BOOZING BRUINS BAGGED ST JOE Idaho AP Bears in the St Joe area have discovered that al alcohol � cohol and hunters dont mix When a Milwaukee Road freight train derailed near the North Fork of the St Joe River Aug 31 grain and corn spilled from some of the cars A number of bears gathered to eat the grain which had fermented from exposure to rain Two hunting parties have reported that they found the bears staggering around in a daze And they said they had no problem bagging their limits The shooting caused most of the other bears to scatter along with their hangovers College gets building okay The provincial cabinet has approved an 118 million building program for the Col College � lege of New Caledonia The approval means con construction � struction could start on a major library-classroom-food services complex and new power plant within two months Renovations to the administ administration � ration building and site work included in the over all prog program � ram will wait until April A gymnasium is currently under construction while an addition to the vocational shops was completed earlier The college council required cabinet approval for the total building program before goirg ahead with construction of what will be the major instruc instructional � tional block at the college The building program had been delayed while the college council and the education de department � partment attempted to sort out the inflationary costs The program had been approved in principal two years earlier At one point the college council accused the education department of bad faith or incompetence in negotiating for the 2 million cost increase eventually allowed for the program All systemsare go coun council � cil chairman Fin Dingwall told the council Saturday We can finally get at the buildings weve been promised Dingwall said the working drawings for the power plant and the building complex were ready to be sent to Victoria for approval to go to tender About98 million of the118 million remains to be spent The power plant will cost 13 million and the library-classroom-food service com complex � plex another 53 million However Dingwall said the education department was aware of the continuing cost of inflation on all building prog programs � rams and were prepared to review the program if the need arises Bob Affleck building com committee � mittee chairman told the council the new gymnasium which should be completed by the end of January will be without power until the power plant is completed He said the committee was looking for alternate ways to heat the facility Dingwall said the morale of the faculty had been dropping because of the crowded and inadequate facilities at the col college � lege Acting principal Gordon In galls said after the meeting the new facilities will change the image of the college in the minds of the public while pro providing � viding a better atmosphere for the academic program Drug suspects hearings slated One man pleaded guilty and two others pleaded not guilty to a charge of possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking when they ap appeared � peared in provincial court to today � day Norman Metro Paul Bilous 20 Marvin Lee Tucker 28 both of Vancouver and Ronald Phillip Fox 23 of Prince George were charged when nearly two pounds worth 8500 of hashish were found a week ago Bilous pleaded guilty before Judge RS Munro and was re remanded � manded in custody to Friday Tucker elected trial by judge and jury and Fox chose trial by judge without a jury A preliminary hearing for both men will be held Dec 18 Plane crashes feuHAte if I KWmjgSm I saMmlWwsMfWl Landmark destroyed Glenn Clark photo Vanderhoof landmark the Co operative Associations grain and feed elevator burned down Friday Employees had just completed their day end fire check when they spotted smoke The structure was engulfed by planes within minutes The elevator and bins were full of grain and spontaneous combustion is suspected as the cause of the fire Estimate of damage was not available MAJOR IRISH INTERESTS Alcan gets letter bomb Southam News Services LONDON A Canadian firm with major Irish in interests � terests the giant multinational Alcan was the target for one of two letter bombs which exploded here Monday No serious injuries were caused by the bombs con concealed � cealed in hollowed out paper paperbacks � backs The packages mailed from Dublin are the first since a spate of similar attacks nearly 20 months ago The packages which exploded upon opening singed an Alcan senetary and the other victim Lady Pamela Countess of Onslow The Alcan secretary was treated for minor cuts and shock at a hospital near the companys sixth floor offices in fashionable Berkeley Square in West London a Scot Scotland � land Yard spokesman said We have no idea why we were singled out said an Alcan spokesman But Alcan is deeplycommit ted to a controversial 450 mill million � ion alumina processing plant in the Shannon estuary of the Irish Republic The original construction start on the plant has been delayed by a year because of strenuous environ environmental � mental objections by local re residents � sidents Ed Out row ski photo A Houston Texas man and wife are in satisfartnrv o Hitinn in Prinnn ranrn Regional Hospital after their plane crashed shortly after take off at McBride Friday Pilot and photographer Ed Ostrowski who was at the McBride airport said Joan and Morgan Bunch were going hunting in the area when their plane had engine trouble as it left the landing strip and crashed in some willows Louis Narzt of McBride examines the wreckage k4nM- EMERGENCY WARD DUTY Hop to it city doctors warned by AL TURNER Citizen stuff reporter Prince George doctors who dont re respond � spond quickly to emergency calls will have their hospital privileges suspended for two weeks by th hospital board The move is part of an attempt to improve emergency service which has been the brunt of criticism in recent months Administrator Ross Cavey said the board action plus a voluntary back up program adopted by the doctors has greatly reduced the number of com complaints � plaints Every doctor on emergency call now has a back up This means if the emergency nurse is unable to reach the emergency doctor she can phone the back up The service has improved consider considerably � ably he said The coverage is more extensive with more doctors covering He said during the summer when many doctors were away the remaining medical staff made a special effort to ensure good service The scarcity of written complaints seems to confirm the statement In the past one and one half months only 11 people filled out the question questionnaires � naires provided In the emergency de department � partment and most of those replies were complimentary Of the estimated 4000 patients who went through the emergency depart department � ment in that period one complained of waiting one and one half hours to have a fish hook removed from his face and another waited three hours for fie stitches Citizen staff reporter FORT ST JAMES The Pulp Paper and Woodworkers of Canada PPWC union will resume picketing of the Takla Forest Products sawmill here after assurances were given Friday by International Woodworkers of America IWA regional president Jack Monroe that IWA members would not cross picket lines A spokesman for the PPWC said pickets will go up shortly at the sawmill An earlier attempt at picketing the sawmill and planer mill operation met with defeat when IWA members tore up placards and crossed the pic picket � ket line Monroe said Friday in Van Vancouver � couver he had met with IWA members in Fort St James and the membership there will respect picket lines Meanwhile it was reported a small number of IWA mem members � bers crossed a Canadian Paperworkers Union CPU picket line at the Finley Forest Industries sawmill in Macken Mackenzie � zie this morning CPU members shut down the planer and sawmill operation in Mackenzie Friday putting about 250 IWA members out of work CPU pickets continue at the Weldwood of Canada operation in Quesnel and PPWC pickets still stand at the Takla Forest Industries sawmill and planer operation in Isle Pierre The IWA is respecting picket lines both in Isle Pierre and Quesnel The PPWC and CPU have been striking BC pulpmills since July 16 More labor news page 3 CAIRO Reuter Egypt agreed Monday night to a request by Pales Palestinian � tinian gunmen occupying the Egyptian embassy in Madrid for an aircraft to fly them to Algeria the Middle East news agency reported The gunmen are holding the Egyptian ambassador and two other diplomats hostage The complaints will be taken lo the patient care committee lor Investiga Investigation � tion However most of the questionnaires praised the department for prompt attention and very satisfactory ser service � vice One patient said he had 1m ed in Prince George 22 years and had visited the emergency department many times with his three children and always re received � ceived prompt and efficient service Balancing the compliments were complaints from a man with pains and a traveller with a sore throat who said they had to wait for long periods Cavey said Dr Fergus Ducharme the head of emergency service is touring England and Ireland studying emergency departments 1 alJEAiKWwlkltlvl7 I li WORTH 93 MONTHLY Govt civil service agree on new pact VICTORIA CP - The British Colu mbia government and its major civil service union have reached agree agreement � ment on a new master contract which includes cost-of-living allowances and fringe benefits worth at least 93 a month for each employee BC Government Employees Union executives will recommend its 35000 members accept the 22 month agreement which covers general working conditions for all union members The ratification vote should be completed by Oct 27 and if the contract is accepted the 13 component groups within the BCGEU will begin negotiating individual wage agreements BCGEU executive secretary John Fryer said today the new master agreement the second negotiated with the government since the civil service won the right to bargain is a pretty good one He said the cost-of-living agreement is excellent and will give employees an adjustment every six months starting Oct 1 The COLA clause will give employees a one-per-cent increase in salary for every oneper cent increase in the consumer price index over the preceding period Besides the COLA clauses the new master agreement which extends from Oct 1 to Aug 1 1977 includes A standard 35 hour week a reduction from 37 hours for 10000 BCGEU members An increase in the cash payback of unused sick leave at retirement to 50 per cent from 40 per cent An innovative new sick leave plan to allow working parents to stay home with sick children Improvements in the unions dental care plan An increase in the govern governments � ments contribution to the medical care plan premiums to 70 per cent from 50 per cent Major increases in shift differential premiums which amount to an increase in bonus pay of five cents an hour Increases in mileage allowances out-of-town expenses and isolation pay allowances Pickets will be honored TODAY IWiiAte l What times the next strike fPf iflflM v r Tn W-l-sWlcM Ei FEATURED INSIDE D Prince George racer Cliff Hucul is going at record speeds in his bid to become the first Canadian since 1964 to win the Canadian American Modified Racing Association points championship Page 13 Hyperactivity among children is reaching epidemic proportions according to a US researcher who blames the problem on the consumption of artificial coloring and flavoring Page 10 Montreal policemen have accepted a new one year contract ending their threat to strike Page 2 Also inside Business 8 Classified 15 23 Comics9 Editorial Page 4 Home and Family 10 11 Horoscope 7 International 5 Local and provincial 7 National 2 Sports 12 14 Television 7 THE WEATHER y A coastal weather front was expected to push clouds and rain towards the central in interior � terior today More rain and thunder showers are in store for Tuesday but skies should clear by evening The weatherman said the ridge of high pressure that has put Prince George in sunshine for the past week has broken down The high today 16 18 the overnight low 7 Tuesdays high should be 19 Sundays high 23 the low 4 Temperatures page 2 Kffi NOW HEAR THIS D Its lucky the government motor vehicle department isnt running a business or they wouldnt be selling any drivers licences Unlucky drivers who have already spent up to two hours waiting in line during the ICBC strike now are having to spend another half day off work waiting in line to pick up the forms theyve already completed Tourism official Larry Provost had a wry suggestion Thursday to explain why tourism is the only industry in BC holding its own this year The executive director of the BC Yellowhead 16 Travel Association told the Fraser Fort George Regional District theres not too many people on strike in the tourist industry The College of New Caledonia may not have a program of womens studies but it does offer a womens washroom in the vocational shops Allan Dale the dean of Vocational and technical programs made the observation when college council member Bill Bryant made a pitch for the womens studies program The program was tried earlier with no response however college officials report women taking courses in drafting forestry small engine repair anu weiaing