MICHENER AWARD WINNER FOR PUBLIC SERVICE JOURNALISM MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2007 $1.00 (HOME DELIVERED: 61 CENTS A DAY) Fire hits sawmill Citizen staff A fire at Canfor's Rustad Sawmill had firefighters in a prolonged battle this weekend. In spite of the heat and flames, however, Prince George Fire Rescue Service officials called the fire "routine" and nothing the public need be concerned over. The alarm sounded Saturday at about 2:30 p.m. when the fire was detected in the hog fuel bin, a 25-metre tall waste wood hopper where fires frequently occur, said deputy fire chief John Lane. "Crews were on scene throughout the night and will remain there until the fire is extinguished," said Lane on Sunday evening. "The heat from the fire has split the wall of the hopper, so all firefighting activities are being performed from a safe distance using the ladder truck and unstaffed stationary nozzles." Up to 10 firefighters at a time have been containing the fire. Their efforts were primarily on knocking down any stray embers that might spread the fire to more critical locations of the mill. Firefighters used the rent in the hopper where the heat split the hull to spray water in on the main fire. No one was injured in the fire and no damage estimate is yet available. Citizen photo by Brent Braaten ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS... -- Sisters Samantha Burke, 4, left, and Holly, 7, talk to Santa about their last-minute gift requests Sunday afternoon at Pine Centre Mall. NECHAKO RIVER FLOOD Water continues to drop as weather improves by FRANK PEEBLES "The key task for today will be to continue Citizen staff pumping ground water along both River Road The water is dropping, the weather looks and Pulp Mill Road," Brown said. great for the days ahead and more "There are currently six pumps safeguards are coming together in to de-water and the "The key workingareas along Riverdry outSevcase the situation gets worse. flooded Road. task for Authorities were breathing sighs of eral pumps also continue working relief all along the Nechako River on the clock around aftoday will aroundby flooding along homesMill Sunday, where water has piled up for fected Pulp be to almost two weeks behind slush jams Road." As of today, Brown said there more than two kilometres long. be continue shouldand a stockpile of between On Sunday t he water dropped 4,500 5,000 sandbags at the pumping ready in case conditions change and about a foot. "The weather forecast for Christmas Week is optimistic and the unwelcome slushwater reservoir ground calls for milder temperatures which floods back up again. water..." should help melt more ice and keep The Provincial Emergency Prothe water flowing down the Nechako gram has also brought in additional and into the Fraser River," said Kevin Brown, gabion diking to Prince George to be available spokesman for the city on the flooding incident. should more be required. AREA BY AREA UPDATE RIVER ROAD River Road has now been raised at its lowest point to allow crews to pump water and help dry the area on the south side of the road. Crews will begin to place a gabion dike around homes in the area to provide protection in the event of further ice jams building. Debris clearing took place Sunday along the east end of River Road to open up roads and allow access to businesses. ONGMAN ROAD / MCALONEY CRESCENT Remaining ground water was pumped out Sunday. PULP MILL ROAD Around the clock pumping continues to help drop water levels around homes that were flooded. DELHAVEN / POZER ROAD About 200 metres of gabion diking was constructed Saturday along the river in the Delhaven condo complex. This will provide better protection if ice jams in this area and water levels rise again. Work continued Sunday on completing the earth berm along the river near the Pacific Western Brewery and Cedars Christian School. INDEX 0 E-Mail address: Horoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 58307 00100 8 Annie's Mailbox . . . . . . . .17 Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 City, B.C. . . . . . . . . . 3,5, 6, 13 Classified . . . . . . . . . . .19-22 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Coming Events . . . . . . . . . .43 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . 16 High : 2 Low : -6 page 2 news@princegeorgecitizen.com Our website: http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com Highest Quality Lowest Price Everyday DLN 30540 PRINCE GEORGE'S NEWEST DEALERSHIP 2021 Hwy 16 · 564-6663 · www.northland-hyundai.ca SWITCHBOARD: 562-2441 CLASSIFIED: 562-6666 S eason's G reetings READER SALES: 562-3301 00598248