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The Prince George Citizen — Thursday. July 2. 1987 — 19
FOR SALE BY SEALED TENDER 1983 Chrysler Fifth Avenue 4 Door Sedan, Air Conditioning Serial Number 2C3BF66P3DR146259
 May be viewed at:
Hart Towing Ltd.
       426 Second Avenue Prince George. B.C. Telephone: 564-5453 Sealed tenders close at 1 00 p m on the 10th day of July, 1987 Bidders may attend opening of tenders at 1 30 pm on the 10th day of July. 1987 at Ihe office of the Trustee.
 Bid forms and complete tender conditions are available at the Trustee's office or at the above address INTERESTED PARTIES SHOULD OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION.
 The highest pr any tender shall not necessarily be accepted.
           PEAT MARWICK
 KPMG limited
               Trustees in Bankruptcy 2nd Floor, 1488-4th Ave Prince George, B C Phone 563-7151
 Provide* ol British Columbia
   Ministry of Foretit
 NOTICE INVITING APPLICATION FOR TIMBER SALE LICENCE A28375 RE: SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM Pursuant to Section 16(3)(a) of the FOREST ACT, sealed tender applications will be accepted by the District Manager, Prince George East Forest District. 4055-15th Ave., Prince George, BC. to be opened in the Cariboo Room, Yellowhead Inn, 1445 W. Central St., Prince George, B.C. at 1000 A M. on Thursday, July 30th, 1987 (or shortly thereafter) for a Timber Sale Licence to authorize the harvesting of 14.042 cubic metres, more or less, of timber located south of Prince George in the vicinity of Stoner, Prince George T.S A.
 Species: 44% Spruce, 33% Lodgepole Pine, 15% Fir, and 8% Balsam and other species. 40% of the area requires low ground pressure logging systems Term: One (1) year.
 Bidding is restricted to persons registered under the Small Business Enterprise Program, Category 1
  Particulars may be obtained from the District Manager, 4055 - 15th Ave , Prince George, B.C. V2N 1A5.	SKL-2-154
      NORTHWOOD PULP AND TIMBER LIMITED NOTICE OF TENDER FOR MECHANICAL SITE PREPARATION SCARIFICATION Sealed tenders for various Site Preparation Contracts will be received from qualified contractors by the Woods Division. Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited. P O Box 9000, Prince George. B C V2L 4W2 at the dates and times shown below: LOCATION: FL. A18165 (P.G.S.)
            C P 500 Unit 5 ESTIMATED AREA of total contracts 138.0 ha.
 Viewing is mandatory.
 The deadline for all ‘tender submissions concerning the above contracts is 1300 hours July 17th, 1987 at which time tenders will be opened A tender Kit encompassing all the above contracts is available on or after July 6th, 1987 at the Woods Division, Corporate Office, Fraser Flats, for a refundable deposit of $5000 by certified cheque, cash, or money order. Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited may, at its option, submit a tender on any or all of the advertised contracts. Tenders must be submitted in the envelope provided and on the forms contained in the tender kit and conform to the instructions detailed therein The lowest of any tender will not necessarily be accepted The advertised contracts are subject to Section 88 addenda being completed with the Ministry of Forests.	L-2-154
 Ground application of herbicide for Brushing and Weeding Sealed tenders lor the following Brushing and Weeding contract will be received by Hauer Bros Lumber Ltd . Box 279. Valemount. B C. V0E 2Z0 by 4 00 p m July 17, 1987 ’
 This contract is located by Shere Lake near Tete Jaune The area is approximately 13 ha and requires backpack spraying as well as hack and squirt of some residual Aspen Viewing date is July 10 leaving Tete Jaune Trading Post general store at Tete Jaune at 9 00 a m Particulars will be available then or call Ainslie Robson at 566-4706 evenings	sk-lj-im
       Province ot British Columbia
 Take notice that Approval No SE 35243 has been issued The Approval consists of
  Approval to discharge a quantity of silt-bearing lake water to 8 Mile Lake Creek and a quantity of dredging spoils to the ground at a site described as B C Placer Mining Leases 6783 and 6780 The discharges shall occur during the period from June 15. 1987 to November 31, 1987
  A copy of the Approval may be viewed at 640 Borland Street. Williams Lake. 398-4532 during normal business hours Dated at Williams Lake. B C this 26th day of June 1987 J Negraeff. P Eng
Assistant Regional Waste Manager l-i-153
 Sealed tenders lor the Redwater Forest Service Road Construction contract of 10 6 km located approximately 110 km west of Quesnel, B C will be received by Quesnel Forest Products, up to 3 30 p.m (local time) on July 27, 1987 and opened in public at that time.
 Specifications may be viewed between 8:30 a m and 4 30 p m (local time) after July 6, 1987 and/or obtained at that time from the Quesnel Forest Products Office on 2 Mile Flat, Quesnel, B C All inquiries should be made to Marlin Reeve at Quesnel Forest Products. 992-5581
 No tender shall be considered having any qualifying clauses whatsoever and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Martin F. Reeve, Forester,
 Quesnel Forest Products.
 Box 8000,
Quesnel. B C	i-jo-isa
        Province of Ministry ot IffQ/ British Columbia Forests
 Sealed'tenders lor Tingley Creek Forest Service Road road construction contract km 2 0 to km 13 93. located approximately 70 kilometers southwest of Quesnel. B C . will be received by the Ministry of Forests and Lands. Quesnel District Offic'e. 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B C V2J 3M5. up to 3 30 p m (local time) on July 22. 1987 andopened in public at that time Specifications may be received between 830 am and 4 30 p m (local time) after June 15. 1987 and/or obtained at that time from the Forest Service. Quesnel Forest District. 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B C
 All enquiries should be made to the Resource Officer Engineering, Quesnel Forest District, 992-4383 Tenders must be made subiect to the conditions of tender and submitted on the lorms and in the envelope provided No tender shall be considered having any qualifying clauses whatsoever, and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted
 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
 Gendarmerie royale du Canada
EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENDERS For The Construction of Seven - 3 Bedroom Residences in Fort Nelson, B.C.
 PROJECTS 1. E73470 - Lot 33 - Mon	1987 June 22
            2.	E73670 - Lot 46 - Mon	1987 June 22
            3.	E73570 - Lot 47 - Wed	1987 June 24
            4.	E74370 - Lot 52 - Wed	1987 June 24
             5	E74470 - Lot 54 - Fri 1987 June 26
             6	E74570 - Lot 57 - Fri. 1987 June 26 7. E74670 - Lot 58 - Fri 1987 June 26
  Notice is hereby given that the times and dates previously announced for the reception of tenders for the above projects has been extended for all seven projects to 14:00 hrs . Tuesday, 1987 July 07
 For enquiries, please contact Brenda York at (604) 264-2639 or Project Manager. David Ralph (604) 264-2633
    Offers in a Sealed Envelope clearly marked Sealed Tender #4150-87-14(s) will be received until noon. 23 July 1987 by Mr. D A. Spriggs. Regional Manager Purchases and Materials Canadian National Railways. Floor 26. CN Building. 10004 - 104 Avenue. Edmonton. Alberta T5J 0K2. for Ihe Purchase and Removal of Surplus Relocatable Accommodation Buildings at the following locations Item 1 Dunster - Two Units - Nos 1 & 2 Item 2 McBride - Two Units - Nos 4 & 41 (Pad 14 & 25)
    Item 3 Aleza Lake - One Unit - No 13
    Item 4 Giscome - One Unit - No 8
    Item 5 Isle Pierre - One Unit • No 15
    Item 6 Vanderhoof - One Unit - No 10
    Item 7 Fort Fraser - Two Units — Nos 8 & 9
    Item 8 Endako - Three Units - Nos 13. 25 & 12
    Item 9 Topley - Two Units - Nos 3 & 4
    Item 10 Houston - One Unit • No 7
    Item 11 Telkwa - One Unit - No 8
    Item 12 Smithers - One Unit • No 35 (Pad 36)
    Item 13 Moricetown - One Unit - No 6 Item 14 New Hazelton • Two Units - Nos 5 & 7 Item 15 Cedarvale - Two Units - Nos 9 & 11 Item 16 Terrace - Three Units - Nos 7. 8 & 9 Item 17 Kitimat - One Unit - No 7 All of the above units are located on CN Property at the locations mentioned except at McBride they are located at Bellview Trailer Park, and at Smithers they are located at Pika Trailer Park, (5 miles east of Smithers)
    For those wishing to view the trailers, attendants will be on hand on the 'ollowmg dates and times
 Monday. 06 July 1987 Monday 06 July 1987 Tuesday, 07 July 1987 Tuesday. 07 July 1987 Wednesday. 08 July 1987 Wednesday 08 July 1987 Thursday 09 July 1987 Thursday 09 July 1987 Friday, 10 July 1987 Friday 10 July 1987
  Kitimat Terrace
  Dunster & New Hazelton McBride & Cedarvale'
  Aleza Lake & Moricetown G'scome & Smithers Isle Pierre & Telkwa Vanderhoof & Houston Fort Fraser & Topley Endako
  Further information may be obtained by contacting Mr. Stan Makarowski Telephone (403)421-6086 CN. Edmonton Alberta
  Terms of sale to be "as is. where is Successful bidder will be required to make payment m full immediately upon acceptance of offer and prior to removal In add'tion a certified cheque in the amount of $300 00 is to be provided which will be returned upon satisfactory removal of all debris and the site left in a clean condition
  Relocatable accommodation buildings to be removed wthm thirty (30) days of consummation o‘ sale Any necessary permits to be responsibility o' b'dder No bid deposit required Highest or any ofer not necessarily accepted D A Spriggs
 Regional Manager Purchases and Materials	.	vu • *
If you bought groceries last week without shopping
The Prince George
you lost money and time.
 The Citizen runs grocery ads which let you compare food prices without |r running all over town.
 So, before you buy anything, shop the ads^ in The Citizen before you shop, in the stores.
 You’ll save money and time.
> v