Isle Pierre Ferry Has No Place fo Go Mwrri Im iiri mix frlipi 111 V n I j I I HK I J rra3MiiSitlteTgl T ivZLrSBIIIIIIIIIH sfti kHHHRDBBHH 7BBJBSJBBJB9JBBflBflBiV BBJBBJBBBbJBBJI jjHHBBBBBBBBKaHgMflYHBBBBBHBBBBBBaHn Jl VL PKMKSK 4 Vf Aa TVH - 4i iLt - vtw J1 -v 4 p y t sy J JK4liMBflBHUAHU HAJifiral 1lRaK J i 49Mfenfc9kLLdHBnHT iKilvaKwmJBJI I I II MULTI BUILDERS LTD featuring OPEN HOUSE 200 Block N Quinn Friday 6 9 pm Saturday Sunday 2 9 pm Come to view our MODERN BUNGALOWS SPLIT LEVELS - CARPORT BI LEVEL - OPEN BEAM CEILINGS For Appointment Phone HERB 563 3881 AL 564 7472 vLB Use Citizen Classifieds Still Operates Isle Pierre ferry still oper operates � ates west of Prince George but theres no where to go The ferry in the fast-flowing Nechako River is on what used to be the scenic route bypassing Highway 16 But in left photo the road has been washed out for the past three years Truscott Opinion Invited TORONTO CP Attorney General Arthur Wishart says his department Invited Profcs sor Keith Simpson ono of Brit Britains � ains leading authorities on for enslc medicine to Canada for discussions on tho Stephen Truscott case It was obligatory that wo get full and the most capablo advice on this case the attor neygeneral said In an Interview at Queens Park He said Prof Simpson had been approached by William Bowman director of public prosecutions for Ontario and asked to come to Ontario Mr Wishart said ho under stood tho defence would have at the Supreme Court of Canada hearings on the Truscott case a gentleman of similar stature to Prof Simpson Truscott now 21 was found guilty soven years ago of tho murder of Lynno Harper 12 near Clinton Ont He Is serving a life sentence in Collins Bay penitentiary at Kingston COMING EVENT The Annual picnic sponsored by the Salmon River Fnrmers Institute will be held at 2 pm Sunday at the Old Salmon Valley School grounds Ladies bring a lunch item Races games for young and old CONGRATULATIONS 1 BUILDERS ON YOUR SH0WH0MES We are proud to have installed FLOOR TILE CARPETTING CERAMIC TILES IN THESE HOMES LINO Phone 564 2957 TILE 440 - 3rd Ave I I AUTOMATION WAS CORRECT RIDGEWOOD NJ AP A case of automation at first sight Is leading a Kldprwood girl to the altar after she tried to trick the computer and failed Gall C o n 1 1 122 switched names with her Doston Unl verslty roommate Alary Mc Donald when she filled out the forms for her computer matched date a year ago The girls supplied the correct an swers with the wrong names They set out on their dou ble dates but this time under the correct names We had hardly become ac quainted when I realized I had made a mistake Miss Conti said Marys date Jim be gan to look and sound better to me by the moment THE CITIZEN Lombardi s Annual SUMMER SUIT SALE JULY 15 TO AUGUST 1 20 OFF ALL MADE-TO-MEASURE regular cloth wSBKBmm Morrisons SUIT SALE Botany1 500 Savile Row Lombardis I ffi vrir v V jjj f 1111 Third Ave SPORT JACKETS 9Q50 Regular to 55 Friday Jul 15 1966 5 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CANADA US and OVERSEAS 15 20OOO plus per year An opportunity for qualified persons to receive thorough training in the investment field with the worlds largest estate planning organization Our firm is servicing clients in 116 countries and our associates average annual earnings exceed 14000 Only people with drive ambition and desire for large income need apply Local and world wide assignments available College back background � ground desirable You are invited to attend an interview 715 p m Mon July 18 or call in person during the day una OF CANADA LTD Investors Overseas Services PHONE 563 0121 Room 202 The Inn of the North OPEN HOUSE Sunday July 16th 11 am to 5 pm Lakeshore and Semi Lakeshore Lots Financing on lots or lots with Beaver Lumber Cabin of your Choice Turn left at Jardine road and follow signs or for further information Phone 564 6821 or 564 8831 1 SUITsJl Jm 4fdBim St 4950 - 6950 - 8950 Regular Values to 1 1500 RAIN COATS 995 Vff w I ens uearf Regular to 35 I V The place to go for the brands you know TAHTAN I100M largest Selection of Suits in North Central BC Phone 564 2949