L s- - kVi wv Mv 52X Vol 9 No 175 thiiist dwnchitig flawur ALL THE WAY DOWN THE WORLD TODAY y men cssf uiarc i nKf i kVSWZ nMw This advertisement is nrt published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia Jets Tanks Battle NEW DELHI AP - India and Pakistan threw tanks and jet fighters into a bitter struggle today along the historic invasion route that links their national capitals or New Delhi and Rawalpindi Both appeared to be fighting to gain the upper hand in the flatlands of upper West Pakistan and Indias ad joining Punjab State New Commissioner OTTAWA CP -The external affairs department Wednesday named Victor Campbell Moore as commissioner of the Cana Canadian � dian delegation to the interna international � tional commission for super supervision � vision and control in Viet Nam Islands Clean Up NASSAU The Bahamas A P Bahamas Islanders began cleaning up their hurricane battered chain of resort isles today after an ordeal that in included � cluded a dramatic rescue at sea Sailors of the British frigate Relentless picked up 11 men and three women from two lifeboats that tossed on Hur Hurricane � ricane Betsys raging seas for 14 hours Undecided PARIS AP - President de Gaulle told a questioner at a press conference today he will say within two months whether he will be a candidate for re reelection � election In the December French elections Peace Talks RAWALPINDI Reuters United Nations Secretary-General U Thant and Pakistani President Mohammed Ayub Khan discussed the undeclared war- between India and Pakis Pakistan � tan at a 00 minute working lunch today No Observers WASHINGTON AP - Rus Russia � sia has turned down an invita invitation � tion to send an observer to the launching of the two man spacecraft Gemini 6 from Cape Kepnedy Fla next month the White House announced Wed Wednesday � nesday Closer To China SAIGON CP - Fighter bombers of the United States flew closer to Communist China than ever before Wednesday blasting a railway bridge only 17 miles south of the North Viet Nam frontier it was reported today Actress Dies HOLLYWOOD AP - Dor Dorothy � othy Dandridge Negro singer actress who found her way into show business almost as soon as she could walk is dead at 41 Her body was found Wednes Wednesday � day clad in a light blue night nightgown � gown in the bathroom of her apartment near the Sunset Strip Weather Women -Classified Comics -Editorial Sports - INDEX 0 10 Oi LETS LOOK TO IMMIGRANTS Immigrants should be given higher standing on the waiting list for jobs the civil service B Cs deputy minister of agriculture A H Turner said Wednesday Mr Turner in tho course of a panel discussion at the resources conference said skilled immigrants both federally and provlncially are pigeon - holed near the bottom ot the list He said he felt both poll i ihould be revised to exclude only security risks and Immigrants with language difficulty from a full competitive position Mr Turner told the con conference � ference recruitment policy must bo flexible to do the best possible job Without flexibility he warned costs may be threat Mi Turner sild that by the tuin of the ceuturv one farm worker may produce enough for 00 people as compared to a one to 30 ratio now To make this objective he said i ecruitment in govern government � ment and industry muil bo foi-wud-looking Dont be afraid to reach foi the top or to attempt to get to tho 10th floor of an eight storey bulldlnj he said e Ifjf MiBa E fflKrarfKiS BlSKmBKKrSKmfalSB 1 ESP JSxflMyflHy HBP IBB jmRLZaatBBHHBBHLHBwBLwBJWWit Close Look at Schooling Education and labor minister Leslie Peterson takes time out of his tour of the Prince George Vocational School Wednesday to talk with students Claim For Hydro Credit Electioneering Peterson BY RON THODY Citizen Staff Writer Education and labor minister Leslie Peterson Wednesday stuck his provincial fingers into the federal election pie and came up with what he said was a lack of leadership in Ot Ottawa � tawa Mr Dlefenbaker has many fine qualities and outstanding leadership ability but when he had the opportunity to discharge the responsibilities of leader he failed rather miserably Mr Peterson said He said Prime Minister Pearson proved to be no ball of fire either A chap who is due to travel age said Mr Harkins The to a convention in Van couver received a telegram from his head office down there and it read Forget tiger in your tank put Tartan in our trunk See how dry and des parate they are down there Vice to be in PeeGee aint 4 Radio broadcasts origin- ating in Prince George should be heard as far west as Smithers and as iar south as Williams Lake by the middle of this month Bob Harkins manager of radio station CKPG said today the station will boost its power to 10000 watts on or aljout the 15th of the month The station is now broadcast broadcasting � ing at 250 watts at a Irequency of 550kilocycles The frequency will remain the same With the additional power at this irequency we will have a suli t tantial increase in cover- station is now received within a radius of only 20 miles of the city One of the most henpecked 9 men in town these days is the fellow who has the contract to clear the trees for the BC Hydro high voltage line that is to be strung down Blackburn Hoad Everytimo he has to re remove � move trees from private property the tenants insist on dittier having the wood cut up having certain young trees spared or even asking if the hydro company will plant them a ilower garden to replace the barren areas that they will have to view through their frontwin dows Wednesdays meeting of city councils general pur purposes � poses committee almost did not take place Only two aldermen and the major were present at the set time Aid Yardley was sick Aid Loder out of town arid Aid Gray wis also ill Alter some fi antic phoning IVte Iuttullu linally managed to get Aid Claire to attend the meet ll Kt there and a quotum was linally ready to net the hhow under w iv The provincial cabinet mini minister � ster here for a natural re resources � sources conference denied Mr Pearsons recent statements In Prince George that the B C Socred government cant take all the credit for the boom and the Columbia treaty He was just electioneer electioneering � ing Mr Peterson said I think any resident of the province who has followed the hydro electric policy is aware that the real leadership has come from the premier and Mr Williston I cant recall any one In the federal government taking the lead he said All theyye done in the past and this goes for both old line parties was spring a few road roadblocks � blocks up in our way Mr Peterson relaxing be before � fore touring the Prince George Vocational School with its principal George Cook said the election announcement did not surpise him But he said it comes at a bad time with redistribution of fed federal � eral riding boundaries on the books There is no reason why it redistribution couldnt have been completed next year with an election next year he said I would have said the same thing if the Premier himself had announced an election under the same circumstances Mr Peterson said corruption in high places also looms as a major Issue in the coming campaign 13 Storey Building ttizew The daily newspaper for Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 9 1965 Attempted Murder Trial Ordered Phone 5642441 ONE LOST AFTER RIVE After Two Years A man charged with attempted murder two years ago will have to stand trial in Pouce Coupe next week Municipal Vote Changes Urged Aid Ron Tweedle wants a change In the Munlcpal Act in regard to municipal elections Mr Tweedle Informed city council general purposes com mitee Tuesday that he wants a resolution brought before the annual meeting of the Union of BC Municipalities next month to change the election act Any owner elector is auto automatically � matically on the voters list Mr Tweedle said and added that his wife for instance would have to eo to city hall to reler tor vcrtl-vj-isvaaldJ have any other person who does not own property This is very inconvenient Mr Tweedle said He suggests that the resolution should re quest a change In the act to bring it in line with federal and pro provincial � vincial regulations nj unction Stops North Bus Pickets VANCOUVER CP TheBC Supreme Court Wednesday granted an injunction against the Amalgamated Transit Union CLC prohibiting its members from picketing and nuisance tactics aimed at Ca Canadian � nadian Coach ways Ltd a northern B C bus firm The Dawson Creek company in an affidavit filed in Supreme Court claimed that it has lost 30000 in ticket sales because of harrassment by transit union employees It said on several occasions buses were deliberately slowed to between five and 10 miles an hour in Prince Rupert by placard bearing cars The company also claimed that one bus was stoned and an another � other delayed 20 minutes when pickets turned up at a Canadian r nachways depot in Terrace The transit workers have been on strike against Prince Rupert Bus Lines for a month The two companies are not S1 believe LOW 39 HIGH 66 New Skyline Look Prince Georges skyline will take on a new appearance later this year with the construction of a 13 storey office building in the downtown area It will be the tallest building in the city The structure which may stretch the length of a full block will lie built on the north side of rnurtlr Ave between Quebec and Dominion Streets Its developei is Common Commonwealth � wealth Trust Co which opened a branch office in Pi inre George last year An official auuouiK enient of the building is expected early next week Fred Johnson real estate agent for Danson Agencies handling land transactions for Commonwealth said the build ing will te of a novel design It will be the kind of build lug you see only In New Voik or Montreal he said The structure will cover the whole length of the block if we can get the land he said Only one corner lot has jet to l puichased he added If we cant get that lot we will build riuht up to it The order came In an indict indictment � ment from the Attorney Gen Generals � erals office The man Jan Badon 41 was considered not fit to stand trial following the incident Nov 18 1963 and has been atRiverdale E s s o n d a 1 ej Hospital ever since Levi Allen Olsen of Prince George found out in police court today he picked the wrong place to park his car Wednesday night He parked in front of the police station It was the way he parked that aroused suspicion atanangle of 30 degrees the cars rear end blocking traffic Mr Olsen today pleaded guilty to a charge of having care and controlofhlscarwhile impaired and was fined 200 A Prince George woman was charged with impaired driving overnight following a collision at Second and Victoria Mrs Madge Wall 250 Alward was remanded in court today by Magistrate Stewart to Satur Saturday � day BC Wont Cut Works Projects VICTORIA CP Premier Bennett said Wednesday the province will not curtail any public works projects to combat escalating construction costs Mr Bennett said his govern government � ment foresaw the current boom and took it into account In budgeting for govo nnent spending He said it will be difficult to assess the effects of climbing costs on the Peace River and Columbia River hydro electric projects but finances are pretty well lined up in both Quits Politics PORT ARTHUR Ont CP Douglas Fisher New Demo Democratic � cratic Party House Leader an announced � nounced Wednesday he will not be a candidate In the Nov 8 federal election Mr Fisher said in an inter interview � view he is withdrawing from politics to be closer to his family Hj552kifi5i3iBH Empty Tables In Old Hotel MeCiillnnh f Chain Saws ZZsSft MODEL 10 World Ugh tet CHAIN SAW SEE IT NOW AT Interior Power Saw Sales and Service Ltd 140 Quebec 563 3678 IfV iuc Tnnw M 7S K MONTH copy TCWI A Burnaby man is missing and presumed drowned following a boat boating � ing mishap in the swift flowing McGregor River east of here A helicopter and two stiff wing aircraft are aiding a 12 man ground search party today in the hunt for Peter Van Dongen The search began Wednesday and was resumed this morning for Van Dongan who ran rapids in the river in a 12 foot aluminum boat with Davie West while the third mem member � ber of the party Clarence McDonald walked along he shore West a former B C Lions football player and now a sales man was found by the 12 man search party Wednesday He said after the boat cap capsized � sized he and Van Dongen swam a mile downstream in the swift current He made It to shore but the last he saw of Van Don Dongen � gen he was still swimming West said he wandered around In the bush for 46 hours but was never more than three quarters of a mile from where he male it to shore He Is In good condldtion and was taken to Sinclair Mills 40 miles east of here to rest McDonald who reported the capsizing sail It Is a miracle the shape he is in after what he went through Both mi joined in the search for their missing companion this morning The helicopter owned by Okanagan Helicopters In Prince George wai the only aircraft in the search Wednesday An unidentified private plane joined the search this morning and the Prince George RCMP I Beaver flew to the area shortly after noon today The ground party is tramping through rugged bushland on the rivers shore Two RCMP constables fram Prince George went to the scene late this morning to search the river in a sturdy riverboat As far as we can figure this Is now a case of a man drowned and not one of a man missing In bushland Staff Shortage The National Employment Service which took a buffeting Wednesday mornlig from pro v i -l-ii 1j luil n r ister Leslie Peterson admits it has fallen short of its objec objectives � tives but steps are being taken to correct it Milt Hambly assistant di director � rector for the NES Pacific re region � gion told the B C resources conference that the transfer of the NES from the Unemploy Unemployment � ment Insurance Commission to the department of labor will mean sweeping changes in policy and administration Major re - organizational problems are being attacked said Mi Humbly He said the NES Itself has had serious problems In find mr 1 PEARKES here today Pearkes To Retain Position OTTAWA CP -Lieutenant - Governor George Pearkes of British Columbia has agreed to remain in of office � fice beyond his normal term Prime Minister Pearson said Wednesday Gen Pearkes whose term was to expire shortly was asked by Mr Pearson to con consider � sider an extension when the prime minister visited Brit British � ish Columbia recently At that time the Lieutenant Governor said he would con consider � sider the request and Inform the prime minister Gen Pearkes was expected to arrive in Prince George this afternoon to attend the Natural Resources conven convention � tion presently underway at the Simon Fraser Hotel NES Executive Admits Problems ing well - qualified staff He said Mr Petersons plea that the NES become the body keeping day - by - day track of needs for professional and tech technical � nical men is a valid one This is the type of thing precisely that we are talking about said Mr Hamby The employment service of official � ficial commented that one of the major problems in expan expansion � sion of B C is getting well trained personnel into Isolated areas now being opened up Some firms said Mr Hambly take up more than the profes professional � sional people they need Over recruitment he said results from these standing orders for professional people BOOZE NEWS ITS FOR REAL Prince George heer drinkers are beginning to understand how theii parched throated friends on the Lower Mainland feel With the Vancouver beer strike ending its second week the supply of Vancouver beer has slowed to a trickle and the last bottle should be snapped up within hours The bad news National closed 1 Crolt closed McDonald closed Prince George closed Astoria closed Columbus closed And u good news Simon Fuser do draught limited supply of bottles may close today anadi wide open Kuropc wide open