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The Prince George Citizen - Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 23
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               the prince george citizen
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  RATES: 1 - 6 Days $1.90/line, 7 Days and up $1.39/line. Minimum 3 lines. Sorry, no refunds for ads that run for less than 7 Days. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Please check your ad the first day it appears, and if you find a mistake, please call our office so we can correct the error.
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                                                                                                               HOURS/DEADLINES OFFICE: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm PHONE ADS: Monday- Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Before or after hours please use the form on our website: www.princegeorgecitizen.com and our staff will contact you by return email, during office hours.
                                                                                                                     Ad DEADLINE: Monday to Friday, 3:00pm for the next day's paper.
                                                                                                                     GARAGE SALE MAP: 2:00pm Thursday. MONDAY'S PAPER: 4:45pm Friday prior.
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Great Cities of the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Starts January 23th
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                                                     CONTINUING STUDIES
                                                                                                                    Melbourne Earl Price December 12, 1926 -January 5, 2010
                        Mel was born in Pearidge, Arkan sas, the eldest child of Elmo and Crystell Price. He graduated high school in Homedale, Idaho, then served in the US Navy during WW II and the Korean Conflict. He married Alice in 1949 and upon his discharge from the service, began farming in Madras, Oregon.
  In September 1964, Mel, Alice and their 3 children moved to Tatalrose, BC. Along with farming, Mel worked in the woods logging.
  In 1971 the family sold the ranch and moved into Burns Lake. Mel continued to work in the forest industry as an owner-operator log hauler. He was one of the first four truckers to haul logs into Babine Forest Products, where he continued to haul until his retirement in 1998.
  Mel will be remembered by many including his wife of 60 years, Alice, his sister Florene, his children Doug, Steve (Renate), Cindy (Shawn), grandchildren Marc Shauna, Britt, Kelsey (Christopher), Alex, Maggie and Darien, and his great grandson Camilo. He will also be missed by his many friends in the Lakes District, especially the A&W Coffee Club.
  In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Burns Lake Health Care Auxiliary Society for the new Burns Lake Hospital.
                                 Monique Voyer
                                 October 17, 1967 January 7, 2010
                        It is with great sadness to an nounce the passing of one of the greatest and strongest individuals one would ever meet,
                        Monique Voyer! Loving mother, wife, daughter, sister and dearest friend and also a true inspiration to others that may have encountered her presence and charm. Monique accomplished many things effortlessly in life. She was a RN and then went on to be a paramedic. She was also on Regional District for Bear lake a short while and also a band counselor for the McLeod Lake Indian Band. Monique is survived by husband Mike, sons Bryce and Delwin, mother Cecilia, sister Roberta (Bill), Evone (Wayne); brother Adrian and Robert (Gloria). Also many uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces. Warmest hugs to Monique's closest and dearest friends, Jessie Schofield and Meagan Van Somers. Thank you both for being there through the lowest points that Monique had to encounter through her illness. We all know how hard it is to stretch time for others in the busy lives we all lead, having the presence of you both shows the true values of friendship. Thank you! Many thanks to all the doctors and nurses at both PGRH as well as the Hospice House for all the care and understanding you all showed Monique. No funeral service will be held. Monique's wishes were to have a celebration of life which was held beck in September, 2009 at our home. We will be holding a burial for her in the fall of 2010 at Kerry Lake, which will be announced at a later date. There she will join her predeceased father Adrian, as well as her twin brothers Tom and Joe.
                                                                                                           Sadly Missed but Never Forgotten!
                               Maurice Robert Garber
                          It is with great sadness we an nounce the sudden passing of Maurice Robert Garber on Janu ary 9, 2010 at home in Prince George at the age of 62 after a short battle with cancer.
                          Maurice was born on August 1 1947 in Nipawin, Saskatchewan Survived by his loving wife Marilyn and family; daughter Maureen (Donny), son Monte (Julie), grandsons Kode and Logan, grandaughters Kassidy, Larissa, Sydney and Meagan who were his world also brothers-in-law Al Mason, Gary (Renata) Johnson, Gord (Corveen) Johnson, sisters-in-law Sylivia Garber and Barb (John) Houghtaling and many nieces and nephews he loved to tease and a give a hard time to. Maurice was predeceased by his parents Jesse and Elsie, father-in-law Einar Johnson, brother Russell, sister Doris Mason, nephews David and Rodney Mason, niece Patricia, Auntie Martha and his companion Floyd. Maurice lived for his wife, kids, and grandkids. Family was everything to him. In his early years, Maurice hitch hiked back and forth from Nipawin to Prince George, eventually settling here where he met his wife Marilyn. Maurice was a man who loved to work He was a die hard logger who took pride in a hard days work. Maurice hauled his last load of logs De cember 23, 2009. Maurice was definately one of a kind and had a special place in a lot of people's hearts. Maurice was with no doubt, the best husband dad and papa anyone could have. Maurice will be forever loved, always remembered and remain on our hearts. A memorial service will be held, Saturday, Januray 16, 2010 at 2pm at the Columbus Community Centre, 7201 Domano Blvd. In lieu of flowers, those who wish, may make memorial contributions to the JDRF or the Canadian Diabetes Association in his memory.
  The Citizen has quite a collection of photos that we've published over the past few years to celebrate birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, etc. We can't keep them forever, and they're too valuable to throw away, so we invite you to come in and reclaim your forgotten property. Office hours are 8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, or give us a call at 250-562-6666.
  Perhaps we can reunite you with your precious heirlooms.
     Does someone's drinking bother § you? I
  Contact Al-Anon *
                                                                                                                       563-7305 A Al-Anon
                                                                                                        In Memoriam
                                                                                                                                     Bill Harris June 23,1953 January 14,2009
                                                                                                                                  You left us too soon, Bill, but our memories of you will last forever.
                                                                                                                                      Mom and Family.
    Notices / Nominations
   FREE wooden pallets at the Prince George Citizen Printing Plant, 145 Brunswick Street
   PRINCE GEORGE GNATS AGM, Monday, January 18, 2010 at 7:00pm at the Twisted Cork. Call 250-640-9997 for info.
                              Ronald Earnest Salt
                        May 24, 1944 - January 8, 2010
                     We are sad to announce the passing of our spouse, brother, father, grandfather and friend. Ron, originally of Alberta, attended Simon Fraser University. After university, Ron moved to Las Vegas to run a successful business before returning to Prince George. Since returning to Prince George, he became a co-owner of MTR Control Systems. Ron is survived by his spouse, Carolyn; daughter: Tonya; grandson: Zach; sister: Sharon Jackson of San Diego and her husband Clark and their children; sister: Susan Heilman of Calgary, Alberta and her husband and children. Ron was admired, loved and will be missed by all of his friends and family. A viewing will take place at 1:00 pm on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at Assman's Funeral Chapel, 1908 Queensway Street. A memorial service will follow at the same location at 2:00 pm. A reception will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion at 4:00 pm following the ser-
                                                                                                                Charles Allan Robertson (1966-2010)
                      Chuck was an adventurous, honourable, friendly, free spirited person with an endless love for his family, friends and the outdoors. He had a confident, easy going way and could always make you laugh - one of his nicknames was "Chuckles". He loved his          dog
                      Bear. He was especially passionate in his interests and lived life to the fullest. He was the "go to" guy for any difficult or important mission. He was always willing to help out others. He leaves us         with
                      many fond memories and will be missed and remembered by all he touched. He is survived by his parents  Ken and Julia, his 3 brothers Dave (Mindy)      and
  Ken   (Hilary)     in Langley, and Dan in Penticton.   He
  also  had 4    nephews, 4 nieces, many aunts, uncles
  and cousins. A celebration of his life will be held at the Prince George Civic Centre on Saturday, January 16th from 12:00 to 4:00.
                                                                                                               MICHAEL JAMES MCCONAGHY
                       It is with great sorrow that the family of Michael James McConaghy announces his sudden   passing on January 9th.
                       Born in Victoria, BC on March 3,
                       1958, Mike is survived by his best friend and wife of 28 years, Cathy (Hallam), sons Matthew and   Adam, parents Mel and
                       Barb McConaghy, sister Karen Hong (John Howard), nieces Caylee and Nicole, and numerous extended family and friends. Mike's life revolved around his family & friends. But his gentle, generous spirit and inner strength touched so many more lives. He was “Big Mike' to countless youngsters like those he coached in minor football and those whose   bikes he hauled    up mountainsides. He was
  even dubbed   ‘team   Mom' for boy's volleyball. He of-
  ten brought his skills in repairing bikes, carpentry, or just his humour to whatever task was at hand. Mike's more recent passions for renovating and landscaping transformed his home, and his habit of rescuing wilted perennials filled ever- expanding gardens. Mike, we are forever grateful for the precious memories you have given us. So many games left unwatched, so many hostas unplanted, so much laughter and bear-hugs not shared...Peace be with you, we know you're in good company. Service, with reception to follow, will be held January 15th, 3:00pm at Westwood Men-nonite Church. In lieu of flowers, donations in Mike's name can be made to charities of choice
                                                                                                                   Personal Messages
                                                                                                                                    Say the "Hail Mary” prayer 9 times each day for 9 days. Make 3 wishes, the first concerning business, the other 2 for the impossible. Publish this prayer on the 9th day. Your wishes will be realized even if you do not believe. Thank you Mother Teresa.
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    Business Opportunities
  FT FRASER, 8 SUITE Motel + living quarters, new roof and furnace. On 3 acres. Handyman special. $149,000.1(250)567-8078
  MARINA boat & float camp for sale in Stewart, BC, $120,000. 250-636-9133
  MOBILE concession, c/w grill, deep fryer, freezers, pop coolers, fridge, frozen lemon aid mach, fresh water tank, hotwater tank, grey water tank, generator, plus more. $13,000. Lots of potential Events. 981-1550, 563-5581
                                                                                                                        Career Opportunities
  Medical secretary required. Candidate must be a self-starter with superior   organizational     capa-
  bilities, computer expertise, and excellent communication skills. Previous medical experience is an asset, but not necessary. Submit resume and cover letter to Reply to Box 1007, c/o PGeorge Citizen,
    Domestic Help Available
  FULL-TIME live in Nannies &
  Nurses avail. Incl housework & flexible hrs. (250)612-2995 www.pgnannies.com
                                                                                                          Food/Beverage Help
  Edo Japan now hiring FT cook/staff,no exp. required,must be able to work in a fast pace environment. Apply w/ resume in Pine Centre.
                                                                                                  General Employment
  $650 WEEKLY pt, reading online banner ads, start immediately, www.microadpro bonus code PG1 AIRPORTER Is hiring p/t, f/t, Class 4 unrestricted. Send resume & drivers abstract to 2065 Norwood St, V2L 1X9, Attn Rick DELIVERY Persons. Mature persons with car or small truck to deliver the new Yellow Pages Directories in the Fraser Lake, Fort St. James, Valemont & McBride Call 1-800-661-1910
  FULL TIME Shift work, on call $11.72/hr. Food service experience an asset. Apply by fax to 250-967-4300
  GROWER DIRECT FRESH CUT FLOWERS, 4190 - 15TH Avenue Prince George. (250 564-2000). Looking for entry-level Floral Assistant for part-time work, including full-time on Saturday and part-time on Sunday and during the week. Individual will be trained on customer service, POS system, flower processing and basic floral design. Strong interest in the floral industry and good customer skills are important. Previous experience in a floral shop an asset. Hourly rate negotiable. Resumes are to be sent to owners:
  growerdirectpg@shawbiz.ca or FAX: 250 564-2149.
Janitor wanted, 16 hr per week. Should have WHMIS. Submit resumes to pghr@telus.net or P.O. Box 3010, Prince George BC V2N 4T8
  Clarmont - William (Bill) passed away January 11, 2010 after a valiant battle with his illness. He leaves to mourn; his sister Margaret (Cliff), brothers Wayne (Estelle), Robert, Richard(Gina), and youngest brother Gerry along with numerous nieces and nephews. A celebration of life service will be held at 10AM on Friday, January 15, 2010 at Lakewood Funeral Home, 1055 Ospika Blvd with interment to follow at the Prince George Memorial Park Cemetery.
                       TRUDEAU -             Gordon Clyde
                       passed away peacefully on Jan 9, 2010 at the age of 53. Survived by his sons Christopher and Brandon and father Maurice, brothers Donald, Maurice Jr. Predeceased by his mother Clara and brother Paul. Gordon will be sadly missed by his many relatives and     friends. Funeral
                       services will be held on Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 1pm from Sacred Heart Cathedral with Archbishop Emeritus Adam Exner officiating. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Spirit of  the North Healthcare Foundation. 1475 Edmonton
  St, Prince George,  BC, V2M 1S2.       Assman's Dignity
  Memorial in care of arrangements.
  HOGBEN - Marilyn Isabel. With heavy hearts, the family announce the passing of Marilyn, wife and life partner of over 50 years to Bruce Hogben. He was by her side right up until the end with unwavering love and devotion. Marilyn is survived by her 5 children, Herb, Caroline, Bruce, Robert and Lisa and her grandchildren, Benjamin, Samantha, Clayton, Alicia, Amanda, Raley, Jordan, Chantal, Kyle, Karlee, Mackenzie; also included: Lance, Shayna, Tamara, Chrissy, Lane and Anaiya Guichon. The family wish to thank the doctors and staff at the hospital including Dr. Lowry and the entire staff of the renal unit and the family maintenance unit who cared for her in her last months. Also an expression of gratitude to the staff of the hospice home who showed great compassion and support. The memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 2:00 pm the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 6720 Dagg Road, Prince George.
                                                                                                  General Employment
  PART time retail sales person, Mon to Fri, 10am to 2pm. Pleasant work environment. Interest in interior decorating an asset. Some lifting required. $10./hr. Fax resume to: 250-564-1490
                                                                                                                                  Off ice/Clerical
  Experienced Family Law Assistant. F/T or P/T. Resumes can be dropped off in person at the Law Offices of Fatt & Elson, #503-1488 Fourth Ave, by Jan 14, 2010.
                                                                                                                        Career Opportunities
  The PG Division of Family Practice is an innovative program designed to increase Family Physicians influence on health care delivery and policy in the city of Prince George as well as provide personal and professional support for physicians.
  Under the direction of the Coordinator, this part time position (min.20 hrs/wk) will support the work of the Board of Directors and the membership of the PG Division of Family Practice Administrative tasks will include: data maintenance, organizing meetings, minute-taking, correspondence, Society Act compliance documentation, ensure information flow through the office to the Board, Coordinator, bookkeeper and members at large, and other clerical duties as needed.
  The successful candidate will:
      Be professional, articulate, and highly competent Have a certificate/diploma/degree and experience in a related field
      Have excellent communication skills both written and verbal
      Have excellent computer skills and have advanced understanding of software applications and some idea of information technology in a medical environment Have excellent self assessment ability and acquire, independently, those missing skills and attitudes where necessary.
      Eventually see this position as a stepping stone to a future career in a leadership role Need to be available for some early evenings and may have to do some work out of your own home.
      Be able to work closely with our partners in health care, e. g. Northern Health, PGRH, etc.
      Be passionate about the work and the possibilities!
  Salary will be consistent with qualifications and experience. Closing Date:5 PM, January 18th, 2009
                                                                                                                          Please send resume and cover letter to:
                                                                                                                               Olive Godwin, Coordinator PG Division of Family Practice ogodwin@telus.net
                                                                                                  General Employment
 RT 0504: Delivers on Faulkner Cr., Island Ave., Horsefly. Earns. $95/mo RT 0509: Delivers on Quartz Cres,
        Robson Ave. Earns. $70/mo RT 0512: Delivers on Ochakwin Cres. Earns $101/mo
                                                                   CENTRAL & 10th AREA
 RT 0704: Delivers on Ahbau St., Chilako Ave., Dahl St. Earns. $70/mo RT 0712: Delivers on Ahbau St., Babine Crescent. Earns. $130/mo
                                                                       • Great Pay • No Collecting • Great Rewards
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