Martial Law Declared In Kitchener,Ont
(By Special Wirr to The Star)
Five Ceints
e Position
Kitchener, Ont., Jan. %�Fol- /r, ^
� ^. i (By Special Wire to The Star)
lowing sweeping election vie- � '
j(,, v. the members of the 118th j Paiis�;Jan- 2- In the Cham-hattalion on furlough paraded na#" district Jitter a violent tho streets. Some persons op- bombardment by trench guns
posing the name of Berlin be-iiii: changed endeavor', to mu-tilfttc the Union Jb- %� jSoldiers ided newspaper pitice twice, � Ion ig considerable damage. Two uewly appointed council- !
n were!m|iired, one suffering 1'roiri concussion of the brain. On the arrival of troops 'Irani (ialt tht* commission administer the NVorkmeh's Compensation Act, K. S. Winn, Hossland, was appointed chairman, to serve for
surprise, attack by enemy was direct^R against the trenches captured by the French at Cha-inbritui Farm. All these attacks were directed with intention of giving German people eiifouragement as the news has been carried home by wounded men of the allies continued ad-yanoe.; The Frefich repulsed the Hun so completely that the whole enemy \i ne was drawn b^cktf^ trenches nearly half a mile ii%tlfo^ear.
British patrols entered German trenches etist Armentieres and held the positions against a strong counter attack. Enemy artillery is active north Ancre.
Considerable fighting both sides Loos salient and at Faquissant and Ypres, allies gaining ground in all engagements.
Russians Stop Hnri >
Petrograd, Jan. 2.�-Russians repelled every German advance south Pinsk. Enemy losses were very heavy* Huns used asphyxiating gas shells southwest of Brody.
perlin claims capture towns Zabala valley, repulsing violent Russian-Romnanian counter-attack; German army drove Russians to Bra ila bridgehead. Teutons say they captured 1000 men four cannon and 8 machine guns.
Heavy Floods in Australia; Many Lives Believed Lost
i^lioniJoii* Jan. 2.�FloocUr to northern arid* Central Queons-land, Aastralia, caused by a cyclone.. It is reported 100 were drowned. Fifty bodies*were recovered up to present.
1 en years; Parker Williams for nine years; a,nd Hugh B. Oil-niour, mechanical engineer, Vancouver, eight years.
Ministers Attend Funeral
(By Special Wir� to The Star)
Montreal, Jo n. 2.� White, l^eid, Rogers, Hazen, Bloiidin, IVitenaude, attended Casgrain i'tinernl this morning. \^
Join the Rally of sup* porters at Petty coibt mittee rooms tonight in aid economy and clean city government, >
In the interests of the candidature of
H. G.
Will be held in the
On the Evening of , �
Friday, Jan. 5^ ?l7
At 7.45cp.m.
Mayoralty ^and Aldeimanb
are invited;v
Victoria, Jan. 2.�It is reported in- government circles that the soldier vote in Europe has defeated B.C. prohibition. Liq- . uor men claim they win by a narrow majority. * Many people believe if law carried majority is so small government would not care to enforce so drastic a , measure at present.
Increase Taxation On All Luxuries
(By Special Wire to The Star)
Paris, Jan. 2.�Government revised taxation, and decided on 3 cent instead of 2 cent domestic postage, and ten �o twenty per cent increase on cigars, tobacco, theaitre charges^ beveiv ages and provisions. <
FavorHydro? Electric in Ont.
(By Sp.cial Wir� to Th� Star)
Toronto, Jan. 2.�Ontario electors declare in favor of con-trol of i the extension of hydroelectric current Hamilton and Goderich are the only exceptions.
Chinese to Work in France
Ottawa, Jan. 2.�Hundreds of Ohi namen from Shanghai and Tien-T8in are working in France on t wo-yeajp con tracts, replacing ranks depleted on account^ of enlistment. Germahy's efforts to prevent Orientals sailing unavailing. i>
Economy and Clean
City Government I ask the support of the voters of \^rd Three as their representative on the City Council. If elected I will do my best for the interests of the city as a whole.
Perry "workers should be at committee rooms early this evening. Help purge city hall erf langers-onw