Inside today Smirking MONTREAL CP - A cocky Paul Rose had a brief verbal ex exchange � change with Coroner Jacques Trahan when he appeared in court Tuesday He appeared with his brother Jacques and Francis Slmatd in court with seven other persons They are to testify Monday Led by a QPP constable Paul nose swaggered into the court room with a smirk that re mained on his face throughout the brief appearance Asked If he had a lawyer he shot back a no He then asked special coroner Jacques Trahan to reopen an in quest into the Oct 7 19C9 death of QPP Constable Robert Dumas The officer was shot at the Murray Hill taxi companys garage at the height of a dem onstration during the Montreal police strike I would like to request the resumption of the Murray Hill iT WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 30 1970 a Business 5 Classified w 13 14 15 Comics 12 Crossword 12 Editorial 4 Home and family 6 Horo Horoscope � scope 12 Second front 9 Sports 10 11 Television 12 C3 -Of -ml -Wt Ei 3 Happy New Year Weather a Mostly sunn with a few snow flui r les W lnds south 20 Lows tonifcht 10 to 15 Snowdons together LONDON VP - Lord Snow don left hospital today with Princess Margartt at his side and the looked just about the happiest married couple in the world The 40 year old brother-in-law of the Queen has undertone minor surtery and missed the Roal Tamilys traditional Christmas celebrations at Wind Windsor � sor C astle a Foimei Prince George re resident � sident Rube Cain who now lives in Foit Nelson uses a mesh screen on the front of his new cai to ward off rocks from the Uuska highway Vhen asked by a seivice station attendant why he uses a bug screen in the mid middle � dle of winter Rube said Man when those frozen grasshoppeis hit theyre just like bullets A The Christmas period is proving exceptional hard on the senior citizens and handi handicapped � capped at the Rainbow Hostel on Liard Drive Some youths drop dropped � ped by the hostel last night and began tearing the Christmas dec decorations � orations and lights downfromthe roof dnd front lawn Since few at the hostel are capable of te pairlng the damage they hope the kids will leave the lights alone so they can have a display for I je YearS a A letter from CDC publicity w manager Dennis ONeill in informed � formed the White Spruce Winter Carnival the Friendly Giant Bob Homme could not make a public appearance at the winter car carnival � nival in January Personal ap appearances � pearances would spoil his inquest Rose told Judge Tra han with a grin The judge snapped back say ing 1 am in charge of these proceedings ou are being held on a warrant Signed by Choquette Rose interrupted No signed by me replied Judge Trahan You will appear Monday to testify before the regular session of the Laporte inquest As for today this is all As Rose responded with a mocking little bow the coroner added sharply If youre polite with us we will be polite with jou Simard was next to be led to the stand Sporting a thin beard and dressed in a grey work shirt and dark trousers he stood with arms folded across his chest his expression some where between grlmness and anger tt fwgsm n - oco ie r I iS I VOI 1H INU M lO rdgSS v V Massy Franco bows to appeals MADRID Reuter - Gen Francisa Franco tonight reprieved six Basque nationalist guerrillas condemned to death by firing squad Bowing to world opinion and to the economic and political realities of Europe the 78 year old general reduced the nine death sentences levied against the Basques b a military court martial in Burgos to 30 years imprisonment The official announcement that the aged Spanish leader was saving the outhful Basques came after Franco met with his cabinet for the second straight daj The decision also represented a victory for liberals in hiscabi let Lt Gen Tomas Garcia Re bull commander of the Burio military region had earlier con firmed the death sentences The legal department of Bur gos divisional milltar head headquarters � quarters earliei todav finished its task of studying the sent sentences � ences analysing observations on them submitted by defence lawers and drawine up an ad- I visor report officials said The sentences then went for I confirmation to Garcia Rebull I who signed them immediateh The confirmed sentences are I being delivered to the arm I minister in Madri 1 Lt oen Juan Castanon who will offi officially � cially notifv the cabinet of them the officials said Tranco held urgent talks with the cabinet Tuesdav and the ad visor Council of the Realm The head of state was expected to make his annual vear end ad dress on television tonight Word of a decision on the sentences being possible tonight came amid a new wave of pro tests overnight in Spain most of them church sit ins which added weight to a worldwide outcn over the severitv of the verdicts announced two days ago b a milltan court in Bur sOS Nine othei terrorists re celved ions prison terms illusion the lettei stated Little children would nevei teel the same about his show once1 thty see he b not a giant a It must have been someone w with a heart of stone who abanonded the male beagle cum spaniel near theii farm on the Hart Highway says Mrs Ole Johnson The Johnsons who al already � ready have all the animals they can handle have taken the young black-and-white dog to the city pound if anyone is interested in acquiring an Ideal pet 0 Now theyre stealing snow snowmobiles � mobiles George Mathers of 258 Johnson had his stolen from the front of the house Monday night I suspect theyre cat burglars George noted wryly with a passing reference to the make of his machine A Newlywed Peter Symoas en w dured an unhappy note while on his honeymoon skiing at Jas Jasper � per the other day Peter came off the mountain with a broken i arm and a broken nose after a spectacular spill Pete wed Scot Scotlands � lands gift to Canada the former Anne McSheaffrey on Boxing Day Hes home nursing his wounds today When asked if he had a law jer he shot back I dont want one Then Jacques Rose diessed in a light blue shirt and blue jeans took the stand and spent most of his time looking around the courtroom He winked at someone in the crowd Asked whether he had an at torney he replied I havent asked for one He was then led out of the courtroom A stolen food delivery truck found Oct 22 in St Luc 20 miles southeast of Montreal touched off a chain of events that ultimately led to the arrest Monday of Paul and Jacques Rose and Francis Simard The three were sought In connection with the kidnapping and slaying of Quebec Labor Minister Pierre Laporte I suspected the Front de Lib Liberation � eration du Quebec kidnappers hal exchange with coroner might be hiding in my town when we found the truck emp emptied � tied of its contents Police Chief Alain Dufresne of St Luc said In an interview The Rose brothers and Si Simard � mard picked up In a raid on an isolated farmhouse appeared Tuesday at a special coroners inquest and were given formal notice that they are being held as material witnesses In the murder of Mr Laporte In a 30 second appearance a formality the three were told they are being held under Canada-wide warrants issued Nov 5 They are to be brought before the coroners inquest into the death of Mr Laporte when it re reopens � opens next Mondav The labor minister was kid kidnapped � napped from his suburban St Lambert home Oct 10 and found In the trunk of a car eight days later near the St Hubert Canadian Armed forces base strangled by a chain he wore around his neck I found it odd that all that was missing in the truck were the groceries Mr Dufresne said He notified the provincial po lice and the RCMP and the fol following � lowing day Oct 23 they made a search of all the buildings on De Grandpre road where the farmhouse is located The search party had to break open the back door when they entered the farmhouse Chief Dufresnes suspicions were aroused even more when he and the other members of the raiding party found no one in the house the kitchen stove on and the refrigerator door left partly open We didnt stay In the house long he said because we had other buildings to search When he did not get any com complaint � plaint from the tenant of the itizen Going after his wages the hard way husky Moose ac cepts a cheque from Bob Cook to finance the B C Sled Dog Championship Races to be held in Prince George Moscow appeal Defence as MOSCOW CP - Defence lawyers fox the 11 defendants convicted In the Leningrad hl j Jacking trial appealed to the Su preme Court of the Russian Tedtratlon today for milder punishment because of the exceptional circumstances of I the case an infoj mant reported The Informant Soviet physl cist Dr Andrei Sakliarov a leader of the Movement for Lib Liberalization � eralization in Soviet Society spoke to reporters and relatives of the defendants outside the courthouse after the hearing re- cessed for the day Two Soviet Jews convicted of planning to hijack a Soviet air liner were sentenced last Thurs Thursday � day to death by firing squad and nine other defendants seven of them Jews were given labor camp terms ranging from four to lSyears Sakharov said defence law yers asked the court to invoke Article 43 of the Russian crlml nal code which piovldes for milder punishment than prov provided � ided by law when exceptional circumstances permit The exceptional c l r c u m stances in this case apparently are the fact that nine of the 11 defendants are Jewish and were trying to circumvent the Soviet ban on emigration abroad In this case to Israel Relatives and friends had gathered In the snow outside the courthouse awaiting word on the proceedings during the winter carnival Cook d o n a t e d the 600 cheque on behalf of the Prince George Hotelmen Races take place Jan 23 and 24 Citizen photo by Rick Hull mercy for Jews One woman was taken away screaming by two plainclothes men after she told foreign cor respondents They wont let us Into the courtroom or out of the country Two of the Jewish defendants were sentenced to death and the other defendants given labor camp terms of from four to 15 CABINET ACCEPTS ISMAN RESIGNATION VICTORIA CP - The British Columbia cabinet has accepted the resignation of Provincial Court Judge Bernard Isman 63 of Vancouver who had been under suspension since August The cabinet order made public Tuesday also rescinded the order that appointed him to the bench in 1963 Following his suspension the seven member B C judicial council conducted a hearing into the matter The hearing was closed to the public after Mr Ismans counsel said a woman who was a key witness would not otherwise appear years All were convicted of treason last Thursday at Lenin Leningrad � grad During the Leningrad trial the defendants admitted they conspired to commandeer the small Aeroflot plane so the Jews could emigrate to Israel But they denied their actions constituted treason No relatives of the defendants or symjathlzus were allowed Inside the courthouse The defendants themselves were believed to be still In Len ingrad The woman anested outside the Supreme Court Esflr Most kova of Novosibirsk told corre spondents she has been trying unsuccessfully to go to Israel since 1948 She said she has can cer and wants to see her son In Isiael before she dies Another spectator well known Jewish poet Ioslf Kerler said The death sentence on them Is a death sentence on all of us who want to go to Israel We all share one destiny Like the Leningrad trial the appeal hearing was also barred to foreign correspondents farmhouse that someone had broken into the house Chief Dufresne suspected something was definitely amiss A week later the RCMP In formed him that the farmhouse In question was still being Inves Investigated � tigated They asked us to keep an eye on the house he said be because � cause a number of cars had been seen going there Police made another search of the house Dec 23 and found Michel Viger there He was brought in for questioning and later released Viger a JO-year-old account accountant � ant who rented the large white farmhouse in October was picked up with the three sus suspects � pects and Is to testify next Mon Monday � day No charges were laid against him at the inquest Tues Tuesday � day A raiding party of the QPP searched the farmhouse again on Christmas day but found no one there Monday morning police ar arrested � rested Viger again and after a brief interrogation he told them where the Rose brothers and Si Simard � mard were hiding inside a well concealed 25 foot long tun tunnel � nel under the cement basement floor of the farmhouse Police said the tunnel hide hideaway � away was made of wood It was equipped with electricity sleep sleeping � ing bags and large quantitj of canned food Jacques Lange a 32-year-old credit company manager who lives about a quarter mile from the farmhouse said he saw a pile of lumber near the front of the house during the month of October Another neighbor spoke of hammering coming from the house It went on for days he said 10c Copy PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA Pollution suit closes plants 1EGLNA CP Two Saskat Saskatchewan � chewan chemical plants have been forced to close as the lndi red result of pollution lawsuit launched by the Manitoba gov ernment Interprovincial Co operatives Ltd closed its chemical plant two miles noith of Saskatoon Monday saving lt is unable to continue paying its bills because the suit is hindering Its ability to obtain credit The closure also has shut down Armour Industrial Chemi Chemicals � cals I td In Saskatoon and is creating problems at the Prince Albert pulp mill which lt sup piles with bleaching chemicals Armour depends upon Interpro Interprovincial � vincial to supply steam water and hydrogen Manitoba is seeking 2 million In damages from Interprovin cial claiming mercury from the Saskatoon plant has polluted Manitoba waters through the South Saskatchewan River sys tern Interprovincial employed 40 persons and George Klrkwood Armour plant manager said In an interview Tuesday that most of his staff of 23 has been laid off until we can find out what has happened D G Steuart Saskatchewan treasurer said Tuesday that Premier Ross Thatcher twice asked the Manitoba government to withdraw its suit but Premier Ed Schreyer after meeting with the Manitoba cabinet refused He also said that Interprovin clal supplies caustic soda to the Prince Albert mill for bleaching pulp and without a continuous supply the operation of the mill Is in serious jeopardy and could even face closuie Federated Co operatlvp Ltd had agi eed to take over the In-ter-pi ovlnclal jlant he said and was to suiply additional fi financing � nancing but now was backing out because of the lawsuit Efforts were made to get new management at the plant ovei the last nine months and the Saskatchewan government to which Interprovincial owes 6 million stretched out payments and lowered the Interest rates Then two days before Christ mas said Mr Steuart Feder ated officials said they would take over the plants operations only if the new benefits re mained and they were not pre prepared � pared to offer the government any guarantees i Mr bteuart also said the 1 Prince Albert mill in an effort to help agreed to pay an addi additional � tional 350 a ton for caustic soda at a cost of 330000 a year Premier Thatcher has said the government has sent men to Saskatoon to discuss the prob lems of the plant and if worst comes to the worst the province might have to take over the plant operations Meanwhile in Winnipeg Pre mier Schreyer denied that the lawsuit is resronsible for the plants closure He said the plant had been In financial diffi difficulty � culty before Manitoba filed the suit and was using the legal ac tlon as an excuse Youth home gets CMHC approval By Mar Gray Citizen Staff Reporter Prince George Receiving Home Society is one step away from opening a home for dis disturbed � turbed boys and girls in Prince George Cential Mortgage and Hous Housing � ing Corporation has given tenta tentative � tive approval to financing the home The local CIIMC recommended a mortgage on a house approved by the society for diagnostic treatment centre facilities ac according � cording to Receiving Home pre president � sident Allan Bate They aie prepared to recom recommend � mend a mortgage providing the Department of Rehabilitation and Social Improvement are also pie pared to approve it Bate said The iOc lety w ill pi epare a de detailed � tailed program to submit to the provincial government eaily in the new yeai Bate added It will not be a receiving home it will be more thorough Bate explained The children will stay on a temporary basis wble the future plans are worked out I dont want to label the place as an iastitutlon A diagnostic treatment centre has been plained in Prince Geoige for almost three years Initial plans begun to pi o vide a place for children in trouble with the law consisted of a large facility containing most profes professional � sional services The plans were scaled down to an eight bed unit with fewer In Intel � tel nal sei vices following a re reluctance � luctance by the pi ovlnclal gov government � ernment to allow a capital grant Promising boxer jailed 9 months One of Canada s most promis promising � ing young boxers will sind the next nine months at the Oakalla Prison Farm as a result of a sen sentence � tence handed down in City Court today Paul DIBenedetto 18 of C48 Union St was sentenced by Pro Provincial � vincial Judge George Stewart to nine months definite and 18 months indefinite for possession of naicotlcs foi trafficking A student at Prince George senior secondary school and holder of the BC featherweight boxing title DIBenedetto was ar arrested � rested after 12 plastic bags of marijuana were found near him Oct 6 Defence counsel Ray Cullinane asked for a definite term so the youth could continue his studies At his trial Dec 17 a young man and woman told the court that DiBenedetto approached them outside a clothing store In downtown Prince George Oct 6 Ronald James Davis 21 of Vancouver said DiBenedetto asked him and his fiancee Jeanlse Opal W ookey 18 if they were interested in buying mari marijuana � juana Davis said he agreed to the purchase and then he and Miss W ookey went to the city police station They told RCMP Const Constable � able Robert Logan they had plan planned � ned to meetDlBenedettoat7pm at Spruceland Shopping Centre 1 Const Logan arrested Davis Miss W ookey DiBenedetto and I I two other young menatSpruce I land Dwayne Martin Patterson 17 I a fellow student wlthDlBenedetto at the high school was charged with possession of marijuana cigarettes He pleaded guilty earlier and was fined 100 Judge Stewart had read a pre presentence � sentence report before sen sentencing � tencing DiBenedetto today