You get a barrel of flavour In PS Carling Pilsener BEER say please Vol 9 No 191 THE WORLD TODAY Bormann Found NEW YORK A P- An Israeli agent who helped track down Adolf Eichmann was quoted Saturday as saying he knows the exact whereabouts of Nazi war criminal Martin Bormann In an interview with the New York Post Tadek Tuvia Fried Friedman ¬ man said We know he is InArgentina We now exactly where Advance Halted NEW DELHI AP - India claimed today it has halted a Pakistani attempt to cross the United Nations ceasefire line in the Lahore sector of the west western ¬ ern front A defence ministry communi communique ¬ que said the Pakistanis tried to cross the Ichogil Canal which forms part of the outer de fences of the West Pakistani city of Lahore and move into territory India seized in the 22 day war that ostensibly ended with the UN inspired ceasefire Estimate High MANILA AP - President Diosdado Macapagal of the Phil Philippines ¬ ippines said today that Pro Provincial ¬ vincial Governor Feliciano Leviste was grossly Irrespon Irresponsible ¬ sible in estimating that 5000 persons died in the eruption of the Taal volcano Macapagal s press spokes spokesman ¬ man accused the governor oi padding the figure for political purposes The official count so far is 38 dead and 97 mis missing ¬ sing The final figure certainly will not be more than 500 he added Bergsma Citizen HAMILTON CP A 2-12-year battle for Canadian citizenship ends today for Mr and Mrs Ernest Bergsma They were to receive their citizenship papers from Haldl mand County Judge WW Leach the judge who turned down the couples original application because they would not take a loyalty oath on the Bible Medal Presented NEW YORK CP - A British Columbia man received a US Air Medal Friday for his part in the helicopter rescue of eight persons from a stricken Nor Norwegian ¬ wegian freighter Nov 26 1964 Sub Lt James L Lewis 22 of Grand Forks BC assigned to the US Coast Guard as part of an aircraft pilot -training program between the Canadian and US governments received the medal from William True Davis Jr assistant secretary of the US treasury Hot Line Limited OTTAWA CP - The Board of Broadcast Governors an announced ¬ nounced today it wants to put an end to persons being put on the air without their prior knowledge The board announced It plans to hear opinions from broad broadcasters ¬ casters on a proposed addition to the radio broadcasting regu regulations ¬ lations that would forbid Any telephone interview or conversation with any person unless that persons verbal or written consent to the Interview being broadcast has been ob obtained ¬ tained prior to the broadcast of such Interview a If you have an egg candler w a baby type doll a kitchen cart which would double as a medical trolly a polaroid cam camera ¬ era an old fashioned black knitted shawl and a size 10 or 12 floor length black dress or black evening skirt then the Theatre Workshop would like to hear from you These articles are needed for the forthcoming production of Under the Syca Sycamore ¬ more Tree to be presented Oct 15 and 10 21 22 23 at the Little Hut Erik Neilson Conservative MP for the Yukon the man INDEX Betty Conner- ---- o Classified 9 10 11 Comics 4 Coming Events 4 Editorial 2 Sports 7t p This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia who sparked the Dorion enquiry will speak in Prince George Friday He comes in via CPA but picks up his own aircraft here and will fly it back to Van Vancouver ¬ couver Hes scheduled for a public meeting at 8 pm in the Simon Fraser Further on the PC cam- paign trail Candidate Peter Runkle and his manager Norm Riezebos spent the week weekend ¬ end In Vancouver at a pep talk and strategy meeting for all candidates Man at the bus depot this morning on his way back home to Terrace reported Yes Sir tills is my first trip away from Terrace in 14 years So where did he go New York Toronto Vancouver No lie went to Enderby Thats onet way of making sure the old home town still looks good when he gets back cde Citizen The daily newspaper for Central British Columbia Government Bid Fails In Strike VANCOUVER CP - The provincial government has ac actively ¬ tively tried to reach a settle settlement ¬ ment in the beer strike Labor Minister Peterson said today We have been in constant communication with the parties In this dispute he said The BC Hotels Association and some 2000 bartenders and waiters laid oil since the strike began have urged government Intercession A spokesman for the associa association ¬ tion said Sunday that nothing has happened despite pleas to Mr Peterson and the next re request ¬ quest may go to BCs best known teetotaller Premier Bennett The association has said hotels are losing millions of dollars Some would go bank- rupt if banks and mortgage companies had not declared a moritorlum on mortgage pay payments ¬ ments MB and PR Adds Dutch Interests VANCOUVER CP - Mac Mlllan Bloedel and Powell River Ltd Canadas largest forest products company today announced plans for a move into the European Common Market by purchase of a sub substantial ¬ stantial Interest In a Dutch firm which manufactures fine paper The announcement by J V Clyne chairman and chief executive of MBPR said the company will invest 15000000 in Konlnklijke Nederlandsche Paplerfabrlek The firm founded In 1950 las six paper machines at Its mill in Maasstrlct PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA MONDAY OCTOBER 4 1965 Mrs Ida Rahn awoke Saturday morning with a towel being pressed against her mouth and throat She screamed and the man who was trying to choke her fled Mrs Rahn 54 is the manag manageress ¬ eress of Akron Steam Baths 160 Quebec St I was sleeping and when I woke up a towel was being pressed hard against my mouth and throat she said He was pressing so hard that I couldnt scream until he released the towel to get abetter grip Then I screamed and he ran away she said today still quivering from her experience I was afraid for my life I thought I would die she said She said she saw the man only for a second and he looked like he was Indian The Incident occurred at about 645 am I was up at about 6 am but had gone back to bed she said HMf V 1MB - v CLOUDY - -- Low 32 - High5t Mrs Rahn said the man must have entered the building through the back door and the door leading to her bedroom was unlocked Nothing was taken from the room although a drawer con containing ¬ taining money was near the bed Maybe he was going to take the money after he killed me said Mrs Rahn Final Argument Gas Hearings Could Wind Up by Thursday There Is an outside chance that the Public Utilities Com Commission ¬ mission may wind up Its hearing on Inland Natural Gas Cos rate reduction application Thursday Commission chairman Dr J F K English who said In Prince George last week the hearing would be made up of three sittings warned the City of Prince George It should be ready for final argument on the question this week City comptroller Chester Jeffery who handled the citys cross examination of Inland witnesses at Thursdays meet meeting ¬ ing here said today the third sitting may be held Thursday night or Friday morning after the second sitting starting at 2 pm Thursday In Kelowna Mr Jeffery and city manager Arran Thorn so m will fly to Kelowna by chartered aircraft Thursday morning Inlands application met strong opposition In Prince George much of It coming from the city In a brief council asked for an across-the-board 10 per cent drop In rates which would effect greater savings In heavy consumption areas such as Prince Geoige Mr Jeffery during last weeks sitting accused Inland of tailoring Its reduction pro proposal ¬ posal for the Okanagan where use Is considerably less than in the north central Interior ARMED ROBBERY VICTIM QUITE MERRY ABOUT IT Mrs Kay Danis of North ern Produce went to serve a customer Sunday night and found herself staring down the barrel of a sawed -off shotgun She had been sitting in the back of the store on the Hart Highway when the buzzer rang indicating a customer had come into the front Yeli what can I do for you Mrs Danis asked This is a stic up the tall dark man replied I want your money Mrs Danis said she noticed what appeared to be a sawed off shotgun crooked in ids arm I didnt argue she said He told me to throw the money on the counter and I did Mrs Danis said The bandit quickly shoved about 70 worthof small bills into his pants pockets He ignored the change which was strewn over the counter and on the floor Before leaving Mrs Danis said the nun told her You ret on the floor She hesitated and he de ma nded once again I want you to lay on your stomach on the floor She did Mrs Danis said she was back on her feet seconds later In time to see him run running ¬ ning past the stores window A few moments later she spotted a car pull out of the nearby Roblyn trailer court and motel Mrs Danis who said she wasnt at all nervous des described ¬ cribed the man as about six feet tall and about 23 or 24 years old He wore w i ap around sunglasses and was un unshaven ¬ shaven she said The man wore a black leather jacket and jeans Id never seen him be before ¬ fore she said Mrs Danis figured hed lurked in the evening dark outside the store for more than half an Itour timing customers Usually I get customers every five minutes or so she said Mrs Danis said she acted quite merry about the whole thing I didnt get scared until later when Id had a chance to think about it she said Id always figured It would never happen to me Im a little shaky now just thinking about it Mrs Danis said her hus husband ¬ band in Victoria She stayed with friends overnight District RCMP werent certain whether the bandit was local He seemd to know that Mrs Danis was alone in the store said an officer He said police who were in the vicinity threw up roadblocks and checked cars shortly after the robbery But It failed to turn up the bandit Mrs Danis said the man would have got away with more If hed been a little earlier She had removed about 25 or 30 from the till a few hours before the -robber hit Phone 564 2441 McCullnch He added however that as long as man remains that weak changeable and even wicked be being ¬ ing that he often shows himself to be defensive arms will un unfortunately ¬ fortunately be necessary The Pope reaffirmed his suf port for the UN and urged as its aim No more war war never again The Roman Catholic pontiff urged the UN to do its utmost to feed the hungry of the world but he spoke out against a UN endorsement of birth control You must strive to multiply bread so that it suffices for the tables of mankind and not ra rather ¬ ther favor an artificial control of birth which would be irra irrational ¬ tional in order to diminish the number of guests at the banquet of life Earlier the Pope held a meet meeting ¬ ing with US President Johnson after a 24 mile motorcade trip through cheering walls of humanity God bless this land of yours the Roman Catholic pontiff said as he alighted smil smiling ¬ ing from atransatlanticairliner at Kennedy airport In Queens into the engulfment of a tremen tremendously ¬ dously warm welcome that tied up large sections of New York city Police estimated more than 600000 people lined streets in Queens and the crowds increas increased ¬ ed in Manhattan A thin slight man in white Pope Paul Is the first reigning pontiff ever to visit the Western Hemisphere It is the longest journey ever undertaken by the head of the Roman Catholic Church The Popes first stop was St Patricks Cathedral In midtown Manhattan He arrived there shortly before noon in the 24 car motorcade There in New Yorks centre of Roman Catholicism he bles blessed ¬ sed the crowd and elicited a spontaneous burst of applause well nigh unheard of within the solemn confines of a Roman Catholic church From the cathedral Pope Paul moved on to the nearby Waldorf on Park Avenue for his meeting with Johnson Hours before the Pope ar arrived ¬ rived a heavy police guard sur surrounded ¬ rounded the hotel Police were stationed on nearby roofs In Including ¬ cluding that of St Bartholo Bartholomews ¬ mews Episcopal Anglican Church across the street About noon a red carpet was rolled out from the lobby of the 50th Street entrance and spread onto the sidewalk 4 MODEL MO uWK Worlds lighted CHAIN SAW SEE IT NOW AT Interior Power Saw Sales and Service Ltd 140 Quebec 563 3678 SlM ICXCc HUGE THRONGS GREET POPE PAUL hmh M iiji v jgf j I B2k t- 1j y ft i Vd i mi1tL B fm tfti mww A K vimilmwr7mmmmmmn lSHV9BBttf H 4 tmmmSI JirfJ if Bimmmmmmmr fCrmmm W a rjB htB fj AMwLT amr Mmmmmmmmm mmWm mmmimmmWmmmmmmmmWmLMJmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk 4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB mmmmm r vm lpjMf - flHHUHHKBCpHViHuk5iHHHBni -H TEmmmmmmmmmL Ww CiSb V W Smmw1 S jmmf mW mrmmmWBmmMmmmmmmmmmwrmm BkHp mmWrrmmmmmmmmmf ypi L mW ft mmmxGEmmm mmmmWmmmmW fmmlJmmmmmmmmmyi Xlmmk mmW mmmn l m Ymmmr mmmm mm w Impromptu Roundup In City Its been years since cattle roamed the streets of Prince George until Sunday Juvenile pranksters early Sunday opened a gate at the Canadian National Railway yards on First Ave to free 15 slaughter cattle Before the animals were rounded up the last one at 3 pm Sunday two had been struck by a car and had to be destroyed Members of the Prince George Saddle Club came to the aid of distraught CNR em employees ¬ ployees In rounding up the cattle which had strayed as far as the Prince George Cemetery Peter Russell a CNR secur security ¬ ity policeman said three juve juveniles ¬ niles ranging In age from 11 years to 14 years are respon responsible ¬ sible for setting the animals free The kids were seen fooling around In the pen and riding the cattle before they opened the gate he said Charges will be laid against the youngsters he said The animals were first no noticed ¬ ticed on First Ave at 1250am During the night a car driven by William Hodgson of Topley slammed into two cows The car recived 350 damage and the cows had to be killed The cattle were owned by a Calgary man who had purchased them Saturday at a cattle sale at Otwav 69 Canadians Die At least 69 persons died accidentally across Canada during the weekend 57 of them in traffic A Canadian Press survey from 6 pm Friday to lateSun day night shows Ontario with 27 deaths reported Quebec followed with 13 deaths Alberta reported 10 j deaths British Columbia six i snrf Saskatchewan three SADDLE CLUB MEMBERS HELPED ROUND UP CATTLE LOOSE ON CITY STREETS SUNDAY Looy Photo Era- -J fo- -H MRS IDA RAHN screamed Was Afraid for My Life Says Woman After Attack Fake Bomb Threat ars US Arrival UNITED NATIONS CP Pope Paul in a history making speech to the United Nations General Assem Assembly ¬ bly called today for the end of offensive weapons as a noble goal which the peoples expect of you In a speech prepared for delivery before the 117 country body the Pope also called for steps to guaran guarantee ¬ tee international security without the use of arms PAUL SWEET STILL MISSING Trust company executive Paul Sweet Is still missing Mr Sweet manager of Commonwealth Trust Co in Prince George has been missing since Tuesday when he left the family home at 291 Nicholson St Police and Mrs Sweet have no Idea where the 35-year-old executive may be A province wide search continues Laing Rapped For Creating Stock Frenzy BOWSER BC CP - Dan Campbell BC minister of municipal affairs says Re Resources ¬ sources Minister Lalng owes a lot of apologies Including one to his chief Prime Minister Pearson for creating a stock market frenzy last week In a speech to a Social Credit meeting which nominated Jean M Gagnon as Social Credit candidate for Comox Alberni in the Nov 8 election Mr Campbell said Mr Lalng should apologize to people who lost money on the stock market as a result of his remarks The federal minister was quoted last week as saying there had been a 7000000000 barrel oil discovery at Rainbow Lake In Northern Alberta Al Although ¬ though he named no company the shares of Banff Oil Com Company ¬ pany which has operations In the area boomed Till Tapping Nets Over 200 The well known tlll tapplng game Is being played In Prince George Two well dressed men stopped at Wallys Auto Electric on Queensway at 6 pm Sunday and asked the attendant John Ashley to check the tires of their car While Mr Ashley was check checking ¬ ing the tires one of the men went into the garage office and lifted 216 from the till mMfWtMmMmmmmmmmmmmwFi vi mWmmmmmmmmW h W r mm if fmmmmmmmmmmmmzirl fmw mMmJ jmmfmmmmmmmmmWm feVf mm MJ mmmmmmmmmm BL BH fcK tfrWmmmmmmEml trV Br w3 fi ilmmmmWjdmm W B T 3f- mmmmmWmM iLj fBirif I mmmUPtJmm mmm9r liSSMimmmWi M l mmmmMKn im3timBjn EJBhH ROBBERY VICTIM MRS KAY DANIS Looy Photo