Brewed with pure spring Ji7T iL MiL fe wuier iiuiii me mumii another Br from Vol 12 No 178 a Overheard in a well known w city hotel recent Tell m now drawled the American tourist having Just stepped down from his charabanc and entering the souvenir shop What Is the most Interesting thing ya got In this town of yours0 There was a short silence Wore the gli I behind the counter replied tourists Aurora School has now se- cured a qualified teaching staff and classes will resume at the school at a m Monday ri the first day clase- will U heli only from 9 am to noon A Tartan Brewing Ltd IW Prince George B C lk3 This advertisement is not published or v -r displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the V Government ot British Columbia 28 Pages Bob left and Keith Wilson right welcome brother Terry back from Vietnam Meredith Smith photo Veteran of Vietnam Has Reunion Here by CON JACKSON A year with the US Marines in Vietnam aouIcI be quite enough He returned to the city where for most people but not for Cor- he worked for an industrial supply poral Terry Wilson of Prince urm Deiore signing up lor the who returned home this morning The slight soft spoken 27 ear old corporal declared a few minutes after stepping off the plane at Prince George for a months leave this morning I intend to go back He was mft at the airport by his two yoanger brothers Keith and Dob who took him to the home of his parents Mr and Mis Kenneth Wilson of the Wilson Subdivision Corp Wilson spent most of his boyhood in Prince George Marchers Seek Bilingualism OTTAWA CP Thousands of Montreal pai cnts and school children pazaded quietlj around Patllament Hill today demand ing bilingual schools In Quebec The column of placard-car-rylng marchers grew steadily as busload after busload from Montreal unloaded protesters at the foot of the Hill The delegation expected to number about 000 Is protest protesting � ing first moves in the Montreal suburb of it Leonard to make the language of school instiuc tion French only The Citizen The Only Daily Paper Serving BCs Third Largest Market and later spent three years expert with a rifle and a pistol with the Canadian Navy I sharpshooter Marines During the year he was there Corp Wilson saw his share of action in the Vietnam war as shown by the decorations on his uniform Among them are a Vietnam Campaign Medal bearing two stars one for his part In the Tet Offensive early this year the other for fighting in the de defence � fence of Da Nang Another of his decorations is the Presidential Unit Citation received for a battle in which his outfit H Company 2nd Dataalion of the 3rd Marines opened a besieged road to Khe Sanh He also wears a Purple Heart I Corp Wilson plans another six month stint In Vietnam before going to the US There he will take advantage of ser servicemens � vicemens scholarships to fur further � ther his education possibly In a commercial flight school W hat does he Intend to do dur during � ing his months leave in Piince George9 Have a ball was the simple reply recalling the tlmo whenhewas i year was forecast Thursday in travelling In a tracked amphibian the speech from the throne at vehicle that drove ovei a mine Parts of the mine went into his back They used to bury the mines In the road every night ex explained � plained Corp Wilson Then our minesweepers would pick them up each imrnlng But after a while they got cunning They had the holes al already � ready dug and waited until the minesweeper went bylxfore they planted the mines In addition he wears decora decorations � tions that prove him both an Who has the wrong size raincoat A Prince George woman picked up a cream color colored � ed raincoat when leaving a coffee party Tuesday leaving her own In Its place ijer problem a ill be when she tries it on since It Is an 18 Instead of her own 14 Any woman with a sagging cream the opening of Parliament The throne speech said legis legislation � lation will be Introduced to correct a number of particular injustices including those re resulting � sulting from certain provisions of the Industrial delations and Disputes Investigation Act During the last session the government Introduced an IRDI amendment to revise the struc tute of the Canada Labor Rela tlins Board and Insert Into tho act a reference to the certifica certification � tion of regional bargaining units It came under strong attack fr ii the c anadlan Labor Con Congress � gress tnd Its affiliated unions whi said it was designed to break up Jung established nation U bargaining systems Tin LLC chirged that the bill was a sellout to the Confedera Confederation � tion of National Hade Unions which had been trlng unsuc cessfully for years to take Que bc rKers out of rntJonal bar colored colored ra raincoat lneoa may may cal can 564- m gaining units unjU In Jn Uij the c c DC BC awJ and Q on a Prices sure are low at w Beaver Tall Indian bale but the are not as low as The Citlen suggested Wednesday In their full page ad However the 14 -3 maiiufactuied garage is till a real steal at 48 the railways Debate In the ommons and In a committee stalled the bill c 180 tnd It was eliminated by dissulutlon of Parliament for the June 2 ejection The Ml had lobbied fur rnoje thin a jeai atainst tho PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12 1968 MAGISTRATE DISMISSES MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE A charge of manslaughter against Wayne Harold McConache was dismissed by city Magis Magistrate � trate George O Stewart Wednesday after a two day preliminary hearing of the case McConachie 20 had been charged with the April rifle slaying of Joseph Jean Robillard in an Upland Street residence The magistrate said Robillard had obviously broken into the home against the will of Mc McConachie � Conachie and a juvenile girl Throne Speech Sets Aim High OTTAWA CP The Tru deau government said Thurs Thursday � day it is deeply committed to creation of a just society but warned that the goal cannot be accomplished overnight In the speech from the throne ready by Governor -General Michener at the opening of the 28th Parlia Parliament � ment the government set out a list of backlog measures it hopes to pass this session As Prime Minister Tru deau had forecast the speech contained little new or surpri surprising � sing But it did include a preview of long range aims Removal of the substantial legislative backlog it said will free Parliament so that it can come to grips with dif difficult � ficult and pressing problems relating to youth poverty re regional � gional disparities urban labor boaids repeated itfusal to allow established national units to be broken up in any way It said Quebec workers were being denied the right to belong to the union of their free choice During protracted hearings in the Commons transport commit committee � tee opponents of the bill em emphasized � phasized that Jean Marchand former president of the CNTU had become a major flguie in the federal cabinet and accused him of drafting the bill The CNTU came to the com committee � mittee with a warm endorsatlon of the bill the only union organ organization � ization do so Moie than 20 other unions criticized It some In violent terms The throne speech Indicated that i elntroducthn of the bill will be separate from a majoi overhaul of fedetil labor law expected next winter after a special four man commission completes a twoyeir study of the Issues Involved Proposals arising from the commission report will be brought before Parliament as soon as possible It said Skull Crushed NEW WLSTMIKSTEH CP Jiaclng ddvei Lamont Biooks 34 killed Sunday when tin own fiomhls cai at Westwood tiack coqultlam died of extensive head lnjuilos growth Individual welfare and the application and en encouragement � couragement of scientific technologv The speech did not make clear whether measures on these problems will be brought down in the current session But it said the government has planned its program for the session in the context of a Parliament of normal dura duration � tion Solutions to these problems can only be achieved on the basis of co operation with provincial and municipal gov governments � ernments the speech said In this connection it re revived � vived a proposal by former prim minister Pearson for an institute to carry on long term research and thinking into governmental matters of all kinds Institute Mooted ihe speech did not say that such an Institute would be set up however but only that it would be useful to have oae available to all govern governments � ments The 3000 word speech read in alternating English and Trench to senators and MPs assembled in the Senate chamliei said there are great expectations across Canada of what the 28th Parliament will produce But it cautioned It is a simple fact of life that everything cannot be done at once The speech sketched plans for legislation on a number of matters left over from the last Parliament or promised dur during � ing the June election cam campaign � paign They included reform of the Criminal Code an offi official � cial languages bill leview of prices and costs consumer protection manpower pro programs � grams and a regional de development � velopment department The speech also touched on individual freedonn and ef efforts � forts to combat poverty but cautioned that there is no in instant � stant lemedy for poverty It said My government is deeply concerned to provide and to ensure increased justice Controversial Bill Raises Union Ire OTTVWA CCP - Revival of a controversial labor bill that aroused a national uproar amona trade unions earlier this dignity and recognition to the individual particularly in an age which is characterized by large governments indus industrial � trial automation social regi regimentation � mentation ind old fashioned laws A great deal had been ac accomplished � complished In recent years to make Canadian society more just In terms of income dis distribution � tribution and security but po poverty � verty continued to exist My government recog recognizes � nizes that but it also believes it would be deluding and cruel to pretend that there Is a sim simple � ple all-encomuas-jine or in instantaneously � stantaneously effective rem remedy � edy Poverty could only be dealt with through determined ac action � tion by all governments but the federal government would take the lead wherever It could properly do so through the re regional � gional development depart m nt Other measures relating to a just society would include the Criminal Code amend amendments � ments new protections for consumers and Investors up-to-date food drug and health legislation changes In the machinery of justice and re removal � moval of injustices involving labor The last item referred to revival of a controversial bill to change the structure of the Canada Laboi Relations Board and insert in laboi law a reference to regional bar bargaining � gaining unts The throne speech also laid heavy stress on productivity saying Canada could not have the basis of a poverty free society unless It maintained an efficient competitive and productive economy It was in this context that proposals would ba Intro Introduced � duced for a systemitic and continuous review of prices and costs In our economy Phone 5622441 orrict 3i in o turno vtnut PRINCt ctonst B c lioefts Rentals Ltd YOUR LOCALLY OWNED RENTAL CENTRE Commons Opens With Ceremony Cong Back Out SAIGON AP Two small skirmishes were reported on the fringes of Tay Ninh City tcday and Viet Cong troops ambushed a United States convoy farthei out But US advisers said it appears that Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces have pulled back for the moment The fighting was reported on the southwestern and southeast southeastern � ern edges of the city as 2000 South Vietnamese paratroops and marines swept through areas that Viet Cong and North Vietnamese infiltrators had oc occupied � cupied Wednesday Fourteen Viet Cong troops and one American soldier were reported killed today in the am ambush � bush of the US convoy South Vietnamese headquar ters said 22 Viet Cong soldiers have been killed In fighting at Tay Ninh 45 miles northwest of Saigon since Wednesday Gov Government � ernment losses were put at 13 killed and 91 wounded Elsewhere Viet Cong gunners shelled Plelku capital of the central highlands Viet Cong gunners slammed 80 mortar rounds into Pleiku and three US bases In the area U S headquarters said five South Vietnamese civilians were wounded Inside the city while US military casualties and damage wen light Soviets Pull Out Of Czech Cities PRAGUE AP Most occupa tion troops appeared today to be withdrawing from Czechoslova klas major cities to new posi positions � tions In the countryside Down Downtown � town Piague was generally clear of Russian tanks for the first time since the Invasion three weeks ago The Soviets during the night evacuated the capitals last tank encampment in a park between the main railway station and St Wenceslas Square Similar evacuations were re ported from Bratislava Koslce and Brno the latter preparing for several thousand foreign vis visitors � itors to its annual international ti ade fair starting Sunday A number of planes were heard taking off from Prague during the night This could in indicate � dicate a thinning out of the So vlet troops but there was no immediate confirmation INSIDE Ann Landers 1 1 Bridge 27 Comics 22 Coming Events 5 Crossword 6 Editorial 2 Eric Nicol 28 Horoscope 22 People Make the News S Salmo 27 Sports 15 16 Stocks 4 T V 22 Womans World 8 Classi Classified � fied 20 24 OUTSIDE Showers and thunder showeis can be expected over the ai ea today and tomorrow Last night s low was 43 Torecast low tonight and high tomorrow 40 and CO OTTAWA CP Lucien Lamoureux was re elected speaker of the commons today as Canadas 28th Parlia Parliament � ment opened in a mood of eas -going friendliness The Independent member for Stormont Dundas was saluted from all sides of the House- as he was ushered to the Speakers chair by Prime Minister Trudeau and Op Opposition � position Leader Stanfield Leaders of all three opposition parties praised Mr Lamoureux but called for change in the method of his appointment Mr Trudeau with a large or ange flower In his lapel opened the session by nominating Mr Lamoureux He said the Speak Speakers � ers position as an Independent would Improve the work of the House Mr Stanfield In seconding the nomination piaised Mr La moureuxs tact and diplomacy but called for early considera consideration � tion of a method of choosing a Speaker that would be free of partisan considerations Mr Lamoureux a bilingual 18 year old lawyer from Corn wall was elected as a Liberal MP In 19C2 and was elected Speaker lnlOGG In the June 25 election he ran as an Independent In StormonU Dundas and was opposed only by an NDP candidate Mr Stanfield noted that his own party had not opposed Mr Lamoureux in the Interests of having a non partisan Speaker But he said the electors of the constituency should not be for forgotten � gotten David Lewis NDP parliamen parliamentary � tary leader also said that no constituency should be de deprived � prived of an election contest Governor General Roland Michener officially oined the parliamentary session at noon when senators and Mos gath ered in the Senate cha ber to hear the speech from the throne This is the tra traditional � ditional statement by the gov government � ernment of legislation that it plans to put before Parliament Mr Trudeaus administration is the first majority government to face Parliament since 19C2 The Liberals got 155 members into the 264 seat Commons in the June 25 general election This resulted among other things In a minor seating prob problem � lem There are only 138 seats to the right of the Speakers throne where the government benches are situated Conservative whip Thomas Bell said Wednesday night his party has agreed to a seating arrangement PRIME MINISTER opens session Rain Slows Excitement At Opening OTTAWA CP A heavy rain failed to dampen spirits Wednesday night as dozens of new MPs and their wives proud proudly � ly paraded to Rideau Hall foi the first social big event of the parliamentary season a glitter ing ball Pierre Elliott Trudeau rame stag and delighted the ladies by dancing with as many as he could before the foi mal affair ended at 130 am The bachelor prime ministers partner in one fast number was Mrs Roland Michener the host hostess � ess who wore a pale blue gown of satin duchesse The Mlcheners held what was described by a Government House spokesman as the first ball to be held on the eve of a parliamentary opening Usually a dinner and reception is given by the Governor General There were about 550 guests including Robert L Stanfield and his wife Mary John Dlefen baker and his wife Olive IWA Meet Split On Leadership VANCOUVER CP Intro ductlon of two resolutions at the Western Canadian convention of the International W oodw oi kers of America Wednesday gave some delegates another chance to snipe at rival leadership slates One l esolutlon approved des despite � pite demands fiom several men that the question be handled Immediately calls foi a special convention no later than Jan 31 to deal with the unions depleted sti Ike fund Einle Tieer president of the loggers local and a backer of Syd Thompson ilval to regional piesident Jack Moore said the question should be delayed so membeis wouldnt be confused by sti ike fund and election votes at the same convention Max Salter president of the Courtenay local on Vancouver Island said the Thompson rreer slate of candidates is afraid that a strike fund assessment vote might hinder its chances of being elected Mr Treer Intioduced the sec ond motion that said the IWA newspaper is being used as a campaign Instrument by cer tain regional officers Thatwas a reference to the Incumbent Moore slate of officers TOP BILLING GIVEN POVERTY OTTAWA CP- The Eco Economic � nomic Council of Canadas repoit on poverty Is likely to become one of the big political topics cf the new pai lla mentary session opening to today � day Prime Minister Trudeau told a news conference Wed Wednesday � nesday the government has spent two months working on the creation of a new de department � partment of regional develop development � ment He said earlier thatpo veity will be one of tho subjects touched on In the throne speech written by the government to open the ses slon But the council says the problem of povetty Is per pervasive � vasive In Canada and more than simply jeglonal A set of anti poverty poll- cies directed towards majot groups or googiaphlcal areas showing a very high Inci Incidence � dence of low Incomes would almost certainly fail to deal adequately with poverty the report said The council since its in inception � ception five years ago has been trying to get more at attention � tention In parliament Its first chairman John J Duetsch now principal of Queens University started tho pro process � cess and his successor Ar Arthur � thur JR Smth Is carrying on Council sources say the re poit Issued last week call calling � ing the extent of poverty In Canada a national disgrace was not Inspired by Prlmo Minister TriKleaus advocacy of a Just Society The fact that It bolsters one of his main political goals Is coin coincidental � cidental the soutces say The councils decision to concentrate on poveity In Its 19C8 leport was taken about 18 months ago The council already is working on its I960 report which will deal with projected demands lnthe economy for the next decade Tho councils studyofpov erty In fact stems fiom the fifth of tho goals It set out In Its first report Issued in Jan uaiy 1905 Those goals are full employment a high rato of economic growth reason reasonable � able stability of prices a viable balance of payments and an equitable distribution of ilslng incomos All these must be achiev achieved � ed the council says if Can ada Is to enjoy the bene benefits � fits of employing its econo economic � mic potential fully Poverty is one aspect of achieving an equitable distribution of ris rising � ing Incomes as Is overcom overcoming � ing regional economic dis disparity � parity a subject dealt with by the council in its fourth report last year Last weeks ropoit said poverty In Canada Is real Its numbeis ate not In the thousands but In the mil millions � lions There Is moie of It than oui society can tolerate more than oui economy can affotd and fai more than existing measures and ef efforts � forts can cope with Its persistence at a time when the bulk of Canadians enjoy one oftho highest stand standards � ards of living In the world Is a disgrace