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CP photo

Vancouver Canucks goaltender Roberto Luongo stops for water during practice.


Roberto Luongo has been hot but the Canucks need to end a scoring drought to beat Dallas tonight /8

MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2007


Man takes bullet in neck, face
Citizen photo by Frank Peebles

A victim in a shooting on Quince Street is taken to ambulance for transport to PGRH.
by FRANK PEEBLES Citizen staff A man was shot in the neck but has so far survived the attack Sunday afternoon inside a house on Quince Street. "He was shot in the neck and the bullet exited through his face," Prince George RCMP Staff Sgt. Doug Aird told The Citizen at the scene. "He is a 24-year-old male and he knew his attacker; this was not a random attack." The shot was fired at about 5 p.m. inside a residence neighbours say has become extremely active with large numbers of people in recent weeks. Police confirmed they were aware of the home prior to the incident Sunday. One neighbour said he saw a white pickup containing no less than eight females and two males pull away from the home about an hour before the shooting. Another neighbour told The Citizen he saw a grey car occupied by four males wheel up to the house then speed away a short time later. No shot was heard but police arrived at the home within minutes of the vehicle's hasty departure, the neighbour said. A large crowd of onlookers gathered around the police perimeter set up at the corner of Quince Street and Milburn Avenue. One in the group said, "It's amazing how many drug houses they've busted around here lately, the police have been really active." Neighbours said there were 15 to 20 people at the residence at the time of the shooting. Aird said "there were six other people in the house when we arrived, some of them were known to police, some were young ones, and they were pretty shaken up by this." The victim was conscious when he left the home on a stretcher. At least two people were put into police vehicles but there were no indications what their role in the incident might have been, if any. The victim was slated to undergo surgery soon after his arrival at Prince George Regional Hospital. Aird said he was not speaking well due to his injuries when police arrived and so they will wait to do follow-up interviews with him. Meanwhile, a dog team was dispatched to track the potential shooter and RCMP major crime specialists arrived to begin their investigation.

Down 0-2, can the Cougars crack the Giants? / 12

Citizen photo by Brent Braaten

A police service dog works a track along a path that leads between Quince and Victoria Streets on Sunday .

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2 1
Citizen photo by Brent Braaten

Backhoe used to attack home?
by FRANK PEEBLES Citizen staff A domestic dispute took on industrial proportions Saturday at about 11 p.m. Heavy equipment was allegedly used by a disgruntled male to redecorate his female friend's house before police arrived to intervene. Mounties and accompanying firefighters then discovered a marijuana grow-operation on the property. "(We) arrested a male at the scene after reports of the male damaging the victim's residence with a front-end loader / backhoe," said Prince George RCMP Const. Raymond Hebert. "Damage to the residence was extensive." The Pineview Volunteer Fire Department responded to the call alongside police because of a small bonfire that was also started on the property at the time of the attack on the home. "(The PVFD) quickly discovered a small marijuana grow-operation in an outbuilding on the property," Hebert said. "It consisted of 23 mature plants and equipment." Charges are pending.

(New Jersey wins series 4-2)

(Detroit wins series 4-2)


BOATING ACCIDENT -- Four people in a boat that overturned on the Nechako River, near the Foothills Bridge on Sunday, are loaded into ambulances so they could warm up from the cold water. The four were able to make it to shore on their own.




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