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Women love their hogs /25


Canfor boss slashes his pay as part of cuts
Canadian Press TORONTO -- Canfor Corp.'s new CEO says a 25 per cent cut in total payroll, a similar reduction in his own pay and idling the corporate jet are among stringent measures the country's biggest lumber producer has taken with the aim of reaching break-even by year end. In an analysts' call to discuss disappointing second-quarter results, Jim Shepard conceded Monday that some of the measures were symbolic. "What we're trying to do here more than just change the numbers, we're trying to change the attitudes," Shepard said. "That's where visuals and symbols come in." Last Friday, Canfor reported a net loss of $38.8 million or 27 cents per share for the quarter ending June 30, compared with a profit of $39.2 million or 28 cents a share for the same period in 2006. Canfor shares traded down three cents to $12.52 at midday Monday on the Toronto Stock Exchange. -- See DOLLAR on page 3

Bergman, Snyder remembered /15

Pawn bylaw in doubt
by MARK NIELSEN Citizen staff A B.C. Court of Appeal decision to strike down a New Westminster bylaw requiring second-hand dealers and pawn shops to automatically pass along personal information to police about a borrower or seller could have implications for a similar bylaw proposed for Prince George. The ruling, made Friday, was in response to an appeal launched by Royal City Jewellers & Loans Ltd., whose general manager, Michael Isman, is also president of the B.C. Pawnbrokers Association. The ruling will affect all B.C. municipalities except Vancouver, which has its own city charter, noting all other communities rely on the powers granted by the legislature under the community charter, Isman told the Vancouver Sun. The Appeal Court concluded "the requirement to collect, record and transmit that additional information to the police is beyond the power of New Westminster, because it is not granted by the Community Charter or any other enactment." -- See LEGAL on page 3

Citizen photo by David Mah

GOTCHA! -- Lacey Flegel, 10, as a squirrel flees a human, Science Alliance counsellor Amanda Harris, in the Animal Game on Monday at Fort George Park. The six-to-12-year-old group was busy getting exercise in the Science Alliance Day Camp at the Exploration Place.

Asian duo nabbed in pot raid
by FRANK PEEBLES Citizen staff The two men arrested at the site of a drug raid are apparently not from Prince George and their primary language is from a country in Asia, RCMP say. "Language is a barrier so there is some translation to be done," Const. Gary Godwin said Monday. "We will probably get some good, new intelligence out of this, since they are from out of town as far as we can tell and they are, we think by the grow-op we found, connected to organized crime." The bust occurred Sunday in the 2400 block of Lisgar Crescent near the corner of Massey Drive and Westwood Drive. Police found the two suspects at home with about 300 marijuana plants. It was the largest crop found by police since February 2006. -- See PUBLIC on page 3

Port growth comes with labour cost
by KRIS SCHUMACHER Prince Rupert Daily News PRINCE RUPERT -- Due to the lucrative job possibilities being offered with the opening of the container port, local businesses are increasingly going to be hit with staff shortages, say managers. "We've seen the good and bad side of what's happening," said D av i d K r o e ke r, m a n a ge r o f Rona/Tyee Building Supplies. "Our business has grown this year because people are spending money and moving to town, so we've seen the growth of our business due to the port. And of course now just recently with the hiring going on, we've seen the bad side of it." -- See IMPACT on page 3

Deciding on baptism /29

Citizen photo by David Mah

RCMP Const. Chad Held shows bags of pot stalks and buds confiscated on Lisgar Crescent on Sunday.

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Annie's Mailbox . . . . . . . .15 Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Business. . . .. . . . . . . . .22-24 City, B.C. . . . . . . . . .3, 5-7, 13

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