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Citizen sketch by George Lesniewicz


page 21

Jury acquits Wolf
by PAUL STRICKLAND Citizen staff A jury of 12 students acquitted the Big Bad Wolf Friday of two counts of creating mischief by wilfully damaging property -- blowing two pigs' houses down. Hearing this part of the verdict, Sneezy Wolf, as the accused is also known, raised his arms exultantly in a show of victory. However, the jurors convicted him on a third charge -- one count of break and enter in climbing up the roof of the third pig's house and going down the chimney. "From his reactions, it appears the accused has shown no remorse or a considerable lack of remorse," said Crown counsel Jim Cluff, during a mock trial Friday, one of many events during Law Day at the Prince George courthouse. "He should realize that being acquitted of one charge and found guilty of another does not take him out of jeopardy." Defence counsel David Grabavac said Wolf came from a broken home and had a terrible childhood. "His girlfriend is pregnant, and an uncle in the Lower Mainland will give him a job, maybe," he said in submissions on sentencing. All that has happened since his arrest has brought the issues in his life more into focus, the defence lawyer said. "His girlfriend needs him, he will take anger-management classes..." Judge Lauder said he had been considering jail for the Big Bad Wolf before he heard from the defence and the Crown, when he changed his mind in favour of a non-custodial sentence. He sentenced Sneezy Wolf to one year of probation. Student actors from D.P. Todd secondary school's Drama 9 and 10 class played the roles of the Big Bad Wolf, Const. Flatfoot, Granny Wolf, Tom Wiggler (the first pig), Don Wiggler (the second pig, his brother), the third pig and the Gingerbread Man. Around 175 students, teachers and parents were in the gallery for the mock trial. Wolf was originally charged with one count of mischief huffing, puffing and blowing down the straw house of Tom Wiggler on Sept. 3, 2006; with a second count of mischief in huffing, puffing and blowing down the home of Don Wiggler, made of sticks, on Sept. 10, 2006; and with breaking into the third pig's brick home on Sept. 21, 2006. Const. Flatfoot said that on Sept. 3 he went to Tom Wiggler's address, found a pile of straw "and a very upset little pig." On Sept. 10 he responded to a call from Don Wiggler, found a pile of twigs "and a very upset little pig," court heard. Flatfoot said he took both down to the police station to look at a photo lineup and they both identified the picture of the accused. -- see POLLEN on page 3

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Gov't unveils beetle funds
by GORDON HOEKSTRA Citizen staff The federal government is contributing $24.8 million to help B.C. combat the mountain pine beetle infestation, targeting most of the money to halt the beetle's spread along the B.C.-Alberta border in the Peace region. Of the funding -- announced by federal Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn in Vancouver on Friday -- $21.3 million will be spent on controlling the spread in the Peace forestry district. -- See MOST on page 3

Citizen photo by Brent Braaten

UP AGAINST THE WALL -- Work continues on the Charles Jago Northern Sports Centre as blocks are laid on the end wall facing the UNBC campus. The roof is now complete on the project.

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