Varoorn vanquished PEMBROKE Ont CP Trucks that go varoorn in the night finally got to Louis Belot last Aug 3 In provincial court Tuesday Mr Belot told how the snarl of engines at an all night gas station next door to his house played hob with attempts by himself his wife and their four -children to get some sleep Two children were awak ened by trucks at 1 am and again at 2 am Three were awakened t w 0 of them crying at 4 am Mr Belot marched to the service station where Wilfred Charette was sitting in the cab of his tractortraller en glne Idling waiting to gas up Armed with a three pound rock Mr Belot suggested Mr Charette turn off the engine A reasoned exchange of views was difficult he saidj because of the lacket from the big dlesel He threw the rock shatter ing a 27 windshield and leav lng Mr Charette and his vehl cle stranded for 10 hours until it could be repaired Judge A A McLean fined Mr Belot 1 but ordered resti tutlon to the driver for time lost and the damage college 01 new caieuonia students won some glory recently in a provincial inter intercollegiate � collegiate debating tournament in Kamloops Shank Imadar Ron Robinson Tom Barnes and Ken Mcintosh placed second CNC hopes to host a subsequent tournament here In April a Those ladies canvassingfor W cash to build the Hart High way centennial library are a courageous lot Tuesday we told the tale of the canvasser attack attacked � ed rudely from the rear by a ram Intent on battery Last night a lady who clings determindly to her anonymity knocked on a Kelly Rd door There were mut terlngs heard from within like IS No 227 JgftgfeJ HHHHHHjjjjj 4v itf Nels Linden 6 takes it easy after puffing up Connaught Hill which children are using as a convenient snow slide The city has been given a pt on the back for not inter interfering � fering with all that wintry fun The Chamber of Com Commerce � merce sent a letter to council thanking aldermen for not being spoil sports by ordering the children off the slopes because of the danger of traffic on the Patricia-Queens-way diversion Instead city crews put up a fence left as a safety measure Citizen photo by Rick Hull Self defence Indian forces attack okayed NEW DELHI AP India said today its troops have or orders � ders permitting them to attack across the border into Pakistan at any time and any place in self defence and that they al ready have done so on at least one occasion A government spokesman elaborating on a speech in Par Parliament liament by Prime Minister In dira Gandhi said local com manders at all levels were au thorized to cross the border if under attack India previously has denied its troops had or would cross the border under any circum stances despite Pakistani alle allegations � gations of large scale attacks by Indian army units along the borders with the rebel province of East Pakistan India insists that the attacks were launched by East Paki stani independence fighters the Mukti Bahlnl Mrs Gandhi told Parliament the rebels have seized large sections of East Pakistan and inflicted heavy casualties on the P a k 1 s t a n i army Dispatches from Pakistan ap apparently � parently were being delajed but Radio Pakistan reported all Pakistani reserve officers and officers on leave before retire ment were being ordered to re report � port for duty immediately The broadcast said the call up also affected some non-commissioned personnel but gave no details India partly mobilized Its reserves last month In her speech before Parlia Parliament � ment Mrs Gandhi repeated that regular Indian army units were not fighting in East Pakl stan alongside the rebels as charged by Pakistan But for the first time she acknowledged that Indian soldiers had been inside the Pakistani province She said the Indian border crossing occurred when Pakl stani infantry buttressed by tanks and artillery launched an attack Sunday on East raki stani rebels who had wrested an area around Boira from gov ernment control Alright Im coming Then the door opened and there was agent clad only in his rude nude The lady departed hurriedly which may be one reason why the canvass total has only reach reached � ed a little over a third of the needed 9000 a National Housebullders As- soclatlon president Harold Shlpp of Toronto accompanied by executive vice president Bernie Bernard will be in our town Thursday evening to meet local association members h A reminder that there is a lOpercentpenaltyafterNov 30 on all unpaid 1071 provincial land taxes There was a penalty on unpaid city taxes after Oct 1 Inside today a Business 5 Classified w 23 24 25 26 Comics 20 Crossword 25 Editorial 4 Home and family C Horo Horoscope � scope 20 Second front 15j Sports 16 17 Television 20 MmW Im sick of environmental attack Buy the environment Miss Jones Weather A Mainly cloudy today and Thursday with a few snow flurries High both days 35 low tonight 23 Newfy ballots burned ST JOHNS Nfld CP -The outcome of the Oct 28 New Newfoundland � foundland election may not be known until after Christmas be because � cause somebody burned the bal ballots � lots in Sally Cove The Progressive Conserva tlves lost one of their 21 seats Tuesday when a recount of votes In St Barbe South was dropped after Mr Justice H G Puddester of Newfoundland Su Supreme � preme Court received confirma confirmation � tion that 105 ballots had been burned Conservatives said they would take immediate legal steps to force a by election which could be held within five or six weeks Premier Joseph Smallwood and other Liberal government spokesmen declined to comment on the likelihood of a byelection The abandonment of the re recount � count left Liberals and Conserv Conservatives � atives -with 20 seats each Tom Burgess New Labrador Party leader returned in Labrador West promised earlier he would support the PCs in the legisla legislature � ture Conservative Leader Frank Moores was out of the province and could not be reached for comment An official count from tne northwest coast district earlier this month showed Conservative Ed Maynard with 1756 votes and Liberal Trevor Bennett with 1748 Mr Bennett requested the recount Howard Strong chief elec electoral � toral officer said he did not plan to take any legal action against the person who burned the ballots Mr Strong said if either party asked that charges be laid the request would be passed on to the Justice department Lawyers for both parties said it was unlikely they would lay charges -CTk W ktat Arabs endorse military might1 CAIRO AP With the failure of the political solution nothing is left before us but mil military � itary might representatives of the military high commands of a dozen Arab countries were told today The Egyptian chief of staff Gen Assad el Shazly address addressing � ing a brief public opening ses sion of a meeting of Arab mill tary chiefs of staff added We should show the world that our next battle with Israel is one of existence To be or not to be he said It was the first meeting of Arab leaders since President Anwar Sadat declared during the weekend that Egypts decl sion was to fight Israel to re gain lands Israel occupied in June 1967 unless Israel came through with a plan to with draw in compliance with a UN resolution Israel has declined to do so since it was specifically asked last February by UN mediator Gunnar Jarring The ArabIsraeli struggle is passing a critical state on which the future of the whole Arab nation depends for centuries to come Shazly said He added Israel knows it disperses if the Arabs unite and it lives it we differ Thus let us show the world we are men of war who like to live or die in dignity Represented at todays con f e r e n c e called to lay the groundwork for a meeting of the Train victim identified RCMP have identified the man found dead in the CNR yard Sun Sunday � day as Joseph Quennville 48 a transient The body had the legs sever severed � ed above the knees He was dis discovered � covered on the tracks where earlier a train had shunted cars across An inquest will be held Arab joint defence council this weekend were Syria Libya Kuwait Lebanon Morocco South Yemen Jordan Bahrein Saudi Arabia Egypt Iraq and Sudan Arab foreign ministers and defence ministers were ex pected to begin arriving In Cairo Thursday CAIRO AP This city of five million persons largest in Africa or the Middle East will be darker from tonight on or ders from the interior ministry Neon lights and advertising signs are banned and no light may be seen from outside or above public and private sector buildings Headlamps on vehl cles must be painted blue light ing on bridges squares and gar dens will be cut by half and total blackout must be Imposed immediately on the sound of an air raid warning The restrictions have been on the books for several years but have been gradually Ignored VICTORIA CP - The lead car In Governor General Roland Micheners cavalcade leaving Victoria Wednesday was in involved � volved In a three car fatal acci accident � dent on the Trans Canada High Highway � way There were no injuries in the cars which formed the caval cavalcade � cade taking the GovernorGen eral and Mrs Mlchener to Vic Victoria � toria International Airport but one woman was killed and five children Injured In the other two vehicles Involved The vice-regal couple were not riding In the lead car The crash occurred in driving rain just north of Victoria The lead car believed driven by an RCMP officer was damaged in the collision but the officer es escaped � caped Injury Further details were not 1m mediately available Drink accusation withdrawn Air search halted The search for a light air aircraft � craft with five men aboard ends today The airplane went missing three weeks ago on Nov 3 on a flight between Mackenzie and Chinuman Creek 50 miles northwest The search and rescue base at Prince George airport has been closed down as the search crews prepare to leave for their base at Comox today or Thursday Helicopters are still based at Mackenzie and If weather clears today the two hell copters will make at least one mire circuit of the route The aircraft owned by Hal Timber Ltd of Prince George went missing on a flight to a logging site The craft was white and nearly two feet of snow has blanketed the area since Nov 3 w hich w ould make spotting dif difficult � ficult The plane miyhave crossed Lake Wllliston If the aircraft went down In this man made lake it may have become stuck in the trees at the bottom of the lake Heavily overcast weather in the area has hampered seal ch Pen scrapped Numerous light all craft have joined the search with the Canadian Armed Forces crews and at one point lOpri vate pilots were searching the area The search pattern lias now covered all the probable crash areas but there was a large quantity of fuel aboard which could have carried the air aircraft � craft far out of the seaich aiea Aboard the downed all craft were pilot BiuceMcPherson and passengers Arnold Pocock Gordon Pruden Ce Cecil � cil Schroeder and Gordon Heffner Report to urge prison changes OTTAWA CP - A confiden confidential � tial report to be submitted to Solicitor - general Jean - Pierre Goyer shortly recommends con construction � struction of an experimental new maximum security peniten penitentiary � tiary in the Vancouver area The report proposes that plans to build a traditional type maximum security prison at Mission BC be scrapped along with the prison design it self Mr Goyer appointed the UK Rhodesia agree on terms SALISBURY Rhodesia AP The British and Rhodeslan governments agreed today on terms for the secessionist Rho Rhodeslan � deslan Republic to return to the Commonwealth and end a six year r e b e 1 1 1 o n to preserve white minority rule Terms of the agreement will not be made public until they are announced to the Rhodeslan and British parliaments Thurs Thursday � day afternoon a joint announce announcement � ment said But there was spec speculation � ulation that they provide for continuation of white control and advancement of the black majority toward political con control � trol some day The agreement was signed at 1 am PST by Sir Alec Doug-las-Home the British foreign secretary and Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rhodesia after nine days of talks After a ses session � sion Tuesday night informants reported little remained to be discussed except formalities The announcement said the terms will be submitted to the Rhodesian people in a test of acceptability that would be or organized � ganized as soon as possible Approve republic Final terms of the agreement were expected to sanction Rho Rhodesias � desias Independence as a re republic � public In exchange the white minority government In Salis Salisbury � bury was reported to have promised concessions to im improve � prove the political and eco economic � nomic position of the countrys five million blacks The Anglo Rhodeslan package deal Is likely to be bitterlj crlti cized by militant blacks They demand nothing less than one man one vote and no Independ ence whatsoever until an Afri African � can majority Is In control Last week some Rhodeslan blacks were suggesting that the negotiations were nothing but a charade because a secret sell sellout � out settlement already had been arranged Likewise there were believed to be some dis disgruntled � gruntled white Rhodeslans in the far right wing of Smiths Rhodesian Front party Some advocated no negotiations what whatsoever � soever and a racial pattern sim similar � ilar to rigid South African style apartheid Sir Alec and Smith needed nine plenary sessions over a nine day period to come to terms Predict outcome However it appeared that much spadework was accom accomplished � plished by Lord Goodman in five previous visits to Salisbury this year Goodman left Tues Tuesday � day for London Conference sources say the deal probably will keep the Rho Rhodeslan � deslan government in white hands for more than 25 years British funds would help under underwrite � write black political advance advancement � ment which would be based both on education and taxes paid instead of taxes alone as at present Suspects netted in Ulster raid BELFAST AP - Four hundred British troops raided a housing development today in switch of tactics against the out outlawed � lawed Irish Republican Army Every man In a block of 116 apartments in Belfasts New Lodge area was asked for proof of identity Those who couldnt supply It were taken off for questioning as IRA suspects The army stressed the raid was not a full scale arms search of the kind which has become commonplace in Belfasts Roman Catholic districts Since early August more than 1100 men have been held in arms swoops directed against the IRAs campaign to unite Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic About 500 still are held either for Investigation or for Indefinite Internment with without � out trial In Londonderry Northern Ire Irelands � lands second city troops came under bomb and sniper attack in the Catholic Bogside district The army said it suffered no casualties eight man com m i 1 1 e e last spring a week before the bloody riot at Kingston peniten penitentiary � tiary one of the oldest in the system The minister suspended con construction � struction of a new federal maxi maximum � mum security penitentiary based on a design used to build Archambault prison north of Montreal and Millhaven west of Kingston until the committee looked Into the design About 1 million has been spent on the site at Mission which the report for Mr Goyer says is too far from the facili facilitiesmedical � tiesmedical social and other a city is able to offer Mr Goyers office said Wednesday the confidential do document � cument has not yet been re received � ceived It is expected to be the basis of a major change in pol policy � icy on the handling of maxi maximum � mum security prisoners The proposed new prison would house no more than 150 men broken Into groups of 12 to 15 each In separate buildings Each prisoner would have his own room The atmosphere would be aimed at building a sense of identity in the prisoner himself The traditional cell block in prisons such as Kingston all but wrecked In last springs riot has tiered cell blocks and contains hundreds of four by seven foot cells The cells are wlndowless Archambault and Millhaven built on a plan devised in the early 1960s hold 450 men and have rooms rather than cells Each room has a window and facilities like a radio a locker wash basin and mirror However the Archambault Millhaven design has been criti criticized � cized because of the heavy em emphasis � phasis on security Armed guards with rifles are much In evidence and an automatic sys system � tem of clanking steel doors is a constant reminder of imprison imprisonment � ment Among the eight men on the committee appointed by Mr Goyer last spring was Warden Michel LeCorre of Archam Archambault � bault The committee chairman is social scientist Hans Mohr of Osgoode Hall Law School York University Toronto and other members include members of private groups concerned with the penal system Mayor mum on election Mayor Harold Moffat today in indicated � dicated he still did not know whether he would run for a sec second � ond term this December Moffat has until Nov 29 to decide Thats the day to take out tapers for re election He las suggested that if he could not upset a council decision on sewage treatment he would not run Trudeau Tory clash on cabinet leaks By John R Walker Southam News Services OTTAWA - Prime Minister Trudeau refuses to withdraw his accusation that the opposition Is egging on civil servants to break their oath and leak cabL net secrets When Conservative leader Robert Stanfleld Tuesday at tempted to get the prime minis ter to withdraw the accusation against the opposition parties the much heckled Mr Trudeau raised a red herring by ques tlonlng the sobriety of one of the Tory hecklers By the time the uproar had subsided and Mr Trudeau had produced a form of apology to the member Robert Mulr Cape EretonThe Sydneys the opposi tion never got back to the ques tion of the original accusation much less the implied charge that It was a civil servant who leaked the Gray Report or the cabinet document dealing with it Outside the House however Mr Trudeau refused to back down on his charge that some opposition members were en couraglng leaks It people want to take things into their own hands egged en by the opposition and release documents he said then he would stand by what he said He argued that some opposl tlon members said publicly that this leak was a service to the country Mr Trudeau told the press that he didnt think his remarks in the House had Implied that some civil servant has leaked any of these documents much less a more recent leak on an Indian Affairs document before cabinet He even conceded the leak might have come from an ap appointed � pointed official In his own of flee And he repeated what he had said In the House about his concern over such leaks In the uproar following this Mr Stanfleld asked the prime minister to withdraw the state ment about the opposition or qualify it saying this was not the kind of Imputation the prime minister of this country even when he is trying to be a clown should make In this House As Mr Trudeau attempted to answer he was met with a bar rage of heckling the loudest being that of Mr Mulr who kept chiding him with the re mark that some of your mem bers are not applauding you At this Mr Trudeau shot back Have you had a drink The broad shouldered red faced Mr Mulr was Immedi Immediately � ately on his feet protesting while the opposition roared its disapproval He said Mr Tru deau couldnt take heckling but gets childish and petulant then sits down and sulks throw lng Insults across the way mak Ing suggestions sir that some one is drinking He asked for a retraction saying no one had the right to cast reflections on the activity or conduct of another member The prime ministers first ef fort consisted of explaining that due to the heckling hed been unable to answer and had asked Mr Mulr if he had a drink If this Is something which offends him and if he Is known as a drinking man I wish to with draw this With the continued uproar the Liberal House leader Allan MacEachen a fellow Cape Bretoner whispered something to Mr Trudeau and the latter rose to say Mr Speaker I understand the gentleman Is a teetotaller and therefoie in anything I might have said along those lines I certainly wish to say theie was no implication of bad conduct on his part I will sit down Mr Speaker i