Fury quelled sports /9 Friday, August 27, 2010 She loves P.G. today bif naked /17 Newsstand $1.75 Home Delivered 67C/day www.pgcitizen.ca Classified: 250-562-6666 Reader Sales: 250-562-3301 Switchboard: 250-562-2441 sico prince" ^george it'a what mat HEAVY WEATHER - A dark cloud comes in from the north over the cutbanks Thursday afternoon. On Wednesday evening, hail the size of ice cubes fell in certain parts of the city. The turn in the weather in northern B.C.in general is continuing to aid crews in their battles against wildfires (see story page 2). Citizen photo by Brent Braaten James goes back to schools NDP leader keys on education as she launches new offensive against provincial Liberals Gordon Hoekstra Citizen staff NDP leader Carole James launched a province-wide tour Thursday in Prince George saying education is an important driver to the economy and she accused the B.C. Liberals of not paying enough attention to it. “The B.C. Liberals are in chaos, focusing on their challenges and their own issues, not paying attention to the basics and the fundamentals in communities that are important for the people of our province and important for the economy of our province,” James said in the rain at Fort George Park. “If we invest in education, whether its kindergarten to Grade 12, whether its colleges or universities, we are going to be on the leading edge of economic recovery,” added James. “We’re going to be strong as a province.” The B.C. Liberals, which have faced a maelstrom of discontent over the introduction of the harmonized sales tax, countered they have a strong record on education that includes the recent introduction of all-day kindergarten. —See OPPOSITION on page 3 Carole James, NDP leader, second from left, Linda Naess, left, of the Prince George District Teachers Association, Scotty Rait, retired teacher and Laural Lindstrom, a concerned parent, gather at a news conference Thursday morning to discuss the state of the education system. Citizen photo by Brent Braaten ICafe Voltaire has free shows every Friday night at Books and Company and this week Rob Szabo, a singer songwriter who has been compared to Elliott Smith, returns to entertain once again. The show starts at 8 p.m. 2 Family Fun Day at the Railway and Forestry Museum will be held on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come early for a pancake breakfast beginning at 10 a.m. and then there are steam crane rides, mini rail rides and face painting. Have a look at a historical river boat and check out the beekeeper. There is a barbecue lunch available from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Special event admission is $6+HST for adults, $3+HST for children. Two dollars HST included, buys a ride on the mini rail. 3 Glen Sargeant, local author, is having a book signing for his children's book A Y-Files Mystery, Slalakum on Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. at Coles Bookstore at the Pine Centre Mall. 4 Nechako Public Market will be open every Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with arts and crafts, inflatable entertainment for the children, imported goods, new and used garage sale and miscellaneous items. There is also baked and prepared foods, antiques and a concession. This is an indoor/outdoor event held each week at 5100 Nechako Road. For more information or to reserve a space call 250-962-1943. 5 The Prince George Farmer's Market is open every Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the corner of Third Avenue and George Street right in front of the Courthouse, and the indoor market is across the street. There are local vendors selling meat, produce, arts and crafts, jewelry and much more. diversions Annie’s Mailbox . . . .2 Bridge ...........13 Comics ...........14 Crossword .....14 Horoscope ......2 Classifieds . . . .19-23 58307 00200 Visit us at our new location! 1/2" Drywall 6x6 Treated 4x8 sheets Timbers Spe«»'s $999 $245 a \___\y / 1/2" Drywall 6x6 Treated J || | 4x8 sheets Timbers BUILDING CENTRE SpeCta^S $9" $245Ln Ft 1706 Ogilvie Street (off 15th across from Vanway Cabinets) 250-561-8909 99 Your Trusted Building Supply Partner 00675983 058307002005