Carling Pil Vol 12 No 144 THE POLICE BEAT Wn your htStwQi favourite eer v hsplW cans This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Hospital board chairman Mike McGllllvray and ad administrator � ministrator Colin R Elliott will report to the board the result of the Mondays meeting with Health Minister Ralph Loffmark The boards regular monthly meeting is tonight Theres a kind hearted thief at work In Prince George Someone stole baby clothes from three clotheslines or a city street Wednesday but apparently they didnt want to run anybody elses babies short of clothes Instead of stealing all the clothes the person took one diaper one pair of pants and one bib from each line Sounds like the work of Superbaby AWith the mill strike running wlnto Its second week the telephone wires must be getting overloaded At least thats one explanation for a call received here this morning direct dialed from Toronto It turned out to be 16 Pages A V IKJiK9HtBstaiv - UMvfmmims tokyakv ttJ wHH 1 -4MPa JHP mj GOHBHk -msk jr f t n day from Chicago Mayor Rich ard J Daley uno declared I hope the convention uill draft Ted Kennedy for the vice-presidency DISalle also said he has re ceived favorable response from convention delegates in eight states to his proposal to nomi nominate � nate Kennedy for president There was no comment from Kennedy who has been publicly silent on all political matters since the assassination of his brother Robert last month The Kennedy candidacy re Swearing on Street Costs Two Men 50 Two men wore fined 50 each in Magistrates court this norn ing after two separate incidents of causing a disturbanca by swearing in public Glen Davidson of Prince George caused a dlsturbanc e at the Oriental Inn when he dlsout- INSIDE Ann Landers 11 Bridge 6 Comict 11 Coming Events ii Crossword 5 Editorial 2 Horoscope 11 People Mako the News 5 Salmo 10 Sporti 9 10 Stocks 4 TV 11 Womans World 6 Classified OUTSIDE General outlook is for cooler weather with isolated show showers � ers today and Friday Low last night was 47 High expected for Trlday 70 ed the price of food and Paul Quadrelll was found swearing in front of the Europe Hotel Quadrelll asked Magistrate GO Stewart if he could have three weeks to pay the fine Sure its like Slmnson- Driving without licence and being under the influence of al alcohol � cohol while operating a motor vehicle cost Andrew Morris An Anderson � derson of Prince George 110 this morning Anderson pleaded guilty to the two charges which were laid yesterday after he was found weaving across the white line on Fourth Ave A juvenile has been charged with several counts of breaking and entry place He was trying to get Ot Ottawa � tawa While everyone finds the present Postal Strike an In Inconvenience � convenience pioneer residents who were here before the com completion � pletion of the John Hart Highway recall that when mill was re received � ceived by plane there could be a six weeks lapse In mill service during break up and freeze up of the lake Ten years ago the ser service � vice was increased to two de deliveries � liveries a month and has con continued � tinued to improve Regular ser service � vice at McLeods Lake is four times a week The upheaval caused by the citys road works program Is beginning to get even City Council down Aid Harry Loder asked City engineer Ernl Obst at Mondays Council meeting When are we going to have the intersection of Fourth and Vic- torla opened up Adding sadly we navent seen a tourist In the right number but the wrong I town or the past 10 days The Citizen The Only Daily Paper Serving BCs Third Largest Market fc2 x 4rt i t i nmteijfc r pr w rv ly i y f vtaim i mi ports were the political high light in a day in vhich Hum phrey delivered a speech before the International Platform Asso ciation in Washington and Re publican presidential hopefuls Ronald Reagan and Nelson Rockefeller toured in the South and Midwest Humphreys major rival for the Democratic nomination Senator Eugene J McCarthy tended to Senate affairs while leading Republican contender Richard Nixon vacationed in California A confidential report to Rock efeller supporters lists an optl mistic 350 votes for the New York governor on the first ballot at the Republican nominating convention which opens in Miami Beach Aug 5 It con concedes � cedes 515 to Nixon of the 6G needed for nomination It puts California governor Reagan at 280 and lists 188 for favorito sons Although Kentucky Senator Thruston Morton vice chairman of the Rockefeller drive denied any RockefellerReagan coall tion to stop Nixon the confiden tial report forecast a movement on the second ballot away from Sears here the magistrate said Nixon and toward the two gov Doth aerendants nave until Aug clUiB auuui cuai uui 1 5 to pay the fines tions serious effect on our young men and women the 72yearold Diefenbaker here on a holiday trip said in an Interview Ive always opposed censor censorship � ship he added as he relaxed In a West End hotel before attend lng a royal garden party but when greedy men who produce these things let licence take the place of liberty then Its time to act in the interests of the state The tremendous Increase in crime In the last 10 years In Canada and the United States underlines the necessity of ac tion Today the courts give such a liberal interpretation to obsceni ty that Its virtually a licence to publish anything I want to deote myself to drafting legislation which while maintaining freedom wont con PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA THURSDAY JULY 25 1 968 4 l m 4U ec fcj1 iS rVAi mm u SAV- - ji v r - iAl re- Stf itV 1 41UH if Uit4 Letters for Winner Letters of confirmation held by Margery Knon are the open sesame to an all-expenses-paid trip to Vancouver and seats to a Canadian Football League game for the lucky couple who win door prize at the fifth annual Sportsmans Dinner this Friday The round trip to Van Vancouver � couver is made possible through the co operation of Canadian Pacific Airlines Delta Hotels which will pio- m t MS4 - w iortrr 4 m M i rn4V l -1 llu - r vide the overnight accommodation at the Airport Inn Vancouver and The Citizen which will provide tickets to the football game The dinner sponsored by the Shrine Club and the Knights of Columbus is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 630 pm at the Inn of the North Duffy photo Kennedy Support Grows WASHINGTON AP - Sup Support � port is reported growing among some leaders of the Democratic party or a possible spot on the national ticket for Senator Edward M Kennedy of Massachusetts Former Ohio governor Mi chael V DISalle said Wednes day many party leaders sup supporting � porting Vice President Hubert H Humphrey for the top spot have told him they would back Kennedy as a running mate Kennedys possible candidacy also got a strong boost Wednes An Associated Press compila compilation � tion showed Nixon leading with 548 Rockefeller with 19G while 295 are pledged to favorite sons and 236 are uncommitted EDWARD KENNEDY possible candidate i m m l ink r H Diefenbaker Leads Fight Against Obscene Books LONDON CP John DIef enbaker will launch a crusade In Canadas new parliament against obscenity The former Progressive Con servatlve prime minister said today he plans to draft a bill to eliminate licence frompubll cations and broadcasts and hopes the government will allow it to go before a parliamentary committee for study Pornography In books and magazines and filth terror and horror broadcasts are having a Phone 562 2441 FREIGHT EXPRESS HECTIC orrict so net o tmiho avcnuc PRiNCt ctonrt c ioefts Rentals Ltd YOUR LOCALLY OWNED RENTAL CENTRE iS 10c Copy tt Substitute Transport Overloaded with Mail by CON JACKSCN Prince George s communica communication � tion services are being stretch stretched � ed to the limit by the increased load Imposed by the Postal Work Workers � ers strike Freight and express services too are feeling the effects of the mail stoppage with air freight out of the city doubling and trip tripling � ling stitute an open season for lted Scotland to dedicate memo greedy men Id hope It will not rials to Sir John A Macdonald be allowed to die In the House the Selkirk settlers of the Prair The veteran politician looked les and a Scottish ancestor of relaxed and carefree the day Ms own He plans to fly to Can after returning with Mrs Dlef ada Sunday enbaker from a vacation visit to A concern of the former Con Switzerland Before that he vis I HP SSM JOHN DIEFENBAKER against pornography servatlve chief during his stay here he revealed is for an early visit to Canada by the Prince of Wales though he re fused to say whether he would take protocol by the horns now that he has no official standing and bring up the subject when he has tea with the Queen In the VIP tent at Buckingham Pal ace But I would like at the ear llest possible date a visit from Prince Charles he said It may not be feasible until after he Is Invested as Prince ol Wales next July but I think it should be as soon as possible It would be another move In cementing ties with the mon archy without which we would not have survived Independently of the United States Besides his visit to Buckii ham Palace Diefenbaker has a considerable calling list for his London stay He plans to look up Conservative leader Edward Heath Lord Carrlngton Tory leader In the House of Lords and former Conservative prime ministers Harold Macmlllan and Lord Avon Anthony Eden With the strike now a week old communications and trans transport � port officials believe they could receive even higher loads if the stoppage continues for any time On Monday BC Telephone recorded a 27 per cent increase from the normal 155000 calls to 196998 throughout the province In Prince George the rise was POSTAL PICKET LINES BLOCK PAY CHEQUES OTTAWA iCP Monday is pay day for strik striking � ing postal workers in Ottawa but local union leader Fern Lechance says his men wont collect their cheques The reason the strikeis will have to cross their own picket lines to be paid The strikers have three days pay coming for work done prior to the strike They are trying to make us look like a bunch of fools Mr Lechance said We will not cross picket lines to pick up thiee days of lousy pay A union suggestion that the cheques be dis distributed � tributed outside the picket lines was rejected by the post office Viets Downgrade Cong over Talks PARIS AP - North Viet Vietnam � nam has apparently enlarged Its room for manoeuvre in peace negotiations b y downgrading slightly the Viet Congs pro gram for South Vietnams fu ture A lessening of the Importance Hanoi has attached to the National Liberation Front could contribute to progress toward ending the war at some later stage of the peace talks But it leaves the deadlock over stop stopping � ping the bombing of the North and de escalating the conflict In the South On the bombing Issue the North Vietnamese are holding to their demand that President Johnson end all attacks on their territory without any cut in their military operations In re return � turn The United States has been equally Insistent that North Vietnam must show some military restraint US officials came here in early May believing that North Vietnam would eventually shift its position on the bombing Now they are beginning to reas reassess � sess their judgment Some of President Johnsons advisers are known to advocate that he stop all remaining at attacks � tacks on the North in return for minimum reciprocity Ambassador Xuan Thuy re Iterated In the 14th session of the Paris talks Wednesday that no other subjects could be dis discussed � cussed until all attacks on North Vietnam cease Nevertheless other subjects were discussed Ambassador W Averell Har riman told Thuy that If he ever wants to make any progress to toward � ward a peaceful settlement North Vietnam will have to ac cept the government of South Vietnam In a peace making role Thuy said last week his gov ernment would never negotiate with the Saigon regime I However when Harrlman asked Thuy whether Hanoi is I shifting Its policy on the peace making role of the Liberation Front he received a response which suggested to US officials that Hanois policy has altered slightly to provide negotiating flexibility Thuy told Harrlman that the fronts program constituted a correct political line corre corresponding � sponding to the legitimate de- sires of the South Vietnamese people The program Is a lengthy plan for reorganizing South Vietnam under a new government In which the front would hold major power For years North Vietnam has said In Its own peace program that the future settlement In the South must be made In accordance with the NLF program a point which the United States always reject rejected � ed not so dramatic with calls out of the city reaching 8861 compared with a normal day of 7553 C N Telecommunications manager here R T Clements described the first week of the strike as hectic Clements originally Intended to run the Prince George office Settlement Optimism Increases OTTAWA CP The nation al postal strike began its second week today amid optimism that a settlement on working condi tlons may be not far off The key wage Issue still has not come up In the prolonged me dlatlon effort Government negotiators spent all day Wednesday studying a long list of proposals by the Council of Postal Unions on amendments to a conciliation board report setting out recom mended revisions In working rules Another session with the me dlator Judge Rene Llppe of Montreal had been scheduled Wednesday night but was called off when the government team asked for more time to prepare its reply to the union document and the cojncll team wanted more time to consider proposals advanced so far Judge Llppe said he was not surprised at the request In view of the long list of items in volved and rescheduled the session for 10 am EDT today Earlier in the day Roger Decar ie co chairman of the 24000 member union council said he expected the mediation talks would reach a crucial point today on the complicated dls pute over working conditions I think well have good news he added Victim Tells Rape Details with existing staff but has since had to employ extra operators Business has almost doubled from normal he said Most of the extra messages are the transfer of money or in information � formation essential to business he explained many being inter interoffice � office messages that would nor normally � mally be handled by mall CPAs express service is handling 200 to 300 per cent more packages already with daily express cargoes still increas increasing � ing according to the airlines sales manager here Ken Bishop But most of the extra packages are small Items going at the minimum express rate of 4 he said Special onion bagsaie being Uised to handle the extra freight and Bishop feels further in increases � creases are likely if the strike lasts much longer Chances of an early strike settlement appear remote and the local postal workers seem prepared to face a long seige Letter Carriers Local secre secretary � tary CS Peaker reports everything under control and said there are no signs of wav wavering � ering among the strikers So far none of the Prince George strikers are suffering any serious hardship in spite of the lack of a strike fund he said Each individual Is respon responsible � sible for his own home If we do get any serious hardship It might be possible to get aid some somewhere � where Plcketers continue to pace outside the main post office on Fifth Avenue and the mall ter mnal building on Fifteenth and Nicholson Union officials say there is still a possibility that businesses dealing with what they call hot mail may be picketed They are still awaiting a directive from Ottawa or Vancouver Both Letter Carriers presi president � dent Norm Siefert and secretary Peaker have heard rumours that some businesses are beingpick eted in Vancouver If they are given the go ahead the samewill happen here they say Peaker said the local strikers i have been morally strength ened by the stand the Govern m3nt has taken on the mail stop stoppage � page Seifert warned that some of the postal workers would find The preliminary hearing of I Jt71 c luc ru five Prince George mon facmglP030 gather than face charges of raping a 35-year-old I haruship in a prolonged woman in the city on June 13 stPPaee went into its second day today District Magistrate JH Ken- ney heard evidence from the complainant in the case a mar- i ried woman with seven children I During the morning she des- crlbed the events of the night of June 13 which led to her com- plaint to police of being raped Facing the hearing are Alex- ander Jimes Bird 33 Gerald Wayne Olson 34 William May- j nard Isblster 20 Malcolm Murray Thompson 28 and Donald i Baker 28 i Biafran Corridor Given Approval NIAMEY Niger AP Agreement has been reached on establishing a mercy corridor through federal Nigerian lines to fly desperatelyneeded food supplies to starving Biafran se cesslonlsts The agreement was reached i here Wednesday night between a negotiating committee com prising Nigerians and Blafrans It has to be ratified by the full delegations GIRLS HEAR VIRGIN MONTREAL CP - Six girls ranging in age from seven to 13 say the Virgin Mary appeared to them in the sky over suburban St Bruno Monday an evening when met meteorologists � eorologists say unusual storm cloud formations were visible over the area The girls are Manon Lucie and Trance Saint Jean aged 13 10 and seven respectively Danielle Vincent 11 and Lou Louise � ise and Line Grlse 12 and nine Manon an Line told news newspaper � paper men Wedncday they spoke with the Virgin and she replied to them in a soft slow voice advising them to pray and promising to return Mon Monday � day Oct 7 at the same time the setting of the sun The four other girls said they had not heaid the Virgin NO MOD IN MALAWI JOHANNESBURG AP The mlnlsklrf still stirs pas slons In Africa The Malawi News official organ of President Hastings K Bandas Malawi Congress party says All we want Is the nakedness to stop at once We will not tolerate anyone who comes here to corrupt our girls Minlsklrts were outlawed In Malawi four months ago Kenyas defence minister Dr NJoroge Mungal says minlsklrts wigs and other mod fashions are an affront If to the dignity and purpose of African society Minlsklrts have been brand ed un Zamblan In Zambia Militant youth wing members of the ruling United National Independence party cam campaigning � paigning against the fashion have been knoun to rip mini skirts from girls on city streets conservative governments in Africa view the mini as a left wing symbol of revolt Leftleanlng governments say It exemplifies right wing deca decadence � dence Minlsklrts were blamed for widespread rioting In Ethiopia last April In which 50 persons were Injured 100 vehicles de stioyed and the schools closed for two weeks Demonstrations designed to prevent a fashion show by university faculty wives most mostly � ly Americans sparked the riots Student dissatisfaction and vague political unrest is believed at the bottom of the mlnl sklrt riots Minlsklrts also have been condemned In the Congo Re public Brazzaville Uganda Tanzania and elsewhere i