pound of water Mr Bell said both chemi cals are extensively used and among their steadiest users were farmers He said their use in the Burns Lake Francois Lake area had been approved by Dr John Smith director of occupational health The protest which started about two weeks ago after the highways department had finished its spraying pro program � gram reached the boiling point Thursday where Burns Lake RCMP were called in A police spokesman said he did not know if there would be any action taken Among the major com complaints � plaints of residents in the area are Children are eating un- washed berries which have been exposed to the sprayj m The sprays are killing 9 domestic plants in yards Just off highway and telephone rights of way The safety of thecheml- cals 1s debateable John Shelford brother ol Omlneca MLA Cyril Shel Shelford � ford said In a telephone in interview � terview that official state statements � ments that the chemicals are harmless to humans and ani animals � mals are false reports He said BC Telephone which completed Its program Wednesday had gone over the bounds of right-of-way and put a large amount of spray Into a creek used as a source of drinking water for two families The creek now has a very dis tlnctlve smell said Mr Shelford The people used just a bit of it before they found out about the spray The spray he commented is supposed to be soluable in water but he quoted the American Drug Index as saying both are almost ln soluable The chemicals are how in an alcohol salt form which theoretlcallydoes make them water soluable Mr Shelford said the spray appears to kill small animals he said a small bird at the side of the high highway � way was found dead immed immediately � iately after the spraying The birds have disap disappeared � peared completely from my area since the spraying ho commented Both sprays attack broad leafed plants and weeds