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Canadian fashion shows its social colours / 30

Cougars come back from 3-1 deficit to ice Blazers in four
Citizen photo by Brent Braaten

Florida among the hopefuls to take the NCAA crown / 9

The Prince George Cougars' Devin Setoguchi celebrates his overtime goal at enabled the Cougars to sweep the Kamloops Blazers in four games.
by JIM SWANSON Citizen Sports Editor Second round, here they come. Not ones to miss a chance for dramatics, the Prince George Cougars completed a four-game sweep of the Kamloops Blazers on Wednesday night when Devin Setoguchi -- who else? -- connected 3:28 into overtime to give the Cats a 4-3 victory and a clean sweep of the first-round series. In front of an announced crowd of 5,238, the largest in years, the Cougars scored twice in the third period to erase the 3-1 lead the Blazers powered to after 20 minutes. Jared Walker and Setoguchi, who scored three gamewinners in the series including two in overtime, set the stage for the dramatic goal. The Cougars emerged from the series without a loss, but knew they were in a battle against their arch rivals. "Momentum can't always go your way and battling adversity like we did will only help us build character," said Setoguchi, who scored five goals in the series -- at least once in each game. -- Full game story, page 8; summary, page 10.

Runway extension RCMP intensify delayed by Ottawa homicide probe
by MARK NIELSEN Citizen staff Work on extending the runway at Prince George Airport will be delayed by at least three months because the federal government wants to take a closer look at the numbers before finally committing to its share of the $33-million project. But Prince George Airport Authority chairman Jim Blake remains confident Ottawa will come through with the money and said the news is only a temporary setback. "Don't raise any alarm bells because there shouldn't be any alarm bells raised," he said Wednesday. "It's simply a bit of a delay and we're optimistic it's still going to work out well in the long run." When Natural Resource Minister Gary Lunn announced $11 million for the extension in January, he also said there were still some details to be worked out, Blake said. "He said we're planning on providing the airport with $11 million but there's still a few T's to be crossed and I's to be dotted," Blake said. Since then, bureaucrats at Western Economic Diversification, which is handling the feds' pine beetle funding, asked that documents supporting the project be resubmitted in a single package and the airport hopes to have them ready by next week. Moreover, Western Economic Diversification will hire its own consultant to evaluate the proposal. "I can't give you the reasoning for that," Blake said. "I presume it's because they don't have people who work for them who know anything about the air industry and particularly air cargo. And it's a field where you probably got to go through consultants in the United States, there aren't that many in Canada." -- See REPORT on page 3

Citizen readers have their say on page 5

by FRANK PEEBLES Citizen staff Prince George RCMP have expanded their investigation into the city's first homicide of the year. A man's body was discovered Monday night above the Nechako River cutbanks off Hoferkamp Road. Police said from the outset that foul play is suspected, and they have been getting help from the public since the discovery of a deceased male in an infrequently used area along the road to the cutbanks. "We are getting a number of tips and that is great," said RCMP spokeswoman Const. Lesley Dix. "We are following up on a number of tips that have come in." Police are saying nothing about the condition of the body and haven't made a positive identification. Dental records are being checked, Dix said. -- See NAME on page 3

A good umbrella is a fashion must / 29

Forest safety council takes issue with union report
by GORDON HOEKSTRA Citizen staff The B.C. Forest Safety Council has taken exception to a United Steelworkers safety performance report, saying it doesn't provide an accurate picture of recent safety efforts and results. "It's disappointing they came out with what they came out with," B.C. Forest Safety Council co-chair Keith Playfair said Wednesday. "I personally feel there are a lot of families home today and tonight that possibly wouldn't have been if we hadn't stepped in, and we hadn't done the work we did," said Playfair, a Fort St. James logger. Playfair suggested the Steelworkers' report -- titled Still Fighting to Stop the Killing -- was linked to the forestry union's efforts at bargaining new contracts, which starts soon on the B.C. coast. -- See UNION on page 3

Annie's Mailbox . . . . . . . . 28 Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24 City, B.C. . . . . . . . . . . 3, 5, 13 Classifi ed . . . . . . . . . . . 18-20 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Entertainment . . . . . . . 25-28 Horoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

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