This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Vol 9 No 87 - -YIJHC TODAY vn Passengers Hurt VANCOUVER CP - Three persons were injured one sev severely ¬ erely when a Canadian Pacific Airlines Britannia hit a clear air bump and dropped about 500 feet over the South Pacific In serious condition In Nandl hospital is Mrs Natalie Nes vadba of Calgary She is suffer suffering ¬ ing from a broken neck verta brae Her husband was being flown to Nandi from Auckland New Zealand to be with his wife Right to Bar WASHINGTON AP Th US Supreme Court has ruled that the Secretary of State has the constitutional power to bar U S citizens from travelling to Cuba Chief Justice Earl Warren delivered the 6 to 3 decision today Canadian Jailed HARTFORD Connecticut AP The chairman of the board of Canadian Javelin Limi Limited ¬ ted John Christopher Doyle ol St Johns Newfoundland was sentenced in U S district court today to serve three months of a three year sentence in fed federal ¬ eral prison He was convicted of illegally sending unregis unregistered ¬ tered stock for sale or delivery after sale through the U S mails He also was placed on probation for one year and or ordered ¬ dered to pay a maximum fine of 5000 The case was heard in Hartford Connecticut Shooting Halted NEW DELHI CP Diplo Diplomatic ¬ matic sources said today a one week de facto ceasefire had been arranged in the Indiin Paklstani border dispute but an Indian defence ministry spokesman here refused to con confirm ¬ firm the report The spokesman referred to reports of renewed shelling in the disputed Rannof Kutch border area this morn morning ¬ ing by Pakistani troops The spokesman saud the expression de facto implied an under understanding ¬ standing betweentwo sides and added he was not aware any such understanding had been reached Quake Kills 43 SAN SALVADOR AP -Forty-three dead and about 300 injured are reported in a sharp earthquake in the capital of the Central American country of El Salvador Government offi cias say the quake destroyed many dwellings and damaged at least four thousand in the capital San Salvador Rebels Surrounded SANTO DOMINGO AP -US forces have In effect en encircled ¬ circled rebel forces in the heart of the capital of the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo The US troops opened up a supply corridor through the city by means of a link up operation One US marine was killed and two were wounded today by sniper action not related to the link up 0 Joy McKellar of Prince George has received ex excellent ¬ cellent reviews in Van Vancouver ¬ couver for her portrayal of Jhe role Annie Sullivan In The Miracle Worker Such com comments ¬ ments as strong consistent lead and superb1 were printed and her acting was likened to that of the young Katherine Hepburn Jubilee Show requires 10 6 couples for a ballroom scene in the show The ladies would have to make or borrow suitable old time party dresses the men would have to wear black trousers or tux edo trousers and if necessary the men could be supplied with tailed jackets Couples must be proficient at doing the formal old time waltz Anyone Inter Interested ¬ ested Get in touch with Phyllis INDEX Weather ----3 Betty Conner ------ 5 Women ---------5 Classified V01 Comics ------4 District ---12 Editorial 2 Fishing - - - 8 Sports ----- -7 8 oil Pope Speaks On TV NEW YORK AP -Pope Paul spoke to North America live on television for the first time today via the Early Bird com communications ¬ munications satellite and commented on the inten intentions ¬ tions of science which made the telecast possible Speaking in English from the apostolic palace the pontiff ap appeared ¬ peared on NBC TV The 160 - word transatlantic greeting to North Americans came via the 85 pound cylindri cylindrical ¬ cal satellite 22300 miles in orbit since last April 6 The pontiff said We are very happy to greet you today by means of this startling new communications satellite This modern world and its inventive genius continue to amaze us with its striking dis discoveries ¬ coveries We pray to almighty God that these marvelous discoveries will serve the cause of peace and will make it possible for men to co - operate with each other in making this a better world and a happier place where men grow and develop Into the likeness of their creator and find fulfilment of their desires in-so-far as this is possible on this earth We invoke upon all of you an abundance of heavenly bless blessings ¬ ings and graces may your grand nation prosper in peace and happiness Sunday afternoon Early Bird forging the initial link toward a worldwide television system relayed an hour long program uniting millions of North American and European tele televiewers ¬ viewers In a full scale test Hanbury at City Hall Some light fingered indi- vidual robbed the Canadian Mental Health Association of a substantial sum of money Friday night Two volunteers canvassed in front of the gov government ¬ ernment liquor store and when one of the collection cans was filled by generous donations put the can on a window ledge of the building Twenty minutes later at about 815 the can had been stolen People are sinking pretty low when they will steal money they know has been collected for a worthy cause satd one of the vol volunteers ¬ unteers Four Prince George RCMP 9 officers have received pro- motions two of them to the rank of staff sergeant The head of the city RCMP detachment D G Williams hasbeenmoved from sergeant to staff sergeant as has J P Morrison Section NCO in the sub division office The head of the highway patrol has teen moved from the rank of corporal to sergeant Max Hockstetter directs all high highway ¬ way patrol duties in the Prince George district Promoted from constable to corporal was R 11 Elson in charge of provost duties at the city detachment CA IN e e itizen The daily newspaper for Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA MONDAY MAY 3 1965 Mill i I FiiMlllBHr1 1 1 i Mi I SBIS JfliliBS NO SECOND CUBA Johnson Presses Latins To Support US Policy WASHINGTON CP Pres ldent Johnson pressed a diplo diplomatic ¬ matic drive today to win Latin American support for his newly announced determination to prevent Communist conspira conspirators ¬ tors from turning the Carib Caribbean ¬ bean Island country into a second Cuba Our goal In keeping with the Area Roads Undamaged The main highways in the Prince George area appear to have escaped heavy damage from an early spring run off A highways department spokesman said this morning most creeks In the area ap appeared ¬ peared to have peaked and were beginning to subside No one seems to be in trouble now the spokesman said The cooler weather has brought a big improvement to the over all situation The spokesman said several bridges had been lost to heavy valley snow runoff but these were all on relatively minor roads He said the department ex expected ¬ pected no further trouble from the runoff of mountain snow but added a really hot period could accelerate things consid considerably ¬ erably Everything Just seems to be so different this year he said We dont usually get flooding like this until June great principles of the Inter- American system is to help prevent another Communist state in this hemisphere the president said Sunday night in a policy announcement And we would like to do this without bloodshed or without large scale fighting He said that Communist lead leaders ¬ ers many of them trained In Cuba had captured the rebel movement that began as a popular democratic revol revolution ¬ ution Even as the president spoke two special envoys were already meeting with officials in Latin capitals Other American representatives here and in Jubilee Trees Half Sold About half the Jubilee Trees ordered for sale In Prince George have been sold Mrs M R Pearson of the Horticultural Society said today Mrs Pearson who is ac accepting ¬ cepting orders for the trees said a rush of orders had claimed about 200 of the trees coming next week from nurseries In Alberta and Manitoba Any one wanting one of the trees should order it soon orwellhavenoneleft said Mrs Pearson Santo Domingo centre of the civil war were working with the Organization of American States for an end to bloodshed and a Dominican future which would in Johnsons words be free of Communist dictator dictatorship ¬ ship EMERGENCY OFF Phone 564 2441 Poor weather today hampered the search by 80 men in 13 aircraft for a Prince George logging executive missing on a flight Sunday from Grande Prairie Alta to Prince George Ross Davis 47 logging superintendent of Eagle Lake Sawmills Ltd of Gis come was travelling alone in the companys single-engine Cessna and was re reported ¬ ported missing when he failed to arrive in Prince George Ho left Grande Prairie at 543 am Sunday and was sched scheduled ¬ uled to arrive In Prince George two hours later The aircraft carried enough fuel for four hours flying Low clouds and poor visi visibility ¬ bility impeded one of the most intensive air hunts out of Prince George In years Mr Davis had been In Ed Edmonton ¬ monton Thursday on a busi business ¬ ness trip and returned to Grande Prairie Friday where he was delayed by poor weather His wife who was with him In Grande Prairie returned to Prince George on a com mercial flight Mr Davis received clearance to take off Sunday and has not been seen or heard of since Royal Canadian Air Force Search and Rescue Unit 121 in Comox received word of the missing aircraft at 920 am and immediately directed two twin engine Albatross air aircraft ¬ craft and a large Labrador helicopter to the area They arrived In Prince George at about 3 pm and searched until dark Before they arrived a Nor Northern ¬ thern Mountain Airlines Beav Beaver ¬ er aircraftpilotedbyBillSmith and carrying three spotters had taken off to search low lying areas and lakes where the miss missing ¬ ing man may have made a forced landing It returned at 530 pm after falling to find any trace of the missing aircraft The four aircraft took off Drive Scissors Info Skull BURNS LAKE Correspond Correspondent ¬ ent A farmer from the Wistaria area had a pair of scissors driven into his skull when he was dehorning cattle last week Myles Shelford brother of MLA Cyril Shelford was de dehorning ¬ horning cattle at a neighbors ranch He was clipping hair around the horns with a pair of scis scissors ¬ sors when the animal tossed its head and drove the scissors Into Mr Shelfords skull Flood Danger Over For Quesnel Mayor Mayor Alec Fraser of flood stricken Quesnel today propos proposed ¬ ed to end the state of emerg emergency ¬ ency he declared in the western part of his town Thursday Mayor Fraser said Baker Creek which last week boiled through some 60 feet of a high embankment to endanger two homes above the creek began to drop fairly steadily Saturday morning There is still far too damn much water in it yet said the mayor But I think the crisis is over The creek took one last swing at the town before beginning to subside It threatened a second home when it reached within 15 feet of Its foundation and cracks began to form In the grounds around the home A house earlier had been moved from next door to the second home The town poured 400 cubic yards of quarry rock down the bank from the second home to divert the flooding stream An eight inch water main on the street In front of the homes broke Saturday and was replac replaced ¬ ed Next I guess well have mountain snow in about 30 days said Mayor Fraser LOOKING FOR A GOOD BUY This Want Ad appears under Miscellaneous 120 1 22 RIFLE Brownlngj 1 410 shotgun 1 pair snow shoes Phone 564 454 This is just one of many lai gains to be found in the Citizen Classified Section No matter what you need shop and save through Citi Citizen ¬ zen Want Ads 564 2441 again this morning to search specified areas along the 180 mile route that Mr Ross was expected to follow There were 26 Search and Rescue personnel In Prince George by Sunday night and an another ¬ other 20 arrived late this morn morning ¬ ing in a DC 3 which will take part in the search Third Albatross Search and Rescue head headquarters ¬ quarters in Winnipeg sent a third Albatross to join in the search and it arrived this after afternoon ¬ noon The search Is being co-ordinated by three key men from the Comox Search and Rescue Unit Search Master is Fit Lt Al Seward who is assisted by Fit Lt Don Marsden and Cpl Stan Pearson They also direct the private planes taking part in the search There are seven private planes all of which were recruited to service by a close friend of the missing man Gordon Vrein Wally West of Prince George Civil Defence is recruiting spotters for the search craft Fit Lt Seward said the pri private ¬ vate planes will be searching In areas adjacent to their home bases They will be coming from Dawson Creek Grande Prairie Chetwynd and Prince George Fit Lt Seward said search searching ¬ ing today will be carried out mainly in the area of first probability That Is an area along the flight plan route with a breadth of 10 miles at Grande Prairie widening to 18 miles at Prince George He said Mr Davis is Known to be a competent person In the bush I am very optimistic about his welfare he said The missing mans friend Mr Vreln said Hes very cautious in anything he does and he knows how to handle himself He has no children Flying Licence He has had a private flying licence for about four years and Mr Vreln said he can handle the Cessna 180 he was flying extremely well Fit Lt Seward said there have been no reports of the plane being spotted since it left Grande Prairie and he has requested that anyone who has seen the plane to contact search headquarters at the Prince George airport The missing plane Is a light high wing craft with a single engine It is painted a cream color and has red trim Weather in the search area is expected to be cloudy and turbulent today and Tuesday There will be a cloud ceiling as low as 2500 feet and winds in the mountains will reach 40 miles an hour making search searching ¬ ing dangerous Shooting Said Accidental A 17-year-old youth shot In the chest in a hunting accident Friday remains in fair con condition ¬ dition in Prince George Region Regional ¬ al Hospital today Albert James Poole was shot by a 30-30-calibre rifle which was being carried by a hunting companion Raymond Izona 16 The accident occurred on an Indian Reserve near Finlay Forks 160 miles north of Prince George ami the injured youth was flown to hospital here by helicopter late Friday A police spokesman said the younger youth was walking ahead of Poole with tils gun pointing backwards over his shoulder The gun somehow dis discharged ¬ charged and the hanl polnt bul bullet ¬ let passed through Pooles body just below the heart I Mcculloch Boats and Motors Motors from 3 hp to 75 hp Boats from 1 1 ft to 1 9 ft Aluminum and Fibreglast Interior Power Saw Sales Service Lid 140 Quebec 563 3678 1175 Ml MONTH I IK Vpy T CADDIE PLANE HUNT The man directing the large scale air search for missing flyer Ross Davis is Fit Lt Al Seward of Search and Rescue Headquarters in Comox Behind the searchmaster are two of the aircraft taking part in the search Below is a photo taken Sunday from a search craft which scoured low lying areas where the missing pilot may have landed There were 13 airplanes searching today Reidie photos Weather HampersSearch For Lumber Executive On his way to Cyprus today is External Affairs Minister Mar Martin ¬ tin who will visit the peace peacekeeping ¬ keeping force which he engin engineered ¬ eered one year ago There are 1120 Canadians at the trouble spot Heavy Snow Blamed For Work Cut Heavy snows were blamed for a decrease In logging activity during the first two months of 1965 BC indus industrial ¬ trial development minister Ralph Loffmark said today Mr Loffmark said logging and the construction busi businesses ¬ nesses were two of the few sectors of the economy showing a decline in the early part of the year Forest access was somewhat hampered during February with the result that the volume of timber scaled a measure of logging act activity ¬ ivity declined 6 per cent from February 1964 his report said In the construction field building permits were 24 per cent lower at 227 mil million ¬ lion than last February Housing starts were down 31 per cent and completions were up 33 per cent Forest industries showed a strong rise In production of pulp paper newsprint and plywood Boy Sent To Coast A 13-year-old boy who grabbed a high - voltage power line last week has been sent to Vancouver for medical treatment Michael Llndelauf climbed a tree in his backyard at 1510 Fir St eight days ago and for an unknown reason grabbed a 6 5000 volt line He suffered extensive burns to one hand and both feet The power line was three or four feet from the tree Michael was In critical con condition ¬ dition in Prince George Reg Regional ¬ ional Hospital from which he left on Friday BC Hydro cut down the tree last week BUI Best Hydros district manager said today he has received two or three other requests to cut down trees which are dangerously close to power lines If people contact us we will be glad to ssslst in cutting down any such trees which are on private pro property ¬ perty said Mr Best Hydro will either chop it down or trim any branches which are dangerously close to power lines